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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


I dunno, I think she seems fun.
She's fast, got good normals and good priority. On the other hand, I can't say anything until I actually have the game.

But from what I understand, it seems like she's pretty low in tier lists, but as long as I enjoy using her, it's ok with me.

EDIT: Wouldn't mind if she was better, though. ^^



I wish Momoko was in this game. :(

I really enjoyed XI, and whilst I'm happy to see where 13 is heading it seems a shame that so many fun characters won't show again ever. Nevertheless, really looking forward to this. :)

How solid do you think the netcode will be?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
'bout netcode ... dunno dood.
But if its good... oh man IF ITS GOOD!! XD
Grokbu said:
I dunno, I think she seems fun.
She's fast, got good normals and good priority. On the other hand, I can't say anything until I actually have the game.

But from what I understand, it seems like she's pretty low in tier lists, but as long as I enjoy using her, it's ok with me.

EDIT: Wouldn't mind if she was better, though. ^^

Nah Mai is bad,she has funny hit box so she holds some funny combos from what i understand .
She also lose a fair amount of her moves and the ones she does have are slow compare to the older games and have less priority .
As a old mai player she okay to play around with but she going have hard.

Truth is i can tell you about every female in KOF i play them all , some much better than others.
SNK needs the net code to be good it don't have to be great but it has to be good which help it allot.


Sketchbook Picasso
It's really not bad what they've given some character, and I really don't mind the downsizing of movesets. If anything, it makes it easier for each character to be unique. For example, I'd be OK with Maxima never getting back Maxima Scramble; it was nice to land off weak attacks, but a good command normal can serve the same purpose. (I still want "Maxima REVENGA!" back, however...)

But I think many characters could use some more well-designed, smart tools, such as Andy's "breaking" of his Kuuhadan. This opens up combo variety and options, without blowing too much on the "new animation" budget (which I'd like to see increase for console release, but more on that later!)

While Mai might lack in moves, her normals are at some of the best they've ever been, and her EX projectile is fantastic, as well. Also, this is one of the rare games where she can cross-up with her musasabi-no-mai; it'll turn to hit the oppoenet, after jumping over them. In other games, she's keep going in the other direction, which was always really odd, but semi-good for escaping. Kagero-no-mai or her flip-kick anti-air would add a lot to the variety of her HD game, and her normal playstyle. DP DC'd into Musasabi would help give a lot more variety to her ground game.

Her hitbox on Ryuenbu seems overly-specific ATM, I think she'd solidify a lot if they just fix THAT, even.

Just giving her a fast aerial command move that she could combo into/out of, that'd leave enough time for her to EX Musasabi, such as her old ripoff of Kyo's jump d+C, would be a nice start to improving her, I'd say.

She gets smacked by damage scaling pretty badly right now, and her DMs don't do a great job at landing damage (I wish her Chou Hisattsu Shinobi Bachi locked opponents in for set damage, similiar to Athena's EXDM Shining Crystal Bit.) She's definitely someone who could use a bit more polish, but I do look foward to playing her still.

I love playing Vice in older KoF's, and while I love her leap-DM, it really got less-and-less useful as your opponenets got smarter. The new De-Cide is a great compromise; it makes sure that every hit you land can pull your opponent back into grapple/combo range, landing a free one off every successful catch. This makes me wish she had more grapples than Gorefest and Negative Gain DM.

But she's lost out on her best close normal (2 hit close D), and lost a bit of utility to her far C (it used to have a longer hitbox.) What I personally seem to miss most is her hcf+a/c throw; it had slower startup, but invulnerability, so you could punish attack-invincible wake-ups with it very easily. EX Shoulder charge kinda makes up for this now though, so not TOO bad.

Her new "Splash" is fantastic, though. EX is an instant overhead, the normal ones are leaping overheads, and they covers range; making it a nice suprise. You'll see it land pretty often whenever players USE it. Her leg-slice lightning kick was cool in the past, and I liked SC'ing out of it in 2k2UM, but aside from the aerial version, I think trading it for new De-Cide + Splash is worth it. Shoulder Ram -> Splash followup SC'd into overkill is too cool, as well. (Wish she had an EX version of Overkill!)

