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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype

GrayFoxPL said:
Hey it reminds me good ol days being a stripper.
Yeah, I like his newest design, but his original is where it's at.

I prefer all my favorite male fighting characters to look like gay pornstars.

Just look at my avatar!


AAK said:

Geese Howard has to be one of them!
You know, I would like to eventually see Ripper and Hopper to be in a KOF game. I don't see why not since they've been in the folklore for god knows, how long now. And they are both of course, Geese Howard's bodyguards so they should automatically kick ass in the first place.

/Fanboy Rant


You know, I would like to eventually see Ripper and Hopper to be in a KOF game. I don't see why not since they've been in the folklore for god knows, how long now. And they are both of course, Geese Howard's bodyguards so they should automatically kick ass in the first place.

/Fanboy Rant
The closest we'll ever get to Ripper and Hopper are Vice and Mature, but they get into the games cuz...you can fap to them.


Ripper and Hopper? I always thought the guy on the left was Mr. Big, and on the right was Bob Wilson. Seems i am mistaken.

There's nobody more mythical in the SNKverse than mutha fukin Jeff Bogard.


it would be awesome if we could see geese in KOFXIII, but the truth is SNK has soo many awesome characters to choose from that the list is almost endless. Btw, not sure if told but Eiji is almost a given from what i read at speksnk


^I can live Eiji+Billy+Yamazaki/Geese
...or you could give me Geese+Grant+Whoever

CO_Andy said:
Ripper and Hopper? I always thought the guy on the left was Mr. Big, and on the right was Bob Wilson. Seems i am mistaken.

There's nobody more mythical in the SNKverse than mutha fukin Jeff Bogard.
I say the 97 Special team (Billy, Mary, Yamazaki) is most likely. Varied in gameplay and popular and you'll have a whole new team to play as. Though it'd be awesome if they pulled an XI and give us some obscure KoF newcomers (Like Hayate, Gai, and Silber) Kinda doubt it though. With how much they want to succeed, I'm sure they're going to play it safe with some more well known additions. Though I'm crossing my fingers that maybe XIII will do well enough and we'll see a NGBC2 with SS, LB, and other Non-KoF characters in the new sprite style). Yeah yeah I can dream

Characters I'd love to see though as unlikely as they would be:

96 Boss Team (Would love to see Krauser, especially, in the new style), Goenitz, B. Jenet, Oswald, Vanessa, and Shingo. Rugal or at least Adelheid would be nice too.


I can only hope that we'll get an Agent team with Billy in it.
I imagine the team to be Billy, Vanesa and Oswald.

Vanesa and Shingo are the only of my favourite characters not added yet.

I the worst case scenario we'll get only one more home console character so the two will stand left and right of Ash in the roster...


KiteGr said:
I can only hope that we'll get an Agent team with Billy in it.
I imagine the team to be Billy, Vanesa and Oswald.

Vanesa and Shingo are the only of my favourite characters not added yet.

I the worst case scenario we'll get only one more home console character so the two will stand left and right of Ash in the roster...

I'd be ok with only one more character. 33 characters is the same roster size as initial arcade KOFXI, and more then most non-dreammatch/UM KOFs (only 2k1 and XI had more then 33)

I'd rather see an arrange mode then a new character. That Raiden stuff I saw in the vids really looked stupid.


robut said:
BTW, what were the characters in KOF12 that people found hidden in the game data? OG Iori, Hwa Ja and some others right?
IIRC, one of the artbooks/databooks for KoF XII had sprites for a compeltely new team (whose clothing look straight out of the von Karma school for Prosecution), Chang and Oswald.
Did a search and a poster on Gamefaqs said:

"I think there were 17 dummy files in XII altogether, ten of which had names attached to them.

Mai, Yuri, King, Vice, Takuma, Hwa Jai, "Dark Ash", and "Boss" were named dummy files that got turned into real characters for XIII. Billy and Iori 98 were named slots but did not appear in XIII. There were seven unnamed slots beyond that also found on the disc.

My guess is three of those belong to the K' team. SNK hadn't even started working on them by the time KoF XII released.

That leaves four slots beyond that are unnamed and unused. My theory is if Billy is in, that means there also exists content for "Iori 98". Since there's an even number of slots, I think one of those could belong to Eiji and then Eiji, Iori 98, and Billy comprise the Rivals team from KoF '95. The remaining three belong to another team."


robut said:
Did a search and a poster on Gamefaqs said:

"I think there were 17 dummy files in XII altogether, ten of which had names attached to them.

