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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Love the dwarf weapons, especially Nori's and Thorin's Orcrist.

That said, I do have that nagging annoyance that they're using the same inspiration that things like Dragon Age, World of Warcraft, Warhammer (to a lesser extent) use.

Eh? All of those took their inspiration from Tolkien.


Edmond Dantès;39767214 said:
So this will be the big trailer attached to TDKR it seems. No sign of The Hobbit yet with only nine days left.


Damn, I was really anticipating the Hobbit trailer at TDKR. Almost more than I've been anticipating TDKR itself.


Well, to be fair, the design aesthetics of the Dwarves was described by Tolkien and (as far as the movies go) was worked out at far as back as 1998 during pre-production of Fellowship. The way they appear in The Hobbit is likely just an extension of what they created for the LotR trilogy.

Eh? All of those took their inspiration from Tolkien.

No, what I meant was that someone started the squarish design with runes and I think Lox is right in that it was probably the original LOTR production that did it, considering Tolkien never described his dwarves weapons at all like they are in the film or in the subsequent copycats afterwards.


Jackson says the Hobbit footage at Comic-Con will be shown in 2D, at 24FPS:

PJ: I think it’s more about protecting the downside, rather than helping the film in any significant way. There is a huge audience waiting to see “The Hobbit,” and any positive press from Comic-Con will truthfully have little impact on that. However, as we saw at CinemaCon earlier this year, with our 48 frames per second presentation, negative bloggers are the ones the mainstream press runs with and quotes from. I decided to screen the “Hobbit” reel at Comic-Con in 2-D and 24 frames per second, so the focus stays firmly with the content and not the technical stuff. If people want 3-D and 48fps, that choice will be there for them in December.

Notice he said "reel" and not "trailer". Dantes may be right that The Man of Steel teaser trailer could potentially be the main trailer that WB have attached to TDKR as opposed to The Hobbit. Fingers crossed :/

There's also a rumor that WB may add a film-grain filter to the Hobbit footage to make it look less digital. Eh...
Aw, poor bloggers and press!

All of those "Hobbit 48fps looks like a soap opera" articles that they had prepped and ready!

I guess they'll have to go with plan B: "They didn't show 48fps Hobbit footage, what are they hiding? It must suck!" articles.


Part of me is happy about this because now all of the feedback will be solely about the actual damn content of the footage and not the frame-rate. I do like the that Jackson reinforced the fact that people will have the "choice" to see it in 48FPS, reminding everyone that there will be regular 24FPS screenings available.

He'll probably talk about the 3D and 48FPS more during the Comic-Con panel since he obviously knows that everyone is curious about it, as I imagine that the first guy in line for the Q&A will say "WHY NO 3D 48FPS FOOTAGE!?!?! CUZ IT LOOKS TERRIBLE!?!?".

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Jackson says the Hobbit footage at Comic-Con will be shown in 2D, at 24FPS:

Notice he said "reel" and not "trailer". Dantes may be right that The Man of Steel teaser trailer could potentially be the main trailer that WB have attached to TDKR as opposed to The Hobbit. Fingers crossed :/

There's also a rumor that WB may add a film-grain filter to the Hobbit footage to make it look less digital. Eh...
Still holding hope for a trailer, but not looking likely. Trailers are always classified on that site, normally 1 or 2 weeks prior, never with less than a week to go though. So, if a new trailer is going to be attached to TDKR it needs to be classified in the next two days.

In other news, Tom, William and Bert revealed in all their glory.


Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I think the most significant thing to come out of that article is the additional shooting and seeking permission to do so.

What could Peter be planning?

Maybe adding something to the trilogy or heresy I know, replacing Ian Holm's Bilbo in the prologue with Martin's Bilbo a la George Lucas.

Or mentioning Dain II Ironfoot's efforts during the War of the Ring and adding that to the trilogy.

Or could it be something relating to The Necromancer's past during the First and Second Ages that they haven't got the rights to.

And finally, could it just be the more in depth Quest of Erebor found in The Unfinished Tales that they also have no right to use.

A new and improved cut of the trilogy in 3D perhaps.


Edmond Dantès;39782316 said:
I think the most significant thing to come out of that article is the additional shooting and seeking permission to do so.

What could Peter be planning?

