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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Edmond Dantès;40180650 said:
Yep, Trolls, Gollum, Eagles, Spiders, Wargs, Stone Giants, Beorn, Beorn's buddies, Radagast's bunnies, Roac, The Necromancer, possibly the Goblin King and the most anticipated use of CG; Smaug the Magnificent.

So true.
I wonder what are they looking at before their CC panel (at 0:58) , was that Pacific Rim footage?


To be fair, the majority of what Dantes mentioned was done with CGI in the LotR trilogy as well. As for the shiny new Hobbit additions, I don't see how they possibly could do Smaug, the Stone Giants or Beorn's animal forms from a practical perspective.
Yeah, I agree. From the trailer it felt like an old LOTR movie anyways except the quality of the film looked better, less muddled. I think my sentiments come from Hollywood and moves in general increasing their CG use which, in only some cases so far, has slowly started to draw me out of the experience.


I honestly don't remember either Dale or the Stone Giants from the book (which I last read about 2 years ago), so I'll keep them as surprises from the film. I am not anticipating enjoying of the
spider scenes

It will actually be the first time I've seen a Lord of the Rings film in a cinema. Other films like The Dark Knight and Inception, which both blew me away in the cinema, didn't have the same impact when I watched them at home... I'm hoping the opposite occurs here.


hide your water-based mammals
Watching them production videos brings back lots of memories. Warm and awesome memories. Takes me right back to Middle Earth.


I'm tellin' you man...who needs super-heroes...




...Dwarves are going to be the new cool thing once these movies are out. I love Thorin leading the charge.
In the past week I've watched the extended LOTR trilogy once more with my girlfriend. She has only seen the theatrical versions until now- her jaw dropped at some of the additional scenes, in particular the inclusion of Boromir scenes in FOTR and TTT. She also loved the short scene with the Witch King in ROTK (this is my hour!), and the city of the dead (namely how Aragorn got onto the Corsair ships).
Really made watching them again a great experience for me with her reactions.

Then I've been painting Uruk Hai all weekend, looking at more figures on Ebay, and now a new production film has been released. It isn't even August and I'm utterly desperate to see The Hobbit.


Edmond Dantès;40182842 said:
Thorin looks pretty young there. I wonder which battle that is? Battle of Azanulbizar or Five Armies?

I'm leaning towards Azanulbizar. Thorin does look younger, and upon closer inspection (because I have that kind of free time today) it doesn't look like he's holding Orcrist either. As for the hammer-wielding dwarf, I suppose that could be Thráin II or potentially even Fundin. Then there's the question of who these guys are:


We should nick-name The Hobbit's release date 'Dwarf-apalooza 2012'.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I'm leaning towards Azanulbizar. Thorin does look younger, and upon closer inspection (because I have that kind of free time today) it doesn't look like he's holding Orcrist either. As for the hammer-wielding dwarf, I suppose that could be Thráin II or potentially even Fundin. Then there's the question of who these guys are:


We should nick-name The Hobbit's release date 'Dwarf-apalooza 2012'.
The Elf fans had there time with the trilogy, now is the time of the Dwarf fans. :)
A bit off topic but I just watched FOTR on blu ray on the downstairs TV and have now begun to watch TTT in my bedroom on my playstation. Holy shit the jump in quality is huge, FOTR could have easily been a DVD I was watching. Does anybody know if the jump in quality is expected or should I be looking at the settings on my blu ray player downstairs or something.
A bit off topic but I just watched FOTR on blu ray on the downstairs TV and have now begun to watch TTT in my bedroom on my playstation. Holy shit the jump in quality is huge, FOTR could have easily been a DVD I was watching. Does anybody know if the jump in quality is expected or should I be looking at the settings on my blu ray player downstairs or something.

That doesn't sound right.


A bit off topic but I just watched FOTR on blu ray on the downstairs TV and have now begun to watch TTT in my bedroom on my playstation. Holy shit the jump in quality is huge, FOTR could have easily been a DVD I was watching. Does anybody know if the jump in quality is expected or should I be looking at the settings on my blu ray player downstairs or something.

Are you watching the theatrical cuts or the EE's? I noticed that the Blu-ray theatrical cut of Fellowship looked a bit muddy in some spots compared to TTT and RotK. The EE on the other hand looked excellent, so if that's what you're watching, it might be your TV or BR player that's messing things up.


The dwarf is finally getting their time in the sun. People who are acquainted only with Gimli's comic shenanigans in the movies are going to be pleasantly surprised.
Radagast the Brown is going to be so awesome. Amazing casting. Sylvester is a quirky chap.

Goblin King leaves me a bit worried though. Not seen Barry do serious acting before.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White


Edmond Dantès;40203678 said:

Armitage seems like a pretty cool guy, I was a fan of his from the terrible BBC Robin Hood series from a couple years back (I think I'm one of maybe six Americans who have ever seen it) - he was one of the only good things about it despite how horribly written his character was. When I heard he was playing Thorin I was really excited, he definitely knows how to play an authoritative role; plus he's got the perfect voice.

And it's always great to see lesser-known television actors make the jump to a big role like this (as could be said for nearly all of the cast, including Freeman to an extent.)

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I can't check that page right now, but what would the third movie even be?
Stuff from the appendices added to the second part of the narrative therefore requiring the need for a third film or a bridge film telling the story between the end of The Hobbit and the beginning of The Lord Of the Rings.
Edmond Dantès;40216784 said:
Hobbit trilogy one step closer?


Seems to be regurgitating what we already know, but the unnamed source is interesting.

This is...curious.

