I'm in the same boat.Speaking from personal experience, the PG WZ is bollocks. Bad proportions/detailing, poor stability, parts falling off all the time, unpleasant build. I actively dissuade people against buying it.
Speaking from personal experience, the PG WZ is bollocks. Bad proportions/detailing, poor stability, parts falling off all the time, unpleasant build. I actively dissuade people against buying it.
Hips aren't great and Wing's are trash.I remember the hips being horribly loose and compared to the other UC PGs at the time it was rather small at AU scale. Also there isn't really anything creative going on with the wings here either that you can't find in cheaper lower grade kits.
I stopped buying PGs quite a while ago but of the ones I had (RX-78, Zaku, Zeta, MkII) the MkII was my favorite by a long shot. Not having transformations/core fighters helps.
Always wanted the Gp01 though.
Origins hands fucking down. The build is so amazing like omg. You could probably finish it in one sitting.
I really like the look of the rigging that comes with the GP-01 PG. It lets you display the finished kit as if it were undergoing maintenance/conversion/etc. Makes sense since it's almost 2 kits in one.
I bought the 1/144 HG/RG-sized System Base 001, kind of a cradle/stand that looks like maintenance/transport rigging. And I guess it's decently sized for some smaller Master Grades. Considering building my MG RX-78-2 3.0 soon, maybe it'll fit.
Are there any HG/RG kits that are supposed to look like they have exposed panels, damaged parts, half-built, etc.? Or do I just need to start working on weathering and damage effects?
yeah i see that on the box, looks cool.I really like the look of the rigging that comes with the GP-01 PG. It lets you display the finished kit as if it were undergoing maintenance/conversion/etc. Makes sense since it's almost 2 kits in one.
In my heart. I know. I can feel it.
After the Loum arcs in 2018, they will announce a full tv remake of 0079. The timing is too perfect.
Gundam Seed Destiny Episode 44
Rey comes up with good plans while Lunamaria and Shinn had got gundam moments. Kind of wanted to see if Requiem would get fired again but I loved how this went.
Athrun is free.
oh, i missed this post. yeah, on the new ending, it's so ridiculous how yamato is =)Woooooh that brings me back a few years lol, was that ever a real thing? I found the concept absolutely stupid, and being a Destiny fan myself, I heard about it a lot.
Athrun, the true hero of seed and destiny
Nina was okay, but they definitely ass pulled her connection to Gato. It would have just taken a short "...you..?!" To make it better.
But overall, good show.
He is one of my top 5 people in Gundam ever. Simply because hes the only common sense in the series for much of it. Alsohim ripping Shinn and Destiny Gundam apart in the last battle with extremely little effort showing just how strong he really is and NOT SAYING A WORD! Beat his ass, turned around and left like a boss. Love it
Spoilers since some people are seemingly rewatching/watching destiny.
How many people in the galaxy share the name Anvil Cat?I don't think it's quite as bad as people make it out to be. Her connection to him is there as of at least episode 6. And I don't feel like her failing to recognize him in Episode 1 is all that weird, she doesn't get a good look at him when he steals Unit 2 and I think it takes her a bit to really understand that the Gato they're dealing with is her ex lover. I will say though that, yeah, all it needed maybe is a meaningful look/contemplative gaze after she talks with Mora in Episode 2 and I don't think it'd be nearly as big a talking point. Just some small bit to make it clear there was more there.
How many people in the galaxy share the name Anvil Cat?
6,452. I checked as part of an After War Census. Surprisingly common name, right behind Agnes Deluge and Alpha Ate Bate
i think he was the best bad guy when i was in high school. first anime i watched back then where he beat the crap out of the hero. coming from watching GI Joe, MASK, COPS, i was surprised.
For me it's probably Kamille, Four Vaginas and Amuro in that order.Banagher is pretty cool. He's probably my third favorite UC protagonist. Can't beat Amuro.
For me it's probably Kamille, Four Vaginas and Amuro in that order.
How is Quattro not a main character?Oh, I was just counting the main MAIN characters (Amuro, Kamille, Judau, Al, Shiro, Kou, Banagher).
I'd put a hell of a lot more characters above Banagher if we're going that route.
How is Quattro not a main character?
Well, I think he just means the main heroes of each Gundam (Quattro is a primary character, but rarely the main character.)
Anyway, does anyone know a good list of all the Gundam manga? I've been doing a near never ending gradual watchathon from beginning to end of every Gundam ever, but I hadn't yet done something like that with the manga and I'm having trouble finding a solid list of all of the various Gundam manga that've been made.