Maybe adding something to the trilogy or heresy I know, replacing Ian Holm's Bilbo in the prologue with Martin's Bilbo a la George Lucas.

Or mentioning Dain II Ironfoot's efforts during the War of the Ring and adding that to the trilogy.

Or could it be something relating to The Necromancer's past during the First and Second Ages that they haven't got the rights to.

And finally, could it just be the more in depth Quest of Erebor found in The Unfinished Tales that they also have no right to use.

A new and improved cut of the trilogy in 3D perhaps.

In the commentary for FotR Extended, Peter Jackson talked about how Gollum wasn't finalized yet, so his model was a little off. So he said maybe they could revisit that. I wouldn't mind new versions of the movies with updated CG.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
In the commentary for FotR Extended, Peter Jackson talked about how Gollum wasn't finalized yet, so his model was a little off. So he said maybe they could revisit that. I wouldn't mind new versions of the movies with updated CG.
Replacing the Wargs in The Two Towers/Return of the King with The Hobbit wargs would also be a good improvement and the cave troll from The Fellowship of the Ring with a new CG troll. Certain parts of the Khazad-dum scene are also looking a bit ropey and yes, Gollum from The Fellowship.

Thinking about it, this seems the most likely and easiest to do. But also the change that would garner the most backlash.


Just replace Sting with the One Ring and you can imagine what the new scene may look like.



For continuity's sake, you won't get any objection from me on the idea of inserting Freeman into that 3-second shot in the prologue of Fellowship. It's not really taking a huge chunk of Holm's part of the film out. However, seeing as it is a big moment for Bilbo as a character, some would probably object to it on the grounds that Ian Holm should be allowed to have that moment on screen in Fellowship since he did originate the role and is himself a Tolkien fan. That's more of an ethical objection to the idea though than anything else.

This actually brings up a good discussion point which I don't think has been brought up a lot in these threads, how would everyone feel if Jackson did eventually decide to go all George Lucas on us and re-release the LotR trilogy in 10/15 years with updated CGI?

Bare in mind that part of the reason Star Wars fans hated all the changes Lucas made to the original trilogy were because he's also made the original, theatrically-released cuts of the films impossible to find. What if Jackson/WB were to still alllow people to buy the movies in their original, 2001-2003 form? Maybe they'd be on a separate disc or something.

Personally I'd totally be up for that. Who would really honestly throw a fit if the Wargs got a visual overhaul to match their (apparently) better look in The Hobbit? Lord knows their effects have not held up well over time. Besides, there's no novelty factor for me in badly-aged CGI. With Star Wars, many long-time fans felt the movies lost a lot of their charm once Lucas started tossing in anachronistic CGI into every scene, whereas LotR made its name on it's digital effects.

Heck, they've already made slight alterations to the original cuts of the trilogy on the blu-ray releases, like the noticeable color-enhancements to the Council of Elrond scene. In the original film looked like it had been run through a pot of urine, whereas the BR version features a much better color palette and the scene doesn't look over-lit and muddy, it looks fantastic.

Bare in mind that part of the reason Star Wars fans hated all the changes Lucas made to the original trilogy were because he's also made the original, theatrically-released cuts of the films impossible to find. What if Jackson/WB were to still alllow people to buy the movies in their original, 2001-2003 form? Maybe they'd be on a separate disc or something.


Originals have been released in VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray. Extended versions released in DVD TWICE! They are not hard to find and I would be intrigued with even more extended versions (maybe not for ROTK :D) with some little The Hobbit tweaks.
I think that change parallels the one Tolkien made initially when he edited Riddles in the Dark after writing the LotR. I'm ok with that edit because to me it's only a minor change that is essential to his next book, and I think with the same logic one could argue replacing Holm during those 3 seconds is also reasonable. I think the more worrisome question is, though, if Jackson is willing to make that change will he stop there or keep going?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
im not so sure about changing that part in the fellowship, i understand the logic, its only a small piece but where do we draw the line? Do we change gollum in the fellowship next in the prolouge and moria because the interpretation wasnt exactly how the other two films portrayed him? The fellowship was and is a good film and people understand that Holms and Freeman are two different actors, changing that scene feels like nit picking of the Lucas variety.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I always said that having Ian Holm in that shot as younger Bilbo was extremely short sighted and a big mistake.

