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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


rvy said:
I don't know who's running the art department in SNK these days, but God damn... chubby, chibi, chubby, chibi. It's awful.

I'm kinda iffy about King however. Being more anime-fied is kinda a meh to me since her previous looks are far far more superior.
CcrooK said:
Yuri looks worse :/

Yep Yuri does look worst her head looks like a meat bun with a face and hair lol
I really wonder why SNK did that to her , i know Athena is suppose to be her old school look but still she also gets to me .

_dementia said:
Mai's face looks pretty awful in-game too.

I would take Mai face over what we have for Athena and Yuri.
Truth is Vice and Kula have best female faces in the game.


CcrooK said:
I'm kinda iffy about King however. Being more anime-fied is kinda a meh to me since her previous looks are far far more superior.
That can be said about anyone though. From 2003 onward KOF seems more and more "Anime-fied" with each iteration. And it's not pleasant.
I miss the old sprites, the characters looked like adults. Highly stylized adults, but adults none the less.

They suck now. They even managed to ruin K'.

Those "### & Friends" by Saigado have lost all meaning now. The re-designs are terrible.


gundamkyoukai said:
Yep Yuri does look worst her head looks like a meat bun with a face and hair lol
I really wonder why SNK did that to her , i know Athena is suppose to be her old school look but still she also gets to me .

Haha, and here I thought I was the only one who got the angry meatbun impression from Yuri.

Truth is Vice and Kula have best female faces in the game.

Don't remember Vice's face well, but I would agree regarding Kula (the thing was, I was expecting her to turn out as poorly as meatbun Yuri and Precious Moments Athena did, yet she somehow wound up looking older than them).
KOF was always Anime-fied is a big way , it just as time goes on and the char sprites get smaller on screen and that fuck up the look .
Kula turn out okay but SNK had to be high during the time they did the female faces or they did not care or maybe it was to hard for them to do in the time they had.

Korigama said:
Haha, and here I thought I was the only one who got the angry meatbun impression from Yuri.

yep the first time i saw her i thought a angry meat bun coming to kill people lol
damn that's nice said:
it was alright i'm still hyped but the sticks for it at anime expo were terrible

That sucks i need to get a stick and i wanted to buy one that came with KOF.
Guess i will wait on SFxT one or just look and get a old one some how.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Athena? Mai? Yuri?
My only true love:

No trailer yet? SADPANDAZ

damn that's nice

Junior Member
gundamkyoukai said:
That sucks i need to get a stick and i wanted to buy one that came with KOF.
Guess i will wait on SFxT one or just look and get a old one some how.
they might have built the cabinent on the fly with cheap parts or something... the base game itself is good though... you shouldn't ignore it
_dementia said:
Dat class
Fersis said:
Athena? Mai? Yuri?
My only true love:

No trailer yet? SADPANDAZ

Fersis we are going to have to fight over her cause she never going to be yours lol.
She is such a great char i love killing people with her since she was put in , she always part of my main team .


Both look the same to me dude :V

Fersis said:
Human Saiki should be an Ash head swap.

More rumors from Dreamcancel: Billy is not alone! Billy,Eiji and Iori95 will be back. :0
Here's hoping Classic Iori has something new to actually offer and differentiate him from Iori...


General Shank-a-snatch said:
About that sprite anime-fying thingie that started even before KOF2002.


Good, clean sprite.


A garbled mess.
Both sprites look good at their native resolutions, the Yuki sprite even more so.
All right, I'll do it very carefully. In hindsight, I didn't pick a good example.

In the early days, SNK had 'realistic' sprites (I know that Kyo sprite is from 2003, but it still has the same features.) The Kyo sprite is definitely not anime-fied or however you wanna call it.

Now, look at Yuki. It's a totally different style. He looks a bit more 'loose' (my English sucks sorry) when you look at the way he is pixelated.

My point was that they've already experimented with their pixel style a little (as much as NeoGeo resolution allowed them to) before they went all out on XII.


General Shank-a-snatch said:
All right, I'll do it very carefully. In hindsight, I didn't pick a good example.

In the early days, SNK had 'realistic' sprites (I know that Kyo sprite is from 2003, but it still has the same features.) The Kyo sprite is definitely not anime-fied or however you wanna call it.

Now, look at Yuki. It's a totally different style. He looks a bit more 'loose' (my English sucks sorry) when you look at the way he is pixelated.

My point was that they've already experimented with their pixel style a little (as much as NeoGeo resolution allowed them to) before they went all out on XII.

Ok, are you saying there's too much animation on yuki?






I think the difference is obvious. Iori used to look like a red-haired guy with questionable taste in clothing. Now he just looks like random animu fella.
rvy said:
That can be said about anyone though. From 2003 onward KOF seems more and more "Anime-fied" with each iteration. And it's not pleasant.
I miss the old sprites, the characters looked like adults. Highly stylized adults, but adults none the less.