I miss her old d+C for anti-air (hear the new one is OK at this), and I'd like to see 1 of the button presses for De-Cide become the old "toss across the screen" variety, for the sake of corner-switching, and maybe as another setup to her Aerial DM (which I'm really happy to see in XIII, so fun and unique. And they actually let you combo into it now! WoOT!)

Almost every aspect that a character is missing in XIII, is covered by EX moves, which is nice. But I think that, as the game has grown, we've seen that people who can do a lot WITHOUT EX have started to stand out. K' and Andy can put you almost anywhere they want on screen, even without meter useage, since their normal moves offer a lot of control.

I think many characters would prove to be more well rounded than many expect, if the players used more meters on them. Even Clark can do an extended ground combo of cl.C, df+A, EX Gattling -> SABB/UABB. But people seem DEAD SET on using Vulcan Attack ALL DAY with him, and rarely seem to budge. If that's ALL you're gonna do, might as well play Ralf! He covers that niche better.

At the same time, I think those who are lacking in meterless options, should get a new special / command normal / stand-out normal in the console version. Continuing the Clark example, I think they should improve his command hop, to give it faster recovery (allowing longer combos on ground, and more general usefulness), and maybe some derived options out of it (such as a clothesline, a tackle takedown, or his old Frankensteiner).

This is why I do think I'd be happier with seeing new moves added into console for certain characters, even moreso than new characters (Though I still wanna see Mary, haha). It'd consolidate the tiers even more than they are now, and has to be easier/less time-and-money intensive than designing loads of other characters straight from the ground-up.


dock said:
I wish Momoko was in this game. :(

I really enjoyed 2003, and whilst I'm happy to see where 13 is heading it seems a shame that so many fun characters won't show again ever. Nevertheless, really looking forward to this. :)

How solid do you think the netcode will be?
Well. NGBC is supposed to have a pretty good netcode (no?) and from what I understand, they seem pretty confident about XIII's netcode, so I actually feel kind of optimistic about it.

Of course, I'm still nervous that it'll be bad (I have no one to play with locally). :(
SAB CA said:
This is why I do think I'd be happier with seeing new moves added into console for certain characters, even moreso than new characters (Though I still wanna see Mary, haha). It'd consolidate the tiers even more than they are now, and has to be easier/less time-and-money intensive than designing loads of other characters straight from the ground-up.

Yeah while i am happy to see new chars , i do hope this game does good so SNK can still update the old chars with more of there move set .
I don't mine if they DLC me to death once it means more KOF i will buy everything for it.

Add some new chars for console after it out for a while which could also be used to test them .
Then later on add some more and call it KOF IV with tweaks and update moves.
Man i really hope people buy this i have been playing KOF since i was 11 it huge part of my life , i would hate to not see anymore of them.


alstein said:
I gotta agree. They could have done better with Mai. Given her Kagero no Mai at least. Part of me really feels the engine restricts what you can give characters- one reason why certain chars seem to be missing moves (such as Vice- who could really use her 98UM DM's)
First off, props for having a HonFu av, he's my fav. Fatal Fury character (despite what my nick is ;3)
Missing moves isn't a big deal, and saying the engine restricts you is, no offense, a load of BS. If you've got meter you can do some sweet damage, just watch all those DDTC combo vids.

Grokbu said:
I dunno, I think she seems fun.
She's fast, got good normals and good priority. On the other hand, I can't say anything until I actually have the game.

But from what I understand, it seems like she's pretty low in tier lists, but as long as I enjoy using her, it's ok with me.

EDIT: Wouldn't mind if she was better, though. ^^
Mai's always been low tier in KoF hasn't she? Nothing new =P
Tizoc said:
First off, props for having a HonFu av, he's my fav. Fatal Fury character (despite what my nick is ;3)
Missing moves isn't a big deal, and saying the engine restricts you is, no offense, a load of BS. If you've got meter you can do some sweet damage, just watch all those DDTC combo vids.

Mai's always been low tier in KoF hasn't she? Nothing new =P

Yep , most she has ever been was mid or low mid if i remember right.
Still 98um and 2002um you could beat people with low chars cause it was balanced good.