Well from what ive read they had no idea just how successful the films were going to be, at least no-one could have expected how it turned out, i wouldnt be surprised if that was one of the first shots filmed either. Either way there's no way for them to have known the hobbit would have been so sought after or so soon (relatively) made.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
im not so sure about changing that part in the fellowship, i understand the logic, its only a small piece but where do we draw the line? Do we change gollum in the fellowship next in the prolouge and moria because the interpretation wasnt exactly how the other two films portrayed him? The fellowship was and is a good film and people understand that Holms and Freeman are two different actors, changing that scene feels like nit picking of the Lucas variety.
I think Peter wants his take on Middle-earth to be viewed as one big 16 hour pentalogy and he may feel the need to eradicate any glaring issues (Bilbo prologue, Gollum FOTR, Wargs) that don't meld well together when the saga is viewed as a whole. These are specific issues he's actually mentioned in the commentaries and making of extras. I don't think he'd go any further than those though apart from minor visual tweaks as Loxley mentioned.


Well from what ive read they had no idea just how successful the films were going to be, at least no-one could have expected how it turned out, i wouldnt be surprised if that was one of the first shots filmed either. Either way there's no way for them to have known the hobbit would have been so sought after or so soon (relatively) made.

They had to figure that the movie based on one of the most beloved fantasy fiction series in history would be successful enough to warrant a sequel (prequel). I mean, just to recoup the cost of Fellowship the movie had to be very successful. They were quite the pessimists if they didn't expect that.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Edmond Dantès;39786018 said:
I think Peter wants his take on Middle-earth to be viewed as one big 16 hour pentalogy and he may feel the need to eradicate any glaring issues (Bilbo prologue, Gollum FOTR, Wargs) that don't meld well together when the saga is viewed as a whole. These are specific issues he's actually mentioned in the commentaries and making of extras. I don't think he'd go any further than those though apart from minor visual tweaks as Loxley mentioned.

I would feel personally that it is needless tinkering, like i say i genuinely do understand his and others points of view, there is something to be said for consistency but there is also something to be said for letting the films stand where they may, as products of the time. I dislike most the precedent it sets that films are merely works in progress even after release and while a few small fixes here and there may not hint at that future it does open the door for it. It does make me slightly worried about the 25th anniversary edition and so on where a fix becomes a change becomes a rewriting.
I suppose to elaborate on my point, I'm ok with Jackson making minor changes like young Bilbo or certain CG issues because I feel comfortable trusting him to honor the source material and not think that he can improve upon it. Even the Extended Editions, while considered canon by fans, are not the "definitive" versions of the movies. I doubt this will be a slipper slope. If those involved making these movies continue to put as much love into them as they did initially (which I expect they will) then I don't think we have anything to worry about moving forward.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
They had to figure that the movie based on one of the most beloved fantasy fiction series in history would be successful enough to warrant a sequel (prequel). I mean, just to recoup the cost of Fellowship the movie had to be very successful. They were quite the pessimists if they didn't expect that.

Its been a good while since i watched the featurettes and im sure someone will correct me BUT i remember reading about the history of the production of the lotr and the challenges of getting the films made. Originally it was meant to be 2 films but because of the way the studio was going someone said "why not 3". It was a huge risk and, though im sure they knew they could recoup alot of the cost I dont think anyone here will claim that anyone could have assumed it would make as many billions as it did. Even great films do not always resonate and even if they do resonating on such a level its almost once a generation, if that.

My main point is that it is a very safe bet to assume that PJ never thought about the hobbit while making the lotr films. Further there is no way he could have predicted it would be made within the lifespan of Holmes so this issue was never likely to come up.


Just fix the scene where Elrond and Isildur are walking into Mount Doom and I'll be happy.

I rolled my eyes when that scene came on the big screen and lowered my expectations for the movie down several notches. It took a few more minutes and "Regarding Hobbits" to bring me back.


Heck, they've already made slight alterations to the original cuts of the trilogy on the blu-ray releases, like the noticeable color-enhancements to the Council of Elrond scene. The original film looked like it had been run through a pot of urine, whereas the BR version features a much better color palette and the scene doesn't look over-lit and muddy, it looks fantastic.


