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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Labombadog said:
I barely played any KOF games before. Which KOF game would you recommend?

Thanks guys and lads.
KOF 97, 98UM, 02UM or XI.


K' and Maxima do NOT disappoint me. Now finish this beta testing so you can get out there and help SNK make some money! :D


Labombadog said:
I barely played any KOF games before. Which KOF game would you recommend?

Thanks guys and lads.

Gameplay Wise = 97, 98UM, 2000, 2002UM, XI
Story Wise = 94 to 97, 99 to 2001 and 2003 to XI

Labombadog said:
thanks for the fast response!

edit: How can i get these games btw? Are they expensive to get now?

Expensive, depending which version you get. PS2 ones are hard to find at times, also you need to have a modded PS2 to play KOF2002UM, since it hasn't been release in US yet. You might wait for the XBLA ver of it, which doesn't have 3D background and its more barebones.

The rest you can find them in Ebay, well mostly 98UM, 2002UM and XI, since that is the only way to play them.


Labombadog said:
thanks for the fast response!

edit: How can i get these games btw? Are they expensive to get now?

XI and 98UM are very cheap and found on the ps2, amazon is where I found then for a nice price like 20 and below. XI is very cheaply sold by Amazon marketplace sellers. For 97 there is an Orochi saga collection which includes 94, 95 ,96, 97 although that one seems more rare. 98UM also had an XLBA release, I think (?).
Outside of terrible, lag filled netplay, I'd recommend the PS2 version of 98UM over the XBLA one. The XBLA one they didn't even translate into English outside of the main menus. Both come with the original 98 too.

I really recommend the PS2 versions of 98UM and XI. Both can be found on amazon.com for about 15$ or less. 98UM is one of the best classic versions of KoF, 2002UM isn't out in the states I don't think, and XI is a really fun later-style KoF with tag team fights. XI is also the part of the storyline right before KoFXIII.
I'm expecting too much with SNK delivering competent netcode to permit this game to thrive in the USA, aren't I? :(

Well, at least if it dies; it will leave a beautiful corpse.

Sorry to be a downer. Would rather prepare for disappointment than expect the world and get a punch to the crotch. :(


SAB CA said:
Terry's Awesome Combo destruction***: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmJLP8JCOI4

Question I have from this, since I haven't seen it yet - when Terry does her Buster Wolf normally, does he just say this "Busta.... Wolf!" nonsense, or does he say it properly? (You know, the full "Are you okay?" and all of that.)

Knowing how SNK has a habit of coming up with awesome quotes for their characters and then completely screwing them up later, I'm expecting them to have fucked this up.

voodoopanda said:
Outside of terrible, lag filled netplay, I'd recommend the PS2 version of 98UM over the XBLA one. The XBLA one they didn't even translate into English outside of the main menus. Both come with the original 98 too.

It's been a while since I did a game-to-game comparison, but I remember the XBLA version missing a lot of stuff that was in the PS2 version. If you don't care about online, really, there's absolutely no reason to pick the XBLA version of the PS2 version.


Sketchbook Picasso
shidoshi said:
Question I have from this, since I haven't seen it yet - when Terry does her Buster Wolf normally, does he just say this "Busta.... Wolf!" nonsense, or does he say it properly? (You know, the full "Are you okay?" and all of that.)

Knowing how SNK has a habit of coming up with awesome quotes for their characters and then completely screwing them up later, I'm expecting them to have fucked this up.

It's been a while since I did a game-to-game comparison, but I remember the XBLA version missing a lot of stuff that was in the PS2 version. If you don't care about online, really, there's absolutely no reason to pick the XBLA version of the PS2 version.

So far, Terry just says "BUSTA..... WULF!" Unless he says it during EX DM version or something, there is no "Are You OH-KAY?!?" so far.

I'd love to hear him say it too. But I actually want even more for them to revert Raiden back to the late Daisuke Gouri's voice, so... bleh.

ANYway, the biggest reason I'd give to get the XBLA version of 98UM over the PS2 (I have both)... is if you have a TE stick or better gamepad on the 360. I hate the fact that I have to play with the crummy PS2 pad for a majority of my SNKP games, especially since the TE lets me use actual neogeo-style layout, which wins out over PS2 pad by a mile and a half.