Heh. Doesn't sound like Mai is too good. Just hope she isn't TOO bad, so that I'll be able to cope. ^^
Tizoc said:
Mai's always been low tier in KoF hasn't she? Nothing new =P
Oh, that might be true.
I'm actually kinda new to KOF, so I don't really know about the tier lists in many of the older entries. :<

BadWolf said:
Based on the arcade version I'd rank as bottom tier along with Clark in XIII.
SolarKnight said:
As someone living in Latin America, I think I can safely say no KoF after 2k2 will ever be really big again though.

Why? First there's price for "arcade operators", why buy a new KoF when you can get a MAME cab with hundreds of games for much cheaper? Also, believe it or not some players don't even have 360s/PS3 with which to play the game and arcade is their only choice, and they can't play something nobody has.
Second, most people are too obssessed with 2k2 and don't give a damn about other KoFs =/
And third, that stupid piece of fucking crap that I hope burns in hell called KoF 2k2 Magic/Super/Ultra Plus spoiled pretty much everyone except the most hardcore. KoF is EASILY the most casually played FG here, but it came at the horrible price of it being THAT version that most people play and if you even do as much as change it to even the normal 2k2 no one will play with you because they can't play without their precious infinite stocks or broken playable bosses =/

It's a really sad situation =(
Price is certainly a factor for 3rd world countries/ The entry price for 360/PS3 doesn't sense coupled with poor online I don't see many ppl picking it up from those countries tbh. Many of those kof players probably can't even run the dump on their pc's.


SolarKnight said:
As someone living in Latin America, I think I can safely say no KoF after 2k2 will ever be really big again though.

Why? First there's price for "arcade operators", why buy a new KoF when you can get a MAME cab with hundreds of games for much cheaper? Also, believe it or not some players don't even have 360s/PS3 with which to play the game and arcade is their only choice, and they can't play something nobody has.
Second, most people are too obssessed with 2k2 and don't give a damn about other KoFs =/
And third, that stupid piece of fucking crap that I hope burns in hell called KoF 2k2 Magic/Super/Ultra Plus spoiled pretty much everyone except the most hardcore. KoF is EASILY the most casually played FG here, but it came at the horrible price of it being THAT version that most people play and if you even do as much as change it to even the normal 2k2 no one will play with you because they can't play without their precious infinite stocks or broken playable bosses =/

It's a really sad situation =(
As someone living in Latin America, and probably in one of the poorest countries, i don't agree with you. People abandoned the series because after each subsequent game, the quality went through the drain. Also, as the popularity in online enabled consoles arised, the presence of people in arcades started to reduce. Over here in DR, almost all arcades dissapeared, including Gameworks, which was owned by Sega.

On the price factor, a lot of people actually went to the console route, since piracy really ran rampant on the original xbox, ps2 and Xbox 360, specially the original Xbox that could run emulators. I think that besides the quality of the games and constant reuse of sprites, piracy was a huge factor for the decline of KOF, since each and every day the legal players became almost a race in danger of extinction.


Sketchbook Picasso
They should learn better than UMvC3 and actually include some females in their update (here, being the console version)!

UMvC3 is basically a almost-yearly update, I think SNK did this in the past... :lol

If anyone wants to make this kinda annual update into a fighter trend, I'd prefer it to be KoF, of course. This will prep the world to be prepared for such a thing in the modern fighter world (MK9 already kinda is, though), it's gonna be weird to have 12 new characters, system changes, and new moves for old characters, dumped into a game with as small a lifespan as MvC3.
Tizoc said:
SNK should learn something from Ultimave MvC3 if they want to make the moneys.

Capcom can do that cause they have the fan base , SNK does not .
They have to make money off the arcade and then console .
I just hope it sells so we can get more KOF .

Another thing is if MVC 3 was in the arcade now way would capcom be able to bring out this update so fast .
Hell MVC3 was half done game that's why i stop play it.


There's tons of popularity factors I think the most important is hype, best generated on tourneys by laid back uncensored commentators. KofXIII has a chance in this community. If it can beat BlazBlue it's good. BlazBlue despite super netcode isn't high up there with hype factor.


gundamkyoukai said:
Capcom can do that cause they have the fan base , SNK does not .
I find it hard to believe that SNK doesn't have a fanbase...

