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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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I think Tolkien clearly described that both Fili and Kili have yellow hair/beards. They were the youngest and only big difference between them was Fili's long nose.


Amir0x said:
yeah but, specifically as part of the ethos of Dwarfdom, beards are extremely important - even a sign of status. It's so important the word 'beard' even enters into the lexicon as last names and first names and, more importantly, as the very separation of clans (like Firebeards, Longbeards and such) and is a culturally distinctive indicator that is essentially as important as eyes, ears and nose for dwarves.

You have to respect the heritage a little more in my opinion. That's just too much. Everything else is perfect, and they really did a fantastic job of making each dwarf distinctive without departing too far with that lone exception.

Yeah I'm a little concerned here... I'm not too keen on the latest 2 revealed. There's ways to show youth, even with the beard, that would've been far more appropriate than a beardless dwarf.


RyanDG said:
Yeah I'm a little concerned here... I'm not too keen on the latest 2 revealed. There's ways to show youth, even with the beard, that would've been far more appropriate than a beardless dwarf.

Like I said normally I don't care but this is honestly like creating an entirely new mythos for Dwarfs. It's that significant. Dwarfs gain beards EXTREMELY young in the series. It's virtually unheard of for any Dwarf to have anything less than a luxurious beard after the age of 12.

But as I said, it's not just a statement about the character. It's a statement about the entire race, which is why this specific cosmetic change is substantially worse than something else.

Funky Papa said:
Are we still doubting of Jackson's understanding of the Middle Earth's lore?

What's to doubt? He factually has it incorrect here. There's no room for interpretation as to this matter lol

Fili and Kili are specifically both described with long yellow beards and cloaks, and in the case of Fili, the longest nose of any of the Dwarfs.


Funky Papa said:
Are we still doubting of Jackson's understanding of the Middle Earth's lore?

Chill, guys.

Absolutely. Because as much as there was good about Jackson's vision of Middle-Earth, there were enough deviations there to have people to have cause for concern. Yes, he brought the novels to life, and yes, they were good movies. But I really wouldn't say that his was the end all of possible (potential) adaptations/visions, especially when there were tons of issues that I felt that the original movies had that I purposefully overlooked to just be entertained by it all.


RyanDG said:
Absolutely. Because as much as there was good about Jackson's vision of Middle-Earth, there were enough deviations there to have people to have cause for concern. Yes, he brought the novels to life, and yes, they were good movies. But I really wouldn't say that his was the end all of possible (potential) adaptations/visions, especially when there were tons of issues that I felt that the original movies had that I purposefully overlooked to just be entertained by it all.

I loved his adaptation and felt that is as good an adaptation as is possible for these books.

That doesn't mean he's infallible or doesn't make wrong choices. This choice here is indisputably an incorrect one. There's no basis for it in the LOTR myth; there's no basis for it in the myth of any dwarves and there certainly is no basis for it as regards Fili and Kili. And like I said if it was just some insubstantial change that really made no commentary about anything else I wouldn't care. I always roll my eyes about this sort of thing.

But this revises an entire central element of the Dwarf race.


Amir0x said:
Dwarfs gain beards EXTREMELY young in the series. It's virtually unheard of for any Dwarf to have anything less than a luxurious beard after the age of 12.
Interesting. I didn't know that. Maybe Jackson didn't think that aspect would translate clearly to the audience. I can certainly imagine "average joe" thinking all bearded guys must be "old". Lowest-common denominator and all that.


ckohler said:
Interesting. I didn't know that. Maybe Jackson didn't think that aspect would translate clearly to the audience. I can certainly imagine "average joe" thinking all bearded guys must be "old". Lowest-common denominator and all that.

i mean at the end of the day the movie won't be good or bad based on this decision. It's just something that has concerned me personally as it's a massive departure from the myth of the book.

I expect Hobbit in general will undergo massive changes in order to be more tonally linked to the LOTR films, so I'm expecting it and it doesn't worry me at all. But the beardless thing is just a little too far over the line and suggests perhaps even a little too much self confidence w/ Peter Jackson in being able to fuck with the source material after the success of LOTR. Still, it's only slightly concerning.


Amir0x said:
I loved his adaptation and felt that is as good an adaptation as is possible for these books.

Don't get me wrong. You are probably right here... When taken at a whole, Jackson's view of Middle-Earth is probably going to be as good as we are going to get, because the alternative is probably not marketable for 99% of the potential audience.

But when it comes to 'definitive' visions, I just feel there were some liberties that were taken that caused the trilogy (while absolutely good movies in their own right), to bother me slightly as a Tolkien fan.

I will admit though that I am probably harder on the movies than I should be simply because I grew up on the books. The Hobbit was the first 'chapter' book I ever read and Lord of the Rings is probably my most frequently re-read series.

I'm just hesitant to outright accept his vision, because I think the Hobbit, in some ways, is going to be a lot trickier to fully realize for a theatre audience (while still maintaining its feeling from the book) than Lord of the Rings... And I'm not entirely sure what to expect at this point.
Glad I'm not the only one who is a stickler for the details.

I've let a lot of things slide (in my mind) to allow the books to get a good translation to the film. . .but I fail to see how Fili and Kili both being blonde and bearded would be difficult to do. Its not hard at all and it would be more in keeping with the books, and most importantly, the lore of the Dwarves.

Fili and Kili (with the exception of Thorin and Bombur) are the most frequently used Dwarves in the novel so I was expecting their film versions to be close to the novel descriptions of them.

