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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype

-DarKaoZ- said:
I'm just surprised that her hands aren't moving or anything besides her hair.

Also having her forehead appearing is kinda weird, compared to her old sprite, also she needs a little bit more curves IMO.

The curves you seek are currently on loan to 2002UM. But Kula was never designed curvaceously anyway. That's why when I saw Kula w/Booty Assist I was like WOW!!! I'm personally glad my little Ice Princess is playable because SNK would've heard it from the fans if they didn't. Now would somebody please give me something to upload on my day off. The natives are getting restless but they have Kula to fap to in the meanwhile though.



Sketchbook Picasso
Wha, a big head? Naaa. Even with real humans, at her age, a body looks awkward. She's still growing! SNKP seems to realise this about her character, and I'm quite glad for that. All too often, you have youths that are SUPPOSE to look young, that either look like pure adults, or absolute children. Kula is in her Early Teens, and she looks it! So GG sprite artist + character design!

Expect sparkly cool effects to make up for the lack of her body animation. Would be cool if the little snow flakes left shadows as they passed around her, or something.

Her normals are real unique, so almost more interested in seeing them than her specials. Wanna see how they illustrate the Ice on her fierce, if she has df+C, if she has a new crouching A that's actually a PUNCH... Lots of things.

I'm happy with her being our final regular character, Woulda liked Whip, but what ya gonna do? Yay for Ice powers, in the game dominated by LOTS and LOTS of flames!

If she brings her entourage of "assist"... I really wanna see how they all turned out in the new style. Daring redesigns? Straight shots? Totally left out and Kula is living the Arstal dream of being assist-less? Hopefully we find out later today!


I'm also noticing right now after seen my picture, that her belt is Yellow in the sprite and in the Artwork it's Black! WTF SNKP? :lol
-DarKaoZ- said:
I'm also noticing right now after seen my picture, that her belt is Yellow in the sprite and in the Artwork it's Black! WTF SNKP? :lol
Her belt usually is yellow, she it's the artwork that's inconsistent.

Ogura seems to have a thing with belts this time. In the artwork for Clark & Ralph, their ammunition belts are much larger and more exaggerated compared to their sprites.


Sketchbook Picasso
On the minor changes pixel modding... Hm. I can't say it looks BETTER, but it's not bad at all. Heck, it'd just be nice to see that icy indifferent look change to a slightly smaller indifferent look, heh.

I keep looking at Kula, thinking she's the perfect candidate to cut away the extra hair on... that big band at the side of her fave, plus the lighting on the rear of her hair, make it very easy for me to visualize her hair cut short. THAT would be an impressive Palette trick, if they actually set it up to do such a thing.(They'd have to draw her back into the frames, but really, it'd still be possible with some very exact overlaying.

Oh, and Blog says they'll talk about the fatal fury team next week too, BTW.


Glad to see her confirmed. Hmm, I am (pleasantly) surprised that there seems to be more detail to her face when compared with the other "youthful" appearances such as Athena and Yuri. Guess I'll get to use my '02 team of Kula/Iori/Mature again.


atomiswave said:
very nice...roster.........COMPLETE

I would love to read a translation on the kim team story.

I mean how in the world did he end up with raiden and hwa??

From MM Cafe.

Kim's team scenario is about Choi and Chang not wanting to participate to KOF. They find out Raiden and Hwa Jai may participare as well, and since they are criminals as well, they go and convince Kim that he needs to build a team with these two.
Hwa and Raiden meet each other for the first time in years (after Garô1, they cut all ties with Geese and went back to their homelands), and find out Kim called them (and they know him because they saw him in the newspapers. It's normal for Hwa, since he never was in the same game as Kim, but Raiden should remember him... Oh well)

Kim doesn't know nor care that they aren't working with the bad guys anymore, he starts talking at length about Justice and Taekwondo, while the other two see him as an opportunity to regain their lost reputation.


Loves Robotech S1
-DarKaoZ- said:
I took the liberty to do some SMALL changes to Kula Sprite and it does a huge difference IMO, here are the 2 things I just did:

Interesting how a single pixel can seemingly change her entire facial expression. :D
GrayFoxPL said:
From MM Cafe.

ahhh thanks brotha!!

so it was along the lines of what everyone was kind of thinking.

Good thing they left chang and choi out. Those 2 just never did it for me. It killed the idea of kim having a bad ass team. XI was legit, and this year seems to be legit too.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act

If i remember correctly theres a loketest starting today isnt?


Kula, yay!

And the Kim storyline sounds fine, and pretty much what I expected. :D

Pumped for this game, but I just really hope it takes off. This is the real deal this time...it's only a shame that SNK has to endure with XII as the unsightly blemish on their record...


