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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
But orcs are supposed to be roughly the same size as dwarves, smaller than humans, that's for sure.
They're a bit like the race of men in some regard as they come in all different shapes and sizes. These larger ones (Azog and Bolg) are obviously tribal leaders because of their size, but I expect the other orcs to be more in line with the average size.


Edmond Dantès;39547662 said:
They're a bit like the race of men in some regard as they come in all different shapes and sizes. These larger ones (Azog and Bolg) are obviously tribal leaders because of their size, but I expect the other orcs to be more in line with the average size.

I'd like to draw your attention to the orc that attacked Frodo in Dwalin's chamber. He is described as "huge" and in the same sentence as "almost human height." Uruks are obviously larger, since they were crossbred with humans. Azog and Bolg were Misty Mountain orcs and shouldn't be THAT large, even if they're larger than the average Misty Mountain orc.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'd like to draw your attention to the orc that attacked Frodo in Dwalin's chamber. He is described as "huge" and in the same sentence as "almost human height." Uruks are obviously larger, since they were crossbred with humans. Azog and Bolg were Misty Mountain orcs and shouldn't be THAT large, even if they're larger than the average Misty Mountain orc.
Depends on what Tolkien meant by human height though. Was he referring to Aragorn and Boromir or men in general during the Third Age? If he was referring to the former then you could see the how Peter has come to this as Aragorn and Boromir have been calculated as been very tall even by today's standards by some from the Tolkien community. Some range them from anywhere between 6 foot 3 to 6 foot 7. Add a bit of artistic licence to the mix and you can kind of see how the production team came to this decision.


sorry to you guys who got this flick delayed

i would fly across the ocean if I had to in order to see it as close to opening day as possible. Fuck i cannot wait for this shit, half a goddamn year to go *grumble*

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
It's a wrap!


We made it! Shoot day 266 and the end of principal photography on The Hobbit. Thanks to our fantastic cast and crew for getting us this far, and to all of you for your support! Next stop, the cutting room. Oh, and Comic Con!
Cheers, Peter J

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
An extra and member of TORN posted this:
Some of us extras had our last day on Wednesday, along with Luke Evans and Ryan Gage. As often as we'd waited with bated breath after seemingly endless takes of one scene to hear, "Thank you. That's a wrap, folks!", it was truly horrible to hear it this time. A half day could well have continued for another few months, as far as I was concerned, but every journey has an end, eh Bilbo?

I promised when I got the job that I would not bitch, moan or complain about ANYTHING - cold, wet, long hours, sitting around doing nothing. Hey, there's always something to see, someone interesting to talk to. It would all just be a part of my luck at getting to be in The Hobbit, when I know how many others would love to do it. I can say with a clear conscience that I did my part, whatever I was asked to do, with perhaps a very tiny silent groan at times, but willingly and the very best way I knew how. The thought that any one of you might have a reason to think me ungrateful was like a gentle reminder at all times to stay awake, take in every single sight and sound, and keep smiling, and we did do it, didn't we, Precious?

"Grateful" is a word I've come to use a lot since February. This has truly been the best work experience I've had in a long list of varied and positive work experiences. I think extras had the easiest job of all those hard-working people. We showed up (admittedly, quite early, but not as early as others) and played dress up; got fed (very very well - see production vlogs); got told where to stand and what to do (it was like an acting workshop on-the-job); didn't have to remember lines, and watched well-trained experienced fabulous actors act and do their lines; saw how some of the bits and pieces get to be big bits; if it was cold, we were given blankets or little hot water bottles to put in our costumes; if it was hot, we got little cold water bottles, mini-fans and cups of water. Best of all, we were treated with kindness and respect by everyone, like one of the family, maybe the cousins you only see at Christmas, but you're happy to see them. I felt valued as a member of the team - even before Andy Serkis referred to us as "background artists". How do you like that?! An artist! Me!

But the journey doesn't end here. All those other folks who are making this whole thing happen will keep on creating, losing sleep, tweaking, tuning, laughing, worrying, and it's only FIVE months until December 14, 2012. Five short months, when we've been waiting years. Yes, I'm going to have a bit of a hard time waiting a year and 5 months to see if my new friends and I get at least a second of screen time, but I've had many many days of pure delight to think over for many years to come.