They suck now. They even managed to ruin K'.

Those "### & Friends" by Saigado have lost all meaning now. The re-designs are terrible.
Hmm, what's wrong with K'? I thought that he was one of the better made sprites.


General Shank-a-snatch said:
Exaggerated animations that leans more towards the anime style than the old SNK style, yeah.
I don't see what the problem with that is TBH.
Furthermore, that would require you to identify what you mean by anime style as well.
I think the new sprites are a nice middle ground between the old SNK style and full anime cel-shading. The only terrible tragedy are the moe-blob failures.(my poor Yuri, what have they done to you).


Sketchbook Picasso
I'm not a fan of some of the "smooshyness" that NGBC or 2k3 (Yuri started to look a bit odd around then) had, but I have very little issue with what XII and XIII did to their characters. It's still got some of the "smooshy" style they were prototyping at the time, but I think it's maturing well, and looks much less "out of place" within the current family of designs.

I can understand disliking Yuri and Athena in the new games, in stills... but I think they sell themselves well when moving, and in their portrait art. And when you take in how varied it makes the cast members look, I think it's a worthwhile challenge that the design team took on.

Old SNK always wanted to make characters look as different as possible. Who had the same Silhouette in Samurai Shodown? KoF started to homegenize the designs, for the sake of yearly updates, and fitting vastly different styles together. XII began taking it back to traditional SNK, making people who had the same build before, such as Terry and Clark/Ralf, actually get meaningful differences. Characters like Goro and Raiden, VS Chin and Yuri... it's so varied.

And with characters like Athena and Sie, they payed great homage to their original game deisgns, not just their KoF designs. For Leona, they made her appear as if she was from an original Ikari Warriors game, not stubbornly sticking to the KoF design "just because it's familiar", and that's a move most companies wouldn't dare to tread (ask Capcom, the world of 1000 shotos who very rarely ever progress.) They made Robert and Ryo buffed up versions of their AoF 1 sprites. They took great steps to paying homage to their classic designs and inspirations, better than any KoF has up to this point, while still trying to make them feel fresh.

When you have nearly 100 characters that you could add back into a series, it's quite bold to try to make them all look really different.

Besides gameplay, this is actually the biggest reason I want to see new characters in this game; because they're not afraid to give them striking re-designs. How would Vanessa's lanky, taller, skinny body translate into modern designs? Or Shermie's shaplier form? How would they illustrate Tung Fu Rue's "Muscleman" persona? How would these designs work for Yamazaki, a man who nearly has 2 entirely different personalities?

Billy's an interesting start, but is a rather straight-forward character, in comparision. Hope whomever we see next is a more radical personality.
^ Hey, help me out here. :/

Tizoc said:
I don't see what the problem with that is TBH.
Furthermore, that would require you to identify what you mean by anime style as well.

- Inconsistency was a problem, but that is fixed now with the new sprites because characters are animated in the same way.

- That's why I made sure to say 'anime' style, because I wasn't sure what else to call it. I explained clearly that the late Neo Geo-size characters like Yuki up there just have a certain look to them that wasn't used for the early SNK sprites.

Anyway, it's pointless to continue if you can't see a difference in style.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
rvy said:

Looks like animu. Hair and color palette.

So in other words, he looks like he always has since '99. :p

These games have always been "animu," people.


Sketchbook Picasso
The illustration style did change, yeah. You could tell it was less about classic anime/manga inspired serious-ness (like things you'd see in Space Battleship Yamato, or Go Nagi designs) and more modern anime in style (slowly getting influenced by something closer to Keroro Gunsou or Naruto).

Just look at some of the animations of Ai and Yuki (who had no previous sprite basis) VS Mai, or Washizaki. There's a sneaking of things like limited squash/stretch, comedy animation, and strange perspective in there, that the KoF Characters had VERY limitedly (Whip gets goofy cartoony-large eyes when she's sweeped, but that's one of rare instances that I rather like, lol.)

I find the end product, after all these years kinda acceptable, myself; basically, it gave more "youth" to the younger characters, while still allowing those whom we've come to see as mature, to look mature. I don't mind this, as long as Kyo doesn't start to get "googly" eyes, or Lin doesn't become moe-ish, lol.

For me, it's similiar to how almost every anime-style artist draws children differently. Some draw 14 year olds in a way where you can't TELL they're children, unless theres an adult present. Others draw them with such well under-developed features, that you KNOW they're younger VS adults, because they just give it off in every element of design. It's all in subtle things, like eyestyle, poses, shading style, and minimalistic definitions.
rvy said:

Looks like animu. Hair and color palette.

Give me a break look at K in 99 when he first came out


It look animu the same way only they did not have the tech to make everything look smooth and there more old school anime style .

I wonder how long some of you have been watching anime because everyone from KOF look like animu chars to me .
Now that there are in HD it's even easier to see along with some changes.