Sketchbook Picasso
I really think Kula should have a CC (C2) color, the Chick from Code Geass... Her design always made me think of Kula (Body fitting suit with lots of belts and such, along with Long, mono-chromatic hair, and a colder personality when serious), so I'd rather like to see that.

Anywho, suprised we have no confirmation yet on wheither the new team has appeared at the newest loketest. I figured they'd start whenever the arcades open, or do they somehow do this in mid-day?



Kula Sprite FTW!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
celcius said:
Good to see Kula back, I'll definitely be using her :D

A lot of my friends are happy that Kula came back. None of them Mew though. ^_^

Me, I just want her redesigned so she doesn't use helpers- looks like she might be this time.

Hopefully her Neomax is a ripoff of Rimururu's Fatality from Samsho Special- that would be awesome.

Really, this is a pretty good roster in all given the constraints SNK were under. Hopefully SNK keeps making the right calls- if they do, they could have a pretty good hit on their hands and save the company.


Kula woohoo! Kind of surprised that she wasn't totally moe-fied; I wouldn't have put it past SNKP at this point to have tried that. I really need to see her in her black-outfit color scheme, though, because that's where I always loved her.


Sketchbook Picasso
Tis funny to see Kula Gif and K' Avatar staring at each other.

Rimururu's Fatal Slash would be cool to see as Kula's NM. Especially since even in THAT game, it's not an obvious "kill"

I can agree, animation woes aside, that this is a pretty well rounded cast. We've got a lot of fan fav. faces here, and who knows what could happen come console time?

Even if, by some oddity, we don't see the new team this loke... I hope we can see more of characters who had little showing last time (Chin! Kensou?) And maybe some clearing up on things that look unfinished before, like Hwa's drinking!


Decided to do the sprites with the mouth modification only, her expression looks more like her old sprite with out that extra pixel. :lol


MOD (1 less mouth Pixel + Extra line of hair to make the forehead harder to see)

Oh yeah, forgot I added an extra hair line in her Forehead, so the forehead would be harder to see. :lol


This game is insane. Roster is perfect, stages are looking great. I just want a good online experience. No fighter has been perfect online, I just want a solid experience.


shidoshi said:
Just a warning, your avatar is WAAAY too big (height-wise) for this place. I'd suggest changing it before the mods make it so that you no longer have that choice.
Agh thanks. I'm trying to change it at the moment.
-DarKaoZ- said:
Decided to do the sprites with the mouth modification only, her expression looks more like her old sprite with out that extra pixel. :lol


MOD (1 less mouth Pixel + Extra line of hair to make the forehead harder to see)

Oh yeah, forgot I added an extra hair line in her Forehead, so the forehead would be harder to see. :lol

Amazing what a difference a single pixel makes. Yeah I like your MOD better, but the real deal is still good looking (and certainly a step above the fan made one, not that that one was bad, but I'l glad that SNK exceeded my expectations for the sprite). YAYYY KULA! Can't wait to see her in action.


Choppasmith said:
Amazing what a difference a single pixel makes. Yeah I like your MOD better, but the real deal is still good looking (and certainly a step above the fan made one, not that that one was bad, but I'l glad that SNK exceeded my expectations for the sprite). YAYYY KULA! Can't wait to see her in action.

Thanks, glad you like it. :D

But I wonder... will K and Kula appear in the loketest that is running right now? I haven't seen any videos of that loke test yet. =/


Blog entry translated by Sonic Tempest:

Q: Tell us about Kyo's changes from KOF XII.
Yamamoto: He's gained his command move 'Sotoshiki Naraku Otoshi' and a mid-air version of his Orochinagi.
Sotoshiki Naraku Otoshi is an air attack that has strong crossup potential and high hitstun. Against grounded opponents, a crossup using this move lets you continue with a ground combo fairly easily, and against air opponents it will cause a hard knockdown. You can also do it during a backstep to lengthen your backstep.

Q: How's his mid-air Orochinagi?
Yamaguchi: Actually the key consideration when designing this move was 'coolness.' We thought it'd be cool if Kyo could connect a mid-air Orochinagi against an opponent launched by his 101 Shiki: Oboroguruma.
Yamamoto: Of course, coolness aside, it's also designed to be an easy-to-use move.
In addition to connecting it from his Oboroguruma via a drive cancel like we mentioned earlier, you can also use it as a mid-air followup on an opponent who's been launched by his 75 Shiki: Kai. If you do it immediately after jumping, you can even tack on a followup Oniyaki. You can even simply use it as a mid-air 'barrier' type move - it's quite useful.

