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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Do we have a list of links to the earlier production diaries? The last one I saw had the Christopher Lee reveal at the end.




I don't think anybody would have a problem with you doing it considering your dedication. Claiming OTs months and months and months in advance is goddamn retarded and something I will continue to ignore, however.
Keep crying broheim, you dont have a fucking clue what goes on behind the scenes. So keep at it.


What does this even mean? Behind what scenes? What are you talking about?
You dont have a fucking clue who's doing the OP, so lets leave it there. So salty that you didnt call for the OT, if you have an issue with the system then take it up with Evilore rather than bitching about it everywhere.


I would have read The Hobbit first, but am waiting till after I've seen the films.

It's best to read it before the movie. The book will of course be better (I love PJ and his adaptions but it is just impossible to top Tolkien) and you'd be able to get your initial reading unspoiled by the movie.
It's best to read it before the movie. The book will of course be better (I love PJ and his adaptions but it is just impossible to top Tolkien) and you'd be able to get your initial reading unspoiled by the movie.

Yeah the hobbit is a much easier and more accessible read, its also personally speaking much more enjoyable than readon lotr


It's best to read it before the movie. The book will of course be better (I love PJ and his adaptions but it is just impossible to top Tolkien) and you'd be able to get your initial reading unspoiled by the movie.

Unless you're a bigger fan of Film than of Literature, then of course the film will always be better (counting on a quality adaptation from PJ & co.).

What I'm trying to say is: they're incomparable.


Wait, at 6:36, is that a fucking bucket with a toilet seat on it?!

Edit: aw and that's cool that Gloin is getting Gimli's weapons. I know they made him look slightly similar, but I wondered what other references to Gimli from the trilogy they'd use and that's really cool.

Edit 2: did not see that coming...


This was posted on the gaming side already, but I figured I'll post here as well seeing as this is basically the unofficial Tolkien thread; Traveller's Tales unveiled some gameplay from LEGO Lord of the Rings at E3.

I think it looks great (especially the lighting), glad to see the LEGO games' trademark humor is on display. This is a bit dorky, but one neat little detail that I like is that even though this is based on the movies, they have Glamdring glow when Orcs are near like Sting - something that was omitted from the films so audiences wouldn't get confused.

/nerdclap Traveller's Tales.


You should still read the Hobbit before the movie and before the LOTR imo.
What I've found is that reading a book after a movie helps. When I re-read LOTR, I pictured Viggo Mortensen as Aragon, Orlando Bloom as Legolas, etc. That way, my imagination doesn't have to picture dozens and dozens of characters, just a handful like Beorn.


It's best to read it before the movie. The book will of course be better (I love PJ and his adaptions but it is just impossible to top Tolkien) and you'd be able to get your initial reading unspoiled by the movie.

This is true but it can also vary, I'm pretty sure this discussion has already taken place - infact it was you that asked Sculli why he hadn't read the book yet first. And Edmond Dantes response hit it clear on

You dont have a fucking clue who's doing the OP, so lets leave it there. So salty that you didnt call for the OT, if you have an issue with the system then take it up with Evilore rather than bitching about it everywhere.

Dont be a bitch about it. It is a stupid system that any fucking random person can call an OT, even if they suck at making said OT's. Not saying that applies here, but I get the complaint in general.
This was posted on the gaming side already, but I figured I'll post here as well seeing as this is basically the unofficial Tolkien thread; Traveller's Tales unveiled some gameplay from LEGO Lord of the Rings at E3.

I think it looks great (especially the lighting), glad to see the LEGO games' trademark humor is on display. This is a bit dorky, but one neat little detail that I like is that even though this is based on the movies, they have Glamdring glow when Orcs are near like Sting - something that was omitted from the films so audiences wouldn't get confused.

/nerdclap Traveller's Tales.

That guy knows his stuff. I was very impressed with his knowledge.


Dont be a bitch about it. It is a stupid system that any fucking random person can call an OT, even if they suck at making said OT's. Not saying that applies here, but I get the complaint in general.
Take your whinage to Evilore, I wasnt the one that sanctioned it. Dont like it, dont post on GAF, simple. Enough offtopic already, this is exactly what happens due to pointless bitching/whining.

On topic, is the first trailer confirmed to be attached with TDKR?


This was posted on the gaming side already, but I figured I'll post here as well seeing as this is basically the unofficial Tolkien thread; Traveller's Tales unveiled some gameplay from LEGO Lord of the Rings at E3.

I think it looks great (especially the lighting), glad to see the LEGO games' trademark humor is on display. This is a bit dorky, but one neat little detail that I like is that even though this is based on the movies, they have Glamdring glow when Orcs are near like Sting - something that was omitted from the films so audiences wouldn't get confused.

/nerdclap Traveller's Tales.
Yeah. They were pretty good about that with Harry Potter as well. Stuff from both the books and the movies.


Edmond Dantès;38656236 said:
No solid confirmation, but TDKR seems the most likely along with Comic-Con.
I hope we get to see the prologue or something similar so that the 48fps debate is put to rest before the movie hits.
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