Lyte Edge said:
So in other words, he looks like he always has since '99. :p

These games have always been "animu," people.
I agree, the games just moved with the times.Compare anime from 1993 to 2003, it's the same thing.SNK just went with the flow.They hit rock bottom when they hired Falcoon though, that guy is god awful.


Sketchbook Picasso
K' looks like exactly what he is; a 16 year old, trying to look much more mature, but still a not fully pulling it off (He's like only 1% off, though, lol.) He's a bit younger than Iori or Kyo, but still is tasked with demanding the same respect. He has a bit of a thiner build (emphasized by his outfit and stance), and his poofy hair helps make this even more obvious (makes his head look larger like a child's, without it being SD-ish like Bao.)

He looks better NOW, because he looks more unique from the other Heroes, same with Ash now VS his debut.

I like that SNKP has moved on with the times (probably due in large part to the taste/talents of the artist), but they still maintain many of the features of older works (such as the shading style, varied cast silhouettes, and particular interest in well-animated special effects, even if some of them clash a bit stronger than I'd like.)

And Falcoon's art is not that bad at all. His inspirations to the 2K3 art design is rather nice. I actually like how his Mai reminds me of Fujiko from Lupin (c'mon, that's freakin' appropriate!) I also had little issue with the basis of his MI artwork. He got really fruity as his design talent was stressed, but his base concepts really seem like a view of classic anime from a certain fan perspective.


gundamkyoukai said:
Give me a break look at K in 99 when he first came out


It look animu the same way only they did not have the tech to make everything look smooth and there more old school anime style .
I'm alright with that, I don't mind the Anime style. What I dislike is "animu". Which is what new re-design are.
SAB CA said:
And Falcoon's art is not bad at all. His ending art for 2K3 is very well done, and he tried very hard to give this cast WHICH WASN'T HIS OWN some defining features. I actually like how his Mai reminds me of Fujiko from Lupin (c'mon, that's freakin' appropriate!)

Ogura did the ending art in 2k3. If not all, he did most of it.

Always thought this was a funny comparison, right down to the shades.
General Shank-a-snatch said:
Like SAB said, they further developed the "animu" style. It definitely wasn't like this at the beginning.

Again, "animu". Can't emphasize that enough.
I don't think that means what you think it means. IIRC, "animu" is used to make fun of otakus, not any specific form of anime.
Still all this talk about style , i always thought when they went HD it would be like BB.
Bright and huge chars but they kept the old school style in a way .

Also fuck snk for not doing a KOF anime and only doing 4 shorts ONA eps.
I remember when i hear they were doing a anime i was so hype lol.


Sketchbook Picasso
Then it should be Ogura's take on Falcoon's designs at least, right? Falcoon was the promo artist of 2k3, correct?
Terareflection said:
I don't think that means what you think it means. IIRC, "animu" is used to make fun of otakus, not any specific form of anime.


By now you guys should know what I mean, goddamn.

SAB CA said:
Then it should be Ogura's take on Falcoon's designs at least, right? Falcoon was the promo artist of 2k3, correct?

Falcoon did the promo art, Nona the intro (melty clothing all over the place) and char select screen (Nona eyes) + victory art and Ogura did the ending art.


rvy said:
I'm alright with that, I don't mind the Anime style. What I dislike is "animu". Which is what new re-design are.
Why hello Semantics.
General Shank-a-snatch said:

By now you guys should know what I mean, goddamn.
Well don't go about using a derogatory term in the first place, you brought it upon yourself.


Sketchbook Picasso
General Shank-a-snatch said:
Falcoon did the promo art, Nona the intro (melty clothing all over the place) and char select screen (Nona eyes) + victory art and Ogura did the ending art.

Oy, this stuff is such a pain to keep up with, with all the varied credits given at different place, + artist cloning/inspired by fellow artist styles, lol.

But it brings up a good point anywho; each of these artist, as they did promo art and designs, tasked the in-game designers with adapting their visions into spritework. Kinda daunting, and it easily explains some of the variety over the years, but I like where it's gone, overall.

There's a few "bad eggs" in each designers work, in just about every series, so I can never say such things totally bring down a full games style, y'know? Now if EVERYONE in KoF was transformed into the "Moe Blob" Athena and "Angry Meatbun" Yuri (I think this fits Yuri well, lol), then we'd have problems.....

Solune said:
Well don't go about using a derogatory term in the first place, you brought it upon yourself.

I hate the term myself, sounds like ignorant foreigners making fun of something they don't understand... I never understood why it's so widespread here on GAF.


SAB CA said:
I hate the term myself, sounds like ignorant foreigners making fun of something they don't understand... I never understood why it's so widespread here on GAF.
It pokes fun at something that people sometimes take too seriously.


Ehhh, the more I look it over, the more I like King's style in art. However they make her look much younger in XIII. It's the same with Yuri. Their age doesn't really show. Though I think Robert translated over very well in XIII.
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