Mai, Yuri, King, Vice, Takuma, Hwa Jai, "Dark Ash", and "Boss" were named dummy files that got turned into real characters for XIII. Billy and Iori 98 were named slots but did not appear in XIII. There were seven unnamed slots beyond that also found on the disc.

My guess is three of those belong to the K' team. SNK hadn't even started working on them by the time KoF XII released.

That leaves four slots beyond that are unnamed and unused. My theory is if Billy is in, that means there also exists content for "Iori 98". Since there's an even number of slots, I think one of those could belong to Eiji and then Eiji, Iori 98, and Billy comprise the Rivals team from KoF '95. The remaining three belong to another team."
Interesting, so we can expect at least 2 additional teams.
I dunno if Classic Iori would be added tho...
I saw KoF12 in the shops today for $10 but passed when I remembered it had no Mai, average looking characters and a supposedly horrible online.
I hope the next KoF works out because I really like the art style, though I do prefer 3D graphics TBH.
I've never been a big KoF fan but I was very suprized Mai didnt make the previous roster. Very happy to see her now.

Hoya Destroyer said:
I hope the next KoF works out because I really like the art style, though I do prefer 3D graphics TBH.


I'm going to keep saying it: If games are ART then why choose sculpture over watercolors? Both can be amazing when the time is spent to do it right.

KoF12/13 are both gorgeous and help to move the 2D sprite based tradition toward the future.

Polygons get enough play time thanks to the rise in dominance of Western developers in the console market.

Unfortunately games are still mostly just things that make use of great art, but fail to make me feel ANYTHING like good art does.
Hoya Destroyer said:
I saw KoF12 in the shops today for $10 but passed when I remembered it had no Mai, average looking characters and a supposedly horrible online.
I hope the next KoF works out because I really like the art style, though I do prefer 3D graphics TBH.
I've never been a big KoF fan but I was very suprized Mai didnt make the previous roster. Very happy to see her now.

Hmmmm...for $10 it's not a bad choice.


Tizoc said:
Interesting, so we can expect at least 2 additional teams.
I dunno if Classic Iori would be added tho...

Why not? Lord knows we've certainly had enough instances of Kyo's old moveset having an excuse to make it into a number of past KOF games. Plus, I'm sure there's plenty of people who miss Iori's purple flames and old fighting style, so that would be an easy means to make a lot of people happy.
Tizoc said:
Interesting, so we can expect at least 2 additional teams.
I dunno if Classic Iori would be added tho...
Yeah, a second Iori would be a waste right now when there's still so many characters that need to make the transition into the new style.
$10 is good if you want to get back into 2D fighting. XII isn't bad, most people just dismissed it early beacause they had nobody to play offline regularly.

2D > 3D.
The Take Out Bandit said:

I'm going to keep saying it: If games are ART then why choose sculpture over watercolors? Both can be amazing when the time is spent to do it right.

KoF12/13 are both gorgeous and help to move the 2D sprite based tradition toward the future.

Polygons get enough play time thanks to the rise in dominance of Western developers in the console market.

Unfortunately games are still mostly just things that make use of great art, but fail to make me feel ANYTHING like good art does.

I think todays 3D graphics looks nicer than todays 2D graphics. In the 90s I preferred 2D but technology changed my opinion.
From what I understand, its also easier for developers to add new characters etc to 3D games, which is good for gamers (unless they hold back content for DLC purposes of course :/ ).

katsubento said:
Hmmmm...for $10 it's not a bad choice.

Yeah. I was tempted initially, but with no playable online or decent single player, I thought, what was the point?


GhostRidah said:
If anyone has a lot of time on their hands I suggest reading these articles on the story of kof

KOF 94
KOF 95
KOF 96
KOF 97

Kind of old so I guess a majority of you read them already, good stuff though.
I really wish SNK didn't kill off some of their characters.I want Shermie/Yashiro back in KoF.
Hoya Destroyer said:
I think todays 3D graphics looks nicer than todays 2D graphics. In the 90s I preferred 2D but technology changed my opinion.
From what I understand, its also easier for developers to add new characters etc to 3D games, which is good for gamers (unless they hold back content for DLC purposes of course :/ ).

I don't buy the "it's easier to make a polygon model" line anymore. It still needs to be made, rigged, animated, etc. It's a significant investment of time and look at the diminishing returns as SF4 advanced. AE has Yun/Yang which are about as different visually as Ryu/Ken and Happy Time Akuma and IBS Ryu which don't seem like massive investments of time.

Today's 3D graphics still fail to capture a massive amount of the style of the visual artists who do the design for these games. KoF is a great example as it looks pretty damn close to Nona's character designs. SF4, Tekken, and Soul Calibur both have amazing production art, but the final product only recaptures the most basic elements that make that visual style so captivating.

