Dammit, I just preordered it. Love gi material belts.Thank you! As for the zero progress, there's a LOT to take in. You'll get there!!!!
Thank you! I absolutely adore my Flow hemp Gi, but the color of their Purple belt just didn't do it for me. I really wanted a dark, rich Purple color. A nice change from my extremely light blue Koral Blue. Hopefully it grows on you. If not, look at Kataaro's new belt that they just started taking pre-orders on today. It's also gi material, and pre-orders are $35.
Thanks again!
Welcome, how many days a week are you training?Nothing much to add except that I started roughly 3 months ago. Absolutely love it, borderline obsesesed. I am constantly combing the net for videos and articles for techniques.
Grappler's Guide is worth a look. Jason Scully usually sells a technique or position video for a few dollars then you get invited to buy a lifetime membership for around $150. His Facebook group is very active and where he personally answers many questions.Anyone here use any online services to supplement their training? I use Eddie's MTS (for $5!) and BJJlibrary w/ the ribeiro brothers. I've been thinking about trying MG in action but I cant really afford a 2nd bjj subscription so maybe there's someone here who has tried it and has any opinion on it?
Nothing much to add except that I started roughly 3 months ago. Absolutely love it, borderline obsesesed. I am constantly combing the net for videos and articles for techniques.
Anyone here use any online services to supplement their training? I use Eddie's MTS (for $5!) and BJJlibrary w/ the ribeiro brothers. I've been thinking about trying MG in action but I cant really afford a 2nd bjj subscription so maybe there's someone here who has tried it and has any opinion on it?
Dammit, I just preordered it. Love gi material belts
yes i do and love it. looks brand new still. thin but strong and doesn't untie easily. it isn't perfect though as my A2 size seems to have been sewn from two belt pieces but it's hardly noticeable. maeda also makes a gi material belt but i've never seen one in person. i think at the time when i was looking for purple belts, neither had my size so i went with the flow hemp belt but found it too thick for my liking. i've heard nothing but amazing things about kataaro belts so i'm sure i'll be pleased.Sweet! Please post how it is when you receive it. Do you have a Killer Bee Gi belt, by chance?
yes i do and love it. looks brand new still. thin but strong and doesn't untie easily. it isn't perfect though as my A2 size seems to have been sewn from two belt pieces but it's hardly noticeable. maeda also makes a gi material belt but i've never seen one in person. i think at the time when i was looking for purple belts, neither had my size so i went with the flow hemp belt but found it too thick for my liking. i've heard nothing but amazing things about kataaro belts so i'm sure i'll be pleased.
Big month soon.
I have a NAGA tournment and a more local IBJJF tournament.
I need to get a ranked rashguard
Another training partner has a custom kataaro which is really really nice but also super stiff, took a few months to break in. But he ordered it to be stiff and wide so it was always take a while.
yes i do and love it. looks brand new still. thin but strong and doesn't untie easily. it isn't perfect though as my A2 size seems to have been sewn from two belt pieces but it's hardly noticeable. maeda also makes a gi material belt but i've never seen one in person. i think at the time when i was looking for purple belts, neither had my size so i went with the flow hemp belt but found it too thick for my liking. i've heard nothing but amazing things about kataaro belts so i'm sure i'll be pleased.
I just did my first ever nogi class. This is some weird, weird shit after almost a year of gi only. I didn't get to roll tho as the class was just going on forever, hour and a half of warmups and drills, I had to leave after that just to get my bus home before my wife kills me. Oh and my knees are burnt to shit cause I only wore shorts :/
Good luck!! First tourney?
Yeah, that's my biggest complaint with my Kataaro. I got the "soft" and it's still rather stiff. I'm so used to the incredibly soft Koral.
My wife has a Fenom hemp Blue belt. I found it too thick for my liking as well, so figured I would stay away from hemp belts.........unless I could get my hands on a Green Gi belt. Which is practically near impossible it seems. I initially bought a Killer Bee belt, but man....the color drastically drained out of that thing, which caused me to get the Kataaro. I'll use it as my "crap, I forgot my belt" belt.
Nogi is awesome. It's so much faster than Gi.
Last one I placed second in my division.
I ain't fucking losing this time.
Most of the BJJ people freak the fuck out when I get a facelock in on them and their teeth or eyes start moving.
So I got a chance to coach some classes at my school while my professor was away competing at the Europeans. It was easier but also harder than I expected. Easy because I loved sharing my knowledge, hard because time management is difficult. For example, I wanted to deep dive into full mount escapes and all possible scenarios but there simply isn't enough time in a single class. Also, the students, primarily white belts only got excited when I was teaching them submissions. So the challenge is to teach basics, dangle that carrot and teach a submission for the end of class, and do it all within 60-90 min class.
Welcome, how many days a week are you training?
Just had my first class Saturday. God I'm so sore and not very flexible. It was fun. I'm excited to go back. I need to start stretching everyday. I'm a really big guy but while sparring man my energy was draining fast. This was a Gi class.
Just had my first class Saturday. God I'm so sore and not very flexible. It was fun. I'm excited to go back. I need to start stretching everyday. I'm a really big guy but while sparring man my energy was draining fast. This was a Gi class.
Just back from class now. One thing I'm not sure about with this new gym is it think they might only have one sparring class per week, with an open mat on the weekend. Like we did 90 mins of training tonight, mostly drilling and some mild positional sparring (guard passing). But again I had to leave at like 8pm and they still hadn't done real rolling. I can't stay at class later than that, so if they do start rolling late night I can't hanget around that late which really sucks. Even though the drilling and little bit of sparring we did was tough, and enjoyable, and I really like the gym, I'm not sure it's worth it if you're not rolling regularly
You should ask just so you have direction.
Hey all!
So, Cindi took a break from gaf but would still like to stay in touch with her Jiu Jitsu gaf friends. Please pm me your emails so I can give to her if you want to stay in touch.
PS: she says she's really looking forward to rolling with Camajise one day.
Had a really tough class last night. One of the techniques we drilled was a slam of sorts. We had to lift and throw the guy sideways onto the mat. I thought it was weird but we did it a couple times. My partner on the maybe 5th attempt for whatever reason got really aggressive. He legit just body slammed me down and the professor was yelling at as I laid on the mat wondering what the fuck just happened. It fucking hurt. I felt a jolt of pain and a shock run through my back/shoulder area.
During rolling some dude bolted in and accidentally kneed my shin which hurt like hell.
After class I'm usually in pretty good spirits but last night was different. I felt really down afterwards and was frustrated. I'm guessing I was just a little pissed at the slam from earlier. While I'm still not able to much offensively (well, anything really) I understand to not be too hard on myself since I'm still so completely new to this. But that frustration at a lack of offensive is rearing it's head.
Sorry to hear. Sounds like you were drilling a judo throw. Unfortunately, as beginners learning new moves you will often face other beginners who haven't learned control. Control of their weight, their strength, etc. Usually, intensity and resistance increases with every rep you drill. If things progress too much, there's nothing wrong with telling your training partner to ease up if the instructor doesn't do it first.Had a really tough class last night. One of the techniques we drilled was a slam of sorts. We had to lift and throw the guy sideways onto the mat. I thought it was weird but we did it a couple times. My partner on the maybe 5th attempt for whatever reason got really aggressive. He legit just body slammed me down and the professor was yelling at as I laid on the mat wondering what the fuck just happened. It fucking hurt. I felt a jolt of pain and a shock run through my back/shoulder area.
During rolling some dude bolted in and accidentally kneed my shin which hurt like hell.
After class I'm usually in pretty good spirits but last night was different. I felt really down afterwards and was frustrated. I'm guessing I was just a little pissed at the slam from earlier. While I'm still not able to much offensively (well, anything really) I understand to not be too hard on myself since I'm still so completely new to this. But that frustration at a lack of offensive is rearing it's head.
Year it's about all I can do. Next class I'll just suck it up and stay till the end too just to see if I'm really missing out on anything. It just sucks getting home so late.
Doesn't really matter at the moment though because 4 weeks after my last cold, I now have another fucking cold so I'll be off the mats for a few days :/
Had a really tough class last night. One of the techniques we drilled was a slam of sorts. We had to lift and throw the guy sideways onto the mat. I thought it was weird but we did it a couple times. My partner on the maybe 5th attempt for whatever reason got really aggressive. He legit just body slammed me down and the professor was yelling at as I laid on the mat wondering what the fuck just happened. It fucking hurt. I felt a jolt of pain and a shock run through my back/shoulder area.
During rolling some dude bolted in and accidentally kneed my shin which hurt like hell.
After class I'm usually in pretty good spirits but last night was different. I felt really down afterwards and was frustrated. I'm guessing I was just a little pissed at the slam from earlier. While I'm still not able to much offensively (well, anything really) I understand to not be too hard on myself since I'm still so completely new to this. But that frustration at a lack of offensive is rearing it's head.
