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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Played for about 2 hours last night, only 15 matches though, but it's fun. I like it a lot better than KOF12, which I didn't really like because I felt it was too slow and focused too much on CCs for me. I don't know how I'll feel about it in a few months but it's good to see that there's a concerted effort from SNK this time.


1 more video of Dash Ash fight, K uses NeoMAX on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As-gUhv-i4c

Ikari Team ending by Sonic Tempest

(The setting is a medical ward. The ending takes place from Leona's point of view. She opens her eyes and looks around her)
Leona: Lieutenant...
Clark: Don't strain yourself...get some rest. No-one was really too worried...heck, maybe a little rest would do you-
(voices from the corridor speak up)
?: When the hell is she going to wake up? Is that scrub of a doctor going to take responsibility if something happens to her or what?
?: P-please be patient...
?: Colonel, please calm down!
?: Shut up and get lost! I'm here escorting her as her instructor!
?: This is a hospital, so-
?: So what if it's a hospital or the bleeding White House, eh?!
?: Put a sock in it! It's not just you who's worried, alright?
?: If you're going to blow up at people randomly you'd better be prepared to deal with the consequences!
?: ...the hell did you say? Don't get cheeky with me, whip girl!
?: It's not whip girl! Keep calling me that and I'll get mad, even with you, Colonel!
Clark: *cough*
Huh: (silence)
Ralf: Yo, looks like you finally woke up, Sleeping Beauty.
Whip: Good to see you're back with us.
Leona: I'm...sorry.
Ralf: What's with the gloom and doom? It's an opportunity to relax! You don't get those very often. Take it easy.
Clark: I already told her that. Colonel, please sit over there and don't go anywhere.
Whip: Yes, it's just like the lieutenant said.
Ralf: Don't you people treat me as some sort of pest!
Clark: We didn't say tha-
Whip: But aren't you a pest after all?
Ralf: Oi, how about you start treating me like your commanding officer?
Whip: I can't treat a commanding officer who doesn't behave like one any other way.
Ralf: ...man, you're not cute at all.
Clark: Whip, stop it, won't you? Colonel, you're behaving rather childishly as well.
Ralf: What, you trying to act all cool by yourself again?
Clark: I can't get involved in your childish squabbles.
Whip: That's cruel, lieutenant! To call this a childish squabble...
Clark: And stop getting involved yourself! I have to clean up after you time after time...
Leona: *laughs to herself*

Psycho Soldiers Ending by Professor of MMCafe:

Psycho Solider Ending.
Athena, Kensou, Chin, Bao and Momoko are being interviewed.

Interviewer: Congratulations on your victory!
Athena: Thank you so much! It was all due to the support of our fans!
Interviewer: You guys are on everyone's minds right now! There's even talks about a TV show and movie based on all of you!
Kensou: Whoa, for real...?

-Suddenly the lights go out-

The other Reporters: Whoa, what? Did the lights go out!?
???: HaHaHa!
???: I am Sigma! The true ruler of this world!

Kensou: Wait! We won't let you get away!
Sigma: What!? Who is that!?
Kensou: I'm PSYCHO-RED!
Athena: I'm PSYCHO-BLUE!
Everyone: And together, We are the PSYCHO RANGERS!!
Sigma: Damn you, PSYCHO RANGERS! I summon you, come out, MODDED HIZOKU RON!
Ron: Leave it to me, master Sigma... Fight me, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Kensou: It's you, MODDED HIZOKU! Everyone, let's go!
Kaori: Be careful, PSYCHO RANGERS!
Commander Chin: Use the PSYCHO BOMBER!

Kensou: Like, that would be so cool!
All the others: Dream on!


Sketchbook Picasso

Ash Boss Fight Vid - K' proving he's better than anyone else, AGAIN :lol

MMc's Professor, on the graphics, and how they compare to the Loketest:

In terms of the graphics, the high-res screenshots that you see on commercial news sites like Gamespot Japan and 4Gamer is pretty much what you'll be seeing at the arcades. Note for instance this picture. You can see that the characters are a bit more pixelated than the backgrounds, but there's some form of anti-alias going on to soften the edges (look at Mature's right arm).

Back in the second beta, the filter seemed more like a generic photoshop setting and just blurred the sprites to something horribly analog looking, almost like playing KOF98UM or 2002UM on an LCD cabinet. The current filter, as the screenshot shows, is much better, nothing too noticable when playing the game. It's not as crisp as XII, but I've heard some gamers complaining that they hated the "blocky graphics in XII, it's way better now in XIII".

So it's got the kind of graphic that goes well with both pixel-art enthusiasts like myself, as well as players from the post-bitmap generation.


Checking SNK Wiki for updates just cost me an hour. *shakes fist* At least I know my favorite characters' blood types, now.

How is this being covered on non-SNK or non-fighting specialty sites, by the way? Did anyone find any good impressions or news posts? I'm not expecting Street Fighter blanket coverage, but something would be nice.
What a ridiculous boss!! Way too much grinding. The casual user will get mauled. Not as bad as Igniz or a Rugal but still...