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The High-end VR Discussion Thread (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Playstation VR)


Well I preordered the Vive. I now have the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive preordered. My game plan is to monitor impressions over the course of April and decide which preorder to keep before either of them ship (can't afford both).

If you can, even better would be to find a place or places to try them both out. Comfort seems to be dependent on the person and it's not easy to describe VR experiences. Might be some nice gaffers nearby if there aren't demo units available, VR is fun to show off.


If you can, even better would be to find a place or places to try them both out. Comfort seems to be dependent on the person and it's not easy to describe VR experiences. Might be some nice gaffers nearby if there aren't demo units available, VR is fun to show off.

I'm pretty sure there is nobody in or around Erie PA. It's a pretty backwards town/area here. :)
I'm hoping there's going to be some therapeutic uses for VR. I would love to do the stuff I can't do anymore as a way to relax. The first realistic VR golf game will probably help decide which headset I'd eventually end up getting. Playing MLB The Show's career mode in VR would be another amazing experience.

While this will be great for gaming, I think it has a chance to help in more ways than just being more immersive for games. Any sort of diving game could help people get over their fear of the deep ocean or sharks, etc.
I think having a fear of sharks is a pretty healthy fear to have but I'm sure doctors offices will be full of VR units in no time at all.


Does anyone have any idea if ill be able to use my astro a50s with my PSVR? Or is that strap going to block them from sitting on my ears properly.


I think having a fear of sharks is a pretty healthy fear to have but I'm sure doctors offices will be full of VR units in no time at all.

Yea, not the best example but I know people that won't play a video game if it has sharks in it so it's beyond just fearing them in the ocean...lol.

I just want to have the experience of doing things I used to do even if it's nothing too exciting. Playing something similar to RollerCoaster Tycoon where you can experience your rides to something as simple as that fully modeled AR-15 demo. Wide range of fun to be had. :p


Neo Member
Well I preordered the Vive. I now have the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive preordered. My game plan is to monitor impressions over the course of April and decide which preorder to keep before either of them ship (can't afford both).

Try to find impressions from people that have both headsets. Expensive purchases tend to bring out a strong bias.


This reminded me to measure my living room.

If I move the coffee table during room scale VR sessions, I have 8 ft x 8ft. I hope that would do for the next year or 2.

I'm playing in a 2m x 2.5m space and that's working great, you should be fine.


Got lost in the sea of replies. Are the bundled games with the Vive only until it launches or will preordering after the 'launch' still get me those games?


I'm playing in a 2m x 2.5m space and that's working great, you should be fine.

Cool! Thanks!

So I assume you have the Vive Pre? Question on the controllers. Do you configure mapping just like a regular steam controller? Or are they preconfigured/not configurable right now?


I still don't know why they are putting analog sticks on Touch. I hope it's not out of some misguided attempt to bridge it to legacy controls.

Maybe they hope people can use this both for motion control games and controller games - like a split Xbox controller - it has ABXY buttons
Yea, not the best example but I know people that won't play a video game if it has sharks in it so it's beyond just fearing them in the ocean...lol.

I just want to have the experience of doing things I used to do even if it's nothing too exciting. Playing something similar to RollerCoaster Tycoon where you can experience your rides to something as simple as that fully modeled AR-15 demo. Wide range of fun to be had. :p
No doubt the Oculus and Vive side of things will have endless amounts of playgrounds like this, while the PSVR will be more controlled. I don't think you have anything to worry about. The AR15 demo was cool and your rollercoaster idea is actually fantastic. I would be surprised if it never happens.


Firstly I never said it is hacked together. Secondly the afterthought I was referring to was the presence of an additional "resting place" for the thumb. Not the analog sticks. That wasn't even there in the original design, hence my contention that they had to throw that in based on feedback. A well thought out controller design shouldn't require guides for the user on where they should rest their thumbs. That's the focus of my "afterthought" criticism.

It reminded me of bad door designs. If you need to put up a sign to tell users whether they should pull or push to open a door, it is a bad door design. The sign there is an afterthought.

I think the marker for your thumb is to reinforce your resting thumb position, so devs have a good idea of the position of your entire hand. There is less ambiguity than eg the vive controller where it might be slightly twisted in your hands. That would fit with oculus' intent to have more hand presence

I don't mind sticks or trackpad. Both can be used for selecting things and showing the position of your thumb (sticks by direction, trackpad because it is capacitive). sticks also allow for locomotion and that doesn't have to mean legacy conrtrols, it could be useful to support eg tunnelling or 1st-3rd-1st person transitions where you move around in 3rd person.


