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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Lee Pace joins The Hobbit as Thranduil.



Awesome news, absolutely adore the guy.


Kermit The Dog said:
Seriously, get the Extended Editions of the LOTR movies. The behind-the-scenes documentaries are brilliant. Well-crafted, fascinating and all-round top notch. DO IT.
Seconding this for anyone who hasn't seen those remarkable documentaries. They're essential viewing, both as an intimate chronicle of filmmaking at its best and as a thundering affirmation of the creative spirit. To me they're as special as the films.
Monocle said:
Seconding this for anyone who hasn't seen those remarkable documentaries. They're essential viewing, both as an intimate chronicle of filmmaking at its best and as a thundering affirmation of the creative spirit. To me they're as special as the films.
Also worth mentioning are the 4 commentaries on every film. Honestly, the extended editions are the most special-feature-packed DVDs I've ever bought.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Hugo Weaving confirmed as Elrond.
Hugo Weaving will reprise his role as Elrond the elf for the two-part Hobbit movie now being shot in Wellington. The Hobbit spokeswoman Melissa Booth confirmed that Weaving would feature in Jackson's 3-D prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The confirmation came after reports circulated that Weaving was spotted in Wellington last week.

"One of my more reputable spies ... has reported seeing Hugo Weaving here in Wellington ... shopping at Commonsense Organics, the fruit and vege market in Wakefield St," The Noldor Blog reported. "Of course he shops organics. He's the lord of the elves, for goodness sake."

Weaving, who played Agent Smith in The Matrix, featured largely in the first Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring.

His character Elrond is the father of Arwen, played in Rings by Liv Tyler.

It was a no-brainer really.
So I rewatched LOTR again and all I can say is wow. These films truly are the best films ever made.

I was thinking of making a LOTR thread, but was wondering if this thread would make it pointless?

Should I make a LOTR discussion thread?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Scullibundo said:
Doubt it since Dreamworks haven't got anything to do with The Hobbit.
PJ is cowhatever though, its not completely unrelated.


Lee Pace is indeed awesome. Now please Jackson, don't make him put on one of those silly wigs. They look soooo shit. I'd actually rather have him look like he does in that The Fall pic than the elves look like in LotR.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Flying_Phoenix said:
So I rewatched LOTR again and all I can say is wow. These films truly are the best films ever made.

I was thinking of making a LOTR thread, but was wondering if this thread would make it pointless?

Should I make a LOTR discussion thread?
Do it.

An all purpose LOTR thread where you can the discuss the films and the books sounds great to me.
Neoriceisgood said:
I thought Ian McKellan died years ago.

Now I see he's playing in this movie.

Why did I think he died..? :(
Why indeed, it's not like he's been out of the spotlight since the trilogy. He's been involved in the following films and TV since then:

The Da Vinci Code
X-Men: The Last Stand
Stardust (Narrator)
The Golden Compass (voice)
The Prisoner (TV series)
Jtwo said:
PJ is cowhatever though, its not completely unrelated.

Yes he's a producer but that has nothing to do with what other films will be attached to the preview reel of the film. Its all about a studio wanting to preview their other moneymakers on their own high profile films.

I'd say Tintin is likely to be previewed with TF3.


Lionel Mandrake said:
The heavier Jackson is, the more power he gains. Lost all that weight and BAM! King Kong and The Lovely Bones.
One of these was good, the other was not


Flying_Phoenix said:
I don't get the hate for King Kong.
I think it's outstanding. Well-paced, well-acted, well-produced; especially the first half. Sometimes the internet's tastes confuse me.
Gvaz said:
One of these was good, the other was not

Lovely Bones was wasted potential, the best parts were the scenes in reality. Any time Saorise Ronan started monologuing I couldn't wait for it to be over. The film just didn't know what it wanted to be.


Monocle said:
I think it's outstanding. Well-paced, well-acted, well-produced; especially the first half. Sometimes the internet's tastes confuse me.
It also happens to run about 30-40 minutes too long. My least favorite movie of his.


