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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)


Yeah, that's now at the top of my most anticipated roomscale title!

Some Vive touchpad criticism here:

Are these the same trackpads on the steam controller? And is there any confirmation on whether they are user configurable like the steam controller?
I don't think they'll be user configurable in the same sense as the steam controller since the games will have native support(vs mouse/joystick etc emulation) with special gestures and whatnot to control the game. This means a lot cool stuff can be done as is shown in the steamvr demo. Going from single button pad to four buttons is pretty neat, and the visual effects they do are awesome.

One dev on why his game isnt on the Oculus Store:

Unfortunately the game is not available in the oculus store and will not be for the foreseeable future. You see, the oculus store does not provide consumer refunds which goes directly against our company values and policy. Until such a time that this service is made available to consumer we will not be able to distribute through the oculus platform. I hope you understand and sorry for the inconvinience.


Another dev from reddit why he doesnt want to develop for the Rift:

My company has been working on a roomscale game for months without getting any clear answers from Oculus regarding Touch. Finally at GDC I managed to find a couple of Oculus engineers who told me that they're not planning on supporting full roomscale interactions. That would be fine if they would have been clear about it a long time ago but at this point we either have to redesign the game to support both hmd's or abandon support for Touch.

Sky Chief

The Rift isn't suited for *larger* glasses.
The Rift leaves *some* people with marks on their face.

don't believe me it isn't everyone? Will Smith of Foo VR has his Rift adjusted not to leave marks on his face and wears glasses with it. Not only has he tweeted about this, but he has also demonstrated this on Tested.

Now you shouldn't have to buy smaller pairs of glasses as he did, and none of that excuses the mishandling of the one time promised and included second facial interface.

But your claims of things being objective are clearly misplaced.

By claiming these things are objectively true you're discounting people who find the Rift more comfortable. Why? Clearly some people find it more comfortable. Note that I'm not discounting that others find the Vive more comfortable. Because comfort is subjective and we all have different sized heads and faces.

And yet Norm from Tested says that he doesn't wear glasses with the Rift because of comfort issues


Yeah. I seriously doubt there are any issues with the track pads. They work fantastically on my Steam controller and I've heard zero other complaints.

It could have to do with the specific in-game implementation too. Trackpads are too much of a blank canvas for devs and some implementations are good while others just suck.
And yet Norm from Tested says that he doesn't wear glasses with the Rift because of comfort issues

And yet Will who used to be on Tested wears his glasses with the Rift and says it's really comfortable.

Because as I keep saying... this shit is going to vary from person to person.

And again: Yes. Oculus should have provided the other interface they had promised for glasses wearers. Yes, Will shouldn't have needed to buy smaller frames to use the Rift.

But no, one person having problems with their glasses doesn't mean everyone will and certainly doesn't mean that everyone using the Vive will have zero problems with their glasses.


I don't think they'll be user configurable in the same sense as the steam controller since the games will have native support(vs mouse/joystick etc emulation) with special gestures and whatnot to control the game. This means a lot cool stuff can be done as is shown in the steamvr demo. Going from single button pad to four buttons is pretty neat, and the visual effects they do are awesome.


Yeah. So far I get the sense that it will all be pre-configured and it will be up to the devs to allow any configurability like deadzones, sensitivity etc.


I haven't seen this posted anywhere, not sure if it's new thread worthy (I can't make one anyway).

Gizmodo previewing PSVR, here's a quote:
After spending the last month living and breathing VR, I’m surprised at how refreshing the PS VR demo felt. There’s a polish to the experience that’s just never been there with the Rift and Vive. Though I’m still not sure how much of that has to do with the technological wizardry of the headset. http://gizmodo.com/playstation-vr-is-ridiculously-polished-for-something-s-1769594537
I haven't seen this posted anywhere, not sure if it's new thread worthy (I can't make one anyway).

Gizmodo previewing PSVR, here's a quote:

That first part sounds good, but I have no idea what "Though I’m still not sure how much of that has to do with the technological wizardry of the headset" is supposed to mean.

Sky Chief

I got laughed at earlier in this thread saying that I thought the Vive launch lineup was better than the Rift's.

Well, I was a launch buyer of the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, 3DS, Vita, PS4, and Xbox One and the Vive has BY FAR the best launch lineup I have ever experienced.

I'm still awaiting my Rift so can't compare but interactive VR is the next major tech breakthrough.
And yet Will who used to be on Tested wears his glasses with the Rift and says it's really comfortable.

Because as I keep saying... this shit is going to vary from person to person.

And again: Yes. Oculus should have provided the other interface they had promised for glasses wearers. Yes, Will shouldn't have needed to buy smaller frames to use the Rift.

But no, one person having problems with their glasses doesn't mean everyone will and certainly doesn't mean that everyone using the Vive will have zero problems with their glasses.

Will bought NEW glasses, because his old ones did not work well with the Rift at all. He constantly complained about how not-glasses-friendly the Rift was compared to PS VR and the Vive.

Playstation VR Is Ridiculously Polished For Something Still in Development

When Sony announced a release date for Playstation VR a few weeks ago, I felt simultaneously excited at the potential of the platform and skeptical about what Sony would actually be able to accomplish with nothing more than a giant headset, a Playstation 4 Camera, and the PS4's relatively middling power. Can it really compete with Oculus Rift and HTC Vive? Having just tried it, I can safely say: Hell yes.
Will bought NEW glasses, because his old ones did not work well with the Rift at all. He constantly complained about how not-glasses-friendly the Rift was compared to PS VR and the Vive.

It's like you ignore everywhere I acknowledge that he shouldn't have had to buy new glasses.

I wasn't responding to a comparison. I wasn't calling the Rift the best glasses friendly headset. I was saying that it wasn't fair to say the Rift *didn't* work with glasses. Because it works with some.

I wish everyone would stop framing everything I say as if it's comparing a headset I've used to one I've not got to use as of yet.

