Two more episodes of Seed down!
Damn, I rather like this show overall! Mu La Flagen (whose name I no doubt slaughtered) is a cool mentor type, and the escape from the Eurasian base was fast-paced and fun. (Star Trek this ain't, though, even if it seems to possess even greater amounts of technobabble; when the captain and Flagen and the other chick all tricked the guards into letting them out, one of our heroes was like, "I'm not gonna die here!" and then they left those poor hapless raw recruits to their fate! At least they were unconscious...)
There was a random beat on the bridge (or whatever) of the colony where one of the comm officer dudes turns to his friend and goes, "got a call from my mom, she isn't doing well" in a deadpan inflection and it had my friend and I laughing hard. This dub is so weird. It was spoken in barely a second and then there was no follow-up and then he presumably exploded.
This. Dub.
Pink-chan (Laca? Lucca? Lacan? ...Grahf?) is a strange one, not quite sure what to make of her. Where did that blonde girl go? I keep expecting them to reveal that she's Sayla, but they can't well do that if she never appears again!
Athrun's gang is entertaining. They're like a Tales game's rival cast, I just smirk stupidly whenever they're on screen.
Commandant got OWNED.
Damn, I rather like this show overall! Mu La Flagen (whose name I no doubt slaughtered) is a cool mentor type, and the escape from the Eurasian base was fast-paced and fun. (Star Trek this ain't, though, even if it seems to possess even greater amounts of technobabble; when the captain and Flagen and the other chick all tricked the guards into letting them out, one of our heroes was like, "I'm not gonna die here!" and then they left those poor hapless raw recruits to their fate! At least they were unconscious...)
There was a random beat on the bridge (or whatever) of the colony where one of the comm officer dudes turns to his friend and goes, "got a call from my mom, she isn't doing well" in a deadpan inflection and it had my friend and I laughing hard. This dub is so weird. It was spoken in barely a second and then there was no follow-up and then he presumably exploded.
This. Dub.
Pink-chan (Laca? Lucca? Lacan? ...Grahf?) is a strange one, not quite sure what to make of her. Where did that blonde girl go? I keep expecting them to reveal that she's Sayla, but they can't well do that if she never appears again!
Athrun's gang is entertaining. They're like a Tales game's rival cast, I just smirk stupidly whenever they're on screen.
Commandant got OWNED.