Monocle said:
I think it's outstanding. Well-paced, well-acted, well-produced; especially the first half. Sometimes the internet's tastes confuse me.
I think it's terrible in almost every respect. Jack Black's acting is groan-inducing, there are sub-plots that go absolutely nowhere, the love triangle is forced to the point of dull, the obvious end takes forever to arrive, etc. The build up to Skull Island was great, if a little heavy on the forced foreshadowing, but everything after that is garbage. Total garbage.

I honestly don't know what I should be liking about it. Kong special effects were great, but the dinos and other large animals just looked pasted in CG. While Kong was the only decent actor in the whole thing. Many scenes felt like people were just reciting their lines without actually reacting to one another. Most of the ending bits in New York were just plain dull.
Scullibundo said:
The Lovely Bones >>> King Kong.

Come at me GAF.

Also, everybody knows that the heavier PJ gets, the jollier he gets.

I'm too scared to see The Lovely Bones, being that I enjoyed the book so much.

Is the film bad as in just a disappointment ala Matrix Revolutions?

Or is it "bad" as in the reception is very mixed ala Tron: Legacy?

Monocle said:
I think it's outstanding. Well-paced, well-acted, well-produced; especially the first half. Sometimes the internet's tastes confuse me.

I think because its a great movie, but in the end its forgettable, hence why nobody talks about it today. After The Lord of the Rings, Jackson was seen by some to have the golden touch that Spieldberg did during the late 70's and 80's. Unfortunately it seems that Jackson's talents only lie in high fantasy and violent slapstick.

Brain Dead > Evil Dead.


Aaron said:
I think it's terrible in almost every respect. Jack Black's acting is groan-inducing, there are sub-plots that go absolutely nowhere, the love triangle is forced to the point of dull, the obvious end takes forever to arrive, etc. The build up to Skull Island was great, if a little heavy on the forced foreshadowing, but everything after that is garbage. Total garbage.

I honestly don't know what I should be liking about it. Kong special effects were great, but the dinos and other large animals just looked pasted in CG. While Kong was the only decent actor in the whole thing. Many scenes felt like people were just reciting their lines without actually reacting to one another. Most of the ending bits in New York were just plain dull.
Wow, I thought jack black was great. Its by far his best performance and he fits the role very well.


Cool Smoke Luke
Only thing I dislike about Peter Jackson's LOTR and King Kong is
1. Bad compositing, the actual cg is spectacular but the compositing is really lacking weta's had problems with that till Avatar i guess.
2. Excessive Slowmotion King Kong during the native sacrifice scenes caused it to drag. and Return of the King would have been 20mins shorter without all the Slowmo.

Besides that they're some of my all time favourites.


Some more Hobbit casting news today. As we near the end of our first shooting block (we have a break in less than three weeks to get some editing and visual effects work done, plus prepare for very big scenes coming up), we are looking at characters featuring in sequences that take place a little later in the story.

We are thrilled to confirm that Stephen Fry will be playing The Master of Laketown. I've known Stephen for several years, and we're developing a Dambusters movie together. In addition to his writing skills, he's a terrific actor and will create a very memorable "Master" for us.

The Master's conniving civil servant, Alfrid will be played by Ryan Gage. Ryan is a great young actor who we originally cast in a small hobbit role, but we liked him so much, we promoted him to the much larger Alfrid part.

Last, and certainly not least, is Conan Stevens, who will be playing an Orc called Azog (orcs are never called Roger or Dennis for some strange reason). And yes that's his name - Conan! Isn't that cool? Azog is played by Conan! Here's a photo of Conan and I together ... I'm pretty tall ... probably at least 6'5" or 6'6" I would guess, so that gives you some clue how tall Conan is! You can learn all about him at www.conanstevens.com.

Got a busy day's shooting ahead, so I'm about to jump in the car - but look out for the beginning of the 20 questions answers very soon. Thanks for the questions - many are very insightful. I've been through all of them and have a list ready to go.


Peter J

FRY! FRY! Awesome :D
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