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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Balin and Dwalin revealed


"Dwarf Lords in their own right, Balin and Dwalin are close relatives of Thorin. Beyond this, these brothers are two of his most loyal and trusted friends. An old warrior, Balin has lived through hard times and fought many battles, yet he harbors doubts about the wisdom of the Quest to retake the Lonely Mountain. Dwalin has no such forebodings – his belief in Thorin’s leadership is unshakeable. A powerful and bruising fighter, with a natural tendency to distrust anyone who is not a Dwarf, particularly anyone who might be an Elf, Dwalin is not someone to cross lightly."


Dat hammer....

Seriously, WETA is (once again) knocking it out of the park with the weapon designs.

Bring on Thorin bitches.
Those I like. I was hoping Balin was going to be a bit more burly and formidable looking (given that he went on to be Lord of Moria), but aged and wise looking is good too.

What a mighty hammer.

I'm calling Dwalin in The Hobbit game.


there is joy in sucking dick
Dwalin's fucking forearm looks more inspired than some of the fantasy shit on TV. Loving these designs more and more.


Edmond Dantès said:
Balin and Dwalin revealed

"Dwarf Lords in their own right, Balin and Dwalin are close relatives of Thorin. Beyond this, these brothers are two of his most loyal and trusted friends. An old warrior, Balin has lived through hard times and fought many battles, yet he harbors doubts about the wisdom of the Quest to retake the Lonely Mountain. Dwalin has no such forebodings – his belief in Thorin’s leadership is unshakeable. A powerful and bruising fighter, with a natural tendency to distrust anyone who is not a Dwarf, particularly anyone who might be an Elf, Dwalin is not someone to cross lightly."


Racist dwarf is a skin head. lol


Kilgore Trout said:
I'm glad to see another dev video out; the first one was great. And glad to see Serkis getting more work.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know if PJ is still planning on releasing an ultimate LOTR EE blu-ray set after the Hobbit movies come out, or is this it? I'm happy enough with the DVD versions that I don't mind waiting 2 years.

A Blu-Ray set of all 3 of the EE versions was just released, I have it sitting on my counter (but I have to return it to Amazon).

Lord of the Rings EE Blu-Ray
linkboy said:
A Blu-Ray set of all 3 of the EE versions was just released, I have it sitting on my counter (but I have to return it to Amazon).

Lord of the Rings EE Blu-Ray
I meant an additional blu-ray set with more special features or goodies. I know about this one. Maybe I'm getting my rumors mixed up and it will just be a Hobbit + LOTR set, but I was pretty sure that PJ said he was planning on releasing something else.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Christopher Lee and Ian Holm currently filming for The Hobbit, according to Derren Brown.


"Off to watch some Ian Holm and Christopher Lee being filmed for The Hobbit. HOW EXCITING!"


Edmond Dantès said:
Christopher Lee and Ian Holm currently filming for The Hobbit, according to Derren Brown.


"Off to watch some Ian Holm and Christopher Lee being filmed for The Hobbit. HOW EXCITING!"
I wonder if their scenes are shot in UK. I remember that Lee wasn't allowed to get out of the country due to his medical condition a year or two ago.


Lee is back? I thought he was pretty peeved about his scenes being cut from the final LOTR film. Not to mention his health is so poor.


Balin is my boy! I always considered him younger than the rest though...I don't know why. Kind of off-putting with him so old.

Also, that teaser trailer's last scene with the iconic fellowship shot...my god, I teared up in the theater...even though I was still convinced the movies would only be average, that shot got me.

I should have fucking known better.

Solo said:
Lee is back? I thought he was pretty peeved about his scenes being cut from the final LOTR film. Not to mention his health is so poor.

He had several complaints. Also about filming...you can even see it in the behind the scenes of Fellowship where he says that he couldn't take walking down those stairs anymore and that he couldn't do it. Then Pete was like "you did it this morning" and that shut him up and he relented.

Consumate professional.
bengraven said:
Balin is my boy! I always considered him younger than the rest though...I don't know why. Kind of off-putting with him so old.

I always pictured him younger in The Hobbit too, but in FOTR we are told he was 231 when he died. If we take away the time difference between The Hobbit and FOTR, he'd still be ruddy old.


I bet Lee is doing the role just to get a few more movies to his resume. I remember him proudly stating that he's appeared in more movies than any other actor ever.
GCX said:
I bet Lee is doing the role just to get a few more movies to his resume. I remember him proudly stating that he's appeared in more movies than any other actor ever.

I don't think so.

Lee absolutely adores Tolkien and although he had gripes with the LOTR filming, he loved doing them. His health is failing him and it won't be long until he is taken from us, but until then, I am glad Jackson found a way to include him.


Solo said:
Lee is back? I thought he was pretty peeved about his scenes being cut from the final LOTR film. Not to mention his health is so poor.

The only thing I remember Lee being upset about was Saruman's death scene in RotK being removed from the theatrical version.