Yeah, I LOVED the new color timing on the EE Blu-Ray. It's a little too green in some parts, but all around it looks way better than the old version.
Its been a good while since i watched the featurettes and im sure someone will correct me BUT i remember reading about the history of the production of the lotr and the challenges of getting the films made. Originally it was meant to be 2 films but because of the way the studio was going someone said "why not 3". It was a huge risk and, though im sure they knew they could recoup alot of the cost I dont think anyone here will claim that anyone could have assumed it would make as many billions as it did. Even great films do not always resonate and even if they do resonating on such a level its almost once a generation, if that.

My main point is that it is a very safe bet to assume that PJ never thought about the hobbit while making the lotr films. Further there is no way he could have predicted it would be made within the lifespan of Holmes so this issue was never likely to come up.

Yeah. There were few who thought the movies would be successful at the time. People didn't know what to expect. Fantasy movies were, and mostly still are, a joke. Maybe not an outright bomb, but not many expected it to be as successful as it was. It was definitely a gamble.

Someday making the Hobbit was probably the last thing on their minds.


Aw, poor bloggers and press!

All of those "Hobbit 48fps looks like a soap opera" articles that they had prepped and ready!

I guess they'll have to go with plan B: "They didn't show 48fps Hobbit footage, what are they hiding? It must suck!" articles.

So if someone doesn't like the look its not legit? Its just being lazy bloggers or writers with pre-prepared articles?

I actually find it refreshing because usually no matter what we just get gushing impressions regardless of content.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
if it all possible im going to see the hobbit in 2d and 24fps, 2d because 3d really does nothing for me and 24 because honestly speaking, i really dont want to think about anything other than the film while watching it.


if it all possible im going to see the hobbit in 2d and 24fps, 2d because 3d really does nothing for me and 24 because honestly speaking, i really dont want to think about anything other than the film while watching it.

At the moment this is my plan, although it may change. If possible, see The Hobbit first in 2D and 24FPS, and then the next viewing will be in 3D and 48FPS. Either way I can pretty much guarantee I'll be seeing the movie a lot while it's in theaters in it's various forms.

God, I really don't want to buy the EE on Blu Ray, but that color correction really really looks nice.

Oh it looks even better in motion :)

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
We should organise some sort of EE rewatch, been far too long since i went back to the lotr universe, would be great to have a discussion after each film.


Edmond Dantès;39790473 said:
I'd be up for that. Could also make it a Hobbit reread as well.

Well this is good timing, I just got back from my campus Barnes & Noble where they were selling copies of The Hobbit with the original cover art:


...so naturally, because I'm weak, I bought one since I don't actually own a copy of The Hobbit with that cover. This brings the number of copies of The Hobbit that I own up to...oh...six? Yeah, that's reasonable.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
My only exposure to the hobbit was audio books, my dad had a habbit of playing the series when we took long car journeys. I do not remember anything about them save a few plot points along the way so im going into this quite new. I read all of the lotr books after the fellowship and loved them, im unsure whether to read the hobbit or go in cold.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
one part i loved about the trailer was the dwarves song, i wonder if there will be many others in the film


I literally just finished The Hobbit (Novel) like 30 minutes ago. It wasn't really prompted by the near release of the movie, I just really wanted to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now can't wait for the film.

I haven't really been following this thread though, so is the film going to be one film, or split into two?

one part i loved about the trailer was the dwarves song, i wonder if there will be many others in the film

YES! I definitely did not do justice to those songs while reading the novel.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I literally just finished The Hobbit (Novel) like 30 minutes ago. It wasn't really prompted by the near release of the movie, I just really wanted to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now can't wait for the film.

I haven't really been following this thread though, so is the film going to be one film, or split into two?

YES! I definitely did not do justice to those songs while reading the novel.
Two films, each expected to be around 2 and a half to 3 hours long. Prologue exploring the history of dwarves expected, flashbacks during the White Council meeting exploring the Necromancer's origins expected and Old Bilbo narrating.

Returning characters from the trilogy; Old Bilbo, Frodo, Legolas, Galadriel.


Edmond Dantès;39802763 said:
Two films, each expected to be around 2 and a half to 3 hours long. Prologue exploring the history of dwarves expected, flashbacks during the White Council meeting exploring the Necromancer's origins expected and Old Bilbo narrating.

Returning characters from the trilogy; Old Bilbo, Frodo, Legolas, Galadriel.

Gandalf, Gollum, Saruman, Elrond, Necromancer/Sauron are all returning characters too.
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