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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gundamkyoukai said:
Notice that Mai neomax take off less life now still she not looking to bad.
Yuri look awesome even better than i hope for , can't wait to play her.
King also looks great.

It looked like DM into Neomax did same damage as SDM into Neomax. Thinking it might be glitched. If it is, hope its fixed. Mai SDM into Neomax should be 60-65 I think.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
KOFXIII is pure love. PURE LOVE I SAY!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
King's Neomax isn't going to be as scary as it looks I think- look at the amount of time it takes, with a little running away you might be able to reduce the damage/make the timer runout before she finishes.

That fireball into surprise rose, if the surprise rose isn't really specific distance wise, that WILL be scary.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
With all the crazy countdown website footage i forgot to put the link to the Kim Team blog post: Here


SAB CA said:
The art is pretty cool; I wonder if that's a peek as to what the endings will end up looking like?

Nearly every issue of Arcadia has stuff like that for different games. Companies simply hire an artist to draw illustrations for whatever story they want to post on the magazine. SNK hired hentai artist Hogare. It would make perfect sense to re-use the art as story mode intros, with the website text, but... this is SNK. If it makes sense, they won't do it. They never re-used the 2003 one-page comics for anything in-game, or the MI2 story art.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
-DarKaoZ- said:
Here is the EP 2 of "Aim to Tougeki" or something like that. :lol


EDIT: WTF? Terry canceled his c.HK to c.HP?! WTF?

Weird, there was a glitch in 7:43 when Kyo and Raiden are in the corner, is kinda weird. Both get into HIT animation but none of them receive any damage.

That's not his crouching HP, that's his command normal uppercut- you can chain bufferable normals into command normals in KOF, and those into specials. (buffered command normals that are overheads lose the overhead property).

Noticed Kyo Neomax is great anti-fireball if done on its own. I wonder how many of the other neomaxes have a non-combo use. I believe Mai's will.

Did notice a very conservative playstyle there.


arstal said:
That's not his crouching HP, that's his command normal uppercut- you can chain bufferable normals into command normals in KOF, and those into specials. (buffered command normals that are overheads lose the overhead property).

lol That shows how much I know about Terry, I rarely use him. :lol


Sketchbook Picasso

Iori's Team

-DarKaoZ- said:
Weird, there was a glitch in 7:43 when Kyo and Raiden are in the corner, is kinda weird. Both get into HIT animation but none of them receive any damage.

That doesn't appear to be a glitch, there is a grab sound effect when it occurs. Remember in the Goro Tech demo, he tried to do his air throw on Raiden, and they both bounced away from each other? Same situation.

It appears SNKP has "nerfed" anti-air throws to where they just reset both players, if they're done while the opponent is to deep, or aganist attacks with good hitboxes. For those situations, if you want your AA throw to win, you need to do an EX version.

Today's Vid Special: Not as fun to watch as yesterday's overall, but I really like how Kensou looked here! Raiden and Ryo play felt kinda lacking, Clark play seemed void of any knowledge by how to control space with his normals...

Terry is hanging out in the new games systems a lot better than I expected. Burn Knuckle seems to be a fantastic move to open up to a variety of cancels. Looks as good as old Power Dunk-> breaking, MOTW style, and probably is much more versetile to boot, since it has better horizontal control.

Iori Team: Iori can drive cancel out of his dashing slashes into his command grab... well, that sounds freakin' dangerous! XD His whole EX game seems based around "I have invincible advancement off EVERYTHING!", which is fine by me, since it cost meters.

Mature, pulling off "Slashy Slashy!" better than Taokaka! She looks fun to play, for those who like lots of hits and effects. looks pretty solid, EXDM looks like it could possibly set up more damage afterwards?

Vice... she's the one of this group I was most interested in seeing, personally. Her Orochi arm seems to do no damage, but seems to be a great extender. As I said when I first saw her new style, I like this grapple-focused Vice. EX Shoulder, to Normal Shoulder to Splash looks great. And setup to Air throw looks reliable, as long as the motion isn't too stubborn. Seems like it you wanna spend meters, that she's very strong.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Vice really seems underdeveloped as a character. Mature's fine now though.

I predict Vice will end up 31st in amount selected.


Sketchbook Picasso
Save for her "lighting legs" move, how much more would Vice really need?

As long as she has solid normals (And all hints seem to suggest she the most vital ones for zoning and combo continuation), Mayhem cancellable off her far B (all matches I've seen of her in past games seem to show this as her most used B&B) and a super that can be reliably combo'd into (Of which she seems to have 2, though one might depend on drive), she seems more or less the same as always. Save for that now, De Cide is going to be a big part of her combo game. (A change I kinda like, with it's anywhere juggle properties.)