I don't have a PS3, but I last heard that PS2 games run on one may not have worked with the PS3 TE/have input lag? I'm not sure on that, but I believe I heard it in passing. You'd wanna confirm with someone who actually owns it all...


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm expecting too much with SNK delivering competent netcode to permit this game to thrive in the USA, aren't I? :(

Well, at least if it dies; it will leave a beautiful corpse.

Sorry to be a downer. Would rather prepare for disappointment than expect the world and get a punch to the crotch. :(

Agreed. Game is turning out great for an arcade take over but when it comes to home consoles, I worry about the netcode. Which is a huge factor when it comes down to the purchase. It's silly but realistic. I just hope SNK is really listening to the fans out there. They certainly got the content part down.


Damn, this shit looks so good. Is the critical counter system still in this game??? I hope they get the online right this time, the game sinks or dies in America based on that.


chriskun said:
Damn, this shit looks so good. Is the critical counter system still in this game??? I hope they get the online right this time, the game sinks or dies in America based on that.

Nope, no CC system, the game has a complete new system, similar to KOF2k2 in a way.
chriskun said:
Damn, this shit looks so good. Is the critical counter system still in this game??? I hope they get the online right this time, the game sinks or dies in America based on that.
damn, neither outcome seems great :/
pessimism much?


Sketchbook Picasso

Maxima has Guard points on like everything. Standing C, Standing D, Vapor Cannon, and DM... the cool thing now is that instead of just... taking the blow blindly, a blue barrier either forms at the point of impact, or around he entire body.

It's just like the point barriers on the SDF1 in Macross!

I really like the way Maxima looks, even if he may have lost his Rekkas. Also, something noone seems to have noted, is that in one of the last loke vids, Maxima is shown to have a followup to his wall-crush dash throw; He point-blank Vapor Cannon's his opponent in the face. If he choses not to the do the followup, he can actually land a quick crouching weak punch to reset... this all sounds satisfyingly dangerous.

Maxima seems like he has the "quick distanced throw" game that I missed from Clark in XII, plus EX Vapor Cannon Critical Wire-style hit is awesome. I'm seriously considering him as a grappler of choice now.

Oh yeah, and notice that Maxima REALLY sticks Mature to the WALL at the end of that one round... fun to look at glitch, heh.

Also notice that in one vid, K' has no red glove... but an entire red pants leg. That's ODD. It's cool in that it's the leg he uses to DO everthing, such as his flame kicks and CD attack. Someone mentiones it's kinda Jin Kazama like... I dunno if I fully agree there, but it is a cool effect.

It's funny how many people seem to think Kula looks weak, by this one day of test... This hitboxes, priority of moves, and ability to combo look solid for her, I've just seen a bunch of bad decisions in her play.

It's fantastic how great the K' team looks, though. Their in-battle personality is very strong, their moves look very solid, and overall, they just seem like all a joy to play for a variety of reasons.
SAB CA said:

Maxima has Guard points on like everything. Standing C, Standing D, Vapor Cannon, and DM... the cool thing now is that instead of just... taking the blow blindly, a blue barrier either forms at the point of impact, or around he entire body.

It's just like the point barriers on the SDF1 in Macross!

I really like the way Maxima looks, even if he may have lost his Rekkas. Also, something noone seems to have noted, is that in one of the last loke vids, Maxima is shown to have a followup to his wall-crush dash throw; He point-blank Vapor Cannon's his opponent in the face. If he choses not to the do the followup, he can actually land a quick crouching weak punch to reset... this all sounds satisfyingly dangerous.

Maxima seems like he has the "quick distanced throw" game that I missed from Clark in XII, plus EX Vapor Cannon Critical Wire-style hit is awesome. I'm seriously considering him as a grappler of choice now.

Also notice that in one vid, K' has no red glove... but an entire red pants leg. That's ODD. It's cool in that it's the leg he uses to DO everthing, such as his flame kicks and CD attack. Someone mentiones it's kinda Jin Kazama like... I dunno if I fully agree there, but it is a cool effect.