We're wrapped. But these new friendships I've made while we background artists were sitting and waiting for hours together, people I wouldn't have met otherwise and who got as much of a kick out of this as I did, will not be wrapped. I'm chuckling now just thinking about them all. There are musicians and singers among them, and we're having a party next week where we can hang out and just be us. Will we recognize one another? Ha! We'll see. This is an unlooked-for gift to be grateful for and to keep, probably the best one.

But what does we do now, Precious?!!!! After moping on the sofa with the cats all day yesterday, watching all seven Hobbit production videos and the ROTK end-of-filming special features and crying about pretty much everything, I'm coming out of my pity party today knowing how blessed I've been by this experience. Now it's time to do something - else. Our dear founder, Tehanu, spoke words of wisdom at the end of the LOTR film experience that struck me then and have stayed with me. Here's a link to that article on the old TORn site. http://archives.theonering.net/...es/notes/note22.html, the most important idea being:

"There are lots of gifts that, practiced with skill, leave no lasting monument that one can show off, like a book or a film. They are worth no less for all that.....Follow your curiosity, find something that interests you and throw yourself into it wholeheartedly!"

Thank you for the reminder, dear TORnfriend, and I will take those words to heart.

Now... where can I throw myself?
Courtesy of Lissuin


Very touching, can't imagine what it must be like to be involved with such a huge, unique project for so long only to have it just...end.

I remember during one of the behind-the-scenes Appendices on the RotK Extended Edition that he's talking about, where they show the final day of pick-up shots for RotK with Elijah Wood filming the scene in Bag End where he's finishing the Red Book of Westmarch. During the last shot, Jackson did over ten takes of Frodo saying one line (the "There's room for a little more." line he says to Sam). Dominic Monaghan was on set that day with all the cast members who were still in New Zealand and he recounted how he could tell that Jackson got the right take after the third try but just kept it going because he didn't want it to end, and no one said anything because they didn't want it to end either :(


Gandalf coming up the path and meeting Bilbo is probably one of the most iconic scenes in all of Tolkien, perfect choice for the poster.


This is still so far off *despair*

It's my favourite depiction of Gandalf and the poster nailed it. I actually got a little emotional seeing that, mixed with the nostalgia for the past movies.

Fucking magic.
Mine too, it's just the perfect encapsulation of the character. World-worn, mysterious, a wanderer.
Man....December just simply cannot get here soon enough! What sucks is that we'll have to wait what? 10 more months after that for the 2nd part?

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
TheOneRing.net has posted their analysis of he new EW shots. They make some good observations that didn't occur to me; like how slightly-younger Gollum looks a lot more like Andy Serkis, and how stacking the barrels the way they did for that scene was a very smart way to do it.
Thorin looks great in that promo pic.

I do wonder how they're going deal with Thorin's lesser qualities though. There are times in The Hobbit where he comes across as either too arrogant or just plain cowardly. Are they going to depict him as the flawed character that he is or are they going make him an all out 'perfect' hero?


Edmond Dantès;39646389 said:
Thorin looks great in that promo pic.

I do wonder how they're going deal with Thorin's lesser qualities though. There are times in The Hobbit where he comes across as either too arrogant or just plain cowardly. Are they going to depict him as the flawed character that he is or are they going make him an all out 'perfect' hero?

Yeah, I felt Aragorn was too flawless in the film trilogy. There's a few scenes where he expresses his reluctance to take up the throne, but that's about it.

On the other hand, Boromir became even more interesting to me. Partly because of the man, the myth, Sean Bean.


Edmond Dantès;39646389 said:
Thorin looks great in that promo pic.

I do wonder how they're going deal with Thorin's lesser qualities though. There are times in The Hobbit where he comes across as either too arrogant or just plain cowardly. Are they going to depict him as the flawed character that he is or are they going make him an all out 'perfect' hero?

I'm curious about that as well. Honestly? I'm wondering which type of hero- perfect or flawed - would make
Thorin's death in part 2
more effective from a screenwriting perspective. I think they have a strong example in how Boromir was portrayed in Fellowship. Arrogant, proud, and used to being a leader/in a position of authority at the beginning, but redeems himself in the end. Or they could go the Gandalf route; limit his character flaws from the book to a few isolated incidences and make him more of a kindly mentor.