But I don't have to have used a Vive to know it isn't objectively true to say the Rift doesn't work with glasses. Because it works comfortably with some glasses. That's it. That's all I was saying.


I got laughed at earlier in this thread saying that I thought the Vive launch lineup was better than the Rift's.

Well, I was a launch buyer of the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, 3DS, Vita, PS4, and Xbox One and the Vive has BY FAR the best launch lineup I have ever experienced.

I'm still awaiting my Rift so can't compare but interactive VR is the next major tech breakthrough.
I've already bought 5 Vive launch titles. I haven't bought 5 launch titles for any other gaming platform ever.

(I didn't buy any for the Rift :p)
Where is the Citizen Kane of VR!?

In a more real attempt to contribute, I also think the Vive launch is fairly strong. Not the Mario 64 moments that some are looking for, but I've seen my fair share of hardware launches. Overall solid as far as these things go.


Sony is pushing for a few more polished experiences when their device launches. I think that's why they have an October date instead of something sooner. With the impressions of the device feeling very good and the fact all the other stuff required is already out, (besides whatever the PS4k might be) I'm sure they could release it now if they really wanted to.

Sky Chief

Where is the Citizen Kane of VR!?

In a more real attempt to contribute, I also think the Vive launch is fairly strong. Not the Mario 64 moments that some are looking for, but I've seen my fair share of hardware launches. Overall solid as far as these things go.

There is no single game that is as fleshed out as Mario 64 but the general leap from traditional gaming to VR is orders of magnitude more mind blowing than even 2D platformers to Mario 64.


There is no single game that is as fleshed out as Mario 64 but the general leap from traditional gaming to VR is orders of magnitude more mind blowing than even 2D platformers to Mario 64.

I don't know if there is any mario 64s out there yet, but there is certainly a wii sports (The Lab) and probably the equivalent of Tomb Raider, too (Budget Cuts). Budget Cuts is fucking awesome in the way it introduces the players to a vocabulary of VR gameplay. I can't explain enough how removing the abstraction layer from "press a button, character on screen does completely unrelated action" to "Move my hands so that I physically do the action I'm thinking of" reduces complexity of controls. I didn't have to teach my dad how to throw a knife. I didn't have to explain to him angle or velocity or what buttons to press or any of that shit. He just picked up the knife, pulled it back, and flung it forward. Natural as fuck. And it works exactly as you'd expect.

The simplicity of the controls made VR games possible for him to play, and surprise surprise, he had a blast doing so.
Sorry, gang, I’ve been working more hours.

Moreover, you can disable the magnetometer in the XMB, right after the calibration process. If it was so important they wouldn't let you disable it no? ;)
Yes, I know all of that stuff. Some of it I actually picked up from you back in the day! lol <3

mrklaw was asking why they needed the camera/beacon to get an orientation fix, because he thought the IMU should be sufficient for that. Problem is, strictly using the IMU, you can only get a two-axis orientation fix. Let’s say you’ve got the wand pointed directly at the ceiling, and we know this because gravity is pulling straight through the controller’s ass. Now, which side of the wand is facing the camera?

We have no idea, because the system can only see the bulb, which looks the same in both pictures. We can assume it’s the latter, but that’s only an assumption. I was saying that the purpose of the magnetometer was to give the system a three-axis orientation fix relative to the North Pole, but as you know, it’s prone to interference outside of the lab, so that didn’t work out as well as they’d hoped.

That said, I imagine that IK could help them out here. It’s a pretty safe bet the Move buttons are located under the user’s thumbs, and since we know where their head is and where their hands are in relation to that, I would think they could make a close-enough guess as to where the thumbs are. The only evidence I have of this though is that I haven’t heard anyone talk about any kind of calibration or setup with the wands under PSVR.

That video demonstrates quite well what I don't like about the Vive controller - it treats the end of the controller as the end of your hand, which feels a bit weird as the controller is quite long.
How odd. They should know precisely where the handle is relative to the marker, so it seems like the API should be providing “true hand position,” at least as an option.

the RGB PenTile is Sony Samsung marketing trying to complicate things. Just means that each pixel in the PSVR has three subpixels (red/green/blue). You'd think that would be normal, but the OR is suggested to have a pentile display which means you get shared subpixels so theoretically you get a lower effective resolution. But I think you'd be hard pushed to notice it.
Fixed, and it seems fairly noticeable.
RGB at 267 PPI on the left, and PenTile at 306 PPI on the right, so a fairly decent analogy for the panels we’re discussing here. I’m sure some will disagree, but the numbers are what they are.

It may sound nitpicky, but Carmack is right, and Samsung’s method of counting pixels is pretty shady. “Pixel” is short for “picture element;” the smallest chunk of the picture you can chip off without changing the nature of the chunk in question. But PenTile pixels aren’t truly elemental, because each contains only two of the three primary colors. It’s simply impossible for a PenTile pixel to reproduce the full range of colors, so it’s disingenuous at best to refer to it as elemental in any way. To produce full range color, any given PenTile pixel must team up with one of its neighbors, meaning it’s really more of a slutty subpixel rather than a true pixel.

For example, let’s imagine a black and white grid. A 1080p display should be able to display 1080 rows and 1920 columns simultaneously, giving us 2073600 elements in our picture, right? if you’re talking about true RGB pixels, then yes, but because PenTile pixels don’t actually qualify as a pixel until they’ve buddied up, while they can display 1080 rows or 1920 columns, they can’t do both at the same time. So the best chess board it can actually manage is 540 rows and 960 columns, yielding 518400 picture elements. Hey, that’s only 25% of what they claimed on the tin!! :’(

Some will try to dismiss this example as implausible, but it’s merely meant to be illustrative. While it’s highly unlikely we’ll be displaying any microscopic chess boards for the user, it isn’t hard to imagine that any random render is likely to contain a lot of areas where different colors butt up against one another, and PenTile displays will lose a lot of detail wherever that occurs, because it has far fewer picture elements to work with. It won’t make any difference with large swaths of color, of course; it’s only the fine detail which is lost.

