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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Here's the logo for the Hobbit film, BTW:



I really do believe The Hobbit is gonna pass up Avatar box office wise. This movie is going to be fucking epic.
Vega said:
I really do believe The Hobbit is gonna pass up Avatar box office wise. This movie is going to be fucking epic.

No way in hell. There are too many people not interested in the series whatsoever. EVERYONE saw Avatar.


well not really...yet
Vega said:
I really do believe The Hobbit is gonna pass up Avatar box office wise. This movie is going to be fucking epic.
At the very least I hope its more successful than TDKR.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Dead said:
At the very least I hope its more successful than TDKR.

If it were one movie it may be, but as two movies, I think each will do less than Avatar and TDKR. It's not as epic and dark as LotR was and I don't think it will attract as large an audience as the old trilogy because of that.

Who knows for sure though.


well not really...yet
Andrex said:
If it were one movie it may be, but as two movies, I think each will do less than Avatar and TDKR. It's not as epic and dark as LotR was and I don't think it will attract as large an audience as the old trilogy because of that.

Who knows for sure though.
It will be humongous Overseas

Return of the King is the most successful non Cameron film overseas ever. The Hobbit will be hugely anticipated. That alone should make it more successful than TDKR WW.


The Hobbit has no chance of reaching Avatar. Grossing nearly 3 billion dollars is not the kind of thing that happens often.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
jett said:
The Hobbit has no chance of reaching Avatar. Grossing nearly 3 billion dollars is not the kind of thing that happens often.
Um, this one has massive kid and crossover appeal. I wouldn't underestimate it.


Solo said:
Want to know how this will do? FOTR numbers, adjusted for inflation.
Why FotR not RotK? Either way you also need to estimate the split of 2D and 3D screens, and how that'll affect ticket prices.


Willy105 said:
Kids? Really? I didn't know that.

I read The Hobbit when I was in 4th grade 27 years ago and loved every bit of it. LOTR, not so much, although I enjoyed the movies.


When he said "over the next 2 or 3 years", I died a little bit inside.

The Hobbit is so far back in my memory that I can barely remember the story.

Great video though.
Discotheque said:
So is Saiorse Ronan confirmed for this film or what?

So glad to know that Shore is back for the score. The music in these films were some of the best ever.

Truly one of the best soundtracks ever.
deadbeef said:
When he said "over the next 2 or 3 years", I died a little bit inside.

The Hobbit is so far back in my memory that I can barely remember the story.

Great video though.

It's it 2-3 years for BOTH parts?
With part one releasing late 2012?
AceBandage said:
It's it 2-3 years for BOTH parts?
With part one releasing late 2012?
It will be like LotR with a one year gap in release between the films.

The fact that PJ is already releasing video diaries makes me very happy at the chances of there being kick ass Hobbit Extended Editions with all those documentaries.


Junior Member
Fix The Scientist said:
lol almost cried watching that video.

I actually did shed a tear at the end of Peter's first video blog.

It's been over 10 years since I started following Peter Jackson's every word, when it was announced that he would be making The Lord of the Rings.

The stories, the friendships, the visuals....

I never dreamed back in 1999 that when 2011 came around I would once again have the opportunity to go along for a second ride into Middle Earth.

This is truly and exciting time for me.

Gotta save up for a 3D HDTV now.

Good times.


Junior Member
bengraven said:
God it's been over 10 years since the first vblogs for LOTR.

Beautiful. Perfect. Seeing McKellen in Bag End was rad.

And even longer than that since Harry Knowles gave his first on the site reports from New Zealand during the early development stages. LOL...I have a word doc somewhere with most of Harry's words about the production. That's one old CD. I need to go find it.


Junior Member
Expendable. said:
No way in hell. There are too many people not interested in the series whatsoever. EVERYONE saw Avatar.

Uhm...how many people were interested in Avatar initially?

The Hobbit may beat Avatar's worldwide numbers.
Kilgore Trout said:
The fact that PJ is already releasing video diaries makes me very happy at the chances of there being kick ass Hobbit Extended Editions with all those documentaries.

You know it.

Extended dvds are possibly my favorite dvds ever.


well not really...yet
Dreohboy said:
Uhm...how many people were interested in Avatar initially?

