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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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TacticalFox88 said:
Can Peter Jackson really turn the Hobbit from relative obscurity to mainstream appeal?
Forget any fact regarding obscurity, he's has already done it once. This film will mow down everything released anywhere near it.
The best LOTR trailer was the online exclusive one. I cannot find links anywhere for it, but it was something that only worked on a computer. It was a small 1.33:1 window showing behind the scenes stuff, interviews, props, and whatnot. Then, as Peter Jackson finishes talking, the window all of a sudden spread out into a 2.40:1 window that showed footage of the films. The music flaring as the window on screen opened up was just fucking epic to see back in 2000.


PhoncipleBone said:
The best LOTR trailer was the online exclusive one. I cannot find links anywhere for it, but it was something that only worked on a computer. It was a small 1.33:1 window showing behind the scenes stuff, interviews, props, and whatnot. Then, as Peter Jackson finishes talking, the window all of a sudden spread out into a 2.40:1 window that showed footage of the films. The music flaring as the window on screen opened up was just fucking epic to see back in 2000.



Darklord said:
The first scene of the orcs marching, was that even in the movies at the end?

It's early MASSIVE test footage. The final finished scene was used for the Uruk-Hai marching to Helm's Deep in Two Towers.
scola said:
I forgot about the double pupil on Sauron's eye in that trailer

The shot that always stuck out to me was the alternate angle on Boromir holding the One Ring.


as opposed to this one in the actual movie:


When I first saw that trailer I had no idea of the story, as I had not read the books. But that image was just incredible striking to me.
BlueTsunami said:
9 years since The Return of the King, right? One has to wonder what advances have come about since then that Jackson is utilizing (I guess Digital shooting being one?) and how good The Hobbit will look in comparison. I know the WETA army renders look a bit janky now, I'm sure CG advancement since then has come a longer way still.

Just look at Avatar to get an idea of the craziness that WETA can unleash now. And that was two years ago.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Bombur is so freaking awesome... love the ladel, hahah

Freaking amazing and creative character design all around. Wow

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Darklord said:
I've never read the Hobbit so excuse my ignorant but are all these Dwarves main characters?
Some more than others, the likes of Thorin, Fili, Kili and Bombur really come to the fore as the story progresses and others fade into the background somewhat. But they all play second fiddle to Bilbo, as you'd expect.
Bombur looks perfect. I'm really glad they tried to move away from the clichéd look for the dwarves, even when reading the books it is hard to keep track of all of them except Bombur and Thorin.


NullPointer said:
And singing goblins? Yeah. Consider me intrigued.


He should just put this in there...

With that said, though, I know this is slightly off topic, but the LotRO game has a really great soundtrack when you go into goblin town in the Misty Mountains in that game...


One of my favorite songs from that soundtrack (and there are a lot of good ones).

Edit with the right LotRO track


Junior Member
Vega said:
i'm so excited for this. Although, I wonder how PJ is going to handle the talking Wargs and other animals?

That's what I was excited about with Guillermo's involvement, it sounded like he was going to include that stuff to stay faithful to the story regardless of whether it clashed with the LOTR films. I hope it's still in, personally.


Unconfirmed Member
Edmond Dantès said:
I'd expect Dwalin and Balin next and then the pièce de résistance; Thorin Oakenshield.
This is what I expect as well.

Also, speaking of talking animals (/tautology). I think I am most excited for the thrush outside Smaugs lair :) The moth scene in the two towers was always awesome.

Maybe some of the animals will simply speak "animal" and it will be subtitled and implied that the characters understand.


there is joy in sucking dick
Zeliard said:
I hope they don't try to make Smaug's mouth move when he speaks. That would look silly any way they attempted it.

I think they should have him speak in a slow gutteral way, without the need to move any possible dragon lips. They need to treat this with absolute care but I trust Jackson. I've warmed to the stubbly dwarf.

PhoncipleBone said:
Just look at Avatar to get an idea of the craziness that WETA can unleash now. And that was two years ago.

Definitely one of the reasons I'm anticipating this. CG has reached a point where it looks kind of good on some TV programs (like Game of Thrones). I'm sure The Hobbit will be a set peice of the moment as Avatar was.


Neo Member
PhoncipleBone said:
The shot that always stuck out to me was the alternate angle on Boromir holding the One Ring.


as opposed to this one in the actual movie:


When I first saw that trailer I had no idea of the story, as I had not read the books. But that image was just incredible striking to me.

The original teaser trailer for the LOTR featured a lot of cut footage. Remember the scenes with the massive armies of orcs in grey armor moving over the mountains?
J_incredible said:
The original teaser trailer for the LOTR featured a lot of cut footage. Remember the scenes with the massive armies of orcs in grey armor moving over the mountains?
The original trailer also included Gandalf screaming "The Ring Must Be Destroyed!" and that never made it into the films if I remember correctly.
I'm glad to see another dev video out; the first one was great. And glad to see Serkis getting more work.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know if PJ is still planning on releasing an ultimate LOTR EE blu-ray set after the Hobbit movies come out, or is this it? I'm happy enough with the DVD versions that I don't mind waiting 2 years.


I just want to say that I'm so glad this movie is actually happening. The pictures look great.

After rewatching the teasers for the FOTR, I can't believe it's been so long. A reread of this book is definitely in order.
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