I can't believe I'm second shipment for Vive. If I flip the Rift I'm not going to feel like I'm really apart of the day one VR hype train when it arrives.

id try and time it to have both for at least a few days. Keep the rift and try the exclusives and get to know the comfort, quality etc. Then when the vive comes you can compare and make an informed choice which to keep. You never know, you might keep the rift


Not a rollercoaster sim, but that will be a thing in Chunks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWjqzgUVHzw

at 3:50

Lol. The Node guys are so dope!

I think the marker for your thumb is to reinforce your resting thumb position, so devs have a good idea of the position of your entire hand. There is less ambiguity than eg the vive controller where it might be slightly twisted in your hands. That would fit with oculus' intent to have more hand presence

Interesting point. I can see how prescribing a default position helps with better modeling/presence in-game.


Well it'd be a mixed use room, hence the sofa bed. I'm not remotely serious about a room where the sole purpose is room scale vr... but right now it's a guest bedroom that only gets used when we have two sets of visitors. I don't want to lose that.

I'm glad Oculus reconfirmed what most of us already knew about touch. Not that it'll stop people from presuming it doesn't support room scale. Palmer confirmed it a bit back. Devs have confirmed it. But touch isn't out yet and we have no price. So I'm not about to stop telling people interested in roomscale VR to buy the Vive.

We're the same. Spare room is a guest room but also I have my PC in it. I think my Jedi mind powers are getting better, because my wife actually suggested we get rid of the sofa bed and replace with folding beds for guests (pretty much only my parents). I went one better and suggested an inflatable mattress which can then store in the attic so no space taken up.

I'm now working on how I can rearrange things to make the most space. The biggest issue I have is a low beam cutting the room in half that reduces the headroom to about 2m, so you could easily hit it with an overhead arm motion. Going to draw up some options. Should we have a separate 'VR my room' thread or do stuff like that in here?

Hopefully the 'my rift/vive shipped!' Posts will mostly be in another thread to keep noise down?


Palmer answered to the question about Vive support in Oculus Store (and their exclusive games?). Nothing new really, pretty much just confirms what the leaker said that Oculus could add Vive support if Valve was willing to give hardware access for Oculus SDK, as that's what Oculus thinks is the best.


Basically both parties are looking out for their interests, I hope they can come into some kind of agreement sooner or later to cut this BS.


Why would HTC not give out hardware access to Oculus though? Surely anything about it is known or can be known regardless.

Dildos of business fuckery tend to be double-ended, especially here in the software industry. I'm sure it is about conditions and terms about the overall agreement; neither one of them deserves any benefit of the doubt in this kind of matter.


Why would HTC not give out hardware access to Oculus though? Surely anything about it is known or can be known regardless.

I think HTC might as it's in their interest to sell hardware, but they might have some kind of agreement with Valve that stops it? The leaker mentioned it's between Oculus and Valve.

Q: What's with the rumor of a dispute between oculus and valve / htc that caused Oculus to drop Vive support for their store?

A: Well there is that drop-down in the oculus software's devices tab with the ability to add additional headsets. The Rift is the only headset listed right now but it looks like they plan to add more. I don't know valve well enough to know theír reasons but the last thing I heard was that they would only support it through a Steam VR layer on top of the Oculus SDK which Oculus didn't like.

Q: That is how Valve supports the rift as well right? There is an Oculus SDK layer on top of SteamVR. But Oculus basically doesn't want to do the same and asked Valve to support the Vive through their SDK alone (something they knew they would never get)?

A: I don't know all the details and it's mostly hearsay from other studios we're collaborating with but it sounded like Valve wanted a full-on Steam layer on top of the Oculus SDK a bit like Ubisoft does it with Uplay on Steam but just when using the Vive and not on a game-by-game basis but Oculus wasn't too happy with that. There is also a bit of pressure by Valve to ditch the OVR SDK completely and use OpenVR for all PC builds but that would mean we wouldn't be able to use the Oculus Store and would have to miss out on visibility and profit.


topics like this really remind me that I am on an enthusiast forum

people really dropping money on both rift and vive?

I'm leaning towards vive (the only thing keeping me on rift is EVE), but i feel like I might be missing out on something with the rift if people are snagging both.

does the rift offer something the vive doesn't that warrants dropping another $600, or are those people just rich and money is like water to them


Neo Member
It's hard for me to envision a situation where Oculus would be willing to give up potential market share to a competing HMD that arguably has superior capabilities, when they have invested their capital in funding VR-only games specifically to drive adoption of their platform.

I think this may be a situation where Oculus is technically "open" to other platforms, but the terms would make it impossible to actually happen.


topics like this really remind me that I am on an enthusiast forum

people really dropping money on both rift and vive?

I'm leaning towards vive (the only thing keeping me on rift is EVE), but i feel like I might be missing out on something with the rift if people are snagging both.

does the rift offer something the vive doesn't that warrants dropping another $600, or are those people just rich and money is like water to them

how else will we truely know which is better for us? I think most of use double-dippers aren't planning on keeping both.