The Hobbit may beat Avatar's worldwide numbers.
The Hobbit barely has a chance at even beating Titanic, let alone Avatar.

People seem to be forgetting, Titanic's BO is still pretty much an unbeatable milestone.


While I'm very excited, and that vid by PJ was pretty awesome... I can't help but feel The Hobbit won't be as epic as LoTR.

I never read the books, so can someone reassure me, please? Is it even possible for this prequel to be as good or even better than LoTR?
Despera said:
While I'm very excited, and that vid by PJ was pretty awesome... I can't help but feel The Hobbit won't be as epic as LoTR.

I never read the books, so can someone reassure me, please? Is it even possible for this prequel to be as good or even better than LoTR?

The Hobbit had a lot more action than Fellowship, but not as much as RotK.
Though, there's a lot more sense of exploration and danger in The Hobbit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Despera said:
While I'm very excited, and that vid by PJ was pretty awesome... I can't help but feel The Hobbit won't be as epic as LoTR.

I never read the books, so can someone reassure me, please? Is it even possible for this prequel to be as good or even better than LoTR?

Which is more epic, a slightly irritated sky-eye that probably could have been defeated with Visine, or the largest, most ferocious dragon in the history of Middle Earth, swooping down, destroying entire towns and glassing mountains?


Despera said:
While I'm very excited, and that vid by PJ was pretty awesome... I can't help but feel The Hobbit won't be as epic as LoTR.

I never read the books, so can someone reassure me, please? Is it even possible for this prequel to be as good or even better than LoTR?
The Hobbit's scale and plot isn't as epic as LOTR but that doesn't mean it couldn't be just as good. The tone is just going to be a little different.
The Hobbit I suppose can be compared to the journeying of FOTR with a fuck off huge battle in the end. It will be certainly a lot more light hearted since there isn't a sense of gloom and doom in the story like there is in LOTR. It's an adventure through and through.

Mobius 1

Alright, the video made me choke a bit. Seeing McKellen back in the soundstage with Jackson and the enthusiasm of the actors just made me have the warm fuzzies from the first trilogy again.
Despera said:
While I'm very excited, and that vid by PJ was pretty awesome... I can't help but feel The Hobbit won't be as epic as LoTR.

I never read the books, so can someone reassure me, please? Is it even possible for this prequel to be as good or even better than LoTR?

Depends. The book isn't action packed, and is more heavy on adventure; it'll have more action than the first LOTR film though.

But if Jackson decided to turn this into LOTR 2.0 all bets are off, and it could be very action packed
PhoenixDark said:
Depends. The book isn't action packed, and is more heavy on adventure; it'll have more action than the first LOTR film though.

But if Jackson decided to turn this into LOTR 2.0 all bets are off, and it could be very action packed

I think he'll stay pretty close to the source material. As much as he did for the Trilogy, anyway.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I think we'll all be surprised at how much action is featured over the course of the two films, especially if the Necromancer/White Council plot is altered into an out-and-out battle between the two parties, rather than the Necromancer fleeing beforehand.
MYE said:
The fucking crew is back awwww yeahhh

*man tears*

having watched the LOTR Extended Edition making of's countless times ( they are great background listening also) it was so awesome to see so many familiar faces from the staff working on this, I cant wait!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Edmond Dantès said:
I think we'll all be surprised at how much action is featured over the course of the two films, especially if the Necromancer/White Council plot is altered into an out-and-out battle between the two parties, rather than the Necromancer fleeing beforehand.

"Grim-faced" Bard the Bowman alone and the battle for Laketown will be giganto-epic.


ZombieSupaStar said:
having watched the LOTR Extended Edition making of's countless times ( they are great background listening also) it was so awesome to see so many familiar faces from the staff working on this, I cant wait!
I've always meant to see those. When I was in line to see Avatar a woman in the line was convinced I worked on LotR as someone making a clay model or something, apparently it's in there and he's like my twin. I found the epic run time too daunting.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Which is more epic, a slightly irritated sky-eye that probably could have been defeated with Visine, or the largest, most ferocious dragon in the history of Middle Earth, swooping down, destroying entire towns and glassing mountains?
The most powerful force on middle-earth, the ancient successor to the God of evil incarnate OR a reptile fancy for coins.
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