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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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I can't really find any movie scores distinctive or memorable if I haven't actually seen the movie. That's why I'm not listening.

Their main purpose is to serve the movie but at least on soundtrack releases, I still treat them as pure music. Basically, if you're going to release all two hours of a score, you'd better make sure that it's all awesome.

Kud Dukan

Frankly, I can't pick a favorite from the original trilogy. I'll pick one, but then I'll remember dozens of scenes in one of the other films that I loved, and then begin to question my first pick.


Frankly, I can't pick a favorite from the original trilogy. I'll pick one, but then I'll remember dozens of scenes in one of the other films that I loved, and then begin to question my first pick.

I haven't watched any of the trilogy films on its own ever since they came out. If I watch one I watch them all. Extended Editions of course. So they have actually started to blend with each other.
Will NOT listen to the soundtrack. Really glad to hear it's great though. Fuck yeah. I know it's sacrilege but I was prepared for the possibility that it may disappoint.

I hope Andy Serkis gets nominated. But if anything he should have gotten it for Two Towers.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
This is not even remotely true. The majority considers TTT to be the best one.
The Fellowship of the Ring is widely regarded as the best of trilogy and truest to the source material capturing the very essence of the novel in a manner in which the following two films failed to do so by the Tolkien fan community.
This is not even remotely true. The majority considers TTT to be the best one.

I only know one person, among my friends, that considers TTT to be the best. For me, its my least favorite, but thats still like saying 'thats my least favorite type of the most delicious pizza imaginable.'


The Two Towers will always be my favourite film because of Helm's Deep. It completely blew me away when I first saw it on VHS (I never saw it in the cinema, was too young), the rain, the uruk-hai, the endless ladders... it's just amazing. FOTR didn't make that much of an impression on me because I was too scared to watch the entirety of Moria, and because the battle scenes weren't as "cool". The Two Towers also features excessive amounts of the Isengard theme, which is my favourite piece of music in the score.

I think an element contributing to FOTR's status as the best of the films is that the trilogy was originally meant to be only two films, so they had to split TTT/ROTK into two parts and film new scenes to fit it all together. It's also why those films are less true to the story.


I didn't like TTT very much in the theaters, but after I watched the extended cut a few months ago, I grew to like it a lot. The extended version is up there with Fellowship for me.


I think the extended edition makes TTT a lot better. The added scenes add flow to the movie and make the characters a bit deeper (the Boromir scene for instance is pretty important).
Edmond Dantès;44300178 said:
The Fellowship of the Ring is widely regarded as the best of trilogy and truest to the source material capturing the very essence of the novel in a manner in which the following two films failed to do so by the Tolkien fan community.

They all have their moments. I re-watched FOTR this past summer and thought damn this is a great movie. Always gonna love ROTK for Pelennor Fields and Sam saying 'if I can't carry it, I'll carry you.' So epic.

TTT is my least favorite. It feels like a middle movie.


It really is almost impossible for me to pick a favorite as I love them all. But perhaps I could lean towards choosing RotK.

Peregrin's song for Denethor's meal...


Edmond Dantès;44301124 said:
There's no doubt about the best opening though; TTT takes that.


Completely agree. I'll never get tired of expressing my love and admiration for this shot :)

I forgive the elves being at Helm's Deep, mostly on account of the music that plays when they arrive.

The Host of the Eldar is one of my favorite tracks in the entire LotR OST. Part of why I like it so much is that it's a reprise of the Lothlorien theme from Fellowship, another one of my favorites.



It is going to be interesting to see where the three hobbit films fall. In my view as a novel The Hobbit is superior to all three LOTR books (I know Edmond Dantès has said the same as well).

But with The Hobbit being split amongst 3 films one on their own may not beat out FOTR. If any do it will be The Desolation of Smaug. From Mirkwood through the encounter with Smaug was always my favorite section of the Hobbit.

