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The Hobbit - Casting, Pre-production, Post-production News And Discussion

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Combovers don't work when there is no hair
elrechazao said:
good, hellboy movies sucked.

The first one was pretty good, the second one was shit wrapped in some decent visuals. Del Toro is good at visuals, but is a bit shit as director (cue Pan's Labyrinth; great visuals, boring as shit plot). And now that Jackson is out too, the Hobbit movies are as good as dead. Still, Del Toro is the only one I could think of as a replacement for PJ.

Fuck it, hand them over to Michael Bay and let him kill the damn thing already by introducing magical fighter jets and Gandalf firing magic missiles everywhere.


elrechazao said:
good, hellboy movies sucked.
But he made Pan's Labyrinth!

That sucks. Executives probably want more battles and longer action scenes in what is adaption of well, essentially a book for children. They want it to be similar to LOTR, while source material is vastly different. Sigh.
Fuuu. Del Toro could've done great things with these films if Cronos, Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone are anything to go by.

Get Jackson back on it, I say.


Spielberg should be chapping Jackson's door to do this. He's been desperate to find a project that will allow him to 'one up' Cameron after Avatar took the SFX crown.

Discotheque said:
This probably means Del Toro will be moving on to his Lovecraft project and Hellboy 3.

Really pissed that I won't see HIS Hobbit film (though in a way whoever directs this will still be in the shadow of Del Toro and Jackson since they completed script duties AND are finished design works and set duties).

But optimistic about his future, he's got some interesting projects in the pipeline.

Frankly I'd be very surprised if any of Del Toro's expensive genre projects gets moving at Universal. The management that made Del Toro's deal have long gone and the new guys are more interested in films based on board games and toys than 'serious' fare. Especially as expensive 'adult films' such as Green Zone shit the bed and Bioshock went the way of flesh.

After Hellboy 2 did no business there will be no sequel to that and Wolfman bombed so they aren't interested in making Universal monster movies anymore either so unless Del Toro wants to make a film based on a board game or some toy from Mattel he's shit out of luck at Universal.

Freshmaker said:

NOOOOOOOOOOO! Besides Paramount would never let him out of his contract to do it.


Lakitu said:
I think Peter Jackson should step up to the plate and direct. He hasn't done an epic since King Kong.

He hasn't done a great epic since FOTR, so Id rather not have him directing again.


Neo Member
This is said news indeed, I can't really think of anyone else that would be as good

am going to watch pans tonight and think about would could have been


Well this sucks, I hope Peter Jackson steps in for this. I don't see any other director I'd like to see do this.
Solo said:
He hasn't done a great epic since FOTR, so Id rather not have him directing again.

More the script than the direction my friend. The Hobbit is adventure all the way, so we might see something a little more akin to FotR. I'm all for Jackson hopping back on board, even though I don't see it happening.


Del Toro would have made the films like no other.
The only good to come out of this will be if he finally makes At the Mountains of Madness.
PhoenixDark said:
Kinda torn on this. On one hand I was looking forward to the film and trusted Del Toro/Jackson. On the other hand the studio drama seemed like the perfect recipe to spawn a money grabbing adaption that turned The Hobbit in to LOTR 2, in 3D.

The Hobbit is not LOTR. It doesn't require two films and multiple battles. Maybe this is a good thing, and will allow Del Toro to do new stuff, and Jackson to get out of the creative slump he's in (haven't seen Lovely Bones but heard it sucked).
Pretty much how I feel about all this. I like The Hobbit, and I felt that del Toro could have done a good job with it, but with him leaving, I don't know what to think. I'd love to see a good movie based off of it, but I don't see that as the most likely outcome based on recent Hollywood trends and Jackson's recent work. (I actually loved King Kong, but The Lovely Bones was a steaming pile of shit, one of the worst adaptations in recent memory. I don't think the book is a masterpiece, but it was absolutely butchered in the transition to screen. Stay far away from it.) I guess there's still a chance of a good film coming out of all of this, but the development hell this movie is going through is pretty shitty.
lordoftherink said:
Pretty much how I feel about all this. I like The Hobbit, and I felt that del Toro could have done a good job with it, but with him leaving, I don't know what to think. I'd love to see a good movie based off of it, but I don't see that as the most likely outcome based on recent Hollywood trends and Jackson's recent work. (I actually loved King Kong, but The Lovely Bones was a steaming pile of shit, one of the worst adaptations in recent memory. I don't think the book is a masterpiece, but it was absolutely butchered in the transition to screen. Stay far away from it.) I guess there's still a chance of a good film coming out of all of this, but the development hell this movie is going through is pretty shitty.

I don't think it's fair to judge PJs directing ability based on Lovely Bones. I didn't enjoy it either, but he's already proven himself with Tolkien adaptations.

And really, the only bad thing about King Kong is that it's far too long and has characterization that would work for Tolkien stuff, but comes out very corny in King Kong.
PJ needs to direct the films now, especially if there's to be any consistency with LOTR.

I don't trust any other director to do it now, del Toro was the only one I could think of.

They need to find a way to make this possible.
Hex said:
Del Toro would have made the films like no other.
The only good to come out of this will be if he finally makes At the Mountains of Madness.
I think that's true and really hope it's his next project!
Dabookerman said:
I don't think it's fair to judge PJs directing ability based on Lovely Bones. I didn't enjoy it either, but he's already proven himself with Tolkien adaptations.

And really, the only bad thing about King Kong is that it's far too long and has characterization that would work for Tolkien stuff, but comes out very corny in King Kong.

Personally I thought King Kong could have been a great film if they trimmed off maybe about an hour from the film.

The set-up for their expedition and the adventure on the island was really really fun. So much better than the last Indiana Jones film.

Actually, better than most big films in the past few years. I'd rather watch it over Avatar.
Discotheque said:
Personally I thought King Kong could have been a great film if they trimmed off maybe about an hour from the film.

The set-up for their expedition and the adventure on the island was really really fun. So much better than the last Indiana Jones film.

Actually, better than most big films in the past few years. I'd rather watch it over Avatar.

I think they could have trimmed the pre-island stuff by about 70%. And cut out all the unnecessary character moments (especially the crew since we never see em again..)


I still say get Gilliam to do it.

If the damn thing never comes out you can blame his curse or whatever.

And if it does come out it will be beautiful you superstitious freaks :lol
Dabookerman said:
I think they could have trimmed the pre-island stuff by about 70%. And cut out all the unnecessary character moments (especially the crew since we never see em again..)
For once I agree with you... Whenever I watch the movie now, I start when they get to the island.


well not really...yet
The Island parts are the worst part of King Kong, though I still enjoy it a lot due to all the wild flora and fauna.

Everything that takes place in New York, beginning and end, is fantastic.

But overall I love King Kong, all 3 hours and 20 minutes of it (extended version). I just generally love movies that spend a lot of time on cool world building (Kong definitely does go overboard on that front though)
Source: AAP - http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5iNeC9Z2y1T2oitckqnMStLiPcVNw

Jackson: I may direct The Hobbit

Peter Jackson has said he may direct The Hobbit himself if he cannot find a suitable director.

Guillermo del Toro pulled out from the highly-anticipated two-part Lord Of The Rings prequel at the weekend.

In an interview with The Dominion Post, after meeting studio representatives to begin the search for a new director, Jackson admitted he wouldn't rule out directing it himself if a suitable person could not be found, saying: "If that's what I have to do to protect Warner Bros' investment, then obviously that's one angle which I'll explore."

But he added he had signed writer and director contracts with Hollywood studios for two other films, with one likely to begin next year, saying: "The other studios may not let me out of the contracts."

Jackson said November was now the earliest start date for shooting, but added: "I just don't know now until we get a new director. The key thing is that we don't intend to shut the project down."

The two films are still being developed to shoot back to back in New Zealand, where shooting had been due to begin this summer with the aim of a 2012 release date.
But there have been constant problems and delays from MGM and New Line, the two studios behind the project.

Ken Kamins, released a statement on Sunday saying: "Peter has obligations and commitments to other films that would make it impossible for him to direct The Hobbit at this time."
Neuromancer said:
For once I agree with you... Whenever I watch the movie now, I start when they get to the island.

I've always liked adventure flicks with large casts of cool characters. Might not remember their names, but to me a crew of fun characters makes the adventure more interesting, makes their deaths a bigger deal, etc. King Kong did that perfectly to me. I loved most of the stuff that occurred on the boat. King Kong is definitely a good film that could have been great with better editing though. Cutting the dinosaur romp would make sense, and some stuff that occurs on the boat.
SquirrelNuckle said:
Well this sucks, I hope Peter Jackson steps in for this. I don't see any other director I'd like to see do this.
since the issue is the studio and not the directing team, I doubt Jackson will step in. it's not like that's going to make MGM move any faster.
Dreams-Visions said:
since the issue is the studio and not the directing team, I doubt Jackson will step in. it's not like that's going to make MGM move any faster.

Yeah but once the MGM thing is sorted out, PJ is the only director who could step in and pretty much start filming right away.

Any other director (cept del Tero) will be like "LOL wut is a hobbit ?" and will have to read the book(s) and get caught up and by then they'll want to make changes to the script ..

It's either PJ, del Toro comes back or the movie is stuck in development hell.
Just bear with me for a minute:

Neill Blomkamp. He's already in with Jackson and Weta. It may not be an obvious fit but Jackson seems like the type who would pick people he knows.


WyndhamPrice said:
Just bear with me for a minute:

Neill Blomkamp. He's already in with Jackson and Weta. It may not be an obvious fit but Jackson seems like the type who would pick people he knows.

