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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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The scale of Bilbo and the dwarves' journey in The Hobbit is comparable to the journey in TLOTR. They travel across most of Middle Earth, fighting orcs, trolls, giant spiders, wargs and a dragon on the way.
Has LOTR aged well on DVD? Maybe they want to make this movie future proof.

Some of the post production and CG looks pretty dated.
But, I mean, come on. It was over ten years ago.

The scale of Bilbo and the dwarves' journey in The Hobbit is comparable to the journey in TLOTR. They travel across most of Middle Earth, fighting orcs, trolls, giant spiders, wargs and a dragon on the way.

Not to mention a very large scale battle.


Not to mention a very large scale battle.

True that, true that. And I'm hoping that Jackson learned how to direct proper battles by now, the fighting in TLOTR movies always left me disappointed. The camera was always too zoomed in the action shots, to the point where you can't even see what's going on.


I wonder if PJ is thinking of cleaning up LOTRs CGI sonewhere down the road? I still don't have an issue with it but there are some parts that stick out a bit.


I'm intensely curious (like everybody I assume) to see how they handle Smaug.

here's a leaked picture of Smaug I found



I entered this thread highly interested, and now I'm almost giddy with anticipation.

I'm still bummed out about del Toro's departure from the project, but I always said, "If there's one person aside from Jackson I would want handling The Hobbit, it would be del Toro." And well... I've got my first pick now, so I shouldn't complain.

I'm not happy this is being shot in 3D (don't have any interest in 3D films), but you better believe I'll see it in 3D anyway.

I fucking love the casting choices, by the way.

Indeed, it's incredible to think what else he could have written had he lived longer.

I shudder to think what kind of film pitches will be made based on the outlines in the Silmarillion, though, after both Hobbit films are out and they've cleaned up on Hobbit marketing...

Good luck getting the Silmarillion rights while Christopher Tolkien still has them.


I have a childhood fondness for Dragonheart. :p It's goofy fun.

Benedict Cumberbatch is doing the Mocap and the voice for him. They'll have to draw out his attack on Esgaroth because he died too quickly in the novel.

Are they killing him off in the first installment? It's been ages since I've read The Hobbit (definitely ripe for a re-reading) but I remember quite a few things happening after Smaug's attack on Esgaroth and subsequent death, most notably the massive battle.


I wonder if PJ is thinking of cleaning up LOTRs CGI sonewhere down the road? I still don't have an issue with it but there are some parts that stick out a bit.
I don't see why dated effects would need updating. Yeah, some of the CGI doesn't look that good anymore but LOTR is 10 years old so it's okay! Old movies are supposed to look old.

Jurassic Park is still impressive to this day because you know they did those effects in 1993. It would lose half of its charm if they updated the CG to 2011.
Are they killing him off in the first installment? It's been ages since I've read The Hobbit (definitely ripe for a re-reading) but I remember quite a few things happening after Smaug's attack on Esgaroth and subsequent death, most notably the massive battle.

No idea. Depends on how much of the White Council/Gandalf's buggering off things they include.


I don't see why dated effects would need updating. Yeah, some of the CGI doesn't look that good anymore but LOTR is 10 years old so it's okay! Old movies are supposed to look old.

Jurassic Park is still impressive to this day because you know they did those effects in 1993. It would lose half of its charm if they updated the CG to 2011.

Not to me.. It still looks good even judging by todays standards


The new pictures are great. I'm so glad that Peter Jackson and the LOTR production crew reunited for the Hobbit films.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I wonder if PJ is thinking of cleaning up LOTRs CGI sonewhere down the road? I still don't have an issue with it but there are some parts that stick out a bit.

Supposedly Jackson wants to fix Gollum in FOTR, since he looks different compared to the other films. I wouldn't mind seeing this and Freeman in a SE of LOTR.

Kud Dukan

Supposedly Jackson wants to fix Gollum in FOTR, since he looks different compared to the other films. I wouldn't mind seeing this and Freeman in a SE of LOTR.

I'd really like to see that, because his different appearance in FOTR really stands out and bothers me everytime I see it.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Has Dain II been cast yet? Its hard to have the battle of five armies without five complete armies.

I hope they don't cut Dain's appearance out. It would be totally fuck awesome to hear a massive dwarven war cry during the battle and see loads of dwarves march down on the enemy.
Dain will show up, but they haven't cast him yet or announced it because that particular filming block is still a while away. His casting will probably be like Martin Csokas', in that it wasn't really announced that he'd be playing Celeborn.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Good luck getting the Silmarillion rights while Christopher Tolkien still has them.
That won't be an issue in the future, as morbid as that sounds. The real issues are the lack of a central protaganist who actually lasts the breadth of the narrative and the grandiose scale of the narrative. It would be unfilmable without an unprecedented budget, not to mention the vast wars between the Aratar and Melkor, that couldn't be translated to the big screen in a convincing matter. One great thing in the Silmarillion's favour; a magnificent antagonist in the form of Melkor (he who arises in might), far superior to Smaug and Sauron respectively. It doesn't get better than the source of all evil in Tolkien's legendarium.
Edmond Dantès;33565182 said:
That won't be an issue in the future, as morbid as that sounds. The real issues are the lack of a central protaganist who actually lasts the breadth of the narrative and the grandiose scale of the narrative. It would be unfilmable without an unprecedented budget, not to mention the vast wars between the Aratar and Melkor, that couldn't be translated to the big screen in a convincing matter. One great thing in the Silmarillion's favour; a magnificent antagonist in the form of Melkor (he who arises in might), far superior to Smaug and Sauron respectively. It doesn't get better than the source of all evil in Tolkien's legendarium.

My ultimate boner would be a HBO miniseries for Silmarillion. That would be delicious.

But if they do anything with it, it would probably be films on the Lay of Luthien and The Children of Hurin.

It dwarfs Hobbit and LOTR in scope. I would love to see it.


Edmond Dantès;33565182 said:
That won't be an issue in the future, as morbid as that sounds. The real issues are the lack of a central protaganist who actually lasts the breadth of the narrative and the grandiose scale of the narrative. It would be unfilmable without an unprecedented budget, not to mention the vast wars between the Aratar and Melkor, that couldn't be translated to the big screen in a convincing matter. One great thing in the Silmarillion's favour; a magnificent antagonist in the form of Melkor (he who arises in might), far superior to Smaug and Sauron respectively. It doesn't get better than the source of all evil in Tolkien's legendarium.

I love your posts.


There are really only two scenes that immediately spring to mind when I think of dated effects in the LotR films, the first is a lot of the CG Uruk-hai during the Helm's Deep battle. The other one is during one of the final scenes of RotK after Aragorn is crowned and they all bow before the Hobbits; the compositing of the four of them into the shot looks straight-up bad, they're lit completely differently from the rest of the scene and stick out like a sore thumb.

Sure some of the green-screen effects are pretty obvious but that doesn't take away from the film. Aside from that, I think a lot of the effects have aged very well, largely due to the shear amount of miniatures WETA used.

I actually can't wait to see Gollum in The Hobbit, his effects in LotR hold up shockingly well, so I can't imagine how amazing he's going to look with our space-age 2011 CG tech :)


Friend of mine: I saw the trailer!
Me: what what what?!
Friend of mine: Yeah, on Youtube!
Me: No...no way...
Friend: yeah, I had no idea Ron Perlman was in this!

Boner subsides.


I remember the cave troll in Moria looking pretty dated last time. The flooding of Isengard and the wall of Helm's Deep exploding (among many other things) still look incredible.


I remember thinking some parts of LOTR hadn't aged well when I watched the DVD for an art class. I can't quite remember what parts though, I may have been watching Return of the King. Also don't assume that the budget for each Hobbit film is 250 million just because the total is 500 million. I think over a 100 million went into legal wrangling and settlements. Each film will be somehwere between 150 million to 200 million, probably closer to 150 million.


Unconfirmed Member
I doubt Smaug shows up in the first film beyond brief sillohuette or shadow. Similar to Gollum in FOTR. You will know he is in the lonely mountain but you won't see him fully till the second film.


The only problem I have is dwarfs. They don't look like dwarfs, but large men in big clothes, if you know what I mean.

That's what Dwarves are meant to look like, though, big men that are short.

Like Hobbits aren't short people, they're miniature people.


No point in not waiting for tuesday in order to get a proper version, as opposed to some poor quality leak.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day though.
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