I didn't realize I wanted a Dorothy X Relena ship until now...is there fan art of this? There's fan art for everything. For all we know when she had that sword fight with Heero she was fighting over Relena...I really like the narrative possibilities of that. You know now that I think about it she probably was closeted, I don't think she really liked any guy on the show, defensive towards Zechs yes, but I think they're childhood friends, her and Trieze as well...oh god the lesbian pairings on this show, I can't stop thinking about them...but most of the women have canon ships except for Sally. I was thinking of Noin x Lady Une, but that would never work in canon and they actually legit hated each other till later in the series. Getting out of lesyay mode I actually liked Hilde, pissed me off that they didn't use her much in the show.