Good luck with that. There are a lot of manga, most aren't scanlated.
I've read a bit. The Plot to Assassinate Gihren is wonderful, though the conspiracy reveal was weak
Crossbones is probaby required reading. It was hit or miss. The story premise is good, but didn't give me what I wanted. I don't lie it's character designs, though I do like the mecha.
The origin is wonderful. Z define and Char's deleted affair are horse shit though.
There is an absolutely massive amount of manga, there are usually a ton of series running concurrentlyour across all kinds of publications. That's an impossible task. Also I need to know your comfort in Japanese as the only ones in English are origin, 0079, eucole du Ciel and Tbolt. Aside from a bunch of standard ones like the G, W, SEED adaptations and some oooooold 0083 adaptations.Well, I think he just means the main heroes of each Gundam (Quattro is a primary character, but rarely the main character.)
Anyway, does anyone know a good list of all the Gundam manga? I've been doing a near never ending gradual watchathon from beginning to end of every Gundam ever, but I hadn't yet done something like that with the manga and I'm having trouble finding a solid list of all of the various Gundam manga that've been made.
There is an absolutely massive amount of manga, there are usually a ton of series running concurrentlyour across all kinds of publications. That's an impossible task. Also I need to know your comfort in Japanese as the only ones in English are origin, 0079, eucole du Ciel and Tbolt. Aside from a bunch of standard ones like the G, W, SEED adaptations and some oooooold 0083 adaptations.
The new one is a looser adaptation. The one Viz released in the 90s was scene for scene.Zero comfort in Japanese, but as I said, pretty pictures. Also isn't there a recent 0083 adaptation or something? I thought I read there was a new one. And I'm fine with impossible tasks, I do enjoy Gundam quite a bit.
Gundam manga? Why not just get all of The Origin. Lol.
The new one is a looser adaptation. The one Viz released in the 90s was scene for scene.
And I don't say it is impossible as a challenge. I say it is impossible b3cause there are literally hundreds of manga some of which haven't ever been reprinted outside of their debut in obscure 80s hobby magazines. Plus a lot of them aren't action books. There are a bunch that like follow Gihren's policies, another that is all about Kycillia growing up (gundam San parodied this), ones about Anaheim electronics vs SNRI on a contractor level. The franchise is just so varied and vast. And a lot of them aren't really manga, but prose with a few pictures
Stories I personally have read and loved:
Big List of Awesomeness
damn dude that is a lot.Got my Dad through 0083. Man rewatching it just affirmed how it's still my favorite Gundam. I love how complex the conspiracy is, how complex Nina herself is as a character, and the fact that it ends so tragically.
My dad likes it a lot as well now, actually might be among his top Gundams. He enjoyed how seriously it took its subject matter and how complex the story got (although I had to kinda help explain the ending.)He got a tad confused after Kou shot Gato.
But now we're finally past the one year war, the aftermath and onto Zeta Gundam proper. I think he prefers his Gundam a tad more serious like 8th MS Team, 0080, and 0083, but I think he'll like Zeta, he mostly enjoyed the original Gundam's film trilogy and he does like The Origin quite a bit.
Also for our one year anniversary my wife got me:
I usually just buy MGs, but it was still a fun build and really stands out from the rest of my collection.
Edit: And here's my collection. Figured I'd share it for once:
Most of these are old, as in I built then like over a decade ago. The GMs in the back, the Ez8, The Zakus, Gelgoog, Gouf, and GP01 are the oldest. Some are damaged, or didn't have the edges trimmed probably before assembly (I guess I didn't care too much as a teen). I have added new decals to them all though to try and spruce them up a bit.
The newest ones are the Rx-78 Gundam (Mother got it for me on a trip to Japan) and it's what reignited my interests in building models. Since then my Wife's gotten me the Guncannon for my B-day, My mother again got me the GP01-Fb, and I got myself the Shin Matsunaga White Zaku, and the Gundam MkII Titan.Keen eyed people might notice I really screwed up the top coat on the MkII =/ still kicking myself. My wife tries to downplay how bad it looks. I'll just pretend he's in the middle of a rather dusty battle.
Barbatos still needs detailing and top coat, but yeah, my Wife is thrilled with how much he stands out against the rest.
damn dude that is a lot.
damn dude that is a lot.
It's a nice collection though!
If anyone wants to see I unbox the new Mobil Armor Hashmal kit:
It has only just begun.
Thanks! and nice preview vid, I might have to pick that model up myself now. It's been pretty bad ass since it appeared in the show.
It's a nice collection though!
If anyone wants to see I unbox the new Mobil Armor Hashmal kit: