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I assume these are the pilots? From Gundam Online?

the iDOLM@STER crossover?

Well damn. I didn't want MG Altron to be my starting point cause I'm quite sure I'd mess something up. No good MG or HG G suits I know that much...not the hugest fan of Seed suits...I like Duel and Aegis, but I don't want to touch Kira's suits. Master Grade EW Sandrock looks kind of cool actually.
Are there any specific tools I should get for this? I know there are clippers, I don't want to mess with hobby knives, cause knives and I'm a klutz that would be doing this in my small ass room. Any instructional videos for basics or should I go watch that one ep of GBF where Sei's dad gives him and Aila a tutorial?The Wing EW suits are pretty universally good.The only ones I'd say aren't amazing are Deathscythe Hell and Wing EW, but even those are perfectly fine suits. You'd do fine with Sandrock.
Assuming that the MG Altron EW ever gets a reissue (I think it's a safe bet, it seems to be selling like crazy), I would make sure to pick that suit up the next go around, assuming that's a design you really like. It's a limited edition through Bandai's online shop, so it won't always be averrable like mass market kits.
Are there any specific tools I should get for this? I know there are clippers, I don't want to mess with hobby knives, cause knives and I'm a klutz that would be doing this in my small ass room. Any instructional videos for basics or should I go watch that one ep of GBF where Sei's dad gives him and Aila a tutorial?
Also, the official Gundam Youtube channel has bite-sized videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJV1h9xQ7Hx-SoCOivVEHNDOl16VWLB3A (other subtitled languages here: https://www.youtube.com/user/GundamInfo/playlists?shelf_id=5&view=50&sort=dd )https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofur67iPXqI
If you prefer reading: http://otakurevolution.com/content/laymans-gunpla-guide-construction-guide
You will want to use hobby knife, get a pair of gloves, it saved my finger from bleeding a few time. The glove also protect your finger when you use sandpaper, so it is something nice to have. You also need sand paper, and dust mask so you don't inhale any dust.
Are there any specific tools I should get for this? I know there are clippers, I don't want to mess with hobby knives, cause knives and I'm a klutz that would be doing this in my small ass room. Any instructional videos for basics or should I go watch that one ep of GBF where Sei's dad gives him and Aila a tutorial?
Holy shit I wish I could fit a desk or a table in my room.
If I buy the Sandrock it'll probably look like it did after Quatre blew it up by the time I'm done with it.Way back I built most of my MG Unicorn on my bed. It's not the best idea and having a table is definitely more comfortable, but it won't kill you. Don't worry so much about it and just have fun. Break a leg.
Break a leg.
Not everyone is into the Duckroll Custom style look.
I don't know how the hell duckroll built MG Unicorn in those conditions considering how tedious the MG is. Did you lose any pieces?
You'll learn to love it. It's the real reason why we all tend to keep the stems around after finishing kits. We just didn't know. I am the enlightened one!
gunpla pros like myself have no use for stem-legs. gitgud
unopened gunpla box collectors like myself have no use for stem-legs. gitgud
Gunpla pros also don't cheat out most of the time and opt for Robot Damashii and Chogokin over actual Gunpla. So I have no idea what you're talking about.
I might have missed it, but the opening song for Iron-Blooded Orphans is going to be "Raise Your Flag" by MAN WITH A MISSION.
Did anyone here call dibs on making the Gundam IBO OT?
If not, I was thinking of doing it myself when the show airs next week.
Just look at this guy...
Havnt seen anyone contemplating it so far.
Also guys, I don't think Biscuit is making it out of season one. He's got emotional cannon fodder written all over him.
Just look at this guy...
Havnt seen anyone contemplating it so far.
Also guys, I don't think Biscuit is making it out of season one. He's got emotional cannon fodder written all over him.
Just look at this guy...
Zeheart/Tan Char Clone 2.0
Hayato Kobayshi 2.0
Graham Aker/Mr. Bushido 2.0
Riddhe Marcenas 2.0
Angelo Sauper lite
Rachel Alucard
Hope from Final Fantasy XIII
Does your torso constantly separate as if it were Shinn Asuka's Impulse?
I feel like half the time I pose the body and waist disconnect and I have to reconnect them. Same with the white/red piece for the stomach. Other than that's it's cool. Wish they plated the gold parts instead of giving us piss gold. The silver is okay but they never do injected gold right.
It can even hold the Destiny's wings without being too back heavy if you're willing to mod a connection for the pack.
Blonde Earth Sphere guy is Char Clone. It's too obvious. Graham was a Char Clone too, so you can't sub him in as if he represents someone else, Shun. lol
Wouldn't that make Orga a Quattro then?
Riddhe Marcenas 2.0
I don't know shit. Destiny had like 2 or 3 Char Clones.
Didn't Wing have 2?
It's way too early to speculate which supporting characters are actually important and which are early game scrubs. The revealed characters so far are all directly related to the local Mars region. There will probably be way more factions and characters appearing just within the first 12 episodes alone. We know for a fact that there are two major factions with their own mobile suits (and probably the two enemy Gundams) which haven't been revealed yet.
Has Gundam Origin Vol 1 been officially released with English subs?
I use the Tamiya knives since they have smaller blades which makes cutting nubs much easier for me. You get a lot of blades too and they're very sharp.Do not build on a bed, it is messy you get plastic all over sheets and it is easier to lose pieces.
I don't know why people use carpet for flooring carpet is shit. Makes finding stuff harder and cleaning more painful compared to wood.
If you have wood floor just build on the floor.
I don't know how the hell duckroll built MG Unicorn in those conditions considering how tedious the MG is. Did you lose any pieces?
I recommend NT Cutter knife because they are more precise and they are sharper. If you don't have gloves tape your fingers. You can use micron pen for panel line or do what I do and use a syringe or needle and watery paint then clean with cotton swabs. Doing a wash is easier but messier.
Gunpla pros also don't cheat out most of the time and opt for Robot Damashii and Chogokin over actual Gunpla. So I have no idea what you're talking about.
Are the Tamiya cutters good too should I also get the file set?I use the Tamiya knives since they have smaller blades which makes cutting nubs much easier for me. You get a lot of blades too and they're very sharp.
Frozen Teardrop just pulled a Venom Snake with Heero.
Wing Heero is Beta.
FT Heero is Alpha.
Alpha is a clone of Heero that trained alongside him with Doctor J to be pilot of Wing Gundam. Alpha seems to have Beta's memories by the time M.C. 22 rolls around.
He is literally Venom Heero.
Are the Tamiya cutters good too should I also get the file set?