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The Jeopardy Thread

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when asked how the money has changed his lyfestyle Ken Responded, "I'm beginning to appreciate President Bush's tax cuts."


That guy annoys me. Why does he shake his head at the beginning of every episode?

He doesn't even seem to be that smart. He's missed at least 5 questions from the handful of episodes I've seen. I actually knew the answer to one of the questions he missed too. I am so smart. :)
a few days ago he got the final question wrong and my dad got it right

my dad would own at that show, he answers 90% of the questions correctly


twenty-seven wins in a row = 5 total weeks plus two days

This dude is amazing. He's fast and deadly accurate. A few days ago I saw him miss four questions that he rang in on, and that was VERY rare.

He obviously has a habit of getting daily doubles due to his question dominance. I think the only way Ken can lose is when he overbets his DD and misses the question. I haven't seen every day of the streak, but I've seen over half and have yet to see him miss a DD that he was able to answer on.

He bets aggressively on the DD, and that will be his downfall.

One question though, why doesn't he max out his cash every game? I missed the first 8 or so of his streak, but I've yet to see a game where he didn't have over double of the next closest (meaning if he bets smart he can't win), and I've yet to see where he bets the maximum. Does he just feel sorry for Jeopardy or something? He's probably left $100,000 on the table in the last 15 wins alone.

Dude is a machine. I can't wait for 20 years from now when we get Jeopardy's answer to the "$64,000 Question" and find out he was a ringer.


BigJonsson said:
a few days ago he got the final question wrong and my dad got it right

my dad would own at that show, he answers 90% of the questions correctly

Answers are only half the battle though, speed is as important as the answers. That's what sets Ken apart is the speed in which he rings in.


Drunky McMurder
There was at least one game that he could have lost if he hadn't gotten final jeopardy correct. The second place finisher in that game had $40,000+, how pissed would you be if you were him? instead of getting 40K, you get a swiffer wet jet and a watch.


Archaix said:
There was at least one game that he could have lost if he hadn't gotten final jeopardy correct. The second place finisher in that game had $40,000+, how pissed would you be if you were him? instead of getting 40K, you get a swiffer wet jet and a watch.

I missed that one, that would suck to get 40k on Jeopardy and freaking lose.
Archaix said:
There was at least one game that he could have lost if he hadn't gotten final jeopardy correct. The second place finisher in that game had $40,000+, how pissed would you be if you were him? instead of getting 40K, you get a swiffer wet jet and a watch.

Wooo! Wet Jet! Now THAT I can use! WTF Am I gonna do with 40k? BUy a car? YEAH RIGHT! AhhAHHHHAHAHHAHHahahahhaahhaaa....ha....umm... shit.


I wish they'd ask questions about computer gaming lingo. For instance, what voice command do you use to call for a medic? And they'd be like "Wtf" meanwhile we'd be like "WHAT IS MEDIC WHAT IS MEDIC PWNED"


Drunky McMurder
BigJonsson said:
2nd place had 40,000?!?!

Oh and don't the runner ups get to keep their money now?

I don't believe they do. The boards just go blank aside from the winner, so I just assumed they still get the consolation prizes if they don't win.
One of the guys I know (lets call him Mike) actually played with him. Ken once had to drive through Nevada to get to some tournament and they stayed at some bad, horrible town. Keep in mind Ken is a Morman so imagine the response he had having to stay there.

Mike claims that the main reason why Ken is so good at Jeopardy is because of his knowledge of "trash"-- check out his knowledge of comics and such. "Trash" is usually regarded as anything not academic. Not only that, he was an English major or something so that makes him even better. However, he's supposed to be pretty bad at science.


That's probably correct. There was a pretty easy scientific category yesterday about bacterias or some crap that basically went unanswered. My ex would have run that category blindfolded like Eddie.
I think it is down to the speed. There was a woman on there recently who was just jamming on the buzzer but Ken was beating her every time.

The man is on fire.

Is it me or has Jeopardy gotten easier though?


Warm Machine said:
Is it me or has Jeopardy gotten easier though?

Haha, my wife and I had a quasi-serious argument about that. She used to say all the time that the questions were much harder when she watched it regularly 10 years ago. Since I'm a few years older than her I would say I don't think so, but that she might just know more stuff than she did when she was 15. She insisted that wasn't it... heh we actually ended up having a pretty good scrap over it. ;)


Jeopardy gets easier the more you watch it and the older you get. For instance, the Shakespeare categories used to kill me, but as I got older I realized there were only about 7-8 plays and I had read 3-4 of them. I don't think Jeopardy has gotten any easier as much as it is that I am smarter than I was at 18 (ten years ago).


a few days ago he got the final question wrong and my dad got it right

my dad would own at that show, he answers 90% of the questions correctly
The trick to the game is the buzzer. He may answer them right at home, but if he was playing it would all be about the buzzer.

