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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès;44835350 said:
Seems like we may have another FOTR on our hands.

Interesting that I haven't seen any negative reactions to 48fps (yet). Thats a big change from CinemaCon. Maybe the digital grading removed that "TV" look people were complaining about?
Edmond Dantès;44835350 said:
Seems like we may have another FOTR on our hands.

Hmmm, no I'm not expecting it to be that good. Will probably be very different tone and mood to FOTR too.

FOTR was lightning in a bottle.


Interesting that I haven't seen any negative reactions to 48fps (yet). Thats a big change from CinemaCon. Maybe the digital grading removed that "TV" look people were complaining about?

That's because the negative reactions to 48fps were based on culture shock initially and later became a convenient bandwagon to jump on.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I think going in with such lofty expectations is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I've tempered my expectations quite a bit in recent months, so allowing the hype to get to me is a release of sorts. If it disappoints, then so be it.

The Hobbit and seeing Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen are the two cinematic experiences that I've most looked forward to in 2012.

Lawrence 4K delivered big time. Even if The Hobbit fails to deliver, I'm content.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Currently a 9.2 on IMDb. Greatest movie of all-time confirmed!!!!

I get the feeling the backlash crowd are going to chime in pretty hard on this one, usually it takes a little while but theres alot of PJ hate out there. Im sold now, im confident this will be an enjoyable movie.


I enjoy all three equally. There are certain things I love in each one that might elevate them above the rest of the series, but in the end it always equalizes. I just have a hard time looking at it as three separate movies now. For me it is just one super long movie of awesomeness.

My subjective opinion agrees with your subjective opinion. Brofist.


I get the feeling the backlash crowd are going to chime in pretty hard on this one, usually it takes a little while but theres alot of PJ hate out there. Im sold now, im confident this will be an enjoyable movie.

Oh just you wait. Regardless of quality, going after The Hobbit is going to be THE way to earn cred among the film school freshmen and amateur film critics this Christmas.

Now, it could very well actually suck (knock on wood) but there are going to be people going after it no matter what. And I'm gonna guess their criticisms so save this post. It will be called over indulgent. Over designed. That trying to shoehorn some LOTR in The Hobbit causes tonal problems. And of course the "48 FPS looks like a soap opera" gem.


My subjective opinion agrees with your subjective opinion. Brofist.

Exactly how I've always looked at them; one giant film. Of course when people ask me which I feel is the strongest overall, I say Fellowship without blinking. But as you said, they've all got great moments. Heck TTT is often looked at the weakest of the trilogy, but not only does it have the best opening of the three movies (slightly edging out the prologue of Fellowship) but it also has the best deleted scene (Boromir in Osgiliath).

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Oh just you wait. Regardless of quality, going after The Hobbit is going to be THE way to earn cred among the film school freshmen and amateur film critics this Christmas.

Now, it could very well actually suck (knock on wood) but there are going to be people going after it no matter what. And I'm gonna guess their criticisms so save this post. It will be called over indulgent. Over designed. That trying to shoehorn some LOTR in The Hobbit causes tonal problems. And of course the "48 FPS looks like a soap opera" gem.

Dont forget obvious critiques at the film based on similarities to the Lotr films, add in a dash of "I dont remember this many landscape shots" and "Havent we seen New Zealand before" rhetoric. Funny to read, easy to dismiss, way too common :[
Dont forget obvious critiques at the film based on similarities to the Lotr films, add in a dash of "I dont remember this many landscape shots" and "Havent we seen New Zealand before" rhetoric. Funny to read, easy to dismiss, way too common :[

Yeah, there will be a lot of this. And a lot more cynicism than with LOTR I think.


I enjoy all three equally. There are certain things I love in each one that might elevate them above the rest of the series, but in the end it always equalizes. I just have a hard time looking at it as three separate movies now. For me it is just one super long movie of awesomeness.

I agree with Bone.

The next two weeks and two days will crawl by too slowly. But I know I can keep myself more than busy until the night of the 13th arrives. TTT and RotK EE viewings this Friday night. Continuing to play through LEGO LotR.

I might need to pull out my VHS of the animated Hobbit, since it has the superior soundtrack over the DVD version. Unless I manage to find the link to where some kind soul fixed the broken track.


I get the feeling the backlash crowd are going to chime in pretty hard on this one, usually it takes a little while but theres alot of PJ hate out there. Im sold now, im confident this will be an enjoyable movie.

Oh just you wait. Regardless of quality, going after The Hobbit is going to be THE way to earn cred among the film school freshmen and amateur film critics this Christmas.

Now, it could very well actually suck (knock on wood) but there are going to be people going after it no matter what. And I'm gonna guess their criticisms so save this post. It will be called over indulgent. Over designed. That trying to shoehorn some LOTR in The Hobbit causes tonal problems. And of course the "48 FPS looks like a soap opera" gem.

