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The Hobbit - Official Thread of Officially In Production

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Interesting thing to note about one of the shots with Legolas:


He's carrying
Orcrist - or at least a stunt-version of it -
at his side. Wouldn't be surprised if he temporarily confiscates it from Thorin when
the dwarves are captured in Mirkwood
. Even from production stills that hilt is pretty recognizable.
Anyone in here think it's going to be a problem dressing up for the premiere thanks to what happened in Aurora?

I missed out on dresssing up for LotR because I was an insecure teenager too worried about my rep, so I plan to go all out for the Hobbit. I will not be pleased in the least if I go through the effort of hobbitizing myself only to get turned away at the door. Joe-bo Baggins will have to go into burgler mode at that point to get himself into the theatre.


Anyone in here think it's going to be a problem dressing up for the premiere thanks to what happened in Aurora?

I missed out on dresssing up for LotR because I was an insecure teenager too worried about my rep, so I plan to go all out for the Hobbit. I will not be pleased in the least if I go through the effort of hobbitizing myself only to get turned away at the door. Joe-bo Baggins will have to go into burgler mode at that point to get himself into the theatre.

Easy solution. You'll just hide your costume under a trenchcoat and a balaclava. You'll get in no problem.

Or some cop is going to shoot you on sight.
Anyone in here think it's going to be a problem dressing up for the premiere thanks to what happened in Aurora?

I missed out on dresssing up for LotR because I was an insecure teenager too worried about my rep, so I plan to go all out for the Hobbit. I will not be pleased in the least if I go through the effort of hobbitizing myself only to get turned away at the door. Joe-bo Baggins will have to go into burgler mode at that point to get himself into the theatre.

Just call ahead.


Anyone in here think it's going to be a problem dressing up for the premiere thanks to what happened in Aurora?

I missed out on dresssing up for LotR because I was an insecure teenager too worried about my rep, so I plan to go all out for the Hobbit. I will not be pleased in the least if I go through the effort of hobbitizing myself only to get turned away at the door. Joe-bo Baggins will have to go into burgler mode at that point to get himself into the theatre.

I said as much in the Aurora thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if - at least for a little while - movie theaters actually had armed security guards/police officers on duty during the night of a big premiere as a precaution for the next few months. I wouldn't think they won't allow you to dress up at all though, that seems like an oddly specific rule.

But hey, there's a thread for talking about that; back on topic. I'm going to have visions of stone giants all day.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Typical Dantes being underwhelmed by everything Jackson shows. Show some enthusiasm man.
I have faith in him to adapt The Hobbit in a way that's true to Tolkien and the source material, but I'm tempering my expectations somewhat. I don't want to fall in to the same trap that certain Alien/ Ridley Scott fans fell into when dealing with Prometheus. Heck even TDKR disappointed some.


Edmond Dantès;40176307 said:
I have faith in him to adapt The Hobbit in a way that's true to Tolkien and the source material, but I'm tempering my expectations somewhat. I don't want to fall in to the same trap that certain Alien/ Ridley Scott fans fell into when dealing with Prometheus. Heck even TDKR disappointed some.

It's probably because I'm running on almost no sleep, but I can't tell if we're even kidding at this point ;)


Edmond Dantès;40176553 said:
Yeah, I just had a tiresome weekend so I know how you feel.

I'm normally more enthusiastic in this thread, at least I think I am. :\

Yeah I was completely joking with my jab up there ;) I was under the impression you were as well, but actually, now that I know you're not kidding about tempering your expectations, you're definitely not wrong about some of this years biggest films underwhelming. I have yet to see The Dark Knight Rises, but I'll put Brave on my list of movies that weren't nearly as great as I'd hoped :/

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Trailer during TDKR blew my mind. I literally got giddy, music was great...very very excited for this.
I've seen the trailer three time times at the cinema now and the reactions each time were wildly different.

Hugo - Well received by the audience and a little kid with his family in front of me was just floored by the trailer, almost brought tears to the eyes to see how excited he was.

Amazing Spiderman - Total silence, either it was because of the overly cynical crowd at the BFI IMAX in London or people were just stunned in to silence by the trailer.

