Can I slap on matt coat ams do no other pain't and have it look good
Can I slap on matt coat and do no other paint and have it look good
All I do is matte coat on my kits and they turn out well. Though sometimes I put on too muchCan I slap on matt coat ams do no other pain't and have it look good
Can I slap on matt coat and do no other paint and have it look good
Same. Was kinda upset about it but I am good nowjust reposting what or wrote on the figure thread:
just an update: Amazon canceled the Metal Build F91 pre-order i had due Amazon not being able to secure any stock. My friend also got his cancelled. The print is extremely limited from Blue Fin. Congrats on all those who got an F91 pre-order in.
New Years miracles truly do exist. Gundam 00 A Wakening of the Trailblazer is being broadcast on New Years Eve at 22:00 on SUN TV.
The build is done on my Gouf just have a bit of panel lining left along with the decals then I'll be done. Coming from the monster that was the Full Armour ver. ka, this build is far less of a challenge which is welcoming.
I am also thinking about picking up an SD of Qubeley, while I am a fan of its design and Haman Karn I don't know if I want to get its Master Grade. If I were to get the SD it would be the first kit I would have that was not a Master Grade.
EDIT: Gouf is complete!
I actually didn't mind 00 s2 or the movie. I wouldn't put either in my top 5, but it was dumb fun.
Happy new year GundamGAF!
Happy new year GundamGAF!
Happy New Year. Let's all be Gundams in 2017.
I have been watching Victory Gundam the past few days. I am up to episode 11 at this point. So for I've been enjoying it, I find that some of the characters act a little strange. I do like the majority of the mobile suit designs so far, however when I see that bug mobile suit in the OP I don't know If I will keep thinking that. The main thing that bugs me with Victorys design is the whole docking with the core fighter idea. I didn't mind it as much in the original show, but it was pretty silly in Double Zeta (but most things are silly in that show anyways). I certainly think this when Zeta could just transform.
Annoying.Finally figured out what the Get Gage is in SD Gundam G Generation
How is G Generation Genesis?
I'm new to the series as well, mostly just appreciating how my often-not-represented favorite suits are in the game and fun to chase down. The collect-them-all aspect is also really addictive. The game doesn't really do a great job in retelling the series but if you like random sidestories it is likely in here provided it is pre-unicorn. Game is more breadth than depth story wise.
Gameplay wise whether or not the stage allows your own custom teams means you are either getting a semi challenging advance wars style game or a pretty easy SRW style game with greater emphasis on ship combat.
I'm towards the end of the Zeta story and about the same suit development wise, though I have rushed ahead to get a few favorites (Sentinel stuff mostly). I'm super slow because it is too tempting to re-play the same stage over and over for the Exp. Plan on making a crazy newtype lady team when I can get further into ZZ and get a more appropriate boat.
Started watching Gundam X made it to episode 17 so far.
So far its very 90s lol. But I like that. I came in to the impression that this is a fairly underwhelming or not so special series and while it does kinda feel like that so far I am enjoying it. Vassagro Gundam is very cool imo. Garrod is pretty annoying but he seems to be maturing at a steady pace after some annoying impulse shonen character moments. The cast all together is pretty decent with a special shout out to the Frost brothers being interesting so far though their need to destroy the Gundams of the main cast is pretty damn flimsy considering the world they are in. Same with Enil, farily different take on a female character.
Which brings me to Tiffa... just... completely boring and uninteresting. I get shes supposed to be mysterious, but at least make the mystery something compelling. So far its not. Also the Dolphin thing... were better than this Gundam. (though the concept was interesting)
In general exploring the whole post war, Newtype phenomenon is interesting enough but there is no hook yet. Will keep watching, the weapons are interesting for sure. Also after going from G Gundam, to X, and building Heavy Arms MG, there is way to much similarities between their overall designs and concept. Some look like pallet swaps.
Anyway finished my MG Gundam Heavy Arms. Been sitting in the box for months, finally used my days off to make it... also tried my first hand at paintingI think it turned out really well for a completely random selection of paints! Went over a few spots with darker colors like grey on the silver to make it look like big rivets in the armor. Also... I swear I was not thinking Decpeticons... until I put it together and realized what color scheme it was haha.
Came out better than I thought it would for my first time trying this. Did a few more touch ups after taking these pictures but was too lazy to do it again and upload lol. Tried a lot of new things with this one and it was really fun to do! Also non transforming kits are great though the legs are a bit lose where they are connected to the torso, not sure why they make that area so narrow.
Went out today while this was drying and got myself this as my next one haha. Decided it was time to get myself a RX-78 since I've never got one.
Not gonna paint this, just straight build and enjoy. Also was tempted to get an Acguy, Fenice Rinascita or Char's Z'Gok, but there were none on the shelf. On new years the push out all the old kits to get people to buy them on impulse lol. Literally saw one of the old 1997 or so HG Sandrock's which blew my mind.
Time to relax and enjoy some games though, got very little of it done this holiday break so far. Here I come Final Fantasy XV! 29.99
YussssssPer Nozomi Entertainment's Facebook page, 0079 movie trilogy (blu ray) and 0083 are coming in April.
Pre-order links:
So much cheaper than my old VHS tapes. I'll miss that old movie dub though.
Will be getting these and F91 in Feb. for sure.
Edit: did some research on that 5.1 mix for the 0079 films and it might be a dealbreaker. Missing/different sound effects and music is a no-no. Maybe I'll look at that FR/UK set.
This is going to sound really fucking stupid because I still have an unbuilt RG Sinanju sitting here, but.... RG Barbatos Lupus when?!?!?!!?
Thanks, I have the old ones to watch when I want to, just like supporting the Nozomi releases since for the most part they have been pretty good and reasonably priced, at least compared to what DVDs that we managed to get here 10 years ago.I ripped the old movie dub to video CD for all three movies. I could make copies if you want them.