Anyone here got a shipping notification from Oculus yet? Have the reddit guys started analysing geography/order numbers?


Neo Member
topics like this really remind me that I am on an enthusiast forum

people really dropping money on both rift and vive?

I'm leaning towards vive (the only thing keeping me on rift is EVE), but i feel like I might be missing out on something with the rift if people are snagging both.

does the rift offer something the vive doesn't that warrants dropping another $600, or are those people just rich and money is like water to them

Right now it seems like the Rift exclusive games are the main defining difference. Some people have made the argument of slightly more comfort or less of a SDE due to the lenses used (they are both the same resolution), but those are more subjective issues that should become more clear once consumers have both devices.


does the rift offer something the vive doesn't

For me it's the exclusives, unfortunately. And I feel like the Rift may be better for longer duration seated experiences (better optics/comfort etc).

But I need Vive for room scale.

So... whynotboth.gif
topics like this really remind me that I am on an enthusiast forum

people really dropping money on both rift and vive?

I'm leaning towards vive (the only thing keeping me on rift is EVE), but i feel like I might be missing out on something with the rift if people are snagging both.

does the rift offer something the vive doesn't that warrants dropping another $600, or are those people just rich and money is like water to them

I think they are rich. In the end, we are in the first generation of VR devices, they are still not very good in some areas in comparison of what it will come in a few years, and the software lineup is also lacking, both in numbers and because it's the first time people are doing VR games so they are learning how to do it now. So after all that, buying both $600 + $800 (+ taxes!) devices... yep, they have to be people with a good economy.

Apart from that, the Rift is more comfortable than the Vive, and I think it will be an important factor on the long run (they are devices that have to be worn to be used!), it also includes a high quality audio system, and slightly less SDE in the screen, and because they started before and they invested more on game development they have a bigger software lineup,


topics like this really remind me that I am on an enthusiast forum

people really dropping money on both rift and vive?

I'm leaning towards vive (the only thing keeping me on rift is EVE), but i feel like I might be missing out on something with the rift if people are snagging both.

does the rift offer something the vive doesn't that warrants dropping another $600, or are those people just rich and money is like water to them

The Rift has a few more exclusive software, better fit/comfort, better image/lenses/less SDE, built-in headset, and reports of "better" motion controls coming (and AFAIK some stuff in the SDK, like async timewarp, but I don't know the context..).

So yeah; I've got both pre-ordered.. However, it makes no economical sense whatsoever to get both. The result is that I've never been more torn in my tech-life..

I'm especially pretty seriously pissed at the Oculus vs Valve situation and the exclusivity crap. This is exactly what was not supposed to happen!


It's hard for me to envision a situation where Oculus would be willing to give up potential market share to a competing HMD that arguably has superior capabilities, when they have invested their capital in funding VR-only games specifically to drive adoption of their platform.

I think this may be a situation where Oculus is technically "open" to other platforms, but the terms would make it impossible to actually happen.

Most profit would come in the end from software, not HMD sales.
But they need also good hardware to drive the store / VR platform.

Let's assume that Oculus can sell 1 million HMD's, and considering they're selling almost at cost the profit (per HMD) might be $30 or something?

So yeah, they would make $30 million from their multi-year HMD venture, which is what Facebook makes in one morning with ads.

But via Oculus Store they can sell many games to each HMD user (already millions counting Gear VR), and take a 30% cut from all of them. That will generate worthwhile $$$.


Oculus being owned by Facebook means they have the buying power too I think.
But then Valve also have the actual influence of being such a massive juggernaut in PC gaming as a platform and generally a 'good guy' appearance.
Oculus are also going to be partnered with Microsoft who don't seem to be playing ball with Valve and Steam these days.

I wish I had the cash to throw at both headsets. Maybe I can get a loan of some. Rift is a gamble for me due to Touch and tracking being unproven until later.
Vive is a gamble because of the support for the games (I wish this wasn't the case because Steam is so awesome) and I think Touch will turn out superior (in physical design, not tracking) to the Vive wands.
Most profit would come in the end from software, not HMD sales.
But they need also good hardware to drive the store / VR platform.

Let's assume that Oculus can sell 1 million HMD's, and considering they're selling almost at cost the profit (per HMD) might be $30 or something?

So yeah, they would make $30 million from their multi-year HMD venture, which is what Facebook makes in one morning with ads.

But via Oculus Store they can sell many games to each HMD user (already millions counting Gear VR), and take a 30% cut from all of them. That will generate worthwhile $$$.

All things equal, people would prefer to buy their software of Steam not on Oculus Store, so they can't try to compete only with the store, they have to compete with the hardware.
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