With no Shermie, Hinako, or Blue Mary, I welcome Vice as the female grappler of choice. I'm somewhat concerned that she may be a bit drive heavy in use, but she easily looks much more put together than, say, Mature in XII.

Having a stand-alone version of Splash, and then a derived version of it from Mayhem does seem a bit cheap in design, but I'd imagine if the moves had 2 different animations, most probably wouldn't find her to look as lacking.

Wonder if she'll be able to do AA normal, EX De Cide, close C, f+a, Gorefest, EX De Cide, close C, f+A, Mayhem, derived splash DC'd into Overkill...

I imagine having a lot of Scorpion-esque "GET OVER HERE!!!" style fun with her, personally. Splash/EX Splash should replace her old QCFx2 super pretty nicely, as well...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Does she have any non-drive guaranteed followups off that? Also, with her playstyle, she's gonna have a hard time building meter.


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
Does she have any non-drive guaranteed followups off that? Also, with her playstyle, she's gonna have a hard time building meter.

There is a free followup to Mayhem, the derived version of Splash. It's qcf+A or C
It's looks the same as Normal Splash, which is dp motion + A or C.

Gorefest always left people floating, with no followup. Which is why I hope EX De Cide or even Drive cancelled Splash into Overkill can change that, finally.

Standing C works as a followup to any form of De Cide it seems, so comboing into anything you want out of it should be easy.

On the meter side of things... yeah, the only thing she'll probably have to build meter are actual hits, and block strings ending in Mayhem, assuming it's safe on block. No fireball tossing or insanely-to-spam moves to build safely. Closest she might have is A button Mayhem when at full screen, or something like that.
Vice and Mature look great , i knew from playing them in 98um they would not have much cancel moves not like it matters.
Both them can put pressure on there opponents .
Vice don't really need to care about super bar once her normals are still fast she should be fun to play.


Passing metallic gas
Da Keeng Auf Faytas! i am getting pretty damn hype..i dont mind the ralf nerfs..hell his C+D alone make him beastly as hell.


Sketchbook Picasso
YAY, Thanks for yet another Blog Translation, SonicTempest!

So... Kim team blog entry.

- Kim is (much like before) a rush character. He has solid pokes, lots of moves with very little lag, and quite a few good block strings. His air attacks are also great, allowing him to rush effectively on the ground as well as in mid-air. He's best played by moving constantly without ever switching to defense.
- He gained his Ho'ou Hiten Kyaku DM ( qcf x 2+ B or D).
- EX Midair Hangetsuzan ( qcb + BD in mid-air) has invincibility on startup, making it good for countering the opponent's anti-air attacks or mid-air attacks that you've managed to predict.
- EX Hishoukyaku ( qcf + BD ) in mid-air is the pre-KOF2002 version where he continues attacking until he reaches the ground. However, unlike those versions you can connect a combo after he lands.
- EX Ho'ou Kyaku ( qcb hcf BD ) has a different animation from the regular version (the final attack has more impact).
- His NeoMAX is 'Rei Shiki Ho'ou Kyaku' ( qcb hcf AC ) is a fast ranbu move that's excellent for combos, although it has no invincibility. It does have a pretty big upper-body hitbox, though, so you can use it as anti-air if need be.
- They considered how the MAX Cancels would look when designing NeoMAX moves, so as a result, most characters with ranbu DMs got one-hit NeoMAXes, but for Kim they thought it would be good to have an even faster ranbu attack that he could MAX Cancel into. While trying to figure out what sort of ranbu to give him they hit upon the idea of having him switch sides while doing it. They added the super dramatic final attack to contrast with the speed of the first part of the move, and it all came together with the camera movement.

- For Raiden they tried to create the image of 'an out-of-control tank.' He regained his Super Drop Kick, which is not just nostalgic but practical as well. They recommend keeping or held down while you use Raiden.
- EX Giant Bomb ( charge db, f + AC ) has no autoguard, but it has much more priority and Raiden does two shoulder charges instead of one. You can also follow up afterwards.
- EX Raiden Bomb ( dp + AC ) is a great anti-air - it has fast startup.
- His NeoMAX is 'Raiden Bomber' ( qcfX2 BD ). It's a move meant to give off a pro wrestling vibe. No real special characteristics otherwise. They were adjusting the animation of this move until the very last minute; they were happy with having it be a plain-looking move but they spiced it up a bit so it wouldn't look poor compared to the other NeoMAX moves. The lightning effect is supposed to symbolize Raiden's name (NB: 'rai' = lightning).
- Raiden has a lot of color variations, many of which are based off real pro wrestlers. Apparently the game director Yamamoto is a pro wrestling fan too.
- They had to make his victory screen artwork smaller because he was obscuring the other characters (lol).