That's the mystery of Jeopardy...the people may all know the questions, but it's the one who can click the button the fastest. And, obviously, Ken is the fastest.
Santo said:
He has a wife and a kid.

Just to step in a bit, I was mentioning somewhere yesterday about how people jump to conclusions on how to define how someone's gay by their actions. I also don't think many people realize how many gay men have wives and children.

But yeah, back to Jeopardy.
I think Dallas shows Jeopardy earlier than some of the other parts of the country. 3:00 pm everyday.

So spoiler on today's show:

Woohoo! He broke a million!

The guy had $46,000 going to Final Jeopardy, but lost $14,000 when he missed it.

Finally he has the balls to break the one-day total and he misses the question.

I got the Final Jeopardy question too!
As the show comes on at 7:30pm Pacific in Vancouver maybe there should be Spoiler warnings on any recent winnings.

Thank you for your Ken like reflexes editing that spoiler! :)
What is with this mormon=gay thing? People make fun of Clay Aiken and call him gay all the time, when he is actually a devout mormon who denounces homosexuality as wrong. I wouldn't have thought mormons and gays would have enough in common to get confused with one another!:)


DrForester said:
Ken's also an Anime fan.

Totoro is his good luck charm.

That's a poor assumption. He said he was doing business in China and saw a cute doll and picked it up, then found out it was a Totoro. Nowhere did he say he was an anime fan. :p


Matlock said:
That's a poor assumption. He said he was doing business in China and saw a cute doll and picked it up, then found out it was a Totoro. Nowhere did he say he was an anime fan. :p
" Well played CLERKS "



I might watch again tonight. I was flipping channels on like Monday I think and saw most of a show - first time I've really watched Jeopardy in years.

He layed down a pretty comprehensive beating on the two hapless suckers he was with. It was reasonably close going into double jeopardy, but then he seemed to run pretty much two full categories in no time and that was pretty much that. It's not just that he had a good amount of money (like 20-30k) near the end but that everyone else had almost nothing because they rarely got in.

He seems to have a broad range of knowledge (obviously) but he get's a fair bit wrong - it's just that he's almost always in first. The poor woman clearly knew a good portion of the 'answers' too but she just never had a chance. You could see she was getting pretty frustrated by the end.


Dude has probably left half a mil on the table because he refuses to bet correctly on Final Jeopardy. He's probably tied the record 3 or 4 times, but he could have smashed it each and every time.

I can't believe that he knows the govt is taking over %50 of his game-show earnings (isn't it %60?) and yet he won't squeeze out every dollar that he can. I disagree with whoever claimed he wasn't good in Final Jeopardy (in either this thread or the Sports Guy thread), he must have seen some select times when he missed the question. I'm an avid Jeopardy watcher, and have seen Ken probably 25 times. I think I've only seen him miss Final Jeopardy 3 times at most. Of course, since he has only had less than double the second place guy twice that I've seen, it hasn't hurt him in the least.

I stand by my claim that his total could be $500,000 higher than it is currently if he bet the way you're supposed to bet.

In Jeopardy, you bet whatever leaves you $1 over double second place in case you miss it (yeah I'm not eloquent, you got the picture). In Price Is Right, when you are the fourth bidder you go $1 or $1 over the highest bidder, it's just the way it is. I can't believe Ken has shunned the betting gods so successfully this far. Of course, when it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to lose going into Final Jeopardy unless you have a stupid bet, the point is kinda moot.


He has gone for it once...had 46k going into Final, bet 14 of it, got it wrong. He would have had it then. I was surprised to not see him go for it tonight. He really pissed me off, as well.


It was great seeing him on the Tonight Show. He was funny and did pretty well conisdering he's just a 'regular' guy. And he got to sit next to Julia Stiles, a dream for many geeks. ;)


Damn! The question before the last question, he was above the record at $53,000, then messed up on the last question and went down to $51,400...he got the final Jeopardy question right and shattered the one day record, with his $75,000 Total. He now has $1.3M...and on the news earlier, they said we might have to wait until the next season of Jeopardy to find out when he loses...they start taping again in the Fall.
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