I agree with you completely on the Maxima front. Looks amazing, despite the apparent loss of his rekkas (I'll miss rekkas -> Maxima Revenger). And for the K' red leg color, I can understand the Jin idea but the first thing that I thought of was Diamble Jamble Sanji.


Sketchbook Picasso
AdawgDaFAB said:
I agree with you completely on the Maxima front. Looks amazing, despite the apparent loss of his rekkas (I'll miss rekkas -> Maxima Revenger). And for the K' red leg color, I can understand the Jin idea but the first thing that I thought of was Diamble Jamble Sanji.

I had too much fun the other day, going from Rekk-MAXIMA REVEN-JA, so I can feel ya there. Is it possible we could lose Revenger + MONGOLIAN in once game? I kinda don't care... but I kinda do!

It's been too long since I've watched One Piece, but yeah, the Sanji ref makes a lot of sense too. Ralf has Luffy's Gear'd up punches, K' has the Red Leg... Now if we can just give someone like Ryo a Zorro color... I don't think there's anyone in the game I wanna see dress up as Frankie (Raiden would try, however).. King could have an ok Nami-like color... Maybe purple-with black hair Kula could be Robin... Bah, these color palettes are too fun.
Game's looking crazy amazing, as expected. K', Kula & Maxima seem to be shaping up really nicely. I'm really glad Diana still is assisting Kula, I hope Candy & Foxy are present too.


The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm expecting too much with SNK delivering competent netcode to permit this game to thrive in the USA, aren't I? :(

Well, at least if it dies; it will leave a beautiful corpse.

Sorry to be a downer. Would rather prepare for disappointment than expect the world and get a punch to the crotch. :(

They know they can't afford to half ass it and mess up, so I think it'll be BB quality if we go buy the effort they've put in so far.


Sketchbook Picasso
Well, here's a detailed impressions list from PenPen, from the loketest...

PenPen on OrochiNagi.com said:
Got back from loketest, and got some vids recorded, uploading them to j00tube now.

Currently, Neomax doesn't require you to enter Hyper Drive first anymore. As long as you have 3 stocks, you can do it.

Controls seem tighter than before, which is a good thing. And yes, the entire K' team is playable. The game is actually in traditional Chinese, awesome.

K' has:
f+A: Seems to crumple opponent when hit now, so you can followup. I think.
qcf+P: Links from low A, forgot if it links from low B.
-> f+B Fierball
-> f+D Kick: Doesn't always connect if done with a jump in attack->standing/crouching normal->trigger, better to connect to fierball. Juggles, but not as high as it was before.
-> b+K Teleport
qcb+K: I think EX version does omgwtf damage, but don't quote me on that yet. The kick animation is different from the old ones, and I think at the end of the move it won't hit anybody.
-> qcb+K: Juggles when it hits. Doesn't come out as fast as before (qcb+K, qcb+K doesn't seem to always come out as Narrow Spike immediately)
dp+P: A version goes slightly farther than before. C version resembles more like earlier version of his dp+C (not 2k3+ where he starts really low). EX verison is Heaven Drive.
qcf+K: His standard teleport
qcfx2+P Heat Drive: Goes invisible for a short while when he executes this move. Connectable from his qcf+P->f+D.
qcf,hcb+P Chain Drive: He now throws something else in red, not sure if it's his shades. Anyway, timing from qcf+P->f+D is kinda difficult as the followup doesn't always connect. EX version of Chain Drive is kinda like his XI LDM.
Neomax: Actually, I don't think we've seen this yet.

Normals: All normals that had autoguard still has autoguard here.
df+C: Seemingly awesome anti-air, but if it's done alone, you can't cancel into VAPA KANNUN or anything else. If done in combo, you can cancel, but I don't know if you can connect from weak attacks. Hits really high, so will miss crouchers.
qcb+P VAPA KANNUN: I think C verison has autoguard (or both has), but C version comes out slower. Not as much range as before. Can't hold to fakeout. Wire on counter, EX version is 1 VAPA KANNUN after another, and I think it automatically wires.
Air qcb+P: Does VAPA KANNUN diagonally downwards, good for air-to-air I suppose. Jumps back when this is executed. EX version doesn't have him jump back, I think it's only multihit?
dp+K: Anti-air, jumps pretty high it seems.
hcb+K: New moving grab, unblockable, has some noticeable startup but moves realllllly fast. Slams opponent to wall (ala Rugal's God Press?) if hits, and when opponent is crumpling to the ground, you can followup with a low A, or as I saw, EX VAPA KANNUN.
hcf+K?: I think I saw someone try to do this but it never connected, so eh.
qcfx2+P: DOUBLE VAPA KANNUN (done at the same time). Can link from weak attacks. Has autoguard.
Neomax: Someone tried to do the motion as listed, but nothing came out.