I think Thorin's line from the trailer about Bilbo, "I cannot guarantee his safety, nor will I be responsible for his fate", is at least some indication that he definitely isn't an Aragorn-esque hero. Especially when you compare that to Aragorn's line about Frodo, "If by my life or death, can protect you. I will."

Part of the reason I think they have a larger opportunity to make Thorin a flawed hero is because of the 12 other dwarves. They can make up for the areas where Thorin isn't perfect, such as Balin befriending Bilbo. So long as we don't get the text reversed and have Thorin
happily give Smaug's treasure over to the people of Lake-Town as opposed to being greedy and keeping all of it
. Or anything like that. Which reminds me, I really hope we get more situations where Bilbo/the dwarves test Gandalf's patience in The Hobbit. I always enjoyed it whenever he talked down to the other characters in the books like they were morons (which was really only reduced to a few "WTF Pippin?" moments in the films). Cranky Gandalf the Grey is best Gandalf the Grey.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'm curious about that as well. Honestly? I'm wondering which type of hero- perfect or flawed - would make
Thorin's death in part 2
more effective from a screenwriting perspective. I think they have a strong example in how Boromir was portrayed in Fellowship. Arrogant, proud, and used to being a leader/in a position of authority at the beginning, but redeems himself in the end. Or they could go the Gandalf route; limit his character flaws from the book to a few isolated incidences and make him more of a kindly mentor.

I think Thorin's line from the trailer about Bilbo, "I cannot guarantee his safety, nor will I be responsible for his fate", is at least some indication that he definitely isn't an Aragorn-esque hero. Especially when you compare that to Aragorn's line about Frodo, "If by my life or death, can protect you. I will."

Part of the reason I think they have a larger opportunity to make Thorin a flawed hero is because of the 12 other dwarves. They can make up for the areas where Thorin isn't perfect, such as Balin befriending Bilbo. So long as we don't get the text reversed and have Thorin
happily give Smaug's treasure over to the people of Lake-Town as opposed to being greedy and keeping all of it
. Or anything like that. Which reminds me, I really hope we get more situations where Bilbo/the dwarves test Gandalf's patience in The Hobbit. I always enjoyed it whenever he talked down to the other characters in the books like they were morons (which was really only reduced to a few "WTF Pippin?" moments in the films). Cranky Gandalf the Grey is best Gandalf the Grey.
I think we'll see a lot more of cranky Gandalf, especially if the dinner scene is followed to the letter. Plus, there's also a chance to show a more snarky side to Gandalf during the 'out of the frying pan and into the fire scene' where
Gandalf has a few choice words with the goblins; "Go away! little boys!" shouted Gandalf in answer. "It isn't bird-nesting time. Also naughty little boys that play with fire get punished."

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
UK premiere is confirmed for a December 14th release.
As a follow-up to our post yesterday, we can confirm that the US and UK release date for 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' remains December 14th 2012. There were a lot of websites reporting the UK release date was going to be December 26th, which then resulted in even other websites misconstruing the story suggesting the US release date was also being pushed. None of it is true, and our official sources confirm the date remains December 14th 2012. If that changes, TORn will be right here to alert you! (Join our social media outlets to get even faster alerts: @theonering.net / Facebook) We hope to also have a complete list of international release dates for you in the coming days. Happy Monday!

TORn have very good sources especially considering their close ties to the production team and even Peter himself. I mean even Guillermo del Toro posted there during his tenure as director. So, I think we can be confident.


Edmond Dantès;39685593 said:
UK premiere is confirmed for a December 14th release.

TORn have very good sources especially considering their close ties to the production team and even Peter himself. I mean even Guillermo del Toro posted there during his tenure as director. So, I think we can be confident.

Thank you! Was getting mildly upset about the boxing day release, i'm gunna watch this with my buddies at uni before heading home for xmas break :D

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
They've nailed the look of the Wargs this time. Beorn looks stupendous as well. This also confirms the cut-off point of the first part.

Again it's quite spoilerific for anyone who hasn't read the book.


I'm curious about that as well. Honestly? I'm wondering which type of hero- perfect or flawed - would make
Thorin's death in part 2
more effective from a screenwriting perspective. I think they have a strong example in how Boromir was portrayed in Fellowship. Arrogant, proud, and used to being a leader/in a position of authority at the beginning, but redeems himself in the end. Or they could go the Gandalf route; limit his character flaws from the book to a few isolated incidences and make him more of a kindly mentor.

