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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Im sick and i left my bed just to watch the stream. :3


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Casuals right now.

Anyone knows if Giovanni is there?
EDIT: Nope he is not playing today.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tourney close to start.
(iPW checking the sound)

GAF Member N4Us playing right now.


Kaijima said:
But why do people have what amounts to an agenda to trash Capcom over SFIV yet it seems there is 1/60th the outcry over say, ASW releasing a Blaz Blue retail disc to obsolete the last version a year or less later?

Actually, ASW did get a lot of crap when CS came out. People were comparing it directly to SSFIV and saying CS seemed like the worse deal (especially given the problems CT had). Possibly the reason much fewer people cared is because much fewer people played BlazBlue, period.

And then, of course, the way AE was handled is completely benign compared to MVC3 shenanigans.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Edgeward said:
All sounds issues are fixed and now it's a stream done right, good shit haunts. Get hyped!
Yup. Haunts with the awesome work as always.
* Tips hat *


Bacon of Hope
thanks for tuning in. lost my first match but dont feel too bad. did a lot better than last time. IM STILL IN IT TEAM KKK. lmfao


Tguy said:
Hey so, I didn't see it in OP, but I just want to make sure. KoF13 console versions will be rebalanced right?

There is evidence it will be, but nothing announced.

Get'em next time, Haunts. BOP BOP BOP. Stop playing K' like Sagat and get in dat ass


Fullscreen supers? The fuck is wrong with those players?

Edit: I'm out, it's like they are playing fighting game for first time. Jump kick- sweep. Jump in - special.


Bacon of Hope
GrayFoxPL said:
Fullscreen supers? The fuck is wrong with those players?

Edit: I'm out, it's like they are playing fighting game for first time. Jump kick- sweep. Jump in - special.

Missing some good matches now... You probably caught some loser bracket matches.. Everything is on stream and not everyone here knows how to play... Right now its hype tho with Kane137 and Isaiah going a it


Sketchbook Picasso
Man, I didn't do nuthin I planned to do today, thanks to Haunts and his awesome stream! ;)

It's really great to see Vets VS New Blood. It's so funny watching people think CHIN is over-powered! "WTH? NERF THIS OLD MAN!" :lol:

So solid Maxima, great suprise Kensou by Ash, solid Iori play, great variety of Kims and Andys, a bit of Mai, some Ralfs... solid variety. A very different experience than watching your usual tourney vids, or JP vids.

Oh, and watching Ash run over GEO (last XIII tourney winner) was quite the show, lol. Geo landed some nice Robert combos, but it was like a big "STEP YOU GAME UP!" stamp was smashed all over the arcade, lol. Such a big "WELCOME TO THE KOF!" style of hop abuse, crazy pressure, and using your strongest DMs to end the match, just because you can! Seen that kinda thing way too many times, lol... been on the giving, and recieving ends.


Did so much worse than last time. Definitely gonna switch my team up a bit.

I did the biggest facepalm when I jumped right into Athena's SDM.
lol I saw that. I can relate, even if it's not specifically with Athena's super. You're like "this must be about to finish, time to go for the punish" and then you were actually one second too early and end up looking like an idiot >.>


SolarKnight said:
lol I saw that. I can relate, even if it's not specifically with Athena's super. You're like "this must be about to finish, time to go for the punish" and then you were actually one second too early and end up looking like an idiot >.>

Yeah, I had no idea it lasted that long. Even D told me later he didn't expect it to last that much.
Awesome stream today guys tho i missed the ash vs Geo game at the very end. Doh. Solid stuff Haunts and best of luck hoping everything goes smooth at EVO. report any insider news on SNK/Atlus if u got any lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
N4Us said:
Yeah, I had no idea it lasted that long. Even D told me later he didn't expect it to last that much.
Well played man.
You got a lot of love from GAF and the stream commentators.

N4Us aka 'The NeoGAF monster'


Sketchbook Picasso
SNKP Updated their Game Blog today.


MMC's Prof said:
It says basically two things.

1- The development for the remaining 6 characters for KOF-i is going on.
2- They should be able to release a batch of new info soon.

The new info part is, of course, about XIII. Guess they should have some things prepared for this weekends coming events.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
SAB CA said:
SNKP Updated their Game Blog today.


The new info part is, of course, about XIII. Guess they should have some things prepared for this weekends coming events.
EVO is the perfect time to reveal the awesome console features. :3

Also props to iPlaywinner and SouthTown Arcade for the stream. And special props to Haunts for his work on the mics.
(Im an iPW Chat moderator now!)

Is it true that there was a Fersis shotout during the stream?Someone said that on the chat... when my stream froze. T_T


Sketchbook Picasso
If the producer of the game was one of the Dev staff who starred in the VS Videos aganist aganist Ash's Seiyuu during the arcade release, then that could actually be REALLY interesting, lol.

The final vid from that series: http://youtu.be/Juhy_pz5rT8

I like how this little news is in the same spirit of this.
Urban Scholar said:
Hmm its sporting Kyo, Mai, K' & Iori, characters that are easily recognizable and fan favorites. I wonder if that will be the US region cover.

Poor Ash it is his last game story wise and he not even on the cover .


Sketchbook Picasso
Alot of fun details in that trailer!

Ash's art of crushing the Magatama could very well be a refresh to his final scene in the arcade opening. Or a story sequence involving him stealing Iori's power.

  • Mary and Mai seem to be surrounding Andy in FF team artwork first shown. That scene takes place in PaoPao also.
  • Ryo with his classic AoF bike, cool. Yuri looks so tiny there, fitting with her XIII appearance.
  • The Magazine Mai and Yuri, and King are speaking of obviously has B. Jenet in it.
  • Kula's art in the K' team segment seem to lack her usual jacket, showing her shoulders and back some. That's make a nice alt costume...