TDKR - A mix between the two and some even discussing The Hobbit and exhibiting a good knowledge of the story which was lovely to hear.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I really want to recapture that feeling, the epiphany I had when watching The Fellowship of the Ring for the first time. I knew then that this was something I would treasure and love for the rest of my life and that this was a world that I could get lost in whenever I felt like getting way from the toils of life.

I can pinpoint the exact moment it happened; after the Fellowship defeats the cave troll and they're running away from Balin's tomb and you hear a full rendition of the Fellowship theme, just before they're surrounded by the goblins. I was captivated by the film up until that point, but that was the trigger.

Little did I know what was to come...

...The Balrog of Morgoth and the Bridge of Khazad-dum.

If there's a moment like that in The Hobbit, then Peter will have my utmost gratitude.

Share your moments Tolkien GAF.


I remember walking out after FOTR and saying something along the lines of "I've waited 20 years for that film, and it didn't disappoint".

Quickly followed by "Roll on next December!" :)


I actually don't remember much from my first viewing of Fellowship in the theater, apart from people cheering when Aragorn decapitated Lurtz at Amon Hen. It wasn't really until The Two Towers that I felt a real attachment to the films, because I hadn't even heard of the books leading up to Fellowship's release, much less actually read them.

I'm one of those people who didn't fall in love with all things Tolkien until after the movies began to be released (I was 12 when Fellowship came out). It's actually amusing to me looking back; when I first saw the trailer for Fellowship, I was really interested in it and leaned over to my mom and asked her what 'The Lord of the Rings' was, she said 'It's a book series'. Fast forward a year later, I remember seeing the trailer for the Two Towers and being ecstatic, the whole audience was going bonkers when the Helm's Deep shots were playing.

What I distinctly remember, was the brilliant debut trailer for Return of the King. By mid-2003 I was completely hooked on the films. I was buying the action figures, the video games, the soundtracks, obviously the EE's, everything. I remember the day that trailer for RotK hit the internet I was sitting at my dad's computer (the only computer in the house at the time that had internet access) and was waiting for our painfully slow dial-up to get going so I could check it out. I was completely blown away. Blown away by a small, sub-HD trailor on a crummy CRT computer screen.

That moment at 1:38 where the music swells up, we see Minus Tirith burning, and Aragorn's speech begins, and the text "This Christmas...the journey ends" to this day gives me some of the biggest goosebumps I've ever felt watching a trailer.

The words 'The journey ends' in particular really resonated with me. The movies were something really special for me as a kid, for three years I really became connected with all these characters. The idea to release each film bam-bam-bam right after each other was a brilliant move on Jackson & New Lines part. Everyone knew when The Two Towers was coming out, and likewise for RotK. Talk about 'event' movies. This is why The Lord of the Rings really is my Star Wars trilogy.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
I remember ROTK at the cinema very well and a feeling of profound happiness and contentedness, but tinged slightly with sadness knowing it was all over, but then I remembered The Hobbit.

Many of us have been waiting nearly nine years now to return to Middle-earth on the big screen and the wait is almost over.

Things certainly do have a way of working out though as it'll be exactly 10 years since the end of The Lord of the Rings trilogy next December and also the end of The Hobbit duology.*

* Assuming The Hobbit trilogy idea doesn't come to fruition.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Edmond Dantès;40178104 said:
I really want to recapture that feeling, the epiphany I had when watching The Fellowship of the Ring for the first time. I knew then that this was something I would treasure and love for the rest of my life and that this was a world that I could get lost in whenever I felt like getting way from the toils of life.

I can pinpoint the exact moment it happened; after the Fellowship defeats the cave troll and they're running away from Balin's tomb and you hear a full rendition of the Fellowship theme, just before they're surrounded by the goblins. I was captivated by the film up until that point, but that was the trigger.

Little did I know what was to come...

...The Balrog of Morgoth and the Bridge of Khazad-dum.

If there's a moment like that in The Hobbit, then Peter will have my utmost gratitude.

Share your moments Tolkien GAF.