I think Thorin's line from the trailer about Bilbo, "I cannot guarantee his safety, nor will I be responsible for his fate", is at least some indication that he definitely isn't an Aragorn-esque hero. Especially when you compare that to Aragorn's line about Frodo, "If by my life or death, can protect you. I will."

Part of the reason I think they have a larger opportunity to make Thorin a flawed hero is because of the 12 other dwarves. They can make up for the areas where Thorin isn't perfect, such as Balin befriending Bilbo. So long as we don't get the text reversed and have Thorin
happily give Smaug's treasure over to the people of Lake-Town as opposed to being greedy and keeping all of it
. Or anything like that. Which reminds me, I really hope we get more situations where Bilbo/the dwarves test Gandalf's patience in The Hobbit. I always enjoyed it whenever he talked down to the other characters in the books like they were morons (which was really only reduced to a few "WTF Pippin?" moments in the films). Cranky Gandalf the Grey is best Gandalf the Grey.

I was sort of wondering about this issue myself. I just finished reading the book again - probably the first time since I finished high school (originally read it in middle school or something) - and one main thing stuck out at me on this read that I hadn't really noticed (or remembered) before.

The latter part of what will be the second movie, just before the battle of five armies, is pretty much full of petty bickering and squabbling which really puts the dwarves and Thorin in a bad light -
mainly talking about Thorin's attitude after Smaug destroys Lake Town and they fortify themselves inside the mountain against the men and elves, and Thorin's complete dismissal of perfectly valid arguments, particularly after the dwarves had zilch to do with Smaug's ultimate demise
. I almost think they have to be very careful about this, because the "redemption" that sort of works in the books after that event may get lost in the middle of a big old action sequence.

Edmond Dantès;39690453 said:


This must be the best promotional image relating to Peter Jackson's Tolkien adaptations I've seen thus far.

That hill scene is just magical.

Ugh, Dwarves sticking their heads out of crates while still in the river!!! HERESY!!!

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I think that's the Lonely Mountain under the 'Y' of the Unexpected Journey title.

If so, then it is looming in the distance as expected for the
final shot of An Unexpected Journey


Wow, this movie goes all the way up to
the escape from Mirkwood?

I recently went through the book, and it doesn't seem like there's too many story beats left after that for another 3 hour movie. There's
Lake town, the passage in the mountain, the scene with Bilbo and Smaug, and the final battle in Lake Town and with the goblins.

Just doesn't seem like a whole movie.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Wow, this movie goes all the way up to
the escape from Mirkwood?

I recently went through the book, and it doesn't seem like there's too many story beats left after that for another 3 hour movie. There's
Lake town, the passage in the mountain, the scene with Bilbo and Smaug, and the final battle in Lake Town and with the goblins.

Just doesn't seem like a whole movie.
There's also the culmination of the greatly expanded White Council/Necromancer subplot, the negotiations involving all the key players, tying up loose ends with Radagast and co and the journey home, as well as setting up the Lord of the Rings with an allusion to
Sauron's return to Mordor


Man, Entertainment Weekly has really been bringin' it with all these awesome images lately. If only I had a four-monitor setup....

Edmond Dantès;39690110 said:
They've nailed the look of the Wargs this time. Beorn looks stupendous as well. This also confirms the cut-off point of the first part.

Again it's quite spoilerific for anyone who hasn't read the book.

Completely agree, I especially can't wait to see Beorn in action. You know, with all these new photos being released, it's occurred to me just how well done all the production video blogs have been, as far as not spoiling anything goes. Despite everything Jackson has shown us, there's still a ton we haven't even seen a glimpse of yet.


Awesome poster.

Most excited to see (Movie 1):
- The Company, obviously
- Goblin-town
- Mirkwood
Least excited to see (Movie 1):
- Gandalf/Galadriel/Elrond stuff that takes too much away from the actual meat of the story. I really hope that they don't just show everything Gandalf does behind the scenes.
Most excited to see (Movie 2):
- The interior of Lonely Mountain
- Beorn in action
- The Necromancer, if done right
Least excited to see (Movie 2):
- The eagles bailing out the good guys at the end of movie 2. I'm worried that people who are only familiar with the movies will say. "Oh great, so everyone just gets saved by eagles again. How original!" Hopefully, Jackson puts more emphasis on other forces/characters at work.
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