Hell MVC3 was half done game that's why i stop play it.
It was a heck of a lot better than what SNK gave us :V

SAB CA said:
They should learn better than UMvC3 and actually include some females in their update (here, being the console version)!
You just want to have more bitches in your fantasy KoF harem don't you? =V

UMvC3 is basically a almost-yearly update, I think SNK did this in the past... :lol
I kinda get what you mean, of course back then, they were kids and spent more than 60 dollars on tokens to play them :V

If anyone wants to make this kinda annual update into a fighter trend, I'd prefer it to be KoF, of course. This will prep the world to be prepared for such a thing in the modern fighter world (MK9 already kinda is, though), it's gonna be weird to have 12 new characters, system changes, and new moves for old characters, dumped into a game with as small a lifespan as MvC3.
I'm worried about the extra moves and nerfs the game will get TBH. As far as extra moves are concerned I think it'll just be Lvl. 3 supers for those that don't have it.
Tizoc said:
I find it hard to believe that SNK doesn't have a fanbase...

Not in the part of the world where in count which is the NA and parts of EU .
To make matter worst there not making much money like the old day with there arcade stuff.

All you have to do is look at ARCADIA and see who they big boys are .
Say what you want about BB but they got it right when they first came out .


Sketchbook Picasso
Tizoc said:
You just want to have more bitches in your fantasy KoF harem don't you? =V

Heh, not at all! I just think updates should have some variety. It just seems so odd... fighters are normally one of the gaming genres that do a good job at making sure additions bring mass amount of variety. UMvC added a cast update equal to the amount of playables in Championship edition, and 100% are males? At least RR, Nemesis, and Firebrand will bring some variety to the lineup... And Doc Strange kinda counts as an old man... :lol:

I kinda get what you mean, of course back then, they were kids and spent more than 60 dollars on tokens to play them :V

Yeah, I probably spent 60 bucks on tokens in 2 or 3 arcade visits... 1 would be pushing it, haha. Getting to play a new KoF was like a random Christmas in the year or something, hype wise. Especially with all the spectacle of character intros, stage intros, etc. Not to mention one of our arcades would always put the SNK on the big screen....

But this is the kinda "DLC" I'd love to spend money on! I was already a fan or good DLC, since I always wished my old fav games could grow back in the day... not so much the story based ones, like RPGs, but the ones that I'd be playing for 10s of hours each month, for years to come, like fighters. If SNKP is really gonna stick to 1 retail release, and a few smaller downloads per year, I'd prefer to see each of those things get solid continual support.

I'm worried about the extra moves and nerfs the game will get TBH. As far as extra moves are concerned I think it'll just be Lvl. 3 supers for those that don't have it.

Hmm, You mean EXDMs? Maybe. I can't tell if SNKP wants everyone to join the all-DMs EX club yet (Terry's the only character in the game with multiple EXDMs ATM? Maybe Kula kinda, too?). It'd be good to see Duo Lon get his LDM back, since Shen and Ash got theres, why is he left out?

The UMs have me pretty confident in SNKP's rebalancing ability, and they don't seem to like to remove too much, which is good. They only seem to take out the incredibly stupid.

Speaking of Incredibly stupid, that Kim Infinite is a Takuma-only glitch, if I remember right. Takuma might deserve it though, so it might be less of a glitch, and more like a "Play fair, MR. stun combo!" balancing act..

Wait, lets try that AGAIN!
I'm worried about the extra moves and nerfs the game will get TBH. As far as extra moves are concerned I think it'll just be Lvl. 3 supers for those that don't have it.

You mean the MAHHVELL char's with no LvL3s. Never focus on people not having any in that game (since their normal hypers generally make it up, like BIONICCCC ARMMMM!).

They already showed Storm V.Joe, and Spencer with new moves in the reveal trailer. Storm controlled the winds, Joe has his dodges from his games, and Spencer has a new dive punch that OTG's. Also, Ryu's Shinkuu Hadoken bounced off the walls.

I just hope Hsien-Ko gets some of her Darkstalkers awesome back XD Wouldn't mind Felicia getting Kitty Litter Shower Hyper either, while we're at it... It'll be fun to see what comes of it all.
Just when SNKP thought they could safely announce KOFXIII after AE, Capcom 'accidentally' leaks the entire UMVC3 roster that will be played with about 3 weeks after XIII's release.