Dont forget obvious critiques at the film based on similarities to the Lotr films, add in a dash of "I dont remember this many landscape shots" and "Havent we seen New Zealand before" rhetoric. Funny to read, easy to dismiss, way too common :[

Yeah, there will be a lot of this. And a lot more cynicism than with LOTR I think.

Don't do this, guys. The movie isn't even out yet and yet you're almost already coming off as apologists/zealous defenders.

Let's wait and see the movie before jumping to conclusions about what the criticisms will be and their validity.


The trailers and pictures from this movie look insanely good. I don't agree with everything Jackson has done (the Ents were eh and the large battles were boring), but honestly overall the guy was a genius at translating the books into movies and for the most part keeping their spirit intact.

I just wish this was two movies instead of three (though I even think they could have done this in one).
Dont forget obvious critiques at the film based on similarities to the Lotr films, add in a dash of "I dont remember this many landscape shots" and "Havent we seen New Zealand before" rhetoric. Funny to read, easy to dismiss, way too common :[

Yeah, there will be a lot of this. And a lot more cynicism than with LOTR I think.

Goddamn fanboys, already got the defense shields up and ready for any and all dissenting opinions.

Between that and thinking it's gonna be FotR-tier, we might need to chill a little bit. Still 16 days to go.
I love FotR, but it's easily the worst of the 3. Still, if the Hobbit is even half as good, I'll be pleased. Sucks that I won't be seeing it in 48 fps, though. I refuse to watch 3D movies. Paying extra for a headache doesn't appeal to me.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Don't do this, guys. The movie isn't even out yet and yet you're almost already coming off as apologists/zealous defenders.

Let's wait and see the movie before jumping to conclusions about what the criticisms will be and their validity.

I wont spend one post arguing with people about the film if they disagree with me, just pointing out that blogs are going to use this film see who has the biggest hate cock for the film, traffic is traffic.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Goddamn fanboys, already got the defense shields up and ready for any and all dissenting opinions.

Between that and thinking it's gonna be FotR-tier, we might need to chill a little bit. Still 16 days to go.

Err you can read any of my other posts and know im not a die hard fanboy, i love the lord of the rings films, was very pessimistic leading up to this and am now relieved to know that people are coming out enjoying it. I do not care what other people think and ive no intention of sitting here arguing with them about it, and you notice the examples i used in your quote say nothing about the story, the characters, they are points to emphasise how silly some of the hate reaction is going to be, who after all, even if they hated the film, would knock the landscapes?


But isn't the high frame rate supposed to get rid of the headache inducing aspects?

Yeah, it theoretically should. But I also think many people's problems with 3D are mostly crappy presentation on the theater's part. I used to only go to the AMC near me and I hated 3D movies as I thought they were dim, the color was washed out and it blurred the image. The only 3D I enjoyed was Avatar because I saw it at the Minnesota Zoo IMAX instead of the AMC, and chalked it up to the IMAX.

Then I saw Transformers 3 at the Showplace Icon near me and it completely changed my mind. The movie sucked of course but the 3D was amazing, the image was bright and crystal clear, no washed out colors, no headache, it was amazingly perfect. Every 3D movie I've seen since has been there and it's been absolutely perfect, whether it's post production 3D (Lion King 3D) or shot in 3D (Life of Pi).

After the curtain broke during our showing of The Hunger Games at the AMC and it hung a good two feet into the image, I walked out, got my money back and haven't returned to that theater. So again, I really, truly believe many people's problems with 3D are crappy presentation on the theaters' part more often than it is problems inherent to the technology itself.
I wont spend one post arguing with people about the film if they disagree with me, just pointing out that blogs are going to use this film see who has the biggest hate cock for the film, traffic is traffic.

Agreed. I know I'm gonna love the films. Just a case of how much.
LOTR is like one big fat film to me, and I love them on a very personal level.

I couldn't give the slightest crap if Internet people want to flex their hate with each other for these films.


Yeeeeah, I've been looking forward to this for four years but let's not go crazy because people who went to the premiere loved the film. They were always going to heap praise on it. I'm curious to read reviews once the embargo lifts, though.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Agreed. I know I'm gonna love the films. Just a case of how much.
LOTR is like one big fat film to me, and I love them on a very personal level.

I couldn't give the slightest crap if Internet people want to flex their hate with each other for these films.

But that doesnt mean spirited discussion wont spur forth! I look forward for many weeks/months and years to come discussing the films.
Goddamn fanboys, already got the defense shields up and ready for any and all dissenting opinions.

Between that and thinking it's gonna be FotR-tier, we might need to chill a little bit. Still 16 days to go.

Yeah, I'm a fanboy, I'll admit it. But don't get me wrong, if it turns out to be poor or if I feel HFR ruins it, I'm not going to defend it. Not expecting FOTR-tier either.

What I'm saying is there will be a lot more cynicism this time round regardless out how good it is. When LOTR came out it was something new and different. Now 10 years later its a cinematic world that people are very familiar/tired with so there is bound to be a lot of jaded cynicism.
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