Based purely on the sections of the novel the three films are based on I'd expect it to go in quality:

The Desolation of Smaug > An Unexpected Journey > There and Back Again

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Seeing Sauron at the height of his power in the Third Age is quite something. Single-handedly laying waste to the hosts of the Last Alliance before a moment of arrogance and stupidity fells him.

He lost most of the physical confrontations he had during the Ages of Arda, fighting was certainly not his strong point, unlike his master who fared better in his duels.

Any excuse to post this again;



Just bought my ticket, RealD 3D HFR. Not a fan of 3D stuff usually but I think it's my only option for seeing it in HFR.
The full OST is available to listen to.

Restrain yourself, Edmond. You've listened to your last track already.

Aaaaand I'm wildly late with this.


Well there are 10 nominations for Best Picture now, I think it's probably a lock for that. But yeah Director would be tough actually. We'll probably start hearing the early buzz this week.

Actually they've changed the rules again since opening it up to 10. It can now be anywhere between 5-10 nominations, no more and no less. Last year there were only 9 nominees, for example. It's all a bit convoluted, but the system they use for voting could put in anywhere from 5-10 based on how things shake out. So if The Hobbit doesn't get enough #1 votes to make the cut it won't be nominated. With 10 nominees period it would have a better shot since they need to fill out all those slots, but not with this newer system.


The soundtrack being released and listening to it with its LOTR themes and overtures has really hit home to me that, after nine years, we're finally going back to Middle Earth. I have spent more than ten years adoring Tolkein's world, reading the LOTR and Silmarillion almost every year (skipped it this year), and being so immersed in the words and worlds of hobbits, elves, maias, orcs, and Ainur. My Silmarillion is torn and battered because of constant reading. I can recite lines from the books and movies. And yet I had little hype for the Hobbit up until now when I started to listen to the soundtrack. When the Shire music played during Old Friends I was lost and transported to great trees, sunny pastures, and houses in holes. I absolutely can not wait to go back.
I think TTT extended is my favourite of the trilogy and probably my favourite film of all time. That said I looove all the movies and can clearly see why every one could be regarded as the best.

TTT has just soooo many awesome things all the time. Intro with Gandalf vs Balrog blew my mind in theaters (I sadly only saw FOTR on vhs at the time). Gollum introduction, looked great, sounded perfect. I think it spoiled the ''Avatar effect'' of CGI on me.

Some scenes that some ''Tolkien purists'' didn't like I tough were great. For instance the elves arriving to Helms Deep: fuckin awesome and I don't even really like the elves. I even tough Gimli as a comic relief worked but it went too far in ROTK. Last march of the ents, Gandalf releasing Theoden and later arriving with Eomer, Boromir scene and Sams speech. Just sooo many great moments.

Also Helms Deep as a whole is almost perfect, my favourite war scene of all time. Only thing I would remove is Legolas's ridicilous skateboarding.

And no way is TTT concidered best by majority.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
This is not even remotely true. The majority considers TTT to be the best one.

You are one of the only people to claim anything but FOTR is the best one. You are in the vast vast minority here.

I'm with Yosh on this one, my favorite is by far TTT. And most people I talk to IRL also agree that TTT is the best. On GAF though I'll agree, most everyone here seems to love FotR the best.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I think TTT extended is my favourite of the trilogy and probably my favourite film of all time. That said I looove all the movies and can clearly see why every one could be regarded as the best.

TTT has just soooo many awesome things all the time. Intro with Gandalf vs Balrog blew my mind in theaters (I sadly only saw FOTR on vhs at the time). Gollum introduction, looked great, sounded perfect. I think it spoiled the ''Avatar effect'' of CGI on me.

Some scenes that some ''Tolkien purists'' didn't like I tough were great. For instance the elves arriving to Helms Deep: fuckin awesome and I don't even really like the elves. I even tough Gimli as a comic relief worked but it went too far in ROTK. Last march of the ents, Gandalf releasing Theoden and later arriving with Eomer, Boromir scene and Sams speech. Just sooo many great moments.

