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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Looks like Ill be watching at the Ontario Mills in Cali for that 48fps goodness. When do tickets go on sale?



November 7.


Typical, not available in the New Zealand iTunes store. Good thing we don't take the same approach with the film itself, eh?

You guys simply aren't dedicated enough, it seems. Real fans would have built two giant Gollums to scare the crap out of people at airports.


Can't find the english version ... but someone interviewed George R.R. Martin and asked about some "Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones" fights who would win.

As expected from his infamous skills as a writer,
most fights were won by Lord of the Rings characters

edit :

Found the interview link

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Can't find the english version ... but someone interviewed George R.R. Martin and asked about some "Lord of the Rings vs Game of Thrones" fights who would win.

As expected from his infamous skills as a writer,
most fights were won by Lord of the Rings characters

edit :

Found the interview link
Beren v Drogo would be interesting.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Behind the scenes at Bag End.


Chip the glasses and crack the plates! Blunt the knives and bend the forks! That's what Biblio Boggins hates - Smash the bottles and burn the corks!

Cut the cloth and tread the fat! Pour the milk on the pantry floor! Leave the bones on the bedroom mat! Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl; Pound them up with a thumping pole; And when you've finished, if any are whole, Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Biblio Boggins hates! So, carefully! Carefully with the plates!
Edmond Dantès;44086853 said:
Another track from An Unexpected Journey

Old Friends (Extended)


I get chills just listening to it. I have no idea if they can deliver with the hobbit as much as they did with LOTR but damn i think i'm going to have a fantastic time either way.

I missed that feeling of looking forward to the next LOTR movie and it's so exciting to have it back.


Almost more like we are the "Old Friends" returning to Hobbiton and having the same concern as we once had. Yes, I am melting.

Minor side note about all of these interviews. I wish these reporters would become properly educated on pluralization of Middle Earth races. Elves, Dwarves, etc. Guess 9 years was too long away for them.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I know we've only heard two tracks (potentially three by day's end), but I think it's safe to say that Howard has absolutely, positively nailed it.


are all HFR 3D showings in 4K? would be silly to have all those frames and not have high resolution as well.

anyway i'm fortunate, of the several HFR screens to chose from nearby, two of my favorite screens, including the Metreon, will be showing Unexpected Journey in HFR 3D -- both with Atmos. I know where I'm reserving my tickets.

Current plan:

Opening Day:
HFR 3D w/ Atmos either midnight or matinee on Friday (I have Fridays off, so that's easy)
followed after lunch by:

I don't know though. IMAX almost feels like a waste, but that is greatly dependent on how I feel about the 48FPS. I think I'll love it, but it is hard to say for sure. As we know, the IMAX showings will no be 48FPS so sadly there is no true ultimate way to view the film. Ideally we could watch it on 48FPS IMAX in 3D but it simply is not possible.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
are all HFR 3D showings in 4K? would be silly to have all those frames and not have high resolution as well.

anyway i'm fortunate, of the several HFR screens to chose from nearby, two of my favorite screens, including the Metreon, will be showing Unexpected Journey in HFR 3D -- both with Atmos. I know where I'm reserving my tickets.

Current plan:

Opening Day:
HFR 3D w/ Atmos either midnight or matinee on Friday (I have Fridays off, so that's easy)
followed after lunch by:
I don't think HFR 3D at 4k is even possible currently.


Edmond Dantès;44087451 said:
I don't think HFR 3D at 4k is even possible currently.

Oh... so same as with the IMAX eh... well that is somewhat of a bummer...

Nearly half of the films I've seen this year have had the "presented in 4K" trailer in front so it is gaining ground rapidly. Hopefully by movie 2 or 3 they can roll that out. It's definitely possible as we know the entire trilogy was shot on 4K RED EPIC cameras


Edmond Dantès;44087078 said:
I know we've only heard two tracks (potentially three by day's end), but I think it's safe to say that Howard has absolutely, positively nailed it.

Easily. Return of the King indeed.
Edmond Dantès;44086853 said:
Another track from An Unexpected Journey

Old Friends (Extended)


It's not that I didn't expect the Hobbiton theme to return, but I don't feel anything listening to this. It was not a difficult piece for Shore to write, he has done this reprise a million times already.

I hope it's the only theme along with Gollum's sinister tune that makes returns - I want new stuff. So far it's the dwarf song that has signified new and important music for this trilogy.
Edmond Dantès;44084918 said:
Clearly from the making of extras.


The dwarve party looks like it'll be tremendous fun.


Man I have watched the LOTR EE documentaries so many times (its good background noise) I'm surprised the discs haven't exploded by now. I hope The Hobbit ones are as good.
Wow. All sold for 13th,14th,15th the second that it went online. Can't get any non-3D. :(

edit: and 16th

edit again: Maybe I was just clicking too early, ten minutes later it worked.
Didn't get an answer regarding which FPS version the Henry Ford IMAX would be showing so I went ahead and purchased a ticket for AMC Livonia instead

So... I guess there WILL be 48FPS IMAX 3D. Sadly my local IMAX is not listed as HFR, but the one in Dublin, CA is. Very interesting.

Wow there are soooo many formats to chose from... a bit insane actually. How are they going to have room for all these formats on screens with all the other big December releases coming out.

Yesssssss, HFR IMAX 3D but 10 minutes from where I live in NOLA. Hot diggity! Expect nothing less than the best, baby, I could not be more hyped for this.

How terrible would it be if these movies suffered from the Star Wars prequels syndrome? I would probably literally cry
Maybe it's just me but I've completely avoided all soundtrack clips minus the ones from teh trailers (and even those I've only watched the theatricals). It feels dirty to me to listen to them so divorced from the action on-screen before hearing them in context where they were intended. Ruins a bit of the surprise and appreciation of the initial viewing, IMO. Though I can understand if it's because people are just ravenous for content after so long a wait between the trilogies.


I'm calling the Metreon to make certain their IMAX showing is not HFR. If not I will be really disappointed, they are usually really cutting edge on this sorta stuff :/

If not, guess I'm gonna hop a train to Dublin, CA that day!


Im looking forward to seeing how it all holds up, fake IMAX or not.

Movie : The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey HFR IMAX 3D
Date : Friday, December 14, 2012
Time : 6:50pm
Quantity: 2 Adult

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