On one hand, I'll take as much Middle-Earth on film as I can get. But on the other hand, I don't want it to come at the expense of quality and passion. If they think there's a story to be told that can sustain itself across three films (with each film remaining quality as a stand-alone) then I'm all for it. But if not, use the extra footage to make the EE films and be done with it.
It's just a rumor man, relax :/

It's not necessarily "just a rumor." More that one reputable outlet reported multiple, direct sources saying the studio, filmmaker and cast have been in talks for weeks and seriously want to do it.

Plus, WB has NO tentpoles (outside of a Lego movie) for all of 2014. They are in desperate need of this with no Harry Potter or Batman left.

Kud Dukan

This is...curious.

On one hand, I'll take as much Middle-Earth on film as I can get. But on the other hand, I don't want it to come at the expense of quality and passion. If they think there's a story to be told that can sustain itself across three films (with each film remaining quality as a stand-alone) then I'm all for it. But if not, use the extra footage to make the EE films and be done with it.

This is pretty much how I feel. If they think they can make a third film and have the quality still remain high, then go for it.


They'll get no complaints from me if a third film ends up happening, they've got plenty to explore from The Appendices. If Jackson is stoked about doing it, then great.
Edmond Dantès;40216784 said:
Hobbit trilogy one step closer?


Seems to be regurgitating what we already know, but the unnamed source is interesting.

Well given PJ in the link above mentioned such, talking about shooting more from the Appendices being possible I suppose it could happen. Originally wasn't the plan to have one film based on the Hobbit and a second based on the Appendices to bridge the gap between Hobbit and LOTR? Maybe the third film will take place after the end of The Hobbit.. Maybe..

Kud Dukan

They'll get no complaints from me if a third film ends up happening. They've got plenty to explore from The Appendices.

There is definitely enough material in there, that's for sure. This is probably the only time we'll ever get the opportunity to see a lot of that on the big screen as well.


This is...curious.

On one hand, I'll take as much Middle-Earth on film as I can get. But on the other hand, I don't want it to come at the expense of quality and passion. If they think there's a story to be told that can sustain itself across three films (with each film remaining quality as a stand-alone) then I'm all for it. But if not, use the extra footage to make the EE films and be done with it.

Yeah this is my position as well.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Man, I really need to read these books...
This is pretty much everything that could be used from the appendices.

Appendix A
The Númenórean Kings

Númenor (A synopsis of the events of The Silmarillion, especially the Akallabêth)

The Realms in Exile (A list of the kings of Arnor and Gondor, including the Chieftain of the Dúnedain and the Ruling Stewards of Gondor.)

The Northern Line: Heirs of Isildur

The Southern Line: Heirs of Anarion

Eriador, Arnor, and the Heirs of Isildur (The history of the Northern Kingdom, through the time of Aragorn II)

Gondor and the Heirs of Anarion (The history of Gondor, including a few details of the lives of Denethor II, Boromir, and Faramir.)
The Stewards

The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen (Traces the love story of that couple, including their deaths.)

The House of Eorl (The history of Rohan.)

The Kings of the Mark

Durin's Folk (Focuses on the Dwarves of that line. Some of the events leading up to the Quest of Erebor are given. This section contains a family tree of Durin, including some details about Gimli.)

Appendix B
The Second Age:
It covers the major events of the little-documented Second Age, concerning Númenor and the Rings of Power.

The Third Age:
It covers the years 2 - 3017 of the Third Age, focusing mainly on events in Arnor, Gondor, and The Shire.

The Great Years:

It covers specific dates for particular events of the time period of the Lord of the Rings (the years 3018 and 3019); it begins with Gandalf's return to Hobbiton and concludes with the destruction of the Ring. This section also gives a brief account of the battles of the Northern campaign during the War of the Ring that are not mentioned in the main book.

The Chief Days from the Fall of Barad-dur to the End of the Third Age:
It finishes the events of The Lord of the Rings, giving specific dates up through Sam's return to Bag End.

Later Events Concerning the Members of the Fellowship of the Ring:

Chronology of the early Fourth Age (although dates are given in the Shire Reckoning), and primarily follows what happened with the hobbits. The last entry tells the final fate of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.

The other appendices are just full of misc info relating to family trees, languages, calendars.
Appendix C: Family Trees (Hobbits)

Appendix D: Calendars

Shire Calendar for use in all years
The Calendars

Appendix E: Writing and Spelling

 I Pronunciation of Words and Names
II Writing

Appendix F

 I The Languages and Peoples of the Third Age
II On Translation

The Silmarillion stuff seems like an interesting loophole at first, but no, it's very brief so you could not adapt a film using what's provided in the appendices.
I think this rumor originally came about because there was enough footage from the first two films that it could almost be stretched into a third. I'd like to think that this initiative comes from Jackson and his crew instead of WB, because if that's the case, even if it's odd that they are considering a third movie this late in the game, at least it's because they think there's more story to tell.

Either way I'm happy since that extra footage will inevitably end up in the Extended Editions.

Kud Dukan

Edmond Dantès;40217714 said:
This is pretty much everything that could be used from the appendices.

Appendix A

Appendix B

The other appendices are just full of misc info relating to family trees, languages, calendars.

The Silmarillion stuff seems like an interesting loophole at first, but no, it's very brief so you could not adapt a film using what's provided in the appendices.

Also, if I remember correctly, they don't actually have the rights to everything within the Appendices either. Certain aspects of it, such as the Silmarillion stuff, they would never be able to use. I remember Jackson talking about that back when the Lord of the Rings trilogy was coming out.
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