I do remember a couple years back he sounded excited to play Saruman again, but he also came off as a bit hesitant because he knew the only real way he could do it would be if they shot his scenes in the UK. Glad he seems to be in good enough health to do it.

Lee absolutely adores Tolkien and although he had gripes with the LOTR filming, he loved doing them. His health is failing him and it won't be long until he is taken from us, but until then, I am glad Jackson found a way to include him.

If I remember correctly, Lee actually knew Tolkien, and is considered to be a scholar on the guy's work. So yeah, I don't think he's only doing the The Hobbit as another bullet-point on his filmography.
Galvanise_ said:
I don't think so.

Lee absolutely adores Tolkien and although he had gripes with the LOTR filming, he loved doing them. His health is failing him and it won't be long until he is taken from us, but until then, I am glad Jackson found a way to include him.
I agree, it's great that they're making it work. He still has his wits, but his body is obviously not keeping up:


Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Galvanise_ said:
Who is confirmed to be in them?

Galadriel. . Radaghast. . .Saruman. . .Gandalf and Elrond? Is that it?
Cirdan the shipwright and other Elf lords (Glorfindel) were purported to be apart of White Council. I doubt Glorfindel will be written into the story though; far too powerful for the Third Age.


Neuromancer said:
So what's the deal with this movie again? Are they cramming all of the book into one movie or spreading it out into two?

Splitting the book into two movies, the first part (2012) is called "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and the second part (2013) will be called "The Hobbit: There and Back Again".

Initially the first film was going to comprise the entire book, and the second film would be something wholly original from Jackson, Del Toro & Co. to bridge the gap between The Hobbit and the LotR films, but eventually they decided on just splitting the book into two films.
Edmond Dantès said:
Cirdan the shipwright and other Elf lords (Glorfindel) were purported to be apart of White Council. I doubt Glorfindel will be written into the story though; far too powerful for the Third Age.

Aye. Though technically they wouldn't have to have him do anything notable. They took away his role in FOTR, so he could just be there in the council as a nod to the fans. Its a shame he didn't get to have his role seen in FOTR.

Arahad I (7th Chieftain of the Dúnedain) is also a member. Maybe they'll cast him or let us know of his casting as it would be an interesting tie to Aragorns presence (for the casual filmgoers) in LOTR.


Neuromancer said:
Sweet! Thanks guys. Hope they don't show too much Necromancer though; stuff like that is usually better left to the imagination.

The best you can hope for is a vague portrayal of Sauron. We've already had confirmation from Empire regarding a scene at Dol Guldur., and we can see the set in the new video blog.

But since Sauron was portrayed quite literally in Peter's LOTR films, we'll most likely see something substantial in The Hobbit as well. But who knows....

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Ixion said:
The best you can hope for is a vague portrayal of Sauron. We've already had confirmation from Empire regarding a scene at Dol Guldur., and we can see the set in the new video blog.

But since Sauron was portrayed quite literally in Peter's LOTR films, we'll most likely see something substantial in The Hobbit as well. But who knows....
Might have a wraith-like appearance or be possessing a dead being, living up to his guise as a Necromancer.
Loxley said:
The only thing I remember Lee being upset about was Saruman's death scene in RotK being removed from the theatrical version.

I do remember a couple years back he sounded excited to play Saruman again, but he also came off as a bit hesitant because he knew the only real way he could do it would be if they shot his scenes in the UK. Glad he seems to be in good enough health to do it.

If I remember correctly, Lee actually knew Tolkien, and is considered to be a scholar on the guy's work. So yeah, I don't think he's only doing the The Hobbit as another bullet-point on his filmography.

I've watched all the behind the scenes and Pete Jackson says at one point that Chris Lee reads the books once a year, EVERY year ^^ So yeah he knows his shit.
alright, lets see the entire group stitched together, now that we have the final shot (yes, it's not the same style of the other 12...at least give me a group shot of the 12!)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
He looks great, and I don't mind the younger appearance at all. I think it'll work and I can already feel a commanding presence from this shot.

I'm still bothered by the "small beards" direction on most of these Dwarves and can't help but feel it hurts the flavor of the dwarf race (especially in an iconic character like Thorin), but I guess that topic is a dead-end road at this point. It is what it is, and I'm sure we'll get used to it.

With that said, I am so absolutely floored by the costume design on all 13 Dwarves. Weta never ceases to amaze!

Edit: BTW, get ready for Orcrist (Thorin's sword) to become as recognizable as Sting and Glamdring :)
Amir0x said:
fuck i am buying that sword replica

I know! I have a Sting replica, but an old roommate has the Glamdring replica. But fuck, does that sword look fucking badass.

I was hyped before, but this last pic just sent it into overdrive.
Harry Potter said:
I wonder what the actual size will be like.

If they do what they did with Sting, there will be two sizes made for sale. One is actual size (rather small), and the other is to scale (as if you were a Hobbit or dwarf.)
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