- Unlike the other Muay Thai users in the KOF series, Hwa Jai is a character with several tricky ways to attack from the air.
- His drinking move ( qcbX2 A or C ) changes his idle stance as well as a few of his moves, so those moves have a normal version, an EX version and a 'drunk' version, making him a pretty interesting character to play.
- His mid-air Dragon Kick ( dp + B or D in mid-air) apparently opens up a lot of possibilities for Hwa Jai.
- Apparently his drink isn't alcohol or even cola but some sort of 'super tonic' (lol)
- EX Dragon Kick ( dp +BD ) has the same startup animation as the regular version but you can input two directional changes in one of six directions after it starts up (wtf?), making it a great multi-purpose move.
- His NeoMAX is called 'Final Dragon Kick' ( qcf hcb + BD ). It has invincibility and attacks diagonally upwards making it excellent for anti-air. Apparently the animation and damage are different depending on whether you hit with it on the ground or in the air.
- If he does the NeoMAX while drunk his face looks different. Apparently it's quite scary, .
- Hwa Jai didn't have much to go on when they originally decided to put him in the game (just the drinking thing and his 'Dragon Back Breaker'), so they had to think hard to figure out what sort of character to make him into.
- Apparently they gave Hwa Jai weird skin colors in the location test with the intention of reverting them if they proved to be unpopular, but apparently blue-skinned and white-skinned Hwa Jai turned out to be the most popular, and some people even wanted a red-skinned version (wtf Japan?)

The final team update will be this Thursday and it'll cover the K' team.


Awesome, already posted it on my site with visible notations. Some good stuff here!

BTW you have Raiden 2nd move wrong. :lol

It's Charge DB -> F -> A+C


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
Awesome, already posted it on my site with visible notations. Some good stuff here!

BTW you have Raiden 2nd move wrong. :lol

It's Charge DB -> F -> A+C

Yup, got the Bomb's mixed up! Corrected. Don't wanna pass around wrong info! :D


arstal said:
Would you rather have Choi and Chang?

Minimalistic headswaps with lackluster animations and moves made from the same frames over and over or dramaticaly different characters that set themselves apart of other cast?

Yeah, I take the second pair, even if I never been a fan of them.

I know the two bitches(hey Iori's words) have different playstyle but still they are cheaply made and somehow look unexciting to play as. They made Hwa Jai at least like a totally crazy bootleg of Joe. I love that. Mature, Vice? Zzzzzz. Peeps seen that Mature dm? How many times can you repeat that ugly horizontal slash animation? :p

I feel dirty but I want to to play Iori way more then Kyo in XIII. Since he lost his power he seems even more vicious.
I like his attitude too. "I lost my flames? I don't give a fuck."

Starting to be a fan.

Say what you want but in earlier games he seemed like a creepy stalker that Kyo couldn't get rid off.

Anyway. I must get something of my heart:

Does anyone else think that SNKP devs are going too far with graphical, last minute, tweaks of NeoMaxes and other moves?

When I saw the updated Ryo's I got seriously angry. Not "internet angry", but really angry and upset. Why they ruined it? Why? I bloated how perfect it was the way they introduced it. The speed of animation, the impact, the dust cloud, the way enemy reacted. IT WAS FUCKING PERFECT! Why the fuck change it?! Why messing with the speed of animation, why adding the awful super shotgun graphical hit effect? Why the enemy gets barely blown away? All the impact and purity of the move have been lost.

That's not the only case but one that hurts me extremely deeply.

Let's take another example of NM evolution. Robert's NM.

When it was first shown it was just a big version of air special. Ok that was too bare.
The second version in the loke test added him surfing on the enemy. This is when they should've stop.
The final move is like the second version but with added million hits effect. Was this needed? It looks forced.

This is where the devs are fucking up. They are adding the multi hit effect to every neomax and ex move. I always liked multi hits, but here it's starting to seriosly make me angry. It's so overdone and forced where it's not needed. I fucking know you can make hit every other frame KOF XIII, but just fucking stop this insanity!


Ok, I'm calm. There.


SAB CA said:
Todays TechRefs AOF!

As far as the graphical stuff, GrayFoxPL... I'll get to that later ^_^ Nice viewpoint, though.


I was waiting for this!

Ryo's looking awesome. They ruined his neomax but at least they made everything else right.

Love the EX f,b,f+p this is where multi hit has sense.

Love the old school sfx on Ryo's normal ranbu. Nice touch!

Looking at the other bunch now.

EDIT Holy fuck at Robert's ex Ranbu!


Sketchbook Picasso
SNK HK presents: KoF Versus Festival: Hong Kong edition!

Thanks to fiol of (various other sites) for pointing them out!