SNKP and Atlus have a lot of stepping up to do, it would be in their best interest not to screw gamers over again by dangling stupid pre-order DLC that's been completed already in front of our faces, but instead show us that XIII will still be a good deal when compared to UMVC3. The game is probably close to completion, but the least they could do is just give us the full thing for 50 dollars and no day 1 paid bullcrap. Yeah, I know about the loltastic retailer-exclusive pre-order costume packs, but it's still looking really good for newcomers and it's cheaper too. And it has Phoenix Wright. :')


Fighting game threads nowadays are depressing. Every time I read them, I go out more disappointed and/or disgusted than I was when I clicked them.

People are PRAISING the way Capcom are handling their fighters, now? The way they handled SF4 and MVC3 is all that is wrong with the genre multiplied tenfold!

If people are happy with BS like that, I'm rather skip the genre entirely.
Frankfurt said:
Fighting game threads nowadays are depressing. Every time I read them, I go out more disappointed and/or disgusted than I was when I clicked them.

People are PRAISING the way Capcom are handling their fighters, now? The way they handled SF4 and MVC3 is all that is wrong with the genre multiplied tenfold!

If people are happy with BS like that, I'm rather skip the genre entirely.

heh, i agree. i can't find room for praise in dlc characters, underdeveloped updates and announcements of sequels after mere months. all that's left is milking brand names until they run dry. i don't see any kind of development anymore, which is why i happily skipped the latest capcom releases.

let them feast on the shallow.


Sketchbook Picasso
Frankfurt said:
People are PRAISING the way Capcom are handling their fighters, now? The way they handled SF4 and MVC3 is all that is wrong with the genre multiplied tenfold!

If people are happy with BS like that, I'm rather skip the genre entirely.

This stuff is far from perfected, but I think it has value, and I believe a lot of people are putting themselves through needless frustration by hating it all so much.

Why should fighter updates be any more hated than "expansion packs" for PC games? Why was it OK to pay for Borderlands DLC stages, story, and weapons, but not for similiar content for MvC3? Why are map packs in shooters OK to pay for, but multi-character costumes a big no-no, especially when they're well made additional models? (For the record, I think the MvC3 costumes look a bit cheap... SFIV's looked more "worth the money", but I still think they were priced too high in the end.)

DLC is a part in the future of all gaming genres. Tourney organizers, small local tournaments, streamers, the companies themselves... everyone has to get used to properly integrating these things into the events we currently enjoy. Each step towards that helps increase experience with these situations, so it's hard to hate on new chances for companies to "get it right".

Mostly, I'm just hopeful that Capcom upping the ante gets SNKP to do the same. I loved that about their 90's rivalry; they always seemed to try to 1-up each other, and it brought out some great ideas from each of them..

In the end, I hope they outdo Capcom (and the others), by providing better value-per-dollar content, as best they can, giviing them something to be "best" in VS all the other fighter companies. This might be somewhat unlikely... but it's a nice dream...


gundamkyoukai said:
Yep , most she has ever been was mid or low mid if i remember right.
Still 98um and 2002um you could beat people with low chars cause it was balanced good.

Mai's been mid tier in every KOF I can remember. She's never too bad or too good.

97 was probably the strongest Mai, 98 Mai was almost as good.
Furtbutters, you guys clearly haven't paid attention to my previous posts here. Whatever, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll inform you again.

I hate how DLC is handled most of the time this generation, this includes Capcom and their on-disc nonsense, of course. They made people believe that every DLC fighting game character should be $5 (which makes no sense at all when you add things up, should be cheaper) and that by giving the MvC3 buyers a must-purchase version, they think they are getting a better deal. Thing is, their copies of MvC3 are worthless now.

Should Capcom have waited? Absolutely. Imagine how crazy UMvC3 would be if it were announced and released next year. But it seems that they are up to _something_ by releasing it this early in November, a very busy month.

The sad truth is, when newcomers/casuals look at what's offered, then UMvC3 is still a good package. You can't deny that Capcom put effort in the characters, it's just too bad that they do so many other things completely wrong.

What I'm saying is that SNKP and Atlus shouldn't withhold content to squeeze an extra buck or two out of the fans if the shady competition already offers you way more content for a lower price.

If you can't agree with that, then whatever, piss off. :/


Frankfurt said:
Fighting game threads nowadays are depressing. Every time I read them, I go out more disappointed and/or disgusted than I was when I clicked them.

