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The history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is fascinating

What happened?

I've finally gotten all my exams out of the way and will be beginning the regular nogi class. I might try gi in the summer.

Well today it felt like someone was trying to retire me early! Felt more personal to him than just doing jiu jitsu. I don't know! Today can be summed up as "Cindi needs to buy a mouthguard." I bled a bit.
Just to be clear, you're a catch wrestler right? :p
I won't need protecting for bjj, will I?

Some people get cauliflower ear from BJJ. Seems to be luck of the draw. Even I got a lump inside my ear at one point, had to sleep on the opposite side for a while but it shrunk and went away without turning into proper cauliflower
Another class tonight, 2 more techniques learned. I don't know the names and I'm writing them down in a notebook after class. I'm trying to describe it to the best of my recollection but how the heck do you remember all this stuff?!
Another class tonight, 2 more techniques learned. I don't know the names and I'm writing them down in a notebook after class. I'm trying to describe it to the best of my recollection but how the heck do you remember all this stuff?!

Remember as much as you can. You'll eventually see it pop up again and be like "I remember this" and then you'll see it a third time, and hey, you can do it even better now! Don't worry about remembering what to do at first. Just write down in the journal. As you learn more, you'll be able to learn moves faster because you'll start to understand the inner logic of jiu jitsu and what you're trying to do.
Another class tonight, 2 more techniques learned. I don't know the names and I'm writing them down in a notebook after class. I'm trying to describe it to the best of my recollection but how the heck do you remember all this stuff?!
I'd advise you to don't worry so much about remembering everything. Have fun and get to class as much as your body allows. Survive, don't be so tense, and slow things down.


Another class tonight, 2 more techniques learned. I don't know the names and I'm writing them down in a notebook after class. I'm trying to describe it to the best of my recollection but how the heck do you remember all this stuff?!

You know if they ask lower belts . They will tell you how many videos they watch for many techniques and moves and the time to memorize them . You talk to higher belts they will talk about body positioning and understanding how to make your opponent weaker , it's not about memorizing moves but understand why undertook works or why when passing guard hip control effect the guard player etc

Point I am trying to make is this is s marathon . And you are at the stage where it's overload. It's just like in school where you memorize first and then understand how it works.

We all go through this. Enjoy this high. There are really no short cuts in this journey
Excellent class today. A lot of my partners are disappearing though. Thursday morns used to have far more people. Now we only have like 6 people show up in mornings. Stuff like this makes me worry about the health of the school. Haven't seen some people I'm used to seeing in almost a month and a half. It's like they disappeared. "Did they quit or start going to different classes?"

Oh well, faces come and go it seems.


Made a kid cry today. I felt so sad about it. I was rolling as slow as possible with him and even with both coaches right on top of us he still got just.
Had a couple of interesting rolls this morning.

I mounted a bigger stronger guy and I transitioned back and forth from mount to his back. I have to toot my own horn and say I was very proud of the patience I showed. I use to hate taking mount as a white belt as I would always get swept but over time I've studied the position, put in the hours, and it's paying off. I even finished the rear naked using intricate details shared from higher belts. Details that I've never been taught in a regular class.

I find that the intricate detail stuff is so useful. The details really matter. Even better, you'll go to open mat and be like "I'm having trouble with this move" and they'll show you an even better one that has wider range of use.

Made a kid cry today. I felt so sad about it. I was rolling as slow as possible with him and even with both coaches right on top of us he still got just.

What'd you do?


I find that the intricate detail stuff is so useful. The details really matter. Even better, you'll go to open mat and be like "I'm having trouble with this move" and they'll show you an even better one that has wider range of use.

What'd you do?

We rolled and while I had some weight on him I wasn't trying to muscle my way through rolling. I submitted him 5 times in 5 minutes with the last one being a straight achilles lock.

He came close to getting me a few times with a triangle and even manged to pass me using a butterfly guard sweep. But that last lock I guess he just started crying and he said his foot hurt.

He got up and we got some ice on him but I've never seen anyone cry in the gym before and I've gotten completely fucking smashed by people almost 300 lbs.

I felt guilty the entire night and he's the one taking to rolling and drilling with me for the past 3 weeks.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Went to my first class yesterday.

I haven't been that exhausted in a long time. Everything hurts today. Feels good.
We rolled and while I had some weight on him I wasn't trying to muscle my way through rolling. I submitted him 5 times in 5 minutes with the last one being a straight achilles lock.

He came close to getting me a few times with a triangle and even manged to pass me using a butterfly guard sweep. But that last lock I guess he just started crying and he said his foot hurt.

He got up and we got some ice on him but I've never seen anyone cry in the gym before and I've gotten completely fucking smashed by people almost 300 lbs.

I felt guilty the entire night and he's the one taking to rolling and drilling with me for the past 3 weeks.

Do you think he'll be back?

Went to my first class yesterday.

I haven't been that exhausted in a long time. Everything hurts today. Feels good.

Tell us about your impression of your first class.


I met an old man who just arrived from Brazil. It turns out he is a Jiu Jutsu black belt and has been training since he was at infant school. He has agreed to teach me private lessons since he is eager to learn English. I have to say my BJJ has improved in leaps and bounds since I started. His flavour of BJJ is different from the Gracie Barra stuff I'm used to. And his emphasis is on mastery of efficient movement and use of body weight rather than individual techniques. He doesn't concentrate on submissions when he teaches - he is more interested in your movement mechanics and where you put your body weight. He has also said he can teach me what he terms "old style jiujitsu" which has striking and not just grappling.

I don't think he has plans on opening a school. And I've decided not to tell the people at my regular academy that I'm taking privates elsewhere. Just to avoid any politics.


This is gonna go deep.

BJJ is evolved from a system of self defense and it's idea of superior positional stems from the logic that the best positions are ones where you can hit or submit your opponent but cannot be hit by them. So there is a positional hierarchy in BJJ that comes from this line of thinking. This is how the sport of BJJ has evolved. Even though striking is not allowed, the idea is still there, you are rewarded for positions where you are not in danger of being struck but can strike or submit your opponent.

Because of this theory, leglocks have been under utilized in BJJ for decades. The general rule of thumb is that in order to attack a leg, you leave the other limbs free to move around and hit you so BJJ never really developed a positional hierarchy for leglocks as it has for armlocks and chokes.

However, as it's evolved to become more of a pure grappling sport, people figured out that in the absence of striking, there are dominant leglock positions that you can attain in pure grappling and that it has not been as thoroughly explored as upper body control. So there is a wider gap in knowledge and skill there than any other aspect of grappling right now.

Hence, the prevalence of leglocks in EBI.
BJJ evolved from a mix of the sports of Judo and Catch Wrestling. From what I've heard these arts both have leg locks in their arsenals. The guy who taught the Gracie's grappling was Mitsuyo Maeda, he trained Judo at the Kodokan and was an ambassador for Jigoro Kano's art overseas. He was also a Catch Wrestler and competed in Catch-as-can rules contests under the name Count Korma.

At same point when the Brazilians began to emphasis positional domination they began to de-emphasise the leg locks because they can lead to bad habits. I still think there is definite risk vs reward thing when going for leg locks as opposed to going for the neck or the back which is the ultimate aim of BJJ. You are allowed leg locks under IBJJF rules but the rules are strict to prevent injury.
I met an old man who just arrived from Brazil. It turns out he is a Jiu Jutsu black belt and has been training since he was at infant school. He has agreed to teach me private lessons since he is eager to learn English. I have to say my BJJ has improved in leaps and bounds since I started. His flavour of BJJ is different from the Gracie Barra stuff I'm used to. And his emphasis is on mastery of efficient movement and use of body weight rather than individual techniques. He doesn't concentrate on submissions when he teaches - he is more interested in your movement mechanics and where you put your body weight. He has also said he can teach me what he terms "old style jiujitsu" which has striking and not just grappling.

I don't think he has plans on opening a school. And I've decided not to tell the people at my regular academy that I'm taking privates elsewhere. Just to avoid any politics.

I need to see this.

How'd you even meet him? Sounds like a rad story.

I hope so.

I don't blame him. There are times I wanted to cry because of frustration early in the game. I had to hold it back hard though. I'm surprised he'd actually cry. Maybe he's just frustrated. Did you pat him on the back and tell him he did some good stuff and to work harder and come back?


I need to see this.

How'd you even meet him? Sounds like a rad story.

I don't blame him. There are times I wanted to cry because of frustration early in the game. I had to hold it back hard though. I'm surprised he'd actually cry. Maybe he's just frustrated. Did you pat him on the back and tell him he did some good stuff and to work harder and come back?

Yeah. I can understand being frustrated if I was squashing him or just going nuts with centering my leg but I was purposely trying to cycle through subs.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Tell us about your impression of your first class.

Nice, hope you stick with it! How was the class?

Got there early, signed up. Talked to some people as they trickled on. Everyone I interacted with was nice, helpful, respectful. Can't complain one bit.

Did about 10-15 minutes of warm ups , then paired up for takedown drills. Did singles, doubles and hip tosses. Guy I paired with was easy to work with and I did my best to return the favor. Slowly going through the takedowns and seeing where we were going right, or wrong. It became apparent just how much more there is to it than just power. Head placement and pushing with it, being tight. Was fun.

And then we paired up again for rolling. Was using too much power to sweep and pass, got tapped a few times. By the end of the 20-25 I had nothing left. My last partner was on top in the last session and I was just trying to survive. I had so little left I was just holding and doing just enough to let him know I can respond to what he does but not much more than that.

Broke, did some cool downs and that was that. Chatted with some more guys, was invited back. Super positive all around. Besides everything hurting right now. :)

Already want more though. Putting what I know as a longtime armchair analyst through a filter of technique and practice is exciting. As is getting my ass handed to me on the mats and in my muscles.
Got there early, signed up. Talked to some people as they trickled on. Everyone I interacted with was nice, helpful, respectful. Can't complain one bit.

Did about 10-15 minutes of warm ups , then paired up for takedown drills. Did singles, doubles and hip tosses. Guy I paired with was easy to work with and I did my best to return the favor. Slowly going through the takedowns and seeing where we were going right, or wrong. It became apparent just how much more there is to it than just power. Head placement and pushing with it, being tight. Was fun.

And then we paired up again for rolling. Was using too much power to sweep and pass, got tapped a few times. By the end of the 20-25 I had nothing left. My last partner was on top in the last session and I was just trying to survive. I had so little left I was just holding and doing just enough to let him know I can respond to what he does but not much more than that.

Broke, did some cool downs and that was that. Chatted with some more guys, was invited back. Super positive all around. Besides everything hurting right now. :)

Already want more though. Putting what I know as a longtime armchair analyst through a filter of technique and practice is exciting. As is getting my ass handed to me on the mats and in my muscles.
Sounds like you enjoyed it! Went right into the with the rolling lol.
anyone got any recommendations for some rashguards?

Any funny ones?
If it's for something under your gi you could just use some plain under armour/Nike compression. Sometimes bjjhq will have a sale on some. Clinch gear / 93 brand make nice affordable stuff too. Hypnotik makes a whole bunch of themed stuff.
Feeling pretty crappy since I've missed my last two classes. I'm trying to go at least 2 times a week and on occasion I'll shoot for 3 times. Last week I only went once since I got stuck doing some work on Friday and missed that class.

Missed last night's class simply due to being a lazy ass. Had the day off from work so I wasn't motivated to do anything outside of relaxing and now I'm feeling guilty. Can't wait for Wednesday's class now. I'm craving it.
I need to sort my shit out too. I've been putting off going back for the last week or so. I'm definitely decided I can't afford my old gym anymore, but each time I've brought my gear with me to work with the intention of checking out this cheaper gym I've made an excuse and skipped it.
I think the longer I leave it the easier it gets to make excuses too which isn't good. It's like I really genuinely miss training, but then the time comes and the old butterflies kick in, and the nervous part of my brain is all "oh shit I bet tonight's the night someone pops your ACL!!" and I'll wind up skipping it. Need to just say fuck it and get off my ass and go.
I need to sort my shit out too. I've been putting off going back for the last week or so. I'm definitely decided I can't afford my old gym anymore, but each time I've brought my gear with me to work with the intention of checking out this cheaper gym I've made an excuse and skipped it.
I think the longer I leave it the easier it gets to make excuses too which isn't good. It's like I really genuinely miss training, but then the time comes and the old butterflies kick in, and the nervous part of my brain is all "oh shit I bet tonight's the night someone pops your ACL!!" and I'll wind up skipping it. Need to just say fuck it and get off my ass and go.

Yeah definitely just go before it another week passes all the remaining motivation completely leaves you. So I'm guessing those butterflies and injury thoughts never leave? Because the day of class that's all I'm thinking about. It gets worse the closer I get to leaving work because then I know I'm only a couple hours away from class LOL

The cost is a big factor too as I'm paying quite a bit for my gym but the other gyms that are near me aren't THAT much cheaper and their schedules definitely don't mesh with mine. I'm looking at it as an investment in myself but some days I feel guilty dropping that much cash.
Yeah definitely just go before it another week passes all the remaining motivation completely leaves you. So I'm guessing those butterflies and injury thoughts never leave? Because the day of class that's all I'm thinking about. It gets worse the closer I get to leaving work because then I know I'm only a couple hours away from class LOL

The cost is a big factor too as I'm paying quite a bit for my gym but the other gyms that are near me aren't THAT much cheaper and their schedules definitely don't mesh with mine. I'm looking at it as an investment in myself but some days I feel guilty dropping that much cash.

I think the nerves get better, but dont go away, at least not for me. Ive seen alot of people say the same. And youre essentially describing every training day i have right there, the hour in work before class ill get butterflies, start having visions of separated shoulders, dislocated fingers, broken noses etc haha...but ive always been a worrier! Its probably the hardest part of any class, just setting foot inside the door.
I think the nerves get better, but dont go away, at least not for me. Ive seen alot of people say the same. And youre essentially describing every training day i have right there, the hour in work before class ill get butterflies, start having visions of separated shoulders, dislocated fingers, broken noses etc haha...but ive always been a worrier! Its probably the hardest part of any class, just setting foot inside the door.

Looks like we're similar in that sense. I'm a wreck before class but usually once we get going on the warmups I get more comfortable. There's usually a tad bit of worry in the back of my head but I'm generally fine once class begins.
Looks like we're similar in that sense. I'm a wreck before class but usually once we get going on the warmups I get more comfortable. There's usually a tad bit of worry in the back of my head but I'm generally fine once class begins.

Yeah thats it, once youre through the door the hardest part is done. Im determined to get back to it now. Monday night im gonna go to the new gym and check it out. So if i dont post my impressions here on Monday, feel free to make fun of me for chickening out lol.

Also just a question about belt promotions for you guys. Does your gym do promotion "ceremonies"? Like i just saw on FB my current gym is holding a graduation. They did this once last year too (i couldnt go tho, had a christening to go to). But like ive only ever seen 2 in-class promotions in the 8 months i was there. One guy got a stripe on his white belt, and one guy got his blue. And that was it. And now theyre doing a ceremony you have to pay 15 bucks to go to, and you may or may not get promoted at it. You just have to turn up, pay, and hope you did enough to get your promotion. It just seems slightly scam-esque to me. Like you rarely to never promote people all year, then charge people to come to this ceremony. So if you want to get a stripe/belt, you pretty much have to go pay for it. I dunno, it just seemed a bit lame to me.


I've never really been nervous about grappling until somebody essentially showed me a rolling clinch that straight up looks like you could break somebodies neck.
I've never really been nervous about grappling until somebody essentially showed me a rolling clinch that straight up looks like you could break somebodies neck.

I was always a nervous kid. When i was small, i was terrified of nuclear war. When i was 12, i was sure i was somehow going to get gangrene and lose a limb. What fucking 12 year old worries about that?! lol
Yeah thats it, once youre through the door the hardest part is done. Im determined to get back to it now. Monday night im gonna go to the new gym and check it out. So if i dont post my impressions here on Monday, feel free to make fun of me for chickening out lol.

Also just a question about belt promotions for you guys. Does your gym do promotion "ceremonies"? Like i just saw on FB my current gym is holding a graduation. They did this once last year too (i couldnt go tho, had a christening to go to). But like ive only ever seen 2 in-class promotions in the 8 months i was there. One guy got a stripe on his white belt, and one guy got his blue. And that was it. And now theyre doing a ceremony you have to pay 15 bucks to go to, and you may or may not get promoted at it. You just have to turn up, pay, and hope you did enough to get your promotion. It just seems slightly scam-esque to me. Like you rarely to never promote people all year, then charge people to come to this ceremony. So if you want to get a stripe/belt, you pretty much have to go pay for it. I dunno, it just seemed a bit lame to me.

Last week two people got stripes on their white belts. On my gym's instagram page I've seen videos posted when people get promoted to a new belt and they all walk and get belt whipped by everyone. That's about all I know about promotions at my gym.

The whole paying $15 to see if you get promoted sounds like a total scam.

In other news, last night's class we focused more on guard work. I partnered up with another no stripe white belt who had a few extra classes of experience over me. It's just shocking to see the difference rolling with a white belt with no stripes, to a white belt with 1, 2, or 3 stripes. It's a damn night and day difference.

Anyways, hip flexor on my right side is absolutely wrecked. Need to foam roll and stretch after work because I have a feeling it's going to feel even worse tomorrow haha
PB, knee pads are a personal preference. Some prefer little support, some more support, same with the padding. As someone who has osteoarthritis in my knees I always wear them and through 5 yrs of grappling my fave are the Asics Snapdown. Just be sure you get clarification whether or not they come individually or in a pair. Wash them regularly with your gis too as they will get funky otherwise. I've had my first pair last me going on 4 yrs now.


Stupid question, but which was is up on these? I'm assuming the smaller extension pad goes on the bottom of the knee?
Yeah, paying for ceremonies or testing is a very non-BJJ thing to do but I understand that many gym owners are coming from more traditional martial arts where this process is the norm.

PB, yeah the skinny end is for below your knee cap.
Only I could be dumbass enough to turn up for my trial class at the new gym on brand new virginal white belt inauguration class lol.
On the plus side I got a nice refresher in shrimping and break falls 101 and a guy in a Gi that's not so much as tasted a drop of sweat was kind enough to show me everything I was doing wrong! I said nothing, just smiled, nodded, all the while internally I'm just like

Well Brerlappin, at least you went!

Fox, bummer about the stripes

I haven't been to class since last Wednesday. I might not even make it to class this week, we moved into a new building for work and there's a bunch of all day meetings and office parties. I might be able to squeeze in a class Friday but we'll see. I'm feeling pretty guilty/bad about missing so that's good at least. It tells me I'm motivated to keep pushing and not just quit or slack off.


Tested and received my Purple belt last week. Couldn't be happier.

Test was going to another school (instructors are good friends) and rolling vs some of their upper Blues, lower Purples. Was a great time and it was nice to meet new people.

Next month, a few of us are going to start going to other schools on every other Saturday. Just to get more exposure and meet new people. Really looking forward to it.

**Edit. Got a Kataaro belt. Incredible craftsmanship in it.
Well Brerlappin, at least you went!

Fox, bummer about the stripes

I haven't been to class since last Wednesday. I might not even make it to class this week, we moved into a new building for work and there's a bunch of all day meetings and office parties. I might be able to squeeze in a class Friday but we'll see. I'm feeling pretty guilty/bad about missing so that's good at least. It tells me I'm motivated to keep pushing and not just quit or slack off.

haha thanks. I have to say tho, i know myself, and alot of white belts sometimes feel like you make absolutely zero progress, and youre actively getting worse instead of better, but seeing a class of day one newbies flailing around the place really puts into perspective just how much you've learned. Its crazy because sometimes i genuinely feel like the worlds worst jiu jitsu doing guy, but then you see the complete rookies at it and its like "holy shit, ive actually learned quite a bit".

Dont worry about missing the odd class here and there. Especially if youre a casual BJJ player, just turn up when you can. As they say, some BJJ is better than no BJJ.

BrettWeir, congrats on the purple, thats fucking amazing!
Tested and received my Purple belt last week. Couldn't be happier.

Test was going to another school (instructors are good friends) and rolling vs some of their upper Blues, lower Purples. Was a great time and it was nice to meet new people.

Next month, a few of us are going to start going to other schools on every other Saturday. Just to get more exposure and meet new people. Really looking forward to it.

**Edit. Got a Kataaro belt. Incredible craftsmanship in it.
Congrats on the promotion. I bought a Flow hemp belt and am not too happy with the craftsmanship and thickness. Good news is a training partner has the same belt and it has aged beautifully. No issues with any stitches, it softenned up quite a bit, and the color wears in a destictive fashion unique to hemp. I still don't know if I like it better than my thinner gi material belt.


haha thanks. I have to say tho, i know myself, and alot of white belts sometimes feel like you make absolutely zero progress, and youre actively getting worse instead of better, but seeing a class of day one newbies flailing around the place really puts into perspective just how much you've learned. Its crazy because sometimes i genuinely feel like the worlds worst jiu jitsu doing guy, but then you see the complete rookies at it and its like "holy shit, ive actually learned quite a bit".

Dont worry about missing the odd class here and there. Especially if youre a casual BJJ player, just turn up when you can. As they say, some BJJ is better than no BJJ.

BrettWeir, congrats on the purple, thats fucking amazing!

Thank you! As for the zero progress, there's a LOT to take in. You'll get there!!!!

Congrats on the promotion. I bought a Flow hemp belt and am not too happy with the craftsmanship and thickness. Good news is a training partner has the same belt and it has aged beautifully. No issues with any stitches, it softenned up quite a bit, and the color wears in a destictive fashion unique to hemp. I still don't know if I like it better than my thinner gi material belt.

Thank you! I absolutely adore my Flow hemp Gi, but the color of their Purple belt just didn't do it for me. I really wanted a dark, rich Purple color. A nice change from my extremely light blue Koral Blue. Hopefully it grows on you. If not, look at Kataaro's new belt that they just started taking pre-orders on today. It's also gi material, and pre-orders are $35.

Thanks again!
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