I don't think she's any different from her 2k2(UM) version.

Char impressions:

Takuma: I'm pretty sure that as currently constructed, Takuma is a beast. Guard breaking grab, db,f+B juggles as well (can followup with fierball) and is safe, huge and hard to avoid fierball (and EX version is invisible fullscreen insta fierball), crazy good+fast Neomax. Dude is probably a little too good.

Yuri: Scary stuff: EX saiha (qcb+P) or just that move in general juggles. EX saiha just juggles higher, it seems. In fact I saw a really crazy corner combo with Yuri who just did a few saihas in sequence. You can say she got a loop with this move in the corner, and the scary thing is that all she needs is to have the hyper drive bar to be full, along with maybe 1-2 stocks. It can even connect to her ranbu (not sure if I saw her Neomax or EX ranbu). So if she got you in a corner, you must get out of there asap or you're farked.

Shen Woo: After playing against a few Shens today, I'd say that he can become quite scary when he enters hyper drive mode (pretty much what you could do in XII can be done while he's in hyper drive). You can also now do close C->SHEN WOO KICK->SHEN WOO HAMMER as a combo. EX SHEN WOO BITCHSLAP (grab) can crumple the opponent, setting up for a further combo. SHEN WOO BITCHSLAP for cancelling fierballs is qcb+C (like XI).

K': Seems to cross up pretty easily with jump C. Seems pretty strong to me.

Kula: I think you can pretty much play her like you did with her in 2k2(UM). But she doesn't seem as good for some reason. Needs to observe more.

Maxima: As above, running grab maybe a little too good (damage good + can followup to some extent), I'd say he would belong in a mid-high tier.

Mature: I think they added some lag from her hcb+K move, so you can't do low A->hcb+K as a safe block combo, I think.

Clark: Suddenly knows how to combo: close C (1 hit) -> df+A -> hcf+K (was this in XII? I didn't use him)

Duo Lon: I think his fierball is now visible throughout its whole distance.

Kyo: His EX hcb+K is kinda...slow. Maybe old Kamikura slow. I don't think it hits crouchers. He just stands there and does the holding part. I guess you can do it once in a blue moon.

Random stuff:
UK stage has B. Jenet and Chris appearing randomly. B. Jenet appears on top of a bus, while Chris hides behind another. One of the buses has a Yamazaki "wanted" poster.
Japan sumo stage has a Shingo (with his left arm in a humorously huge cast and flowing tears) and Hinako sighting, and one more character from afar that appears randomly, but I can't tell who that was. My hunch says it's Malin.

China marketplace stage has Tung Fu Rue sleeping on the right edge of the screen.

Somehow Elizabeth team's music is her XI one.

Oh, clothes bursting! Yuri got her clothes bursted like in 94/95 when she gets KOed with a special move or stronger. I dunno who else would get this 'feature', but Mai doesn't get nekkid if she got KOed by a special move. Sad.

How did we see 17 vids of fights, and no Yuri clothes ripping? :D No way this can JUST be on her, right? Terry better at least lose his hat, Mai should at least drop her fan... K' should lose his shades! Oh, and King... (O.O)


When I see Maxima's run now, I think: "You know what, I wouldn't wanna swing giant armcannon guns like that around while moving either..." Now if YURI ran like that, I'd probably point and laugh... XD


This game will break so many hearts if the online sucks. :(

The amount of hype for me is astronomical---especially after all the K' footage. I want this game to succeed so much, because I want to play it non stop daily. I'm playing a lot of SSF4 since its release, but I'm more hyped for KoF13 than I was for SSF4.

I want this game now! :D
DR2K said:
They know they can't afford to half ass it and mess up, so I think it'll be BB quality if we go buy the effort they've put in so far.