I'm sure at some point polygon models will capture the nuances and visual appeal of the production artists, possibly; but right now there's still a major drop off from the production art to the finished product and I'm not happy with that.

Dragon's Crown and KoF13 are both brilliant modern 2D games. The medium is not ready to be retired.

Fingers crossed we get a resurgence in 2D gaming as we move forward. Even if it's a minor resurgence I'll take it.


IMO, Capcom did everything that could be done with 2D Graphics by the CPS3 era; I personally can'y think of anything more 2D graphics can offer.
To me KoF XIII's graphics are 5-10 years late.


The Take Out Bandit said:
I don't buy the "it's easier to make a polygon model" line anymore.

Unfortunately this is still the case.Even when we do get 2D games they are not that well animated.SNK is the only company I've seen put any real effort into 2D graphics, and that's why they will always have my support.Capcom took the easy route in more ways than one with SF4, and they lost my respect.
Tizoc said:
IMO, Capcom did everything that could be done with 2D Graphics by the CPS3 era; I personally can'y think of anything more 2D graphics can offer.
To me KoF XIII's graphics are 5-10 years late.


More stuff like this, with even better animation and more stuff going on on screen.

SF3 is a gorgeous bit of animation, but the next step is higher resolution and the insane level of animation.

I would agree on the call of KoFXII visuals being 5 years too late, but given that most developers dropped 2D like it was hot going from last generation to the current generation and most of the 2D development was relegated to handhelds it was trapped in time until the developers decided to pick it up and run with it again.

2D gaming has yet to reach it's pinnacle. We've had titles that have come close to it, but there's still a ways to go and if we're going to keep crapping out games which don't make use of full three dimensions and innovative new control mechanics - then the games trapped on a 2D plane won't be harmed by gorgeous 2D visuals.

kokujin said:
Unfortunately this is still the case.Even when we do get 2D games they are not that well animated.SNK is the only company I've seen put any real effort into 2D graphics, and that's why they will always have my support.Capcom took the easy route in more ways than one with SF4, and they lost my respect.

Wayforward and Vanillaware have been doing what the can to keep the medium alive. 2D developers are still out there, but mostly seem limited by budgets and development time. Unfortunately outside of passion projects like Shantae Risky's Revenge Wayforward seems mostly limited by budget and development time. Even taking that into consideration stuff like Thor on the DS is pretty remarkable.


The Take Out Bandit said:

More stuff like this, with even better animation and more stuff going on on screen.

SF3 is a gorgeous bit of animation, but the next step is higher resolution and the insane level of animation.

I would agree on the call of KoFXII visuals being 5 years too late, but given that most developers dropped 2D like it was hot going from last generation to the current generation and most of the 2D development was relegated to handhelds it was trapped in time until the developers decided to pick it up and run with it again.

2D gaming has yet to reach it's pinnacle. We've had titles that have come close to it, but there's still a ways to go and if we're going to keep crapping out games which don't make use of full three dimensions and innovative new control mechanics - then the games trapped on a 2D plane won't be harmed by gorgeous 2D visuals.

Wayforward and Vanillaware have been doing what the can to keep the medium alive. 2D developers are still out there, but mostly seem limited by budgets and development time. Unfortunately outside of passion projects like Shantae Risky's Revenge Wayforward seems mostly limited by budget and development time. Even taking that into consideration stuff like Thor on the DS is pretty remarkable.

The fact we have yet to scratch the surface of what can be done makes it even more disappointing.It's going to take a company with money as well as the passion for 2D to really push the envelope.
kokujin said:
The fact we have yet to scratch the surface of what can be done makes it even more disappointing.It's going to take a company with money as well as the passion for 2D to really push the envelope.
Well the group behind Skullgirls can get there I would say.
The Take Out Bandit said:

SF3 is a gorgeous bit of animation, but the next step is higher resolution and the insane level of animation.

2D gaming has yet to reach it's pinnacle. We've had titles that have come close to it, but there's still a ways to go and if we're going to keep crapping out games which don't make use of full three dimensions and innovative new control mechanics - then the games trapped on a 2D plane won't be harmed by gorgeous 2D visuals.



kokujin said:

Unfortunately this is still the case.Even when we do get 2D games they are not that well animated.SNK is the only company I've seen put any real effort into 2D graphics, and that's why they will always have my support.Capcom took the easy route in more ways than one with SF4, and they lost my respect.
Ummm BB has some good 2D IMO.