Congrats for placing dude! I've heard constant horror stories about Naga always running late. Last year there was an event here in Hawaii and I heard they ran hella late and even some of the officials that flew in left the event before it was finished to make their flight back home.![]()
I placed 3rd in no gi and lost my first gi match.
Side note stay away from NAGA if you can help it. We started 3 hours late and it was a fucking mess.
They have to have events run 2 days.Congrats for placing dude! I've heard constant horror stories about Naga always running late. Last year there was an event here in Hawaii and I heard they ran hella late and even some of the officials that flew in left the event before it was finished to make their flight back home.
I'm not too familiar with Naga rule set but what did they allow for gi - stuff like straight ankle locks or kneebars?Only thing I like about it is they don't ban most leg locks.
This is my second one. For beginner it's no reeping of the knee and no heel hooks.I'm not too familiar with Naga rule set but what did they allow for gi - stuff like straight ankle locks or kneebars?
I placed 3rd in no gi and lost my first gi match.
Side note stay away from NAGA if you can help it. We started 3 hours late and it was a fucking mess.
I remember how I let a guy on his trial class get the move of the day on me during live rolling. I think it was a spinning armbar aka 180 armbar. I tapped and then the guy reacted like he just won the UFC championship; both fist in the air, collasped to his knees screaming YES, and even looked teary eyed. Whole class kinda laughed and shrugged it off. Dude didn't sign up to the gym and never came back. He went home undefeated and retired from grappling I guess.
If you tapped a purple belt in your 2nd ever class, it's because they let you
I hate being Injured. I can barely hold a cup with my right armBeen off the mats for almost two months now. *sigh*. I can feel I am getting better, but damn, I get all sad reading this thread when everyone gets to roll and I can't:'(
What happened?
Yep I have to hold back and gradually increase training. Need to break the cycle. I'll get dedicated to getting in shape. Train like I'm 17. Injure myself and need a few months off. Then never come back. I have to stop myself from going to all the jiu jitsu classes in the week. I already got shit that hurts after two classes.I think it's over training. A small tear in my forearm. But I've been having pains in both arms, elbows, shoulder. I try to look at a break as a opportunity to recover. Sometimes I forget how unnatural it is to throw adult people around with join manipulation. It is a tremendous pressure for our bodies!
I'm not trying to get a big head or anything but I highly doubt that was the case considering the fact he seemed pretty pissed and didn't say a word to me after sparring. After the tap we had about 2 minutes left in our 6 min sparring rounds and he definitely didn't seem to be holding back. The dudes at this gym don't play around. We have a pro fighter in our gym as well. We'll spar again and if he took it easy then so be it. I need to learn and want to learn. I put one of my good friends in a arm triangle (though since I don't know fully what I'm doing I couldn't get him to submit) and I know for certain he was giving it his all.
As I grow the prospect of getting in better shape and being able to go the full 6 mins and retain most of my energy plus add actual skill to my level of strength is going to be awesome. All the dudes keep saying "Fuck man in a few months no one is going to want to spar with you"
Yep I have to hold back and gradually increase training. Need to break the cycle. I'll get dedicated to getting in shape. Train like I'm 17. Injure myself and need a few months off. Then never come back. I have to stop myself from going to all the jiu jitsu classes in the week. I already got shit that hurts after two classes.
Yep. Jiu jitsu exposed my terrible (not like I didn't know I was out of shape) fitness. I feel my stamina level dropping like a video game. Its only a matter of time until I gas. Also I'm terribly inflexible. Been stretching three times a day. Hopefully I'll be more flexible in a year or so. Stretching is helping my back issues.He's more than likely pissed at himself for getting in the bad position to begin with. Ego may be getting in the way, but as they say....you tap people or you learn. My guess is he won't give you that type of advantage again. Being only 5'4" myself, this type of weight difference is common for me. It sucks, but it obviously helps in the long run hah.
It's incredibly tough going against that big of a size advantage. My instructor is a 3rd degree BB, about 5'9", and 190lbs. We had a guy in town, training with us for a month. This dude was around 290, nothing but solid muscle (power lifter and crossfit head), and a 2 stripe Blue belt from Pedro Sauer's gym. Instructor didn't tap, or get in any bad positions, but he had an incredibly tough time rolling with a guy that size and pure strength for about 4 minutes .... until the Hulk got tired. But still, was crazy to see.
I think it's over training. A small tear in my forearm. But I've been having pains in both arms, elbows, shoulder. I try to look at a break as a opportunity to recover. Sometimes I forget how unnatural it is to throw adult people around with join manipulation. It is a tremendous pressure for our bodies!