Q: What about his EX moves?
Yamamoto: The regular version of his 212 Shiki: Kototsuki You is a dashing striking attack, but the EX version is a command grab. This adds a command grab to Kyo's repertory of moves, so do use it effectively to crush your opponents.

Q: What's his NEOMAX DM like?
Yamamoto: Kyo's NEOMAX is a fast projectile move called 'Ura 121 Shiki: Tenmurakumo' (ST: Am I translating this right? Damn kanji names). It has piercing properties, so it'll defeat any enemy projectiles. Because it's so fast you can use it to keep the opponent's fireballs in check. Of course it's also good to use in combos.

Yamaguchi: Kyo's is actually the first NEOMAX DM that we created. Because it was so flashy we were forced to design equally flashy moves for the rest of the cast, so you can say this move served as a benchmark for the rest of the cast's moves.

Q: What sorts of moves has Benimaru gained since KOF XII?
Yamamoto: He's gained his mid-air throw 'Spinning Knee Drop' as well as his command grab 'Benimaru Corridor'. With the addition of these moves Benimaru now has tools to serve as anti-air, feints, and overcoming the opponent's guard. I think you'll be able to play him similarly to how you've done in the past.

Q: Please tell us about his EX moves.
Yamamoto: The EX version of his Benimaru Corridor can be used as a followup attack on downed opponents (ST: WTF?) Use it when you're trying to go for additional damage. In addition to that, the EX version of Benimaru Lancer is pretty interesting. While the regular version causes lightning to strike right above Benimaru, the EX version has the lightning appear right above the opponent instead. Since you can do this move anywhere I'd recommend using it as a surprise move, or time it with when your opponent is throwing fireballs. Since it also does multiple hits, you can do followup attacks under the right conditions.

Q: What's his NEOMAX DM like?
Yamamoto: It's called 'Raiouken' (ST: seriously?) and is a high speed projectile move just like Kyo's. Benimaru directs the lightning that falls towards his opponent.
As a change from the location test, by holding the lever up, sideways or down, you can make the lightning bend in that direction. We recommend the upwards version as it'll stop jumping opponent's in their tracks. The downwards version can hit a Chin player who's lying on the ground (laughs).

Q: Please tell us about the moves Daimon has gained since KOF XII.
Yamamoto: He's gained a proper far standing A attack, as well as a command move 'Zujou Barai' (df+C). In addition, he gained 'Chou Oosotogari' (dp+K). The first two are particularly important.
His far standing A is a slap attack with long range, which a lot of people seem to use habitually in earlier games. It's a great move for keeping the opponent off you. His Zujou Barai is a move where he wipes the air diagonally above him with his arm. In addition to being an anti-air move, it also makes combos from older games possible - for instance, cancelling it into Chou Ukemi (QCB+K) and then into Jiraishin (dp+P). With the addition of these two moves, his anti-air and poking capabilities have been strengthened, and you can play him similarly to how you would in earlier games.

Q: What about his EX moves?
Yamamoto: His EX Tenchigaeshi (HCB,f+P) will let you follow up on opponents falling to the ground. Even though he's a grappler, you can still do combos like HCB,f + AC -> df+C -> HCF+A, so please give it a try.
Yamaguchi: The EX version of his Jigoku Gokuroku Otoshi (HCBx2+P) has a slightly different animation from the regular version. Do keep an eye out for it.

Q: Please tell us about his NEO MAX DM.
Yamamoto: The move's name is 'Kyoutendouchi'. In the previous location tests it was a supremely powerful Jiraishin, but was also pretty hard to use effectively. Since we also got a lot of feedback at the location tests about it being hard to use, we've changed it into a counter move. Since Daimon is a character without much invincibility, and tends to be fairly weak on defense, this move is valuable for reversing the momentum of an attack.
Yamaguchi: We've also changed the animation - he does an over-the-shoulder throw (seoinage), throws the opponent high up, and hits them with the Jiraishin as they're coming down.


Thank you.
Next week we'll talk about the three members of the Garou Team.


This game seriously just got real. Sad to see no Vanessa but s'all good. Looking like a complete package this time. Day 1 for sure.


No one noticed how Kula's sprite has less shading than everyone else? No gradients whatsoever. I'm also surprised she has KOF 96-XI proportions instead of exaggerated XII-XIII.

Hoping we don't end up with a "Shiki in SVC, Malin in 2003, Kisarah in NGBC, Nameless in 2002UM" case, where one or two characters stand out from the rest of the cast.

I would rather have less characters than go into hastly made sprites. Hopefully it's just a temporary issue.


