TRSI panel being live streamed here, right now:
EDIT (will add stuff as it comes up):
Build Fighters trailer, nothing else we don't already know (August 2016 release)
BF Try trailer, September 2016 release
Char's Counterattack blu-ray trailer (with the old dub yay), also out in September
UPCOMING (short term, coming in the next few months, no mention of format):
Also got 0083 Afterglow of Zeon.
Sunrise panel tomorrow, the guy at this panel suggested if you're interested in future releases you should check it out...
EDIT2: Sunrise panel info
Saturday, July 2 at 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM in PDT (aka tomorrow).
I'll try to find another livestream tomorrow and see what's announced.
EDIT3: VIZ got the Thunderbolt manga, wut? I thought for sure Vertical would.
EDIT4: Release formats via Nozomi Entertainment: