I like my smaller morning class as well. It's very easy to get lost in the big classes with 30+ people and only one instructor. You can learn a new technique but may not get the supervision from the instructor during drilling.Went to the morning class today. Was fucking hard. Learned a lot.
I think the morning schedule will work much better for me. It's a great way to start the day.
I'm exhausted
I'm preparing to buy my first set of Gi's. I'm leaning towards a white Fuji All Around and a blue Tatami Estilo. I've read those are both solid entry level gi's that won't aren't too expensive.
What do you all use to transport your gi's after a session? I don't have a washer/dryer at my apartment complex so I'm trying to figure out a schedule for that sort of stuff. Is it ok if a gi sits around for a day or two after use? Or is it better to wash asap after use? Do any of you just wear sandals to and fro the gym? Is it normal to wash those too when using? Or am I overthinking that part?
May order some tape to project my fingers. I'm so excited to dive into this!
Today was a good day.
I got my first stripe
Today was a good day.
I got my first stripe
I rolled 5 times today. Wow. I feel so honored to roll in front of the class to demonstrate a move today. It feels like I'm really a part of the family now. Almost been a year since I started. Hard to not feel proud about tonight.
Congrats on the stripe! Were you able to contain your excitement?
both Marcelo Garcia and the Mendes Bros post vids of famous grapplers who drop in to roll with them. Off the top of my head, try Marcelo Garcia vs Cobrinha, and Rafael Mendes vs Luke Rockhold. Don't know how much you can study if your game isn't like theirs but those rolls are entertaining.Sounds absolutely brutal Walrus. I'd take a class off after that.
What are some must see BJJ matches on YouTube so I can study them?
both Marcelo Garcia and the Mendes Bros post vids of famous grapplers who drop in to roll with them. Off the top of my head, try Marcelo Garcia vs Cobrinha, and Rafael Mendes vs Luke Rockhold. Don't know how much you can study if your game isn't like theirs but those rolls are entertaining.
Yeah but the original was 10 minutes and had crazy fast cat-like scrambles. I don't find the original on YouTube anymore.This one?
Every time I watch Marcelo I feel like I'm watching this jiu jitsu God.
Someone made a camp for guys over 240 pounds- Everyone from all the clubs came together and we rolled, and I got my shit kicked in. Severely. I got crossfaced so bad I had a open wound on my nose from the grinding even though it was his rashguard. My face was swolen.
One guy in particularly subbed me 20-30 times. He had had spend months with Renzo and Marcelo. He really fucked me up.
Peruvian neck ties, brabo, darces and general headlock control. It negated my entire game and I was just trying to survive.
I've done recently in my own gym, but the world is another when you step outside. Goddamn. My shoulders are tense, and I have elbow pains. I cannot do a push up. It just hurts so bad. I look like a wacky flailing tube man when I roll. xD
Rolling with instructor today we got talking about that maybe it's time I change my game. Stop doing the iverted stuff- It's really hard for the neck when someone that heavy is doing it- I don't know how guys like Cyborg do it. It's just so hard to be a bottom guy when they have that kind of weight- Even if that is my own weight too.
My new instructor is crazy good. We do all these yoga poses. I like it a lot. Astangha type poses. I think I'll sub to that BJJforYoga ( https://www.yogaforbjj.net/ ) as it makes sense to me to try and get strength that minimizes the potential damage.
Sounds absolutely brutal Walrus. I'd take a class off after that.
What are some must see BJJ matches on YouTube so I can study them?
Certainly one of my favorites.
And another although it has no sound.
Wasn't sure if this was the appropriate thread to ask questions so please disregard if I'm in the wrong thread.
I just had my first BJJ class. I've been boxing for 3+ years with a few amateur fights and have seen the guys both Gi and no Gi having lots of fun rolling around in my gym so I thought I'd give it a try. It was a lot of fun although I felt completely helpless. I enjoyed the drills at the start of the session as they were slower paced and I had someone a lot more experienced guiding me.
Once the drills were over we were paired off and basically did a handful of 7min rounds and this is where I got lost... I wasn't actually sure what I was trying to do? Boxing is simple, hit and don't get hit, but with the BJJ I just felt like I was grabbing arms/legs with no real method. When a guy flipped me over and had my leg I had no idea what to do so as I was getting choked I had to tap. One guy explained that I should keep my hands close and head up so it's harder to be pulled down but I just don't know what my objective is? I don't know submissions or anything like that so where do I start? I know when I box it is kinda rough having a new person hold pads for you so I kinda felt embarrassed that I was a bad training partner for the more experienced guys.
Can anyone offer up maybe one or two things I should focus on when I'm rolling with others?
Wasn't sure if this was the appropriate thread to ask questions so please disregard if I'm in the wrong thread.
I just had my first BJJ class. I've been boxing for 3+ years with a few amateur fights and have seen the guys both Gi and no Gi having lots of fun rolling around in my gym so I thought I'd give it a try. It was a lot of fun although I felt completely helpless. I enjoyed the drills at the start of the session as they were slower paced and I had someone a lot more experienced guiding me.
Once the drills were over we were paired off and basically did a handful of 7min rounds and this is where I got lost... I wasn't actually sure what I was trying to do? Boxing is simple, hit and don't get hit, but with the BJJ I just felt like I was grabbing arms/legs with no real method. When a guy flipped me over and had my leg I had no idea what to do so as I was getting choked I had to tap. One guy explained that I should keep my hands close and head up so it's harder to be pulled down but I just don't know what my objective is? I don't know submissions or anything like that so where do I start? I know when I box it is kinda rough having a new person hold pads for you so I kinda felt embarrassed that I was a bad training partner for the more experienced guys.
Can anyone offer up maybe one or two things I should focus on when I'm rolling with others?
That level of confusion is how I feel about any striking art.Wasn't sure if this was the appropriate thread to ask questions so please disregard if I'm in the wrong thread.
I just had my first BJJ class. I've been boxing for 3+ years with a few amateur fights and have seen the guys both Gi and no Gi having lots of fun rolling around in my gym so I thought I'd give it a try. It was a lot of fun although I felt completely helpless. I enjoyed the drills at the start of the session as they were slower paced and I had someone a lot more experienced guiding me.
Once the drills were over we were paired off and basically did a handful of 7min rounds and this is where I got lost... I wasn't actually sure what I was trying to do? Boxing is simple, hit and don't get hit, but with the BJJ I just felt like I was grabbing arms/legs with no real method. When a guy flipped me over and had my leg I had no idea what to do so as I was getting choked I had to tap. One guy explained that I should keep my hands close and head up so it's harder to be pulled down but I just don't know what my objective is? I don't know submissions or anything like that so where do I start? I know when I box it is kinda rough having a new person hold pads for you so I kinda felt embarrassed that I was a bad training partner for the more experienced guys.
Can anyone offer up maybe one or two things I should focus on when I'm rolling with others?
Yeah, at least hang them dirty until they dry. You never wanna have dirty workout clothes bunched up in a ball or in a bag, they need to air out to dry or the funk and mildew will grow. I do wear sandals and on a weekly basis I will wipe them down with alcohol or disinfectant wipes and in the summer months wipe them down after every time I train.
PushingButtons, which gym did you finally choose and why?
Guys, I did my first "rolling session" last sunday... I think I'm addicted. Like for real, I had a huge dopamine rush after I left class and couldn't stop smiling. It's just an intro class once every week on sunday. We have yet to roll with classmates but we got to try to apply RNC's and move from side control to mount with the athletes that train there. So much fun. Can't wait for sunday's now.
I posted in the traditional martial arts thread.. but this one is probably better suited!
I'm signing up for the regular session class as soon as I'm done the intro.
I think I want to get into MMA and striking later as well. Just super hyped about BJJ right now though, most fun I've had training any martial art. I feel like this is the beginning of a journey to growth - not just in the realm of martial arts but as a human as well.
Yeah! I took a week off! My neck just wasn't right after that! it's good to have this thread to let it all out
Favorite matches;
Roger and Jacare had a rivalry, and when it was 2-2 (I believe) they met in 2004. Roger breaks Jacares arm by armbar, but Jacare keeps fighting and runs out of the mat to stall for time. Jacare ends up winning on points; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUYwlxHjkMA <It's still one of those things that are heavily contested; bad sportsmanship on Jacares part, perhaps, but on the other hand it is nuts that he did not give up after tearing up his arm.
Rodolfo vs Buchecha; Weirdly enough, while in MMA super heavyweight bouts the fights are often sluggish and not that interesting because the fighters gas out quickly compared to the smaller divisions, in this quarter-finale from 2012, Buchecha gets an epic win over the all-dominating Rodolfo who had torn up the division for years. While these guys are big, they move really really well; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7DLFqLCFqg
Keenan vs Eduardo; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRsKCekH4_o < A slower match, but you can see how the much older Eduardo keeps reasonable well up with Keenan. It doesn't look like he is doing much, and it's not a spectator friendly match, but if you look at the small details- Like what he does with his head, how he makes his body heavy and how difficult it is for Keenan to find openings. This is not 50/50 stalling- It's his brand of "weird jiu-jitsu".
BJJ is about conserving the most energy so you have a better shot against bigger and stronger opponents. I think that Eduardo is fascinating because he is not explosive, but really creative. A survivor who is difficult to submit. He is in his mid 40s but he hangs with the adult division!
Mackenzie Vs Garcia; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J874kJdiNQ
A man by the name of Mitsuyo Maeda taught Carlos Gracie (older brother of Helio Gracie) to fight. What most do not know is that Maeda perfected his system competing in Catch-As-Catch-Can tournaments (as “Count Koma”at the turn of the 20th Century. Maeda is rumored to have fought over 2,000 matches in his career and he only lost two matches one of which was in the “catch-as-catch-can” world championships held in London (he entered in both the middleweight and heavyweight divisions and advanced to the semi-finals in two weight classes)
These videos might be worth watching if you haven't seen them;
Jiu-Jitsu vs The World
A White Belt Story
I suggest watching Roll more than Jiu Jitsu vs The World. Roll has more of a story and controversies within the art. Like sport BJJ vs street BJJ, and the talking points between both sides. Stuff like that. It's more representative of BJJ to me than Vs The World. Vs The World is okay because it contains some insight on why some people do Jiu Jitsu but it's mostly preaching to the choir and in some cases - as much as I love BJJ - comes across as naval gazing. So I suggest watching Roll first. That's not to say Vs The World isn't worth watching, but it's worth considering when you do watch it.
I'd add this to things to watch to Walrus' list:
Invisible Force
Thanks for compiling this list guys! I just finished watching Roll. Super dope learning about how it came to the US, the Gracie challenge, the rivalries between clubs and how it's evolved and changed since those times. Added the others to my watch later list
Even more stoked for tomorrows class, thanks a lot guys I don't know if I can be productive today hahaha!
I want some spats. Anyone know of online retailers that ship to Canada?
How did class go? Bjjhq ships to Canada I think?
One little known fact is that the father of BJJ Mitsuyo Maeda wasn't just a Judo Black Belt but also a competitive Catch Wrestler. He travelled to England and fought under Catch as Can rules as Conde Korma. We also know that Maeda was a prize fighter for a time and fought many no holds barred fights. Therefore the martial art he taught in Brazil was more of a hybrid style based on his many years of fighting rather than straight Judo/Jiu-Jitsu. Which explains why in the early days of BJJ there was a lot of no-rules challenge matches, particularly against all comers from other styles, it's in the spirit of the sport.
Vigilant Walrus.. you are simply amazing!! :O
This is fantastic, yet at the same time terrible because I'm entering exam time but I want to dig into every single one of these now lol.
The problem I'm having with spats is that I'm actually quite skinny so I'm unsure what size to go. I'm about 5'9 and 125 pounds so I don't know if I should go extra small or small.
Damn those reversal tights are expenssiiive. I think I'll just get some cheapish plain black ones. I don't wanna get some crazy spatss trying to look like a badass.. when I'm not lol.
I just splurged on black Friday so I think those scramble ones look in my price range.
BJJhq is sweet, but I need some spats to throw on right away and it looks like they just do a single random daily deal.
The class was AWESOME. We did our first roll today with our classmates. We took turns drilling passing guard -> side control -> mount -> bottom reverses -> back in guard.
Not sure what that sequence is called, but continually went back and forth which felt great. At the end we did some real time sparring er rolling.
We had to break guard and get to mount and on the bottom keep guard. I was going with a guy about 140-150ish so I was unsure if I would be effective at all against him but I just kept trying to keep applying to all the details I could remember and I reversed him!! Felt so good dude.. haha
He was quite strong so it was hard to keep him in my guard but I think with time I'll be able to keep someone there! Breaking guard was also fun! Once I passed one leg I slowly slithered my other leg out hehe. Perks of having sticks for legs. We're learning triangles next class.![]()
Do you NEED spats? Like I told PushingButtons, you don't NEED rashguard. You can just use any old compression shirt. Similarly, you don't NEED spats. You can just put on gym shorts under your gi.
As for the class, sounds really productive. Isn't it amazing seeing the difference between drilling a move and actually sparring with it while the two of you apply resistance?
This is actually a no gi class and I've been wearing some compression tights by UA but the knees didn't hold up past 2 classes surprisingly so I think investing in some spats is worthwhile in the long run. I think I'll be doing this for a while
I think I'm falling in love with this. You know, I've wrestled my friends before and gotten into a couple fights here and there in my younger days so I've felt the feeling of fully applying yourself against someone - or so I thought. When you and your opponent are both consciously trying to defend eachothers passes/limbs, counter-act weight/balance, trying to think a move ahead .. completely different ball game!!