Its been funny watching people trump rgb subpixel arrangements, because the move from rgb to pentile from dk1 to dk2 was highly celebrated for many reasons, most important being that rgb subpixel arrangements are subject to jailbarring. Unless sonys headset randomizes the rgb arrangement per row, it will also have the same problem. The problem manifests when you show a solid screen of the same color - say red 255, 0, 0. Because in this instance both green and blue subchannels are entirely off, it gives a 2 subpixel wide gap between pixels, which looks like vertical jailbars on dk1, but would probably look like scanlines on psvr because of the screen orientation.
Hmm. To my untrained eye, it simply appears that half of the pixels are missing in the PenTile on the right, leaving a far larger horizontal gap than the one you just complained about, plus a pixel-high gap above and below. That’s actually considered preferable, is it? If so, can’t they get the same effect on RGB by masking out every alternate pixel when displaying primary colors?

And I doubt the people testing these headsets are savvy enough to report on jailbarring.
So, having the extra pixels lit only sucks if you know it's supposed to? =/

It's also funny to watch people boast about "20% more subpixels in rgb" without accoubting for wasted pixels along the bridge of the nose thanks to a single screen. Rift cv1 and vive, by nature of their split screens, waste far fewer pixels.
I've seen this mentioned but I haven't been able to find any specifics. Just how much of a single display is being wasted, and why?

Valve's VR optimization presentation just now was good stuff.
Good stuff indeed. For me, the biggest surprise was the advice to drop resolution from 196% of screen native to as low as 42% of native in an effort to hit your frame deadlines. (1404x780) Sound advice, I’m sure, but I was just surprised that such a grainy render would be considered acceptable at all. (Not breaking presence, etc.)

Now the positives:
- Everything else
Sounds pretty nice overall. Thanks for sharing. <3

this is how teleporting works.

Why not just make the avatar's head match the body-relative position of the user's, so if they're looking over their left shoulder, the avatar will be too, which should yield predictable results.

(Of course, the "correct" way to do it would be to simply pull the cable through and mount a new connector on the other side, but ain't nobody got time - or the tools - for that)
Have you ever actually crimped cable? It's stupid easy and immensely satisfying. Well, for Ethernet, at least, but I can't imagine the others would differ too wildly. I'd recommend you look in to it, at least. I think you'll be quite pleased with the results.

The whole somewhat combative "People told us we shouldn't, so we did!" attitude sounds even less ideal lol. I mean, they can do whatever the hell they want, but that's not the greatest outlook to take.

The creator being in the room and not even noticing the tracking camera isn't facing the right way certainly isn't a great sign.
What surprised me most was that the system itself wasn’t saying, “Err, what headset?”

Trigger (two stages)
What does that mean?

ok, so shopping list of best things to take from this gen for gen 2:
Nice list. It’s also worth noting that because the DS4 is tracked, it can give you a strong sense of hand presence even though you can’t see your hands at all. Because you can look down and see the object you can already feel in your hands, that’s enough to trick your brain in to thinking this is really happening, and the fact that you can’t actually see your hands isn’t particularly relevant. “I guess I’m invisible. /shrug” Imagine looking down in-game and being able to see your very own HOTAS, mapped 1:1 in the game, displaying contextual, holographic tool tips.

And because it’s a full 6DOF controller, you can even use that for mapping additional inputs like you guys were discussing previously. Twist yaw? Not a problem. You can have twist pitch and roll as well. Map throttle and lateral thrusters to translation too, if you’d like. You can have full control of your flight systems using strictly motion, leaving all of the buttons and sticks on the DS4 free for weapons and avionics. There was some sci-fi movie where ships were controlled by grabbing a little sphere that you pushed and twisted around. This’d be that, basically.

Well, I thought all of that was fascinating.
Indeed. The beacon syncing stuff got me wondering… Do you happen to know how they scale past two beacons or stitch multiple volumes together?

I came across an article a while back where I believe Oculus stated that the CPU load was somewhere in the vicinity of 1-2% of one core per additional camera. 1-2% of what CPU at what speed I don't know, nor do I know whether they were talking about physical cores or logical.
They're using the CPU for that? What about reprojection/time-warp? Tracking and reprojection combined take under 2 ms on the PS4’s GPU, so why isn’t PC doing that stuff on the GPU? Too much overhead shuffling the jobs back and forth? =/

Would you still work with metal sticking through your doughnut hole?

Lots of people and companies were bashing their heads against the VR spatial tracking issue, but Valve were simply the first to come up with a reliable solution which works in a wide variety of conditions, and is simple and cheap enough to actually be shippable.
Horse shit.

Don't worry, they don't. In fact, they very explicitly state that you should not do that in the same presentation where they introduced it as a fallback option. In all caps even.
This is inaccurate. While he does use the phrase, “Reprojection should only be a last ditch fallback” — no idea where you got the “all caps” part… — that’s certainly not the only thing he says on the subject, and indeed, seems to contradict his overall advice on the matter and comments on its usefulness.

He also says this stuff…
"If you can drop your settings a level to maintain framerate in the worst case (goal #1) and you want to scale up if you have extra GPU cycles to spend (goal #2)"
“Example: Aperture Robot Repair VR demo now runs at target framerate on GTX 680."
"If you use this adaptive system, you can run on a lower GPU spec. Robot Repair now running on a 4 year old GPU without touching shaders."
”Here's options for maintaining framerate on a 680 in aperture robot repair all the way up to 980Ti”

“You'll notice on the 680 it'll scale up to full resolution often actually"
"And if you drop in a high end card you're going to get something that looks way better. People who have seen this say they think we have higher resolution panels."

