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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Woah, nice.

Did you get some inside info? :D

A bit, just asked about the general production and his other work.

I didn't want to be THAT GUY, lol. He is staying with my downstairs neighbour for a few days, so I guess I could go and conveniently bump into him *.*


I still don't get that casting choice. Orcs aren't supposed to be giants. With that said, I like Conan Stevens and I'm happy for him that he's part of such a high profile project.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Now that's Thorin Oakenshield.


On the topic of Thorin. I always find it funny that Thorin was originally called Gandalf the Dwarf and the wizard we all know and love was called Bladorthin in the early drafts of the Hobbit.

It actually makes more sense than the names that Tolkien eventually went with as the name Gandalf has Norse roots whereas Bladorthin was/is Noldorin in origin and fits in more with Tolkien's mythos.

There's a saying amongst Tolkien scholars that he went into the barrel as Gandalf and emerged as Thorin Oakenshield.
Most anticipated film of the year for me. I don't know much about the book except that there's a dragon in it. That's about it. My hype simply comes from Jackson's stellar LOTR trilogy which is more than reason enough for this to be at the top of my hype list.


Most anticipated film of the year for me. I don't know much about the book except that there's a dragon in it. That's about it. My hype simply comes from Jackson's stellar LOTR trilogy which is more than reason enough for this to be at the top of my hype list.

The dragon isn't even the main show, funny enough. There really isn't a main show at all, I suppose. It's all about the journey.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Most anticipated film of the year for me. I don't know much about the book except that there's a dragon in it. That's about it. My hype simply comes from Jackson's stellar LOTR trilogy which is more than reason enough for this to be at the top of my hype list.
One of the greatest fantasy books of all time and still as relevant today as it was in the 30's/40's and more beloved than The Lord of the Rings by many people. The story will certainly not disappoint you


Edmond Dantès;39454443 said:
Larger cover.


Bilbo looks odd to me for some reason

I see Gandalf has been seeing Hagrid's stylist.

Personally I hope he's wearing his hat for most of the two films anyway. There's not nearly enough hat time in Jackson's LotR trilogy, and this shortcoming can finally be redeemed.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I see Gandalf has been seeing Hagrid's stylist.

Personally I hope he's wearing his hat for most of the two films anyway. There's not nearly enough hat time in Jackson's LotR trilogy, and this shortcoming can finally be redeemed.
Plus, Glamdring actually glowing when Orcs and Goblins are nearby.
The dragon isn't even the main show, funny enough. There really isn't a main show at all, I suppose. It's all about the journey.

I just hope it has some good dragon action. I fucking love dragons!

Edmond Dantès;39454669 said:
One of the greatest fantasy books of all time and still as relevant today as it was in the 30's/40's and more beloved than The Lord of the Rings by many people. The story will certainly not disappoint you

Good to know. I know it's not like LOTR and not as "epic" or whatever but it can still be epic in its own right. Is it going to have a great finale or does it just lead into FOTR or something?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Hugo Weaving on The Hobbit and 48fps.
What was it like to be on The Hobbit set, for the first time? Did it feel weird to be playing Elrond again, but 60 years before The Lord of the Rings? How was the tone and world different?

WEAVING: Yeah! In some ways, it was a lot of fun to go back and be on a Rivendell set again with Ian McKellan. It was really lovely to see some old friends and old faces again, and to go back into a similar world, which is tonally a little bit different. You’re in the same world, but the story has a different tone. Peter [Jackson] and Fran [Walsh] are just lovely people, and there’s a particular frustratingly wonderful energy about working on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. The project is so massive and there are so many people. It makes it frustrating for everyone because things just take time and you don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know what’s going on, despite all the best intentions, but the people are so lovely that you just accept, “Well, this is the way this particular world is.” You live from day to day and from moment to moment, doing the best you can. There’s a delightful atmosphere there, so it was lovely. I’ve literally just come back from there a couple days ago, having done post-production on that, so it was really nice to see everyone again.

What are your thoughts on the film shooting in 48fps and also in 3D? Did it help to immediately be able to see how it would look in playback?

Yeah, absolutely. I think the 3D will work incredibly well for The Hobbit. I don’t think it does for everything, and I don’t think it should for everything. To some extent, 3D is just a gimmick, but sometimes it works wonderfully well. With something like Cave of Forgotten Dreams, the Werner Herzog film, you think, “Why is this in 3D?,” but it’s actually wonderful in 3D. It’s a documentary, but it works incredibly well. And then, there are some other films where you think, “This might be in 3D, but the way in which it’s been put into 3D or the way in which it’s being used is too obvious or it seems gimmicky.” I don’t get a lot from the 3D experience, generally, but for certain films, I think it works really wonderfully well, and I suspect The Hobbit will be one of them. For that particular world, I think it’s probably a really fabulous natural exploration of it. With some other things, the 3D doesn’t work so well. I’d rather see something like Last Ride or a small film on a flat screen, rather than with black glasses. That’s impressive enough, as it is.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I just hope it has some good dragon action. I fucking love dragons!