Really, I have no compelling evidence to support SNK pulling off competent online play. They've done what so far?

KoF12 and Samurai Shodown 3D Abortion of Destiny?

They would need outside consultants IMO.

However the image says it all. :(


The Take Out Bandit said:
Really, I have no compelling evidence to support SNK pulling off competent online play. They've done what so far?

KoF12 and Samurai Shodown 3D Abortion of Destiny?

They would need outside consultants IMO.

However the image says it all. :(

Wasn't the Sam Sho 3D handled by another company? I thought SNK lent out it the IP to make that POS.
SAB CA said:
Well, here's a detailed impressions list from PenPen, from the loketest...

How did we see 17 vids of fights, and no Yuri clothes ripping? :D No way this can JUST be on her, right? Terry better at least lose his hat, Mai should at least drop her fan... K' should lose his shades! Oh, and King... (O.O)


When I see Maxima's run now, I think: "You know what, I wouldn't wanna swing giant armcannon guns like that around while moving either..." Now if YURI ran like that, I'd probably point and laugh... XD

Well, it's an AoF gag, and that's why only King and Yuri did it in KoF 94 and 95. Still with this pushing all sorts of fanservice it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to try and break new ground.

Still... really awesome to hear they've put that in :D


Yuri clothing ripping off?! Oh snap... that is awesome, in a Sprite Detail kind of way if I may add! :lol

And yeah, for what I saw K is the shit like always, Kula stamina and damage seems to be lowered down but you can do most of her combos. Which is awesome, and for what I saw the colors are limited, sucks that Kula outfit makes the colors palette kinda limited.


patrickthehedgehog said:
......why do Yuri's clothes have to rip off? That's weird and it should be King anyway....

Who saying that Kings clothe doesn't get rip off? For what I read in those descriptions, it only happens when the Female character gets beat with a DM or higher rank attack, so far they just seen Yuri.

I wonder why they opted to enable NeoMAX without having to activate MAX mode. In my opinion NeoMAX should only be done when you are in MAX Mode and any DM, EX DM or NeoMAX you do will take off half of your current active MAX bar. If you did a combo that took more than 1/2 of the bar, you won't be able to cancel to a DM or higher attack. Well just to keep stuff a bit more "balance" IMO. But it seems the scaling is doing a pretty good balancing so far, even on those scary combos I have seen.

EDIT: It seems Chris is also in the backgrounds of KOFXIII tournament, checking and scheming something... but wait... isn't he dead? ohhh...



Sketchbook Picasso
Yeah, Yuri's clothes ripping is AoF tradition... but err, Terry losing his hat is KoF and FF tradition, As well as Mai losing her fan (which was really nice in FF3/real bout, as it's fall out of her hand closed, hit the ground, open up, then fall on it's opened face), KoF 95 had Terry's lost hat float on the water of one stage... If SNKP really has brought back post-match changes for one character, I really wanna know how far they'll go.

We could have loads of new things if they really wanted to take it on. Maxima's electronics could short and explode, Kula could rever to her non-combat hair color, Benimaru's hair could go limp, Hwa Jai's bottle could fly out and shatter on the floor, Takuma's shirt could rip off, showing his scarred body... beyond the fanservice aspects, if they're considering these things, lots of cool stuff could happen!

Just like background cameos, this is an SNK staple of old that I'd love to see come back. If it's really here, then one of my fav old school "Why doesn't Capcom do this too!" details of SNK have returned in the modern age! -cheer!-


Good thing you posted SAB CA, didn't want to double post for the translated blog. :lol

Hello, it's Yuzuko.

With the revealing of the K' team's last member, Kula, all the playable characters have finally shown up.
Well then, we continue the team introduction series of posts which started on 4/28 with the Garou team (Terry/Andy/Joe). Those who use them should surely pay close attention! As usual, to get information on the characters' abilities, I talked to the game design director, Mr Yamamoto and the game art director, Mr Yamaguchi.

Q: Jumping right in, what new moves has Terry gained since KOF XII? His DM 'Buster Wolf' is one of them isn't it?
Yamamoto: Yes. Buster Wolf is a high speed charging attack. It goes without saying, but it's the fastest move Terry has in his repertoire. Because the startup is fast, you can use it to interrupt strings of attacks. It's also useful in combos.

