Yep, starting my classes this week finally. I only have one Gi and I hate having to goto the laundry mat. So I'm hoping another Gi is on deck for a (hopefully early) Christmas gift.
How did the first classes go? Yeah its one thing about BJJ they dont put in the brochure, all the fucking laundry youll be doing. I only have one Gi and even that means a boatload of laundry.
I went back to class last night as my shoulder/knee were a bit better. They feel a lot worse now lol. It was a bit of a shitty class just that i felt like i didnt take much away from it, save maybe for my instructor helping me with my side control pressure. I was hunching over my partner rather than arching my back in a more chest-to-chest manner..
That's definitely my last class for the year now anyway, and if youll excuse some white belt shitposting i was just reflecting on my first year in BJJ. This isnt a "BJJ saved my life" post as i had a pretty decent life before BJJ!
I started in March and really had no idea what i was getting myself into. I thought it would be more self defense based. I really wasn't expecting to essentially be joining a sporting team. At first i was disappointed, but over time i got more used to the idea of sport jiu jitsu and now id much rather be doing this than training to stop knife attacks or whatever.
I did a full 3 months of fundamentals, so no rolling, just drilling. I really wish id started rolling a lot sooner. I kinda feel like those few months were a waste. But having said that, the first time i sparred, i got absolutely fucked up. I had a fingernail almost completely torn off, and a giant fat dude who swore blind he had a bum shoulder and wanted to "roll light" slam me onto the floor and bellyflop onto me. If that had been my first day i probably would have quit. Being honest, i almost did quit after that. I went home and was about to throw my mouthguard, gi, the works, right in the bin. No exaggeration. Literally walked home that night thinking "fuck this shit, im done."
Im not sure if it was stupidity or just pig headedness that made me go back the day after but i did. That was back in July, and aside from being sick all through October ive been rolling every class, ive been bruised, bled, bent and may have developed an unhealthy relationship with ibuprofen.
So i think ive learned that maybe i'm either tougher, or stupider than i realized. I've never had a love hate relationship like i do with BJJ. I love this sport, but by Christ its tough.Mentally and physically. But you all know that already. Some days you leave class feeling great, others you feel like the worst person to ever put on a Gi. But ive kept coming back and whether im awful at BJJ or not (i am), thats a bit of a victory in itself. I know everyones heard the "No Ego on the mats" routine and is sick to death of it, but i really got a deeper understanding of that this year. Nothing humbles you as a grown man of 37 than being tapped out by a 15 year old. I dont know how much longer ill keep training, its already starting to strain my wallet, but i hope its for a while yet.