Sure sounds to me like he’s talking about how to ensure your game runs smoothly on a lowly 680. No mention of reprojection, but let’s read on…
"What about experiences where you have text in your enviroment? You need enough texel density to be able to read things. And if you're going to have a game where you're going to shoot something, you can't go down to 0.65x res."
"So my thinking is that if you target in 0.8x in each direction, there's enough texel density to be readable in VR”

Oh, look, he just recommended that you utilize their frame reuse tool (interleaving) to help maintain frame pacing in games(/situations?) where your user needs to be able to read or aim at stuff. What else does he have to say about frame reuse?

“Then there's async reprojection."
"GPU gets interrupted and if the currently rendered frame is not done, it can reproject the last rendered frames. This sounds like the silver bullet -- the ideal safety system. But it requires preemption granularity on the GPU that's good or better than current GPUs.”

"There's no great solution yet until GPUs can be pre-empted better."
"So we have something called an Interleaved Reprojection Hint"
"This gives you about 18ms to render instead of 11ms. It's a great safety measure."
"It's a safety net that the runtime can tap into and force it on when needed. It's a good tradeoff I think, and I agree what Oculus' Michael Antonov said last year." (quote on slide in photo)

So it’s not perfect, but it’s “good enough,” and most importantly, it’s far better than the alternative of simply letting frames drop unanswered. This latter point is noteworthy because while you rail continuously against the use of reprojection and frame reuse in general, I’ve yet to see you suggest a better solution. “Moar flops,” I suspect, but this conveniently ignores the fact that they were dropping frames even on a 980. Anyway, moving on…

So interleaving is a great safety measure that provides a good tradeoff whenever you can’t maintain native refresh rate. So should you just spend all of your time running at 45 fps? Not really, unless you’re on a 680 or something, in which case spending most of your time at 45 fps will often give you the best experience possible. When we’re talking safety nets, async is better still, but it’s hard to come by, and even if you have it, it’s still actually better to drop to 45 fps than rely on ATW to take you from 89 to 90, because it’s just a safety net, not a turbo. So here their advice is precisely the same as Oculus and Sony: “Yes, ATW has the knock-on effect of compensating for dropped frames, but don’t drop frames; dial stuff back instead.”

So you cherry picked a single line from the talk and then distorted it to make it a little more emphatic, and completely ignored the rather lengthy discussion which surrounded it, and in doing so, you’ve completely misrepresented Valve’s stance on the matter, just as you’ve previously done with Oculus and Sony.

Edit: as someone just pointed out to me, another relevant detail in this discussion is that it was in fact the Valve VR demo room which convinced Zuckerberg to buy Oculus.
It seems hard to imagine that room-scale specifically was what sold Zuckerberg, given his company's insistence that walking around with a headset on is far too dangerous to ever consider condoning. cutekidplop.gif It seems more likely that he was impressed by the performance of the headset itself WRT refresh, persistence, etc. since it was a fair bit ahead of Oculus at the time.

I prefer technologically superior hardware, and I prefer more open software.

I've never made a secret out of either of those stances, and I'll readily admit to both. In fact, I am proud of them!
The issue isn't so much your completely arbitrary pronouncements about which is best, but rather the misplaced sense of pride they engender within you, and the efforts you take to help nurture that false sense of superiority you've created for yourself.

I ignore that, because we now have a perfectly sound investigation which takes into account all factors (binocular FoV, eye relief distance etc.), and its results are rather clear (110° x 113° for Vive and 94° x 93° for the Rift). This does induce a pixel density tradeoff, but the FoV question is independent of that and quite frankly resolved at this point. I don't see a point in relying on hearsay when we have data.
Yes, I said arbitrary, like here, where you claim the Vive to simply be technically superior thanks to its larger FOV when in fact this is just a tradeoff with apparent pixel density as you later admit. So what you choose to think of as an unquestionable advantage over all other comers is actually nothing more than your personal preference. Then you almost literally burst with "pride" regarding your uncanny ability to identify your own preferences.

Unfortunately, that's not good enough for you either. Since these are not just personal preferences but rather clear indicators of your own intelligence and competence, then it follows that anyone who prefers something else is not merely less competent than yourself, but a drooling fanboy who should be roundly and relentlessly ridiculed for allowing logos and marketing dictate their purchasing "decisions" rather than simply choosing products on pure merit, as truly enlightened folks such as yourself invariably do. Gimme a break.

Perhaps you're thinking it's unfair of me to give you such a thorough dressing down here when you've already been forced to backpedal on this particular claim and besides, Lighthouse, but again, your insistence that an expensive and complex system which is reliant on sensitive, spinning parts and provides almost zero additional utility to the vast majority of users not only represents the “best” tracking solution but also trumps considerations such as refresh rates, positional audio, and ergonomics — all of which provide considerable utility to virtually all users — is in fact nothing more than your personal opinion, and not especially relevant to anyone but yourself and perhaps of limited relevance to those whose goals are similar to yours. Yes, cost is a valid consideration as well. If a solution costs you ten times as much and offers a 1% performance improvement, most rational people would not agree it's unquestionably superior unless the primary goal of the system is either a) wasting as much money as possible, or b) saving human life, and I suspect you'd get a lot of pushback on the latter.

But even more troubling than your heavily reliance on ad hominem attacks and faulty metrics to establish your own sense of self worth — or “pride,” as you call it — is your willingness to distort the truth to help reinforce your claims, whether as part of your tireless and misguided crusade against frame reuse mentioned above, or your attempt to literally rewrite history and claim that Valve were the first to come up with a shippable tracking solution as part of your campaign to expunge any and all of Sony’s contributions from the record. Yes, I realize you included a bunch of qualifiers in an attempt to gerrymander Move out of the running, but it actually meets all of the qualifications you set forth, so nyeah. :p

But rather than take this post as an indication that you need to be more careful with your gerrymandering in the future, can I suggest we instead attempt to set all of that nonsense aside, just talk tech, let everyone decide for themselves which solutions best suit their own needs, and then do our damnedest to not make them feel like a schmuck if their needs don’t align perfectly with our own? <3

Actual, the fundamental discourse here seems to be about open (sorry, "less closed") versus closed APIs. That isn't going to go away unless Oculus decides to make it go away (e.g. by removing the offending parts of their EULA).
From what I can tell, OpenVR is controlled entirely by Valve, is closed source, and is dependent on the SteamVR runtime to function. How is OpenVR “open” in anything apart from name?