Q: There's an EX version too, right? How does it change?
Yamamoto: Of course, there's an EX version. The invincibility on the EX version is longer, allowing you to beat the opponent's attacks even if you do it early.
Yamaguchi: In addition the EX version has a different animation from the normal version. When the EX version hits, the animation is similar to the Garou MOW version in that he retreats slightly when blasting the opponent. We've also increased the hitpause when the attack connects, for both the normal and the EX versions. Please do try it out if you get the opportunity.

Q: What's his NEOMAX DM like?
Yamamoto: The name of the move is 'Trinity Geyser.' It's a tremendously powered-up version of his Power Geyser where he creates several Power Geysers on screen at once.
Yamaguchi: You would have seen this at the recent location tests, but we changed the 'impact' of the startup portion of this move. When he raises his hands above his head, you can see blue energy effects gathering near them. In addition, we've made the animation of the attack a bit slower than it was before. We also changed the fire effect that shows up when he strikes the ground, making it clearer. It looks basically like a series of Power Waves (from Fatal Fury 1) that are appearing and disappearing one after the other. I've always thought it'd be nice for Terry to have a move like this, so it's a deep emotional moment for me.

<video of Terry NeoMAX>

Q: A lot of people used Terry during the location tests, so it seems like he's the main pick for a lot of players out there. How would you suggest he should be played?
Yamamoto: It might seem difficult to use drive cancels with Terry, but in fact the landing frames of his Burn Knuckle can be drive cancelled out of, so you can cancel out of that move to start a combo. I think you'll be able to combo fairly easily from there.

<video of Terry drive cancel combo>

Q: What sorts of moves has Andy gained from KOF XII?
Yamamoto: He's gained his 'Geki Hishouken' DM. It's a move with no obvious frontal weaknesses where he gathers an energy vortex in front of him and shoots it forward. You can do things like super cancel it off a connected Zan'eiken.
In addition, since Andy has the 'breaking' capability from Garou MOW on his Kuuhadan, he's very user-friendly and has a lot of practical combos.

Q: Anything special about his EX moves or DMs?
Yamaguchi: It's a little boring, but EX Shouryuudan (his uppercut) has longer invincibility and does two hits.

Q: What about his NEOMAX DM?
Yamamoto: It's called 'Chou Shin Soku Zan'eiken'. Since the NEOMAX system is one of the selling points of the system this time around, we made this move really flashy. It's really fast!
Yamaguchi: You can do it not just on the ground, but in the air, too.

<video of Andy NeoMAX>

If you K.O. an opponent with it, you'll get to see a special winpose too.

Q: Anything else worth mentioning?
Yamamoto: Some of his commands have been changed from the location test. Zan'eiken has had its charge time removed, making it easier to pull out in rapid succession. I can now recommend it without reservations.

Q: Finally, what moves have been added to Joe since KOF XII?
Yamamoto: He's regained 'Ougon no Kakato' (QCB+K). It's a move where he drops his feel on the opponent while jumping. It's been a very useful move throughout the KOF series, so this is good news, isn't it? In addition, he's gained his DM 'Bakuretsu Hurricane Tiger Kakato'.

Q: Please tell us about his EX moves.
Yamamoto: The EX version of Ougon no Kakato has very little lag on landing, so if it hits on a grounded opponent you can connect followup attacks. Pay attention to the timing and definitely give it a try.
Yamaguchi: The EX version of Hurricane Upper has him firing three tornadoes instead of one. The EX version of Screw Upper becomes 'Slide Screw' - in other words a tornado that moves horizontally across the screen. (ST: Sooo it's the SDM version then?)

Q: Please tell us about his NEOMAX DM.
Yamamoto: It's called 'Screw Straight.' A horizontal tornado materializes right next to Joe, just like a drill.

<video of Joe NeoMAX>

Yamaguchi: Just like Terry's move this is one that I've been hoping to do for a long time but only just had my wish granted. It was hard to do during the NEOGEO era because of hardware restrictions...
I'm happy it showed up this time.