Frankfurt said:
No one noticed how Kula's sprite has less shading than everyone else? No gradients whatsoever. I'm also surprised she has KOF 96-XI proportions instead of exaggerated XII-XIII.

Hoping we don't end up with a "Shiki in SVC, Malin in 2003, Kisarah in NGBC, Nameless in 2002UM" case, where one or two characters stand out from the rest of the cast.

I would rather have less characters than go into hastly made sprites. Hopefully it's just a temporary issue.

She seems to be less detailed, but I think its only because she's not casting any shadows on her and because her body is not moving at all in her idle stance. Her color palette isn't flattering either...SNK really should've redesigned her.


Sketchbook Picasso
Frankfurt said:
No one noticed how Kula's sprite has less shading than everyone else? No gradients whatsoever. I'm also surprised she has KOF 96-XI proportions instead of exaggerated XII-XIII.

Hoping we don't end up with a "Shiki in SVC, Malin in 2003, Kisarah in NGBC, Nameless in 2002UM" case, where one or two characters stand out from the rest of the cast.

I would rather have less characters than go into hastly made sprites. Hopefully it's just a temporary issue.

Still think her upper body looks just as smoothly shaded as most other characters. It's when we get to her sleeves and legs that things lose their smoothness. I'd contribute part of it to the fact that they seem to be trying to give her something close to strong specular highlights, like you would see on shiny ice, rather than a smooth wash like you'd see on other characters, who just have normal fabrics.

I agree this makes little sense when compared to K'. His clothing should be considered shiny leather too, but he has no "Icy!" bonus attribute.

More and more, I think she's just made to look proper with her in-game effects on. Kula's body has always shined as if made of glass. This is especially obvious when she does certain specials, like the ice breath.

I also would prefer less character of higher quality, rather than any characters of mediocre quality. But I REALLY doubt that's what the buying public prefers. So far, their "rush" characters of XIII (move list wise) look much better than the rush's of XII (Elisabeth, Mature... maybe kinda Clark.. XD)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Hi, Fersis VIP of KOF love and hype here.
I have some sweet videos for you to enjoy (Hope the CEO doesnt get mad):

Shen Woo sweetness
Iori coolness

Looks like theres No K' Team in this loketest.


Fersis said:
Hi, Fersis VIP of KOF love and hype here.
I have some sweet videos for you to enjoy (Hope the CEO doesnt get mad):

Looks like theres No K' Team in this loketest.

DAH! RAGE!! >=(

Give me K and Kula gameplay NOW SNKP!


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
DAH! RAGE!! >=(

Give me K and Kula gameplay NOW SNKP!

... And Maxima. I'm very interested in seeing if he keeps all his guard point moves (standing C, Crouching C, even on his CD attack if I remember right!) or if he gets more by default/more during EX. Imagine Vapor Cannon with full armor absorbing an Orochi Nagi, bouncing Kyo off the wall, and then leading into massive combo shenanigans!

MONGOLIAN! His Neomax should be a very cool version of his Final Cannon. I'd laugh if it was boosted to Proton Cannon-like levels of screen filling insanity.
Looks weird how her hands are completely still. Move her fingers or something.

I take it they're not gonna change the Times New Roman font issue then? :lol
Fersis said:
Hi, Fersis VIP of KOF love and hype here.
I have some sweet videos for you to enjoy (Hope the CEO doesnt get mad):

How could I get mad at my partner in crime. Now this no K' Mafia in the loke this weekend makes me a sad panda. Which would explain the vid drought that's happening. I NEEDZ KULA-HIME NOW!!!!!

And that Shen combo was too nasty.

I have been posting random vids to the playlist so if you want some new footage then drop by my YouTube page.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
It will come in time. Maybe they're finishing the NESTS Team up, which explains the unfinished standing animation.

I don't know much about spritemaking, so I'm unsure what gets done last.


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:

I figure it's gotta be one of these ways:

1: Their 3D base models are awesome, and somehow, they just textured the details onto said models, and reshot all Ralf's frames with them there. Gave it appropiate colors in Palette, and Viola!

2: Their artist are insane, and went back and redid all of it frame-by-frame, because they think, much like most KoF players, that Ralf is awesome.

3: The sprite was always made with this in mind, and they set it up while making the sprite in the first place.

I don't care which it is, it's insanely cool to see, and it's a real showing of how adaptive spritework can be when handeled by those with enough creativity. I Really hope this game sparks other companies to try to be half as daring with 2D pixels, in a variety of genres.


OMG... I just got my mind blown... Kula doesn't move her fingers in KOFXI, just like her KOFXIII Sprite!

Wow... this is so damn new to me, I feel bad now. :lol
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