Shaky cam documentary Hobbit? Sign me up.


WyndhamPrice said:
Just bear with me for a minute:

Neill Blomkamp. He's already in with Jackson and Weta. It may not be an obvious fit but Jackson seems like the type who would pick people he knows.

He should be working on Halo right now =(


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
What a disaster. These movies were one of the top reasons not to kill myself, now I have nothing to live for. Not only are they pushed back indefinitely now, some other director is going to step in now and pick up the "vision" where it was a left off? What a joke. This thing is going to come out like some sort of focus grouped bullshit.

As for Peter Jackson stepping, I don't know... I mean, I guess it would be cool, I just get the sense that he doesn't really want to do it, that his heart wouldn't be in it. And to be honest, the guy hasn't made a decent picture since Return Of The King. I think if he did make The Hobbit it would be an overly long bloated mess, but that's kinda what I want.

NJ Shlice

Some set photos



Don't know why Peter Jackson just doesn't man up and do the 2 part Hobbit movies. He's already the guy who showed the world how you do a LotR's trilogy. Why not make it official:

"Peter Jackson shows the world how the J.R.R. Tolkien movies should be. Anything less is now unacceptable."


Jackson better get his ass into this film. who does he think he is not directing my hobbit film.
and at the set pics....how I wish I could live there

Funky Papa

Holy shit?

Before anybody gets crazy, let me be clear that we are not reporting that Neill Blomkamp is the director of ‘The Hobbit’. I am not ready to put my name or TheOneRing’s name on a story that says this is fact.

However, we did receive a spy report that stated it as cold, hard, unsurprising fact. We haven’t been able to get a verification but the tip stated some other information on the side that fits with other info from other sources. A bunch of little pieces of information, some rock solid, some unclear, start to form a big picture that looks like it could have Blomkamp in it


In short we know from lots of sources:
1. Jackson doesn’t want to do it
2. He wants somebody he trusts and can be sure of
3. Casting is happening now
4. Pre-pre-production is happening now
5. MGM and Warners need a talent in place yesterday
6. The platform for making a big genre splash announcement is approaching
7. The schedule fits with rumors from many sources
8. Many spies are sounding similar notes
9. One tells us they have seen the film breakdown with Blomkamp directing

So is Neill Blomkamp going to direct “The Hobbit”? Could be. My personal opinion is that this information is correct.

Do it. Do not think about it. Do it.


In other news, it looks like Spyglass might take over MGM, which would hopefully propel both The Hobbit and James Bond 23 back into production.
Eh. I wasn't so hot on District 9. The way it went from a documentary style into a normal film was really jarring and amatuer, to be honest. He has a lot of style, but I don't know if I want him touching this.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Eh. I wasn't so hot on District 9. The way it went from a documentary style into a normal film was really jarring and amatuer, to be honest. He has a lot of style, but I don't know if I want him touching this.

I thought it was incredible given that it was his first movie and had a nice political take through a sci-fi lens on some touchy issues. Also, I like the type of special effects he used and how he was able to get such a great looking movie out of such a small budget. Granted, I'm sure PJ gave him the hookup at WETA, but still. I'd be interested in seeing him behind this, would be a different take than what PJ or Del Toro would have done.


I wasn't big on District 9 either but I think it had more to do with the weak script than Blomkamp's directing skills.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
harSon said:
I wasn't big on District 9 either but I think it had more to do with the weak script than Blomkamp's directing skills.

This and someone earlier called Pans Labyrinths' plot boring has left me dumbfounded.

OT- This movie shouldn't be made. I've read the book, it's best done as a tv movie. Even if it does get its budget I have little faith in anyone now. Peter Jackson ran out of tricks with the Fellowship, he hasn't made a good movie since.

NJ Shlice

Not sure how I feel about Neil.

District 9 was great but it served a certain mood.

Not sure Neil can pull off a movie of epic proportions. And apparently many investors don't either because Neil's Halo Movie got pulled.


NJ Shlice said:
Not sure how I feel about Neil.

District 9 was great but it served a certain mood.

Not sure Neil can pull off a movie of epic proportions. And apparently many investors don't either because Neil's Halo Movie got pulled.

That was before his 30 million dollar movie made over six times it's own budget. I'm certain heads rolled after District 9 was released.
Well as far as total and complete rumors go, I'd be OK with this. I loved District 9, the man has technical proficiency, that's for sure.

To be honest I'd rather see NB try his hand at The Hobbit, than have Peter Jackson grudgingly take it over because he couldn't find anyone else.


otake said:
This and someone earlier called Pans Labyrinths' plot boring has left me dumbfounded.

What's controversial about my statement? Outside of the initial allegorical premise that he ditches early in the film, there was nothing particularly strong about the District 9 screenplay. It's strengths were special effects and balls-to-the-wall action, the fact that it was nominated for best screenplay was ridiculous.
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