Hm, thanks, maybe I will try playing it some more. I'll have to rely on my keyboard and voice attack a lot too, because I got a pretty entry level hotas (there's maybe only 12 buttons on it).
12 buttons is fine because you'll probably set one to ALT and another to CTRL. Suddenly 12 buttons becomes ~48 (In most HOTAS cases you have have something set to Button 1, ALT + B1, CTRL + B1, and CTRL + ALT + B1). You have a lot of configuring ahead good sir. And I really do recommend that head start. Get that HOTAS set up just like you decide you want it and get used to it.
Oh and get Voice Attack configured too. If you haven't used it before, it's completely customizable. You can specify what buttons are pressed, what phrases you want it to recognize, set up macros, etc.
If you want a free voice pack, I recommend KICS.
Are The Gallery, Unseen Diplomacy and Budget Cuts actually going to be released at launch? If so, that definitely improves the lineup greatly in my eyes.
I've no idea, sir. I reckon we'll find out sometime this week though.