People are PRAISING the way Capcom are handling their fighters, now? The way they handled SF4 and MVC3 is all that is wrong with the genre multiplied tenfold!

If people are happy with BS like that, I'm rather skip the genre entirely.

Than skip it, the reason Capcom gets praised is because the fighting game system is second to none, better than pretty much any other fighting game, they don't deserve to be praised for releasing a lower content game but I will never regret buying MVC3 or UMVC3 when they are released just like I don't regret any Street fighter IV that i've purchased.

General Shank-a-snatch said:
Furtbutters, you guys clearly haven't paid attention to my previous posts here. Whatever, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll inform you again.

I hate how DLC is handled most of the time this generation, this includes Capcom and their on-disc nonsense, of course. They made people believe that every DLC fighting game character should be $5 (which makes no sense at all when you add things up, should be cheaper) and that by giving the MvC3 buyers a must-purchase version, they think they are getting a better deal. Thing is, their copies of MvC3 are worthless now.

Should Capcom have waited? Absolutely. Imagine how crazy UMvC3 would be if it were announced and released next year. But it seems that they are up to _something_ by releasing it this early in November, a very busy month.

The sad truth is, when newcomers/casuals look at what's offered, then UMvC3 is still a good package. You can't deny that Capcom put effort in the characters, it's just too bad that they do so many other things completely wrong.

What I'm saying is that SNKP and Atlus shouldn't withhold content to squeeze an extra buck or two out of the fans if the shady competition already offers you way more content for a lower price.

If you can't agree with that, then whatever, piss off. :/

I agree that SNKP and Atlus shouldn't withhold content but I also feel that they have alot to prove with KOF13, whch hopefully will be a great game but I also don't think Capcom messed up with how incomplete in some aspects MVC3 is but there seems to be a bunch of unfortunate circumstances that lead to them to announcing UMVC3 earlier than anticipated because of that.

The character DLC is a fair price and Capcom wasn't the first to do it, blazblue did it first but other fighters including Mortal Kombat has.

I will be buying KOF XIII but it probably won't be right when it's released, I have to see more of it before making a final decision though.


Sketchbook Picasso
So, who wants to see the top tiers getting destroyed by Leona, Duo Lon, and Andy? XD

7/19 KOF13 &#37326;&#35430;&#21512;&#39080;&#26223;

I really like the Duo and Leona here.

Duo Lon has all the mixup fundamentals we usually see with him, but we also get to see him use his EXDM as an anti-air (A trick I like doing with his normal DM in XII, and with Lin in 2K2UM), and also get to see him do some straight-forward ground combos that DON'T lead into Rekka. He also uses the Rekka as an anti-air, which, again, is really rare.

Leona doesn't focus much on her crazy-long HD combo dominance, like most do. She plays a pretty normal game with the character, getting damage off simple additional hits of Moon Slasher, making her something of a buffed-up 2K2UM version with more damage potential. This player also successfully crosses up opponents with her jump C more than I've ever seen in one XIII video with her. I'm suprised how often she was able to end blockstrings with Strike Arch as well; seems safer than normal.

Oh yeah, and Ash is just insane when played right. He really reminds me of what I wanted to see happen with Guile in SFIV; where he'd be modified to fit the new cancel systems, just as well as any other character. That never really happened... so glad to see someone do it right.
GrayFoxPL said:
That Vincent looks top tier. Probably Iori's brother.

I think Vincent is top tier because he is the most masculine looking man in Japan. His pants aren't tight like Kyo or Iori's which means he gets blood circulation in him which gives him physical power.

qcf x2

I'd like to see Angel, Vanessa, Shermie, Mary, Bao, Whip. The gameplay is looking solid but what makes KoF cool is the characters and this cast looks boring to me. :-\
qcf x2 said:
I'd like to see Angel, Vanessa, Shermie, Mary, Bao, Whip. The gameplay is looking solid but what makes KoF cool is the characters and this cast looks boring to me. :-\

Bao is a boy, by the way. Just wanted to make sure you knew.


qcf x2

General Shank-a-snatch said:
Bao is a boy, by the way. Just wanted to make sure you knew.


lol, yes, I know. If you're implying that I only like the girls, you'd be almost right. I also dig K9999, Ralf, Rock Howard and Chris among others ;P

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Frankfurt said:
Fighting game threads nowadays are depressing. Every time I read them, I go out more disappointed and/or disgusted than I was when I clicked them.