The only beards I like thus far are Oin and Gloin's.
I can't wait for the meltdowns when the
dog and sheep waiters
from Beorn's house are cut. ;-)

I'm loving how distinctive the character designs look. Kili is definitely less dwarfish than I would have expected, but it seems obvious that they'll make light of this in the script (who's willing to bet that the other dwarves won't mock him for his appearance?).

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
ckohler said:
Interesting. I didn't know that. Maybe Jackson didn't think that aspect would translate clearly to the audience. I can certainly imagine "average joe" thinking all bearded guys must be "old". Lowest-common denominator and all that.
They're actually born with beards.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Wiggum2007 said:
Maybe in the previous scene Smaug burned their beards off?
It's more likely that they cut off their beards after their encounter with the spiders of Mirkwood (happens in the book, at least with Kili).


Thank fucking god Peter Jackson knows better than to cover every dwarf up with huge, long beards and make us keep track of the different color shades or amount of braids in them to know what character we're looking at.

Never been a fan of dwarves in general to be honest. They've always been a little boring. Ugly cavemen with barely a face, more like walking beards with eyes, all looking roughly the same. That was one of my main fears about this movie, that so many dwarves would bring it down.

But these dwarves look AWESOME. Each one of them is distinct. The older ones look more like the classic dwarves, but still more inspired design-wise than your average dwarf. And the younger ones actually look kick-ass. Which is pretty unusual for dwarves.

Also, the color of a certain dwarf's beard probably wasn't changed for no reason. For every departure from the LOTR books that Jackson took, he had a very good explanation for it.


I understand the need for recognizable characters, and I wouldn't mind much if the Dwarves from the previous movies hadn't been a lot more "generic"... As it is, it feels a bit jarring...
When I watch the whole thing, will I have to rationalize that the Dwarves could never stop to take a shower on their way to Rivendell? Or did their hygiene go to hell as Sauron grew in power? It feels like Star Wars all over again: "all the CG is because that was before the Empire, you see? it makes sense, in a way! let's say it does!"

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Erigu said:
I understand the need for recognizable characters, and I wouldn't mind much if the Dwarves from the previous movies hadn't been a lot more "generic"... As it is, it feels a bit jarring...
When I watch the whole thing, will I have to rationalize that the Dwarves could never stop to take a shower on their way to Rivendell? Or did their hygiene go to hell as Sauron grew in power? It feels like Star Wars all over again: "all the CG is because that was before the Empire, you see? it makes sense, in a way! let's say it does!"
I think the dwarf designs just reflect the lighter natured tone of the two films.


Edmond Dantès said:
I think the dwarf designs just reflect the lighter natured tone of the two films.
That's what I'm telling myself... It's just that Jackson and del Toro talked a lot about "bridging" both series (I believe some casting news confirmed this), and the very first pictures we saw really felt like the same world as the previous movies, so it still feels a bit odd to me.
(don't get me wrong though: I'm hyped! can't wait for the "regular people thought the theatrical cuts were too long already! ha! weaklings!" extended editions)


TacticalFox88 said:
Can Peter Jackson really turn the Hobbit from relative obscurity to mainstream appeal?


That will be the first thing you will see in the trailer, and it is all people will need to flock en masse to it.
Solo said:


That will be the first thing you will see in the trailer, and it is all people will need to flock en masse to it.

This, seriously. I'm so hyped for this movie I'm considering going full out nerd for it, as in dressing up as a dwarf on premiere night. And I usually laugh at the people that do that.
Solo said:


That will be the first thing you will see in the trailer, and it is all people will need to flock en masse to it.
Solo said:


That will be the first thing you will see in the trailer, and it is all people will need to flock en masse to it.


Yeah. Marketing would have to purposely try to screw this one up.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
TacticalFox88 said:
Can Peter Jackson really turn the Hobbit from relative obscurity to mainstream appeal?

Just because you like the hobbit and your other hipster friends don't doesn't make it obscure..
They could chuck some old favourites in the trailers too, such as Gandalf and Gollum. Don't think they'll have too much trouble finding an audience really.


GarthVaderUK said:
They could chuck some old favourites in the trailers too, such as Gandalf and Gollum. Don't think they'll have too much trouble finding an audience really.

I would not be surprised in the least if the first teaser trailer ends with "Cut to black screen, queue Gollum: "My precious....". Considering it's the closest thing that the films had to memorable catch-phrase, and Gollum's voice alone would be enough to get audiences going "Awwwww snap".
From a movie making perspective, it makes sense. You can make one dwarf ugly and have him as comedic relief but when you have a whole slew of them you need some sex appeal.

I trust Jackson to bring an acceptable balance between being faithful to the mythos and making the film marketable.


posting on contract only
I just gotta keep reminding myself that this will all look better in the movie. I mean, that guy with the crazy tricorner-hat hair looks so stupid in that picture, but I'm sure it's gonna turn out all right.


Really love the Blizzard character design feeling they are giving =3

agrajag said:
There's no excuse for a beardless dwarf. The beard is the pride of a dwarf!

Seppuku !

Also, he does has a beard ... but a small one

Kud Dukan

IGN has an image up of Bombur, Bifur, and Bofur:

It's a little annoying that they changing superfluous details like hair coloring, but so far I have to say I am mightily impressed with the costume designs here.


Unconfirmed Member
Which two are left? There were 12 right?

Been more than 10 years since I read this last

EDIT: 13 that's why they added bilbo so they wouldn't have an unlucky number :p
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