Man, we need a US VS festival...

Note: Fight quality isn't like what we saw in the old HK loketest, but so far, at least I've noticed a few normals I don't think we've seen in this game, as well as a few decent basic combos and EX usage.

Ooo, in the middle, it's starting to pick up!


Passing metallic gas
wow that rooftop stage is just awesome. haven't seen something that inspired in a fighting game in a long time


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GrayFoxPL said:

I was waiting for this!

Ryo's looking awesome. They ruined his neomax but at least they made everything else right.

Love the EX f,b,f+p this is where multi hit has sense.

Love the old school sfx on Ryo's normal ranbu. Nice touch!

Looking at the other bunch now.

EDIT Holy fuck at Robert's ex Ranbu!
So awesome.

Some of the combos and cancels are dream like. It so 'fluid' what you can cancel into which move... and the physics are just like i wanted! No more KOFXII floaty jumps and weird acceleration!
SAB CA said:
SNK HK presents: KoF Versus Festival: Hong Kong edition!

Thanks to fiol of (various other sites) for pointing them out!

Man, we need a US VS festival...

Note: Fight quality isn't like what we saw in the old HK loketest, but so far, at least I've noticed a few normals I don't think we've seen in this game, as well as a few decent basic combos and EX usage.

Ooo, in the middle, it's starting to pick up!

Nice you can see there still going to take a time for some to use cancel combos and using ex moves more.
Also that mai player was awesome.


not licensed in your state
Gr1mLock said:
wow that rooftop stage is just awesome. haven't seen something that inspired in a fighting game in a long time

It reminds me of a Marvel VS. stage

which isn't a bad thing at all


Sketchbook Picasso
gundamkyoukai said:
Nice you can see there still going to take a time for some to use cancel combos and using ex moves more.
Also that mai player was awesome.

Yup, that Mai really showed off how solid her normals can be. Just like watching tourney battles for 98 or something, save for no chip-damage-crazy fan dances.

And was it just me, or did Mai pull an aerial chou hissatsu shinobi bachi? That seems like something VERY useful, that should have been picked up on by now...

Those matches where a great showing of how different this game can look with different players... some fights lacked any sense of intensity, and felt like flailing. Others felt so concise, with solid tactics, well spaced use of normals to create lockdown, and nice use of HD gauge, for the sake of combo expansion.

I had to cringe as K' fought King, though... we know from HK that EX Chain Drive DESTROYS fireball lockdown, yet K' kept standing there, trying to fight Venom Strikes with Ein Triggers...

You could see lots of situations where proper EX use would have changed the flow of battle too... learning matchups in this game is going to be a delightful, yet arduous journey...


GrayFoxPL said:
Does anyone else think that SNKP devs are going too far with graphical, last minute, tweaks of NeoMaxes and other moves?

I agree completelly.

They look really sloppy.

Raiden's Neomax was fine before, now it has a retarded Neowave-level thunder appearing for no reason. His, Robert's, Ryo's, Vice's, Mature's, Iori's... they all got changed for the worse. The desperation to make everything flashy made those Neomaxes look like 2002 HSDMs, where the effects look out of place, like they were tacked on later (which is exactly what happened). You can tell those moves weren't meant to have those effects at all. Iori, for example, instead of drawing beautiful, smooth one-color slashes, they just made the colored, shaded slashes competelly black, which means the gradient areas now look like a mess. It's sloppy and brings the hard work of the origina artists down.

I think they may be too scared this late in the game. It's like they're desperate to please (which is understandable) and have lost sight of their original focus of doing the most polished 2D fighter. I guess the XII debacle turned their mindset from "make a polished game whatever it takes" to "do whatever the fans ask". The fans want Kula? Make her quickly and leave the shading behind. The fans thought that move was too plain? Add a 2-minute photoshop thunder!

Mai's Neomax, on the other hand, looked like a HSDM from day one, and was probably the one that actually needed to be improved (something they said so themselves in the blog). I can't get over how clunky her jumping and flying around is, not even hitting the enemy, not following any arc or fluid motion. Compare it to Stryder or Spider-man's smilar specials. I don't see why the one NM that needed fixing was the one that was kept as it was.

But about Vice and Mature and them being boring rant... You're insane. Even in this toned-down version, Vice is still heads and shoulders above 90% of the cast. And Mature looks better than ever.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
Actually the Japanese text was more insulting, that is the light ver. :lol
Thats how Iori rolls.


What I kinda notice in the US stage was that the little bird from Duck King appears in the stage! :lol

That was awesome to see! :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:
What I kinda notice in the US stage was that the little bird from Duck King appears in the stage! :lol

That was awesome to see! :lol

Yup, nice little touch.
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