Vigilant Walrus
Vigilant Walrus.. you are simply amazing!! :O
This is fantastic, yet at the same time terrible because I'm entering exam time but I want to dig into every single one of these now lol.
The problem I'm having with spats is that I'm actually quite skinny so I'm unsure what size to go. I'm about 5'9 and 125 pounds so I don't know if I should go extra small or small.
Damn those reversal tights are expenssiiive. I think I'll just get some cheapish plain black ones. I don't wanna get some crazy spatss trying to look like a badass.. when I'm not lol.
I just splurged on black Friday so I think those scramble ones look in my price range.
BJJhq is sweet, but I need some spats to throw on right away and it looks like they just do a single random daily deal.
The class was AWESOME. We did our first roll today with our classmates. We took turns drilling passing guard -> side control -> mount -> bottom reverses -> back in guard.
Not sure what that sequence is called, but continually went back and forth which felt great. At the end we did some real time sparring er rolling.
We had to break guard and get to mount and on the bottom keep guard. I was going with a guy about 140-150ish so I was unsure if I would be effective at all against him but I just kept trying to keep applying to all the details I could remember and I reversed him!! Felt so good dude.. haha
He was quite strong so it was hard to keep him in my guard but I think with time I'll be able to keep someone there! Breaking guard was also fun! Once I passed one leg I slowly slithered my other leg out hehe. Perks of having sticks for legs. We're learning triangles next class.![]()
No problem mate. I also made a list with some previous interesting specific videos and highlights on a previous page. You might find some of it interesting as well (I was cleaning out old bookmarks.
Oh yeah, those Reversals are totally fashion statements. They are like the Shoyoroll of Fight Brand (Shoyoroll is this really limited collectible Gi's that some people go crazy over. Highly limited and expensive. It's just a regular Gi with some fancy branding and stitching thou) I cannot afford such either. I have some 15 dollar spats I got off Amazon. They have no logos but they get the job done. I actually mostly use gi pants and a rashguard/t-shirt in No-Gi classes. I like protecting my knees because It hurts when my knees are rubbing against the mats when sliding, falling, shooting!
Good job! Guard retention is difficult! When you're dealing with stronger guys my advise to you (as a big guy) is to try and fight to tire them out. People will steamroll you and smash through your guard. Power pressure type passes. The cool thing is that there is a million ways to retain your guard or change guard. It will probably take a few years to find one you really really really love
So...I've never seen this Fight Quest episode of BJJ.
It's so fucking cool. You get to see Rickson standing there like the BJJ God he is like a badass as these guys train in Rio. Try not to squeal, I dare you.
He is really stoic! It's very cool!