GhostRidah said:
Well the group behind Skullgirls can get there I would say.
Skullgirls uses the main 2D principles well. However I'm avoiding watching any Skullgirls videos til the game comes out.
...but while it does have good animation, it just doesn't seem to do anything new 2D.
Tho my opinion on that would change when I play the game.

The Take Out Bandit said:

More stuff like this, with even better animation and more stuff going on on screen.
Depends on your definition of better animation, or for that matter 'animation'.
DC has good animation but nothing that stands out...aside from the boobies.

SF3 is a gorgeous bit of animation, but the next step is higher resolution and the insane level of animation.
OK now I get you, making a lot of bizarre insane stuff with 2D takes a LOT of effort, and as I said with Skullgirls, I'm gonna wait and see if it achieves this.


Tizoc said:
IMO, Capcom did everything that could be done with 2D Graphics by the CPS3 era; I personally can'y think of anything more 2D graphics can offer.
To me KoF XIII's graphics are 5-10 years late.

Wrong, good 2D is timeless. Same with 2D animated movies, Disney's Lady and the Tramp being released in 1955 doesn't change the fact that it still has some of the best and most personality filled animation to date.

XIII is one of the best (if not the best, imo) looking 2D games to date, and it will still look appealing visually 5 or whatever years from now.


BadWolf said:
Wrong, good 2D is timeless. Same with 2D animated movies, Disney's Lady and the Tramp being released in 1955 doesn't change the fact that it still has some of the best and most personality filled animation to date.
What I meant is that there's nothing new to be done with 2D graphics: What's done in KoF XIII has been done by Capcom already, only difference I could think of is them having more animation frames.


Tizoc said:
What I meant is that there's nothing new to be done with 2D graphics: What's done in KoF XIII has been done by Capcom already, only difference I could think of is them having more animation frames.

2D isn't like 3D where there are still technical limitations, you can't just say nothing new can be done.

With 2D you have to look at the actual content and to me XIII's content (character, style, coloring/shading, animation, effects, background detail etc.) outdoes Capcom's work on the CPS3.


3D is getting old fast

2D is timeless.

Try and watch an old movie with CG and then try and watch an old cartoon.
They movie will look like shit, and the cartoon will still blow you away.

Take a look at Disney's Aladin for example. It has some CG parts that looked amazing the time it came out, but if you see the movie now you'll wish they didn't exist!
rvy said:
Are they still going with chubby Athena? I hate chubby Athena.

First design is best design.

i don't mind the slight chubbiness, i just can't get used to her head. swap the head with a more natural look and i won't complain.

the large pic you've posted isn't athenas first kof design btw. athenas style used to change with every new kof entry and so did the singer singing the athena song. those were good times.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Rumor someone played a console build(Calling french GAF!!):

Saiki (Human version) playable, KOF96 Esaka stage remake.


BadWolf said:
2D isn't like 3D where there are still technical limitations, you can't just say nothing new can be done.
Then what can be done more with 2D? I'd really like to know this: BREAK THE BARRIER FOR ME!

With 2D you have to look at the actual content and to me XIII's content (character, style, coloring/shading, animation, effects, background detail etc.) outdoes Capcom's work on the CPS3.[/QUOTE]
Ah, no animation in KoF XIII is good, fluid and an eye candy BUT Capcom outdid them with SF3 alone IMO: The animations of Necro, 12 and Hugo at least are fantastic (Darkstalkers would be unfair comparison).
Not to sound antiSNK mind you: KoF XIII's are great but if you exposed me to CPS3 animation and KoF XIII animation I would die a death of blissful 2D exposure XD.

KiteGr said:
3D is getting old fast

2D is timeless.

Try and watch an old movie with CG and then try and watch an old cartoon.
They movie will look like shit, and the cartoon will still blow you away.
Jurassic Park's CG is godly to this day IMO.

Take a look at Disney's Aladin for example. It has some CG parts that looked amazing the time it came out, but if you see the movie now you'll wish they didn't exist!
Well they did what they could with the tech at the time, and really the movie itself is so good that the CG doesn't bother me at all


Augemitbutter said:
i don't mind the slight chubbiness, i just can't get used to her head. swap the head with a more natural look and i won't complain.

the large pic you've posted isn't athenas first kof design btw. athenas style used to change with every new kof entry and so did the singer singing the athena song. those were good times.
No, I meant her first design from the KOF XII concept art. They should have went with it, it's much better. She ended up looking like one of those plastic dolls that otakus buy and masturbate at. I'm sure the design works for Japan, but that's it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
_dementia said:
Looks like a fake Ash recolor
Human Saiki should be an Ash head swap.

More rumors from Dreamcancel: Billy is not alone! Billy,Eiji and Iori95 will be back. :0
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