Also Helms Deep as a whole is almost perfect, my favourite war scene of all time. Only thing I would remove is Legolas's ridicilous scateboarding.

And no way is TTT concidered best by majority.
Gandalf the White's reveal was also beautifully done with the melding of Ian and Christopher's voices/appearances creating that moment of doubt before the final reveal. Add to that Howard's angelic score and you have a moment of pure joy.


"It cannot be.... you fell."


I think TTT extended is my favourite of the trilogy and probably my favourite film of all time. That said I looove all the movies and can clearly see why every one could be regarded as the best.

TTT has just soooo many awesome things all the time. Intro with Gandalf vs Balrog blew my mind in theaters (I sadly only saw FOTR on vhs at the time). Gollum introduction, looked great, sounded perfect. I think it spoiled the ''Avatar effect'' of CGI on me.

Some scenes that some ''Tolkien purists'' didn't like I tough were great. For instance the elves arriving to Helms Deep: fuckin awesome and I don't even really like the elves. I even tough Gimli as a comic relief worked but it went too far in ROTK. Last march of the ents, Gandalf releasing Theoden and later arriving with Eomer, Boromir scene and Sams speech. Just sooo many great moments.

Also Helms Deep as a whole is almost perfect, my favourite war scene of all time. Only thing I would remove is Legolas's ridicilous scateboarding.

And no way is TTT concidered best by majority.

There were so many great scenes in TTT but esp the Extended Edition. They beefed up Faramir and the exchange between Boromir, Denethor, and him was pure Shakespeare. Bernard Hill as Theoden was amazing. "Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadows." So perfect. Ian Mckellan also destroyed it. Gandalf being relieved finding out that Sam was with Frodo was such a small yet emotionally resonant scene. I think am going to re-watch all of them again before the Hobbit is released.
Edmond Dantès;44303415 said:
Gandalf the White's reveal was also beautifully done with the melding of Ian and Christopher's voices/appearances creating that moment of doubt before the final reveal. Add to that Howard's angelic score and you have a moment of pure joy.


Yes! I actually wrote that scene in but rewrote a lil and forgot to add it back!

I'm guessing ''Ancient enemy'' is for Necromancer? Pretty good stuff. Also ''Roast Mutton'' has that one moment, chills down my spine.

Gandalf being relieved finding out that Sam was with Frodo was such a small yet emotionally resonant scene.

''Do not regret your decision to leave Frodo. He must face this task alone.''
''He's not alone. Sam went with him.''
''Did he? He did? That's good. Yes, very good.''

Or something like that. It's almost frightening how well I remember all the scenes from the trilogy.


I remember seeing this in the theatre for the first time. I had little interest in Lord of the Rings, "stupid elves and shit". Or so I thought. My former girlfriend convinced me to come with her, and when this scene started it blew my mind. I had never seen a battle on such large scale before, it was amazing.

I should get the trilogy on blu-ray or something.

The Extended Edition Blu-ray box set is a bit pricey but it's one of the most amazing movie box sets ever released. The documentary features are also the gold standard for such releases.


I hope somebody puts the soundtrack from that preview widget onto YouTube, whenever I pause it it resets back to the beginning.


Wifey pre-ordered "IMAX 3D Experience" tickets.

So what's all this hubbub about 48fps? Is that going to be in the "IMAX 3D," and if so, is that bad?
Finished with the OST. Really liked it and most likely will like it even more once I can connect them with the scenes.

Not really a spoiler but just in case regarding the OST:
happy to see that the instrumental Misty Mountains from the first trailer is the new ''Fellowship theme'' and not just for the trailer.
I'm not going to listen to the soundtrack till the movie hits, but for anyone who has: is Howard Shore still the fucking man?

I think its a great mix of new themes mingled with now classic LOTR themes, and it feels like the past 9 years never happened, as if he started writing it about 15 minutes after finishing the score for ROTK.


Just listened to the soundtrack. Really great stuff. I think the Misty Mountains theme may end up reaching the levels of the fellowship theme.
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