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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Might as well quit reading the books if you didn't like those glorious parts.

I could see it being a little slow and maybe out of nowhere for someone who read the books after seeing the films. But yeah, Tom's probably my favorite character. When I first read it I remember thinking, yeah, he's got it right. I wanna be him someday. Still feel that way.


I never wrote about the last production diary of the studio tour, but MAN...they're doing a fantastic job with these things. I hope they're all on the Blu Ray set.

Such a fun film to watch develop.


I can understand not liking Tom Bombadil, but I like a lot of the early chapters in Fellowship with them traveling through Eriador. The Barrow-wight was neat, and it helps build up how large and diverse Middle-Earth is. Plus there's the looming threat of the Black Riders. The movies made them more action villains, but in the books their presence is felt more as a creeping dread, with the Hobbits hearing rumors and distant screams, so there's a built-up anticipation for when they do show up.


Plus there's the looming threat of the Black Riders. The movies made them more action villains, but in the books their presence is felt more as a creeping dread, with the Hobbits hearing rumors and distant screams, so there's a built-up anticipation for when they do show up.

This right here is why the first half of Fellowship has been my favorite reading experience of my life so far. It was so terribly mysterious!


I also love how in the book FOTR we don't see what happened to Gandalf. The fact he never showed up to meet the hobbits is a big mystery and you have no idea what happened to him, while in the movies you know why Gandalf isn't there. The mystery aspect works better and you feel as lost and worried as the hobbits.


I also love how in the book FOTR we don't see what happened to Gandalf. The fact he never showed up to meet the hobbits is a big mystery and you have no idea what happened to him, while in the movies you know why Gandalf isn't there. The mystery aspect works better and you feel as lost and worried as the hobbits.

I think the ending of FotR (the film) does a good job at giving the audience the impression that Gandalf is dead. After Moria we don't see or hear anything of him for the rest of the movie.

And to be fair, in the opening to the two towers where we follow Gandalf and the Balrog, as soon as they're about to hit the water at the bottom, they immediately cut to Sam and Frodo. They don't give any real inditication that he survived the fall. Gandalf isn't truly revealed to be alive until Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas find him in Fangorn.

Of course it's all for naught since Gandalf was shown to be alive in nearly every single trailer and poster for The Two Towers...so I don't think audiences were really surprised anyway :/

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
OT: Some lovely fan-made LOTR covers.


Like the Two Towers one in particular.



In the name of killing time before Comic-Con, TheOneRing.net has rounded up all of Billy Connally's Hobbit-related quotes from all the interviews he's been doing for Brave-related press. Some interesting bits in there, I completely missed this one where he describes what Dain looks like in the film (assuming he's being serious):

“They’re basically broadening me, making me wider,” he explains, adding that the technology being used on the film is making for long, hard working days. “But let me say, this guy will terrify the life out of you. I have a Mohawk and tattoos on my head. You’ve got to see it.”

So basically along the lines of Dwalin's look, albeit with more hair on top instead of on the sides ;) Sounds pretty cool, and it makes sense since he's supposed to be one hell of a fierce warrior - can't wait to actually see him.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
In the name of killing time before Comic-Con, TheOneRing.net has rounded up all of Billy Connally's Hobbit-related quotes from all the interviews he's been doing for Brave-related press. Some interesting bits in there, I completely missed this one where he describes what Dain looks like in the film (assuming he's being serious):

So basically along the lines of Dwalin's look, albeit with more hair on top instead of on the sides ;) Sounds pretty cool, and it makes sense since he's supposed to be one hell of a fierce warrior - can't wait to actually see him.
He's supposed to be even more wild and ferocious than any of the 13, so it's great to see that they've gone this route with Dain. I like the dwarves in general, they feel far more unique and approachable than those depicted in the LOTR prologue and The Council of Elrond who felt soulless to me. Almost like their origins where Aule created them, but they had no real life and were just puppets who moved in Aule's presence. Then Eru gave them real life and adopted them hence them becoming step-children of Iluvatar.

Eru...Peter Jackson?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
cant wait for the second trailer, the first had me a little worried until the music hit

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I want the soundtrack all over my face.

Locked in my room.

With nothing but headphones.
I want complete recordings again. In fact the complete recordings of The Hobbit should be the only release time. The original LOTR soundtracks are pretty much obsolete now and I never recommend them to anyone. It's always the complete recordings that I recommend.
Damn you guys, I seen this thread bumbed and thought another one of those brilliant production videos was out.

You ruined my day. Oh well, time to re-watch one of them and think "how great is their job?"

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
the production videos have been grand, tempted to rewatch all of them, the rotk thread got me pumped for the hobbit again, i really hope we see some moments to rival some of the lotr, above all i hope the music is solid

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
the production videos have been grand, tempted to rewatch all of them, the rotk thread got me pumped for the hobbit again, i really hope we see some moments to rival some of the lotr, above all i hope the music is solid
If the trailer and Hugo are anything to go by, then be assured that Howard Shore still has it in him to compose another grandiose score for the duology.
Still reading Fellowship. Just finished The Council of Elrond. I had absolutely no idea that in the book there was no antagonism between Aragorn and Boromir. Maybe it just hasn't come up yet. But Aragorn has already reforged Anduil and is already prepared to return to Gondor, so there was none of that hero's refusal complex from the movies. It was odd, since I actually really liked that about Aragorn in the films - that he had to come into his own to become the king.


Edmond Dantès;38904210 said:
I'm thinking that the second trailer might be attached to Brave, which would mean that the trailer is put online a day before just like last time. So next Thursday is a possibility.
It's rated G as well, so I think it being in front of Brave is extremely likely.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
That makes absolutely no sense at all o_O
Exactly what I'm thinking. Surely they have something new to showcase after six months and six months before the release.

Personally, I want to see more of the Elves, maybe a glimpse at Radagast and Beorn and then end the trailer with a silhouette of Smaug. Nothing revealing of course, but something akin to Gollum's segment in the first trailer.


I want the entire trailer to be Tauriel leaping around the woods.

And end with a slow motion shot of Lilly whipping her hair around, sparkling sunlight, and the words: "TAURIEL - BECAUSE YOU'RE WORTH IT".


The first trailer played pretty heavily on LotR nostalgia, so I'm willing to bet this one will be the first trailer to solely focus on what the main plot of The Hobbit is; Bilbo and the 13 dwarves go on an epic quest to retake The Lonely Mountain (and its treasure) from Smaug. They'll likely play up the relationship between Bilbo and the dwarves as well. I think they'll definitely try to establish each dwarf's individual personality from now until the release of the film so people have an easier time swallowing 13 new characters.

Seeing as a lot of people who weren't familiar with LotR had a hard time keeping track of who-was-who in Fellowship...I can imagine it being an even bigger headache when you toss in four more to keep track of.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
The first trailer played pretty heavily on LotR nostalgia, so I'm willing to bet this one will be the first trailer to solely focus on what the main plot of The Hobbit is. They'll likely play up the relationship between Bilbo and the dwarves as well. I think they'll definitely try to establish each dwarf's individual personality from now until the release of the film so people have an easier time swallowing 13 new characters.

Seeing as a lot of people who weren't familiar with LotR had a hard time keeping track of who-was-who in Fellowship...I can imagine it being an even bigger headache when you toss in four more to keep track of.
That's certainly one of Peter's biggest challenges. How to present the dwarfs without them being one large dwarven mass that no one really remembers once the credits roll.
The earlier the better for me, though I'm not watching Brave in theaters.

This would have been timed much better for TDKR though. Since it's gonna be one of the biggest films of the year. Actually they'll end up playing it in front of that too. Alongside a Man of Steel teaser.
The earlier the better for me, though I'm not watching Brave in theaters.

This would have been timed much better for TDKR though. Since it's gonna be one of the biggest films of the year. Actually they'll end up playing it in front of that too. Alongside a Man of Steel teaser.

A fantasy trailer before a pixar fantasy is a bad idea?
I was operating under the (dumb) idea that they only air trailers in front of one movie and that's it.

So I thought it was either Brave/OR Dark Knight Rises, not both. In which case it would be totally stupid to play this in front of Brave imo. But...yeah. Carry on.
I was operating under the (dumb) idea that they only air trailers in front of one movie and that's it.

So I thought it was either Brave/OR Dark Knight Rises, not both. In which case it would be totally stupid to play this in front of Brave imo. But...yeah. Carry on.

Idk, looking forward to seeing the trailer in 3D... I wonder if it will play at 48fps?
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