The Flashed Stages:
  • Iori 95
  • Clocktower (Billy stage)
  • (New from Trailer) Interior Chapel area, with a craggy red, volcanic looking floor
  • The destoryed manor-lookin' stage
  • (New from Trailer) KoF Back Alley
  • Kyokugen Dojo
  • Desert Area
  • (New from Trailer) Adel 2003 Aky Noah

  • Ash's max cancel takes 2 bars of meter.
  • Ralf's Max cancel takes 2 meters as well.
  • Marco / Butt in the BG seems to be a similiar pose to his pose in the jungle stage, if not exact same.
  • Pao Pao cafe has moving overhead lights. Looks nice!
  • Is that Mr. Big in the BG with Terry VS Ryo in the Alley stage?
  • Terry's Max Cancel takes 2 bars of meter.
  • Ther new cover art is so awesome looking.

The website seems to suggest that every character having 20 colors now, is a default. They call it customization... does this mean we might have some form of color / 2nd palette detail edit?

Kinda suprised they still didn't show console Billy Kane gameplay... but they showed quite a lot! The new stages look very sharp in motion, though I'm personally more a fan of the crowded arcade-original stages.

Doesn't seem to be any roster slips or such in the list of characters in this trailer, unlike those slips of playable Saiki from one of the SNKP videos during arcade release, lol.

All the awesome new artwork all seems to be story mode related... love how Kyo getting chased by the TFTP members reminds me of the KoF 98 dreamcast opening, haha. A lot of that art seems pre-tournament, and based on the team stories from the JP website, so maybe each team has an introduction in the story mode?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Adellheid stage... please be true! I WANT MY ADELHEID!

Unlockable customisation options to make your fighter unique - choose from over 20 colour types, parts and icons
I remember a similar featured announced for XII... that never happened.

Lots and lots of new stages and artwork. This is dream like... i cant believe it.


Marco Rodriguez is in the background of the Kyokugen Dojo!! MARCO FUCKING RODRIGUEZ IS IN MY KOF!!!!!! :faints ;p
No offense, sir, but don't be ridiculous/silly
1- It's Khushnood Butt
2- I'm sure he stage cameoed in an SNK fighter before this
3- Playable Butt>cameo, most would frown at a character they want playable being turned into a stage cameo and you're excited?
4- I will gladly pay for DLC Khushnood Butt

Urban Scholar said:
Exactly it's his game not their game and he should be prominent on the cover to reflect this.
Nah, non-KoFers would easily recognize Kyo, K', Mai and Iori than some creepy pretty boy. They can put him in the cover for all I care but showing recognizable characters is the obvious way to go.

I don't mind the new stages being in the game but I would love to get some DLC stages at a good price~

Fersis said:
Adellheid stage... please be true! I WANT MY ADELHEID!
I'd rather Rugal instead, but Adel'd be cool.

Grokbu said:
XIII is now shown on Rising Star Games' website. LINK :)

EDIT: And a new trailer which features a bunch of new stuff! :eek:

Seems like two bar NeoMaxes in HD is official.
Awesome, hope the port is good =)


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
Adellheid stage... please be true! I WANT MY ADELHEID!

Yeah, Rugal's legacy needs to be felt in KoF! Really hope this means he's a playable character.... someone needs to fight to free his sister from Botan's puppeteer control!

I remember a similar featured announced for XII... that never happened.

Aye, but this sounds more believeable, with the additional palettes in the arcade release. I could easily see the arcade version additional stuff being a preview of what they had planned for console release.

Lots and lots of new stages and artwork. This is dream like... i cant believe it.

I agree, this is going beyond my expectations more and more. Even if, for some reason, Bily was the only new console character, I'd still feel like I'm getting a KoF console port that lives up to the trail blazed by BB, Battle Fantasia, and the Maximum Impact series. We haven't seen this kind of home port from SNKP in quite a few years...

Galdelico said:
Wow, SAB CA, thanks!
So many details you helped to focus on.

Quite welcome! It's fun to break this stuff down. And great that so much can be hidden in 1:16 seconds, lol.

Tizoc: Haha, you're a little harsh on THE NO LIFE KING there, eh?

I don't think he's saying that BG cameo = playable, or anything like that. Sounds like he's just happy to see him represented, and not forgotten.

But it should be noted... Kushnood is already in the Jungle stage BG, as a special appearance. So far, he's the only character that seems to get 2...

We must remember that Ash was really prominent on the KoF XII cover... I don't think SNKP wants to repeat anything that says "well, this release is just like this one!". It would be nice to have some reversable art, however.


I find it kinda interesting that each publisher / product (in the case of KoF-I) gets to make a trailer with more and more content.... while SNKP sits quietly in the background. It's doing a very nice job at raising the hype in waves, though.

So the DC guys gets to test out the console release at EVO today, and then, starting tomorrow, the game should be playable at Otakon and Evo. Saturday is the KoF Panel at Evo... I wonder if we can expect SNKP to summarize and collect all this stuff into a new trailer next week? Hmm, guess time will tell! Either way, it's a great time to be a KoF Fan!


Frankfurt said:
Tizoc calling other people dumbasses is truly priceless.
Well he did subject my eyes to that silly post to begin with =/

I personally would like to Butt be playable in a KoF already, the AoF/Kyokugen teams have always had the same or obvious characters in it =(
If Butt makes to KoF XIII, I think his lvl. 1 should be Uppercut super and Super projectile, and his Lvl. 2 be the 4-hit projectile. NEOMAX would be Ranbu.
Khushnood Butt is such a pimp name...

...but seeing how I usually get EU games for my PS3 I will be getting this to help support EU KoF \m/
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