Thank you very much.
Today we've also released a promotional video. Please do watch it!
Next week's entry will be about the three members of the Psycho Soldier team. Do look forward to it!


Psycho Soldier Team story Summary :lol

- Athena and Momoko pig out on meat buns together, resulting in Athena getting a little chubby and Momoko can't enter due to a belly ache.
- Chin is aware of Ron's scheme to steal Kensou's Dragon Power, and makes Kensou aware of the dangers lurking behind the scenes of KOF, he is about to tell Kensou something very important, but got so drunk he forgot what he was gonna say.
- Kensou gets serious business... while falling head over heels for Athena's chunky legs, but he slips up and accidentally calls her fat, resulting in Athena getting mad and beating him up.

Are you serious!? This is the reason SNKP come up to explain the Chubby Athena?? :lol
I must say its funny if true. Still I wanted Momoko to appear... stupid Meat Buns...


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
Good thing you posted SAB CA, didn't want to double post for the translated blog. :lol

:D Gotta love how they remark that Andy's EX addition is "A little boring"... YEAH, THAT'S ANDY ALL RIGHT! Though I love the bonus win pose idea, I guess that means he stays in that pose upon KO?

Like how they're getting to do moves they've always dreamed about... helps explain why the moves feel so fitting for the characters.

Finaika said:
Hmmm why do I have the feeling that the boss character will be that long-haired Ash?

It would work out perfectly on the official site's character page. Left is "Normal" Ash, right side is this other Ash. Lets say this one is a girl, so we can just get it over with... :lol

I really wonder how much we can expect out of possible bonus characters for home release, or just for story mode. Sub Boss? Multi form Final Boss? -shrug- Existing chara with new moves? -double shrug-


SAB CA said:
It would work out perfectly on the official site's character page. Left is "Normal" Ash, right side is this other Ash. Lets say this one is a girl, so we can just get it over with... :lol

I really wonder how much we can expect out of possible bonus characters for home release, or just for story mode. Sub Boss? Multi form Final Boss? -shrug- Existing chara with new moves? -double shrug-

Most likely long hair looking Ash is a female, for what I remember in Elizabeth team story she talk about 2 kids a boy and a girl. And when she is talking about them I just think about Ash and "dark ash". But we will have to wait and see what crazy ending SNKP has for us.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
Psycho Soldier Team story Summary :lol

Are you serious!? This is the reason SNKP come up to explain the Chubby Athena?? :lol
I must say its funny if true. Still I wanted Momoko to appear... stupid Meat Buns...
SNKP is back biotches!

Oh god i woud actually kiss and lick SNKP building right now!!!
Ok im so hyped im going to troll the BlazBlue thread.
BRB gotta troll.



Whine Whine FADC Troll
Fersis said:
SNKP is back biotches!

Oh god i woud actually kiss and lick SNKP building right now!!!
Ok im so hyped im going to troll the BlazBlue thread.
BRB gotta troll.


I think most of the BB folks will be hype for this also.

I'd love to see both those games eclipse SF4 locally- could actually happen here in Bizarro Fighting Game land.


How does drive cancels work? Is it like FADC? What buttons do you have to hit in order to cancel/combo? If someone could explain I'd appreciate it. :)


Sketchbook Picasso
zlatko said:
How does drive cancels work? Is it like FADC? What buttons do you have to hit in order to cancel/combo? If someone could explain I'd appreciate it. :)

First off, there are 2 Gauges for moves in this game: HyperDrive Gauge, and Super Gauge.

There is no special command to cancel a special/DM into another in XIII. If you do another move motion while doing the first special, it automatically cancels it, given that you have enough HyperDrive gauge. (So if you're the kinda person who likes to continually do motions, you might just end up wasting a lot of meter.)

To Drive Cancel, you need to have the required amount of Hyper Drive meter. It takes half of a full HyperDrive bar for a cancel, so a full bar lets you cancel into 2 additional moves. The length of this bar has changed over the location test, at one point a "full bar" allowed 4 cancels, but the bar grew from multiple team member defeats. For now, only the "Super" gauge grows after each defeat (3 meter beginning, 4 after 1 KO, 5 when on last member), and the HD bar stays the same length the entire time.