People are PRAISING the way Capcom are handling their fighters, now? The way they handled SF4 and MVC3 is all that is wrong with the genre multiplied tenfold!

If people are happy with BS like that, I'm rather skip the genre entirely.

MVC3 is problematic. It turned into a mess, though I'll bet some people will drop dead before admitting there were circumstances beyond "Capcom is evil".

But why do people have what amounts to an agenda to trash Capcom over SFIV yet it seems there is 1/60th the outcry over say, ASW releasing a Blaz Blue retail disc to obsolete the last version a year or less later?

Capcom waited a full year to make an update to SFIV, an update that was pretty much zeroed in on what hardcore players and fans actually wanted, that was released at a discounted price... and had more changes and new content that many of their numbered sequels in past series. Or in fighting game series in general.

Then despite endless wanking over how evil they were and "GET READY FOR THE AE DISC FOR SIXTY BUCKS LOL"... they do exactly what they promised and people who already had the game got the last revision - a year later again! - for the price of a couple of iced coffees.

And they patched SSFIV so people could still access full matchmaking and rooms with Super or AE players. For those with enough of a stick up their butt that a pair of moccas was like rape.

Sorry for the thread derail! It's just that the whining over fighting games this generation is getting worse than anything publishers are actually doing. That and the "let's crucify Capcom so we have someone to bitch about and blame for everything we're petty about" meme.

(Btw; before we get "ASW upgraded BlazBlue to CSII for free!" No, they didn't. They didn't give you all the CSII features for free. You still have to pay for the characters, and more than everyone else is charging for DLC, too.)


Kaijima said:
MVC3 is problematic. It turned into a mess, though I'll bet some people will drop dead before admitting there were circumstances beyond "Capcom is evil".

But why do people have what amounts to an agenda to trash Capcom over SFIV yet it seems there is 1/60th the outcry over say, ASW releasing a Blaz Blue retail disc to obsolete the last version a year or less later?

Capcom waited a full year to make an update to SFIV, an update that was pretty much zeroed in on what hardcore players and fans actually wanted, that was released at a discounted price... and had more changes and new content that many of their numbered sequels in past series. Or in fighting game series in general.

Then despite endless wanking over how evil they were and "GET READY FOR THE AE DISC FOR SIXTY BUCKS LOL"... they do exactly what they promised and people who already had the game got the last revision - a year later again! - for the price of a couple of iced coffees.

And they patched SSFIV so people could still access full matchmaking and rooms with Super or AE players. For those with enough of a stick up their butt that a pair of moccas was like rape.

Sorry for the thread derail! It's just that the whining over fighting games this generation is getting worse than anything publishers are actually doing. That and the "let's crucify Capcom so we have someone to bitch about and blame for everything we're petty about" meme.

(Btw; before we get "ASW upgraded BlazBlue to CSII for free!" No, they didn't. They didn't give you all the CSII features for free. You still have to pay for the characters, and more than everyone else is charging for DLC, too.)

I think the reason for the lack of wank is a combination of things

a) CS was a real improvement, whereas enough people view AE as a downgrade, or MVC3 as a rushed game. Arc got more slack because people perceived (and I think rightfully so), that Capcom gave less effort

b) CS2 was provided as a free patch (though you had to pay $26 for all the characters).

c) Arc is smaller, and people feel for the little guy

d) 2d art is believed to take more effort

People didn't complain about SSFIV, because it was a good update. It balanced the game out and added content. If AE had been about as balanced as Super, the hate would be much much less.

KOFXIII is going to be a day 1 purchase for me, if only to get the people I play with to stop playing AE.


Sketchbook Picasso


Bacon of Hope
SAB CA said:
I'll be glad to see this today. Been so much Capcom stuff outta Comic Con... really will be nice to get comfortable with some XIII!

Does Atlus (Or SNKP USA?) know about these bi-weekly plans, so far? I wonder if they'd be willing to show some support, since this is pretty nice hype for their upcoming release...

I will probably hit them up after EVO and try to put something together.

ALSO SoCal is in NorCal so today should be really hype. I bought new head sets and shit too so I am like a kid on xmas for streaming today. XD
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