When Gandalf falls in the fellowship, i have a long tale to tell about how i first saw it, perhaps for another time. The fellowship is both the first and last time in my life that I witnessed a film that i thought generations upon generations would revere in the future. I had loved films before it but never actually witnessed a timeless piece, something so fluently perfect, something that no-one could find fault with (no-one i knew). I could rave for hours about it, its the first film i ever bought an ost for, bought every computer game available, even bought a girl a ring once because it reminded me of one of the stills i saw of the rings given to the men by sauron. So many memories :D


The stone giants sequence is one that I was really curious about since, like a few other creatures that WETA have had to design, Tolkien never really gave an in-depth description as to what they looked like. Aside from that they were giants made of stone, obviously. I have to say it looks they're heading in an awesome direction. It also looks like this EW shot of the dwarves is from that scene:



On my first viewing of Fellowship I was blown away by the opening battle sequence and first shots of Hobbiton, but after that the magic was gone. I became really nit-picky, thinking things like "that's not how it happened" and "they left that part out!" throughout.

I began to appreciate it much more on repeat viewings, especially the extended editions.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
The stone giants sequence is one that I was really curious about since, like a few other creatures that WETA have had to design, Tolkien never really gave an in-depth description as to what they looked like. Aside from that they were giants made of stone, obviously. I have to say it looks they're heading in an awesome direction.
Just adds another wondrous facet to an already wonderful Middle-earth.

Great to see WETA doing their thing with such aplomb.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I will miss the miniatures, slightly concerned about just how much cgi there is going to be


Edmond Dantès;40178104 said:
Share your moments Tolkien GAF.

Watching Fellowship on the first day was nerve wracking. The trailers were good, the buzz was great but still I'm a pessimist and I kept waiting for disappointment.

Then the Last Alliance scenes played and I went "OK I like where this is going" but still couldn't commit. Cut to ... the Regarding Hobbits scene and Howard Shore's awesome music. By the time Gandalf lit those fireworks for the children I was literally crying from joy. The next three movies were just this ridiculous embarassment of cinematic riches. Every single year since I use a day to watch the Extended Editions back to back. Shut everything down, stock up on booze and snacks and just let it roll over me. It's always exhausting and always one of the high points of my year.

The depths of my fanboyism became apparent to me once I caught myself openly weeping at the lighting of the beacons in ROTK. My cynical side kept reminding me that I was crying at shots of mountains. But my sentimental side could not hear its objections. It was too busy squeeling like a teenage girl in a Beetles concert.


There will be no shortage of CGI but the sad fact is that this is pretty much the only movie nowadays that gets those enormous sets like the town of Dale. In most movie productions they'd just build a house or two and add rest of the town later but here they built the whole town old school style. That's comforting.


Yeah, I can't get upset at the amount of CGI they'll be using when I see just how gorgeous the sets and costumes are. At least this point we know Hobbiton and Bag End will be about as real as it gets :)

Bah, seeing Hobbition on the big screen again, what an awesome birthday present that will be.


Trailer during TDKR blew my mind. I literally got giddy, music was great...very very excited for this.
Is this the same as the debut trailer? Is the new one up online?
I don't have time to GIF it, but here's the stone giant :D

Grisby has gone straight to boner city.
Edmond Dantès;40180650 said:
Yep, Trolls, Gollum, Eagles, Spiders, Wargs, Stone Giants, Beorn, Beorn's buddies, Radagast's bunnies, Roac, The Necromancer, possibly the Goblin King and the most anticipated use of CG; Smaug the Magnificent.
This makes me sad in a way. I mean, I've liked everything I've seen so far (see boner city) but I felt the LOTR trilogy had a nice balance.


Is this the same as the debut trailer? Is the new one up online?

Grisby has gone straight to boner city.

This makes me sad in a way. I mean, I've liked everything I've seen so far (see boner city) but I felt the LOTR trilogy had a nice balance.

To be fair, the majority of what Dantes mentioned was done with CGI in the LotR trilogy as well. As for the shiny new Hobbit additions, I don't see how they possibly could do Smaug, the Stone Giants or Beorn's animal forms from a practical perspective.

Edmond Dantès

Dantès the White
Yeah, I can't get upset at the amount of CGI they'll be using when I see just how gorgeous the sets and costumes are. At least this point we know Hobbiton and Bag End will be about as real as it gets :)

Bah, seeing Hobbition on the big screen again, what an awesome birthday present that will be.
Would be a lovely tribute to Noel Appleby (died in 2007) who played Everard Proudfoot to have a younger version of him appear in the Shire scenes, scowl and all.

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