Good to know. I know it's not like LOTR and not as "epic" or whatever but it can still be epic in its own right. Is it going to have a great finale or does it just lead into FOTR or something?
The ending's quite an event and full of sorrow as well at least in the novel and the very end is very poignant. The film itself though may well have a slightly ominous ending with the emergence of
as a major threat to the peoples of Middle-earth.


I just saw the extended cut of LOTR for the first time this weekend. All 11 hours of it. I am definitely ready for the hobbit. I haven't read the books.


I still don't get that casting choice. Orcs aren't supposed to be giants. With that said, I like Conan Stevens and I'm happy for him that he's part of such a high profile project.

I guess you could put him next to a normal sized person and the normal person looks like a dwarf in comparison.
Edmond Dantès;39454288 said:
Yep, looking good.


I mean, I know he is all CGI, but he looks a little too much like CGI. Not sure what I think about his look, at least in that picture. =/

Still, hype rising.. Are we due for a new trailer soon? Please say yes.


I mean, I know he is all CGI, but he looks a little too much like CGI. Not sure what I think about his look, at least in that picture. =/

Still, hype rising.. Are we due for a new trailer soon? Please say yes.

CGI always looks like CGI in still frames. It will look amazing in motion no doubt.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
John Rhys-Davies may have Hobbit cameo
So I just spoke with John at a convention. I asked him point blank about a possible cameo in the Hobbit. At first he denied it, but after a little pressing he smiled really big, laughed, winked, and said that maybe it was possible. His smile... his laugh... I'm taking this as a pretty big indicator that he will be involved in some small way. Can't wait to see it!
CGI always looks like CGI in still frames. It will look amazing in motion no doubt.

Eh, I usually feel like it is the exact opposite, especially with a lot of Weta films (King Kongs CG bothered me like hell back when it came out).. I hope Gollum gets a phenomenal CG treatment, his performance will really depend on it. Im sure they motion capture from Andy Serkis will look great, so as long as they can get rid of that heavy CG-look I bet Gollum could really be great.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Eh, I usually feel like it is the exact opposite, especially with a lot of Weta films (King Kongs CG bothered me like hell back when it came out).. I hope Gollum gets a phenomenal CG treatment, his performance will really depend on it. Im sure they motion capture from Andy Serkis will look great, so as long as they can get rid of that heavy CG-look I bet Gollum could really be great.
I think Smaug will be the showpiece CG character in the films and really steal the show. Gollum on the other hand has a very small role and probably won't get a lot of screen time, so I can see Weta putting a lot more into the development of Smaug in comparison to Gollum, The Necromancer, the Eagles, Spiders, Wargs, Beorn, the Stone Giants, the Goblin King, the Trolls and Roac etc


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Awesome pics, you're doing a great job with this thread Edmond, this is how I get all my Hobbit news :)

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
McKellen: Hobbit is mindblowing
The upcoming big screen version of The Hobbit will blow viewers' minds, according to Sir Ian McKellen.

The veteran actor stars as Gandalf in Peter Jackson's Lord Of The Rings two-part prequel, which also stars Martin Freeman, Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett and James Nesbitt.

Sir Ian told Entertainment Weekly: "A lot of people weren't even born when we were filming Lord Of The Rings and only know the movies from watching them on DVD.

"They'll see Middle-earth on the big screen in The Hobbit, and I guarantee there will be a lot of minds blown wide apart."

Meanwhile, director Peter said of the differences between characters in JRR Tolkien's original novels and in the films: "In the movie we want these characters to have storylines and a little more substance than they do in the book.

"Almost everything we're doing is from Tolkien somewhere, whether it's in the book or the subsequent development that wasn't published in The Hobbit itself."

The bolded is very interesting, but they are tempting the wrath of the Tolkien Estate and Christopher Tolkien if they go too far with it. The last thing anyone wants is another legal dispute.

Awesome pics, you're doing a great job with this thread Edmond, this is how I get all my Hobbit news :)
Thank you.


Holy shit @ Bifur having an orc ax stuck in his head. Never noticed that from the shots.

Not sure if my geekdar is saying "THAT'S SO AWESOME!" or "THAT'S NOT CANON FUCKERS".


Awesome pics, you're doing a great job with this thread Edmond, this is how I get all my Hobbit news :)
Indeed, Tolkien-GAF salutes you Dantes.


Edmond Dantès;39485639 said:

Armitage has a good point in that article about the original cast having the benefit of not really knowing what they were getting into, as far as how big and successful the films would go on to become. Compared to now, where I don't think it's lost on anyone involved how popular The Hobbit films will be, and how high the expectations are.
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