If you save a full HD bar, you can press Weak Kick and Strong Punch (B+C) to enter HD mode. While in this mode, you have a haze around you, and in that time frame, you get to drive cancel into specials for "free", as much as you want. You can activate this while in a combo, too. Most popular method for this is close C or D, command normal (like ->A), B+C, (not sure if you have to dash back to opponent, of if the HD activation gives a dash), C or D again, command normal, and then a bunch of special move spam.

------ Maxima Impressions translated by PenPen ------

Maxima impressions per FightClub.

Normals have changed some. Seems to have a larger range. Autoguard is pretty much the same (far D seems to be longer).
Low A is slower, but has increased range. Low B is a totally new animation, comes out fast. Not sure if can cancel into anything yet.
Far C is slightly faster but has less range. Stays out longer. Close C and low C are the same as before.
Far D is slightly faster than before, and has a longer autoguard. Low D is really fast and reaches farther.
Hop C is like hop A from before with a better range. Good for air to ground, combos easily to close C after doing as jump in. Jump D hits downwards, so you won't get low attack air counters as easily as before.
Standing CD is same as before, jump CD is same as XI.

df+C is his only command move, only good for anti-air, but it hits really high and will miss most crouching opponents.

Lost his qcf+P chain and his hcf+K.
VAPA KANNUN has strong version with autoguard (not sure with weak version), 2k2UM's dp+P VAPA KANNUN is in here as well. Jump qcb+P has him do the VAPA KANNUN diagonally downwards, good to catch dps. The air version will have him do a hop backward afterwards, and if it misses Maxima's screwed. EX VAPA KANNUN wires regardless if it's a counter hit or not.
dp+K flies higher and farther, at times he jumped over the opponent.
hcb+K has a followup qcb+P, light version is a grab move (not a running grab) and can combo. Heavy version has him dashing forward, has some startup time but dashes really fast, can use as anti-air somewhat (like Adel in XI). This is his main move.

DM so far is his qcfx2+P, comes out fast, autoguard on startup, but not really high damage.

Neomax is his KOF: MI chest beam super. Has dramatic pause effect (Pen: He said "lock frame" which means animations are suspended for a second or two?), even if the opponent does a weak attack from afar, or is almost landing from a jump, it'll hit, but damage isn't as high, around 35%.

Jump C -> close C -> qcb+A
hcb+B -> qcb+P followup
hcb+D -> qcb+P followup -> DC qcb+P (1/4ths life gone)
-DarKaoZ- said:
Psycho Soldier Team story Summary :lol

Are you serious!? This is the reason SNKP come up to explain the Chubby Athena?? :lol
I must say its funny if true. Still I wanted Momoko to appear... stupid Meat Buns...

Really SNK , thats story you came up with lol.


Thanks Sab CA. That was a great explanation.

Only question I forgot is how do the two individual meters fill up? I'm guessing one is from beating people up and the other is for getting beat up ?


Sketchbook Picasso
zlatko said:
Thanks Sab CA. That was a great explanation.

Only question I forgot is how do the two individual meters fill up? I'm guessing one is from beating people up and the other is for getting beat up ?

Quite welcome ^_^

Meter build is strange right now (some characters apparently get back meter from doing NeoMax's?) But it seems like Super meter builds upon taking and giving damage (mostly from giving), and HyperDrive seems about the same as super.

Also in this latest build, while Neomax used to be restricted to only being done while in HD mode, here, it can be done at any time, as long as you have 3 Super Bars.

New Vid (5/22 Loke): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7rptsSXoeY

Maxima showing off his Drive combo potential at the latter half of vid! So nice.


Sketchbook Picasso
Listed by Hatred Edge on SRK said:

What will you see in these vids? Among other things:

Yuri's Gi top getting destroyed by everyone + herself!
Good Maxima EX move useage!
Freaky Duo Lon Play!
Well.. you'll HEAR some KoF XI music playing on occassion!
A good Kensou Player!
Hwa Jai getting so drunk he shows us he has a new stance!
LOADS of different colors!
A Return of the "Hollow Echo" sound effect of AoF characters!
K' Chain Drive going through fireballs!
Shen Woo SUPER PUNCH knocking an enemy off a wall!
Good Kula Play!

So... yeah.
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