I'm getting a Vive, but I don't see any reason why Oculus would want to rely in OpenVR considering their direct competitor is in control of the whole thing.

If it was a neutral 3rd party with nothing to do in the storefront / HMD business, or some kind of open consortium to develop an unified API (I believe it will happen at some point), then yeah, maybe.
This. Some folks are acting as though OpenVR is like VESA or something, but it seems to be just another proprietary technology.

RSP, I think Zalusithix' point is that you are not comparing like-for-like in terms of setup.

With Vive, you are setting up an entire room-scale VR playing field with tracked controllers. With CV1, you are setting up a HMD and a camera.

Obviously the latter is less work than the former. But if you wanted to set up an equivalent experience (in the future, when Touch is out with the second camera) it would also by necessity be more involved. Probably more complicated, in fact, than Vive setup, considering you'd need to run USB from the corners of your room to the PC.
This isn’t a very good argument. It’s akin to saying that nobody should argue that a nuclear reactor is a more complex device to set up than a fire pit because the former produces more heat. While the additional heat produced by the nuclear furnace is indisputable, it still represents a colossal waste of resources when our only goal was to warm up a hot dog.

Sony is pushing for a few more polished experiences when their device launches. I think that's why they have an October date instead of something sooner. With the impressions of the device feeling very good and the fact all the other stuff required is already out, (besides whatever the PS4k might be) I'm sure they could release it now if they really wanted to.
FWIW, Sony originally said they'd be launching first-half because they were waiting on software, as you surmise, but when they pushed the date back to October, they said it was to ramp up production to help meet projected at-launch demand.


Way too much old stuff there for me to contemplate responding to it all, so I'll just pick one of the recent ones.
This isn’t a very good argument. It’s akin to saying that nobody should argue that a nuclear reactor is a more complex device to set up than a fire pit because the former produces more heat. While the additional heat produced by the nuclear furnace is indisputable, it still represents a colossal waste of resources when our only goal was to warm up a hot dog.

Your analogy makes no sense as you'd never want or expect the fire pit to match the reactor's output. Meanwhile it's totally reasonable that a person who buys a Rift will eventually want to match the capabilities of the Vive. The conversation was comparing like to like. Is the Rift hardware simpler to setup than a full Vive setup? Yes. But you can emulate a Rift setup with a Vive by slapping one lighthouse down on your desk and not setting up any room scale stuff. Hardware wise they're now roughly equal in setup complexity. Meanwhile when you go the other way to make the Rift comparable to the Vive in capabilities, the Rift is more challenging.


Not that anyone asked me..

Good stuff indeed. For me, the biggest surprise was the advice to drop resolution from 196% of screen native to as low as 42% of native in an effort to hit your frame deadlines. (1404x780) Sound advice, I&#8217;m sure, but I was just surprised that such a grainy render would be considered acceptable at all. (Not breaking presence, etc.)

I don't think there's been any indication of what resolutions they used for the shipping version. It may only use that in catastrophic situations, or it may not even go that low at all.

They're using the CPU for that? What about reprojection/time-warp? Tracking and reprojection combined take under 2 ms on the PS4&#8217;s GPU, so why isn&#8217;t PC doing that stuff on the GPU? Too much overhead shuffling the jobs back and forth? =/

Image processing/tracking. Why would they do it on the GPU? The GPU of a modern PC is far more likely to be saturated during gameplay than the CPU. The CPUs of the consoles are so weak that anything that can be offloaded will.

Lighthouse, but again, your insistence that an expensive and complex system which is reliant on sensitive, spinning parts and provides almost zero additional utility to the vast majority of users not only represents the &#8220;best&#8221; tracking solution but also trumps considerations such as refresh rates, positional audio, and ergonomics &#8212; all of which provide considerable utility to virtually all users &#8212; is in fact nothing more than your personal opinion, and not especially relevant to anyone but yourself and perhaps of limited relevance to those whose goals are similar to yours. Yes, cost is a valid consideration as well. If a solution costs you ten times as much and offers a 1% performance improvement, most rational people would not agree it's unquestionably superior unless the primary goal of the system is either a) wasting as much money as possible, or b) saving human life, and I suspect you'd get a lot of pushback on the latter.

Who says it's expensive and complex? It's basically two harddrive motors with IR lasers and a few IR LEDs to flash a synchronization pulse. I'd say a high resolution high FPS IR camera is a far more complicated device, and likely just as expensive.

Btw the designer of lighthouse says it is designed to withstand "multiple" 2m drops

From what I can tell, OpenVR is controlled entirely by Valve, is closed source, and is dependent on the SteamVR runtime to function. How is OpenVR &#8220;open&#8221; in anything apart from name?

This. Some folks are acting as though OpenVR is like VESA or something, but it seems to be just another proprietary technology.

Based on the interviews I've seen, they plan to open stuff up once everything is in a more final state. They are iterating on it so fast that they probably don't have time to polish it up for public consumption. Who knows, it's still very early.


^^^ Like open as in straight Open Source? I understand the complexities with these businesses and their respective storefronts but that would be cool. Also I hope Durante comes back to the thread to engage SS on his/her rebuttal. I know, I know, PS vs PC, yadda yadda yadda, but I'm learning a lot from the exchange and it got me to Google and read about a lot of shit. Some of it I pretty much knew, some of it was brand new to me.


After using Vive for a few days... I have to say... I think in the long run, once Oculus have released their touch controllers and its integrated into Steam VR with roomscale and all that good stuff...

I think people will be happier with a Rift than a Vive.

and I say that in recognition of just how ridiculously superior motion controls and roomscale is to an untracked game controller. There's just no comparison.

But it gets uncomfortable to use the Vive for long stints. The ergonomics are off, the sweet spot is small. You WILL get red marks around your face - because it simply can't be worn well without tightening the straps until they're putting a decent amount of pressure on your face.

It's... only a step up from the DK2 in its ergonomics. I personally find the Gear VR to be more comfortable (when used with the top strap).

Once we get VR to the point where we have things like binocular pass through, 4k resolution, comfort, etc... I see very little reason to leave VR. Right now, I'm still using my computer monitor more than VR for the very simple reason that it's really difficult to consume web based content through the Vive. But once that changes, once it's sufficiently comfortable to wear the HMD for prolonged many hour stints, then there's not much reason for me to confine my computing use to a single desk.


Based on the interviews I've seen, they plan to open stuff up once everything is in a more final state. They are iterating on it so fast that they probably don't have time to polish it up for public consumption. Who knows, it's still very early.

As far as I'm aware the "open" in OpenVR never referred to it being open source, but instead an open licence. They never have to release the source code to keep it open to that extent. Sure, open source would be great, but that's minor and tangential compared to how you're legally allowed to use it.

Compare the terms on the Oculus side:
The Oculus VR Rift SDK may not be used to interface with unapproved commercial virtual reality mobile or non-mobile products or hardware.

To OpenVR where nothing of the sort is forbidden and they even point you in the right direction for implementing your own hardware.

One can be used by any VR headset manufacturer commercially with no restrictions, licensing deals, or prior agreements. The other can only be used if they get explicit legal permission from Oculus. It's pretty obvious that the "open" in this case is more than just in name. (I know you weren't making that claim that it was.)


RGB at 267 PPI on the left, and PenTile at 306 PPI on the right, so a fairly decent analogy for the panels we&#8217;re discussing here. I&#8217;m sure some will disagree, but the numbers are what they are.

This is a bit apples and oranges, CV1 and Vive use a completely different subpixel layout than the S3. Not to mention that if you read up on an article about the S3 display it's noted as a poor display overall, poor calibration, low brightness, too large a color gamut.

Here's a picture of the RGB stripe display on a Note 2, and the pentile display on the S3.

Here's an ACTUAL picture of the CV1 screen.

Remember pentile is an entire family of subpixel layouts. Not all pentile displays are equal.

I've seen this mentioned but I haven't been able to find any specifics. Just how much of a single display is being wasted, and why?

We won't have any specifics until someone tears down a PSVR unit. No one really knows how much is being wasted specifically, but comparatively to a two display solution it's the answer is at least "more". Simply given the FOV of these headsets and the mechanics of eye relief and software IPD adjustment on PSVR it's pretty much impossible to say how significant or insignificant the effect will be.

They're using the CPU for that? What about reprojection/time-warp? Tracking and reprojection combined take under 2 ms on the PS4&#8217;s GPU, so why isn&#8217;t PC doing that stuff on the GPU? Too much overhead shuffling the jobs back and forth? =/

Why would you? It doesn't make any sense to do that on the CPU on PC, given that a VR capable PC will more or less be a few times more powerful than what the PS4 has to work with. Reprojection/timewarp requires performing transforms on the depth buffer so it has to be on the GPU.

Horse shit.

I'm not too sure about the "companies bashing their heads against the wall" part, it could very well be they just didn't prioritise room-scale. But I mean Valve is demonstrably the first to develop a commercial room-scale tracking solution for VR so I'm not sure about the animosity here.

From what I can tell, OpenVR is controlled entirely by Valve, is closed source, and is dependent on the SteamVR runtime to function. How is OpenVR &#8220;open&#8221; in anything apart from name?

It's open in that anyone is open to use to it support their own VR headset, it is not limited to the Vive. Whereas the Oculus SDK is, so far, legally confined to only the Rift. It's not ideal but it's a hell of a lot better than the competition.

Sky Chief

After using Vive for a few days... I have to say... I think in the long run, once Oculus have released their touch controllers and its integrated into Steam VR with roomscale and all that good stuff...

I think people will be happier with a Rift than a Vive.

and I say that in recognition of just how ridiculously superior motion controls and roomscale is to an untracked game controller. There's just no comparison.

But it gets uncomfortable to use the Vive for long stints. The ergonomics are off, the sweet spot is small. You WILL get red marks around your face - because it simply can't be worn well without tightening the straps until they're putting a decent amount of pressure on your face.

It's... only a step up from the DK2 in its ergonomics. I personally find the Gear VR to be more comfortable (when used with the top strap).

Once we get VR to the point where we have things like binocular pass through, 4k resolution, comfort, etc... I see very little reason to leave VR. Right now, I'm still using my computer monitor more than VR for the very simple reason that it's really difficult to consume web based content through the Vive. But once that changes, once it's sufficiently comfortable to wear the HMD for prolonged many hour stints, then there's not much reason for me to confine my computing use to a single desk.

I think the Vive is pretty comfortable once you get it adjusted properly even with my glasses.

Also even with Touch I don't think that Oculus's tracking system is as robust and it doesn't have key features such as pass through camera so basically I think you're saying Rift 2.0 will be better than Vive 2.0? Don't you think Vive 2.0 will be better too? I think it will be more likely that Vive 2.0 will have the next breakthrough feature because 1.0 is already ahead and Oculus is now playing the feature catch up game. I guess I'm not really sure what type trying to say.


I think the Vive is pretty comfortable once you get it adjusted properly even with my glasses.

Also even with Touch I don't think that Oculus's tracking system is as robust and it doesn't have key features such as pass through camera so basically I think you're saying Rift 2.0 will be better than Vive 2.0? Don't you think Vive 2.0 will be better too? I think it will be more likely that Vive 2.0 will have the next breakthrough feature because 1.0 is already ahead and Oculus is now playing the feature catch up game. I guess I'm not really sure what type trying to say.

Passthrough camera is definetly overrated. For the first few days, I didn't even set it up (or I did, and it stopped working almost immediately until I turned it off then on again in the menus). Like... it's better than peeking through the nose gap, but not hugely so. And it's annoying as hell to use as chaperone boundaries (pulls you out of the experience a lot). Not that it doesn't have its moments, just... the camera as its currently used is limited, and there are otherways around the issue (such as having a HMD that's trivially easy to slip off when you want to look at the real world) the use of the normal chaperone boundaries are already fantastic for what they're intended for (avoiding bumping into things).

The robustness of the tracking system is... marginal. For some users yes. For most users, probably not. Assuming that people set that up properly (and use opposing corners for room scale).

I guess comfort can depend on your face shape - but for me, it's only ok.

Also not implying that Rift 2.0 will be better than Vive 2.0 - only that once we get to certain thresholds in VR tech, we'll be able to use it for longer for a wider variety of experiences.

I mean, you're right in that the Vive does have some decent features over the Rift + Touch combo. Neither are perfect. I just think that the increased comfort of the Rift (at least from what I've heard - I haven't received mine yet, although its on the way) has significant long term use merit.


Sooo why isnt there a VR Jurassic Park(without the action movie stuff of course, just the actual park) already..seems like a no brainer to me :|


After using Vive for a few days... I have to say... I think in the long run, once Oculus have released their touch controllers and its integrated into Steam VR with roomscale and all that good stuff...

I think people will be happier with a Rift than a Vive.

and I say that in recognition of just how ridiculously superior motion controls and roomscale is to an untracked game controller. There's just no comparison.

But it gets uncomfortable to use the Vive for long stints. The ergonomics are off, the sweet spot is small. You WILL get red marks around your face - because it simply can't be worn well without tightening the straps until they're putting a decent amount of pressure on your face.

It's... only a step up from the DK2 in its ergonomics. I personally find the Gear VR to be more comfortable (when used with the top strap).

Once we get VR to the point where we have things like binocular pass through, 4k resolution, comfort, etc... I see very little reason to leave VR. Right now, I'm still using my computer monitor more than VR for the very simple reason that it's really difficult to consume web based content through the Vive. But once that changes, once it's sufficiently comfortable to wear the HMD for prolonged many hour stints, then there's not much reason for me to confine my computing use to a single desk.

Not my experience at all unless the pre is very different from cv. I find the vive way more comfortable than the rift especially if you are wearing glasses.


Reading some positive impressions of the Vive and Occulus are reeeally making me tempted to go all-in on a headset + PC. I have PSVR on preorder but I'm now questioning if that's the right call.

I usually go top-tier with my tech purchases, and in this case the Vive sounds like it's an experience that no other HMD can offer right now.

Two questions if anyone can help:

1) What is the current wait time if (hypothetically) I were to order a Vive right now? I'll not touch that Occulus ship window since it sounds like just about everyone is in the dark.

2) For a VR-centric PC build, is an SLI rig worth it at the moment? Or would I be future-proofed with a 980ti? I figured to check the GAF PC Build thread but any insight would be helpful.


Reading some positive impressions of the Vive and Occulus are reeeally making me tempted to go all-in on a headset + PC. I have PSVR on preorder but I'm now questioning if that's the right call.

I usually go top-tier with my tech purchases, and in this case the Vive sounds like it's an experience that no other HMD can offer right now.

Two questions if anyone can help:

1) What is the current wait time if (hypothetically) I were to order a Vive right now? I'll not touch that Occulus ship window since it sounds like just about everyone is in the dark.

2) For a VR-centric PC build, is an SLI rig worth it at the moment? Or would I be future-proofed with a 980ti? I figured to check the GAF PC Build thread but any insight would be helpful.
I believe you will be able to order now and get in on the May shipment. Things are kinda fucky now, but I imagine they'll have the distribution issues straightened out by then.

As far as SLI, I don't think it's currently supported. A single 980ti + comparable CPU will put you right at top of the line for current VR (I have a 6700K+980ti myself). Of course Pascal is coming and it'll be big .. But who knows when.


Reading some positive impressions of the Vive and Occulus are reeeally making me tempted to go all-in on a headset + PC. I have PSVR on preorder but I'm now questioning if that's the right call.

I usually go top-tier with my tech purchases, and in this case the Vive sounds like it's an experience that no other HMD can offer right now.

Two questions if anyone can help:

1) What is the current wait time if (hypothetically) I were to order a Vive right now? I'll not touch that Occulus ship window since it sounds like just about everyone is in the dark.

2) For a VR-centric PC build, is an SLI rig worth it at the moment? Or would I be future-proofed with a 980ti? I figured to check the GAF PC Build thread but any insight would be helpful.

Despite a lot of talk about SLI in VR, even from Valve, there is little reason to at the moment. SLI and Crossfire have had their share of problems since their inception, and even today come with problems, I'd definitely wait until SLI VR is a sure bet before investing in it.

As for the wait time, I believe on the pre-order page it'll give you a month. I want to say they're up to late May/early June at this point.

I've had my Vive for just over a day now and I'm completely ecstatic. If you can afford it, I think the Vive is a clear choice for high-end VR. It might not be as clear when the Rift has independently tracked controllers and a solution for room-scale, but even then, that relies on a lot of assumptions at this point. That's for the then, not now. And then PSVR which isn't going to be on par with the other two.


Have you ever actually crimped cable?
Yes. An ethernet cable is not a displayport cable, and certainly not a mini displayport cable.

Indeed. The beacon syncing stuff got me wondering&#8230; Do you happen to know how they scale past two beacons or stitch multiple volumes together?
Yes. Lighthouse is incredibly scalable in terms of both volume (with additional lighthouses) and tracked points, both without any non-linear increase in processing requirements.
Another reason it's the current holy grail in VR tracking.

Currently, the consumer software release only supports tracking one additional controller (so 3 + the HMD), but that's just a software limit.

Horse shit.
Very convincing argument. We have direct quotes from people like John Carmack on just how difficult making occlusion and interruption-free camera-based tracking for their Touch controllers work turned out to be, and their delay gives an indication that this was and is not easily resolved.

While he does use the phrase, &#8220;Reprojection should only be a last ditch fallback&#8221; &#8212; no idea where you got the &#8220;all caps&#8221; part&#8230;
from the slides said:
Reprojection to fill in missed frames should be thought of as a last-resort safety net. Please DO NOT rely on reprojection to maintain framerate
I think that's rather unambiguous, so I'll just skip over your personal hang-up and diatribe and move on to the next point.

Yes, I said arbitrary, like here, where you claim the Vive to simply be technically superior thanks to its larger FOV when in fact this is just a tradeoff with apparent pixel density as you later admit.
I never pronounced any of these devices technologically superior across all metrics. I pronounced the FoV larger, because it is.

I will soon have both of these HMD's and then I can provide a first-hand comparison across more than raw data. I'm looking forward to it!

From what I can tell, OpenVR is controlled entirely by Valve, is closed source, and is dependent on the SteamVR runtime to function. How is OpenVR &#8220;open&#8221; in anything apart from name?
I've pointed this out a dozen or so times before, but I'll do so again for you.
The difference is that any company is free (and encouraged, in fact) to implement OpenVR support in their devices.
Companies are explicitly prohibited from implementing, by language designed just for that, support for the Oculus API.


The robustness of the tracking system is... marginal. For some users yes. For most users, probably not. Assuming that people set that up properly (and use opposing corners for room scale).

I agree - but that is a big assumption to make, when all statements from oculus point towards a dual front facing camera setup to reduce occlusion.

Technically opposing cameras seems to work, and I hope oculus realise that proper 360 degree tracking is critical and adopt it formally. If they don't then OR v1 will always be a step behind.

I don't even think they need room scale, and I'm starting to not like the term generally as I think it negatively affects people's percent option of the amount of space needed. 360 degree standing tracking of headset and controllers is the most crucial thing to deal with. The OR headset already has that with the rear LEDs, but they need opposing cameras to do that for the controllers.


We don't even have official confirmation that Rift is going to support room-scale, It may be possible, but the occlusion, the USB 3.0 cable crossing the room and the lower range and FOV of the cameras may make it not viable from a commercial point of view.


I agree - but that is a big assumption to make, when all statements from oculus point towards a dual front facing camera setup to reduce occlusion.

Technically opposing cameras seems to work, and I hope oculus realise that proper 360 degree tracking is critical and adopt it formally. If they don't then OR v1 will always be a step behind.

I don't even think they need room scale, and I'm starting to not like the term generally as I think it negatively affects people's percent option of the amount of space needed. 360 degree standing tracking of headset and controllers is the most crucial thing to deal with. The OR headset already has that with the rear LEDs, but they need opposing cameras to do that for the controllers.
What I have noticed with the Rift is that - when following the set-up instructions to the letter, mind you! - the tracking with a single camera at least is not perfect for anything other than a seated or standing forward-looking experience. Of course, turning around is much better than with DK2 (which immediately glitched out for obvious reasons), but for some slightly more complex movement it doesn't seem very solid.

For example, there is this spaceship you are in in the Farlands game, and its interior is really beautifully rendered (and the fidelity is awesome coming off DK2!). There's no way to move in-game in that, so I wanted to just take a small step over and lean a bit to inspect the details, and during leaning tracking already started to judder slightly.

I do expect such issues to be resolved -- for head tracking and standing experiences at least - with a second camera. But for now, they are quite limiting still.


We don't even have official confirmation that Rift is going to support room-scale, It may be possible, but the occlusion, the USB 3.0 cable crossing the room and the lower range and FOV of the cameras may make it not viable from a commercial point of view.

I think that, like with a lot of gen 1 VR stuff, we're gonna have a heap of things not officially supported but can be made to work if you're interested.


I think that, like with a lot of gen 1 VR stuff, we're gonna have a heap of things not officially supported but can be made to work if you're interested.

But if the Oculus runtime and SDK don't support more than 1 camera at the same time I can't see how Valve could bypass that to support room-scale with the rift.

Because in the end, OpenVR support for the Rift is just a wrapper around Oculus SDK.
But if the Oculus runtime and SDK don't support more than 1 camera at the same time I can't see how Valve could bypass that to support room-scale with the rift.
They do. The touch will be packaged with an extra camera, and in fact already people have been able to connect two cameras.


Thanks, now I'm curious on why a second camera is mandatory if they just target stand-up and seated experiences.
See my post above.

A single camera is not too great even for standing 360° experiences, and that's just tracking the HMD. Tracking the controllers, which are by nature infinitely more likely to be occluded, with just a single camera would be a disaster for that use case.


See my post above.

A single camera is not too great even for standing 360° experiences, and that's just tracking the HMD. Tracking the controllers, which are by nature infinitely more likely to be occluded, with just a single camera would be a disaster for that use case.

It's not really about occlusion, since the way they recommend you use dual cameras isn't with them positioned in opposing corners of the room, but rather side by side like a pair of stereo eyes. It's about leaving the tracking bounds all together. The cone of the camera view is actually still pretty narrow from what people can tell (they don't visualize it anymore so people can't be sure) but it's easy enough to leave the cone with your head alone - naturally your arms are going to be moving about more to the extremes of the tracking cone even when sitting. I'm expecting Oculus' endorsed camera placement will still have occlusion issues.


True, I could well have simply left the camera cone with my sideways-leaning motion when I lost HMD tracking.

Still, I think occlusion would also be a huge issue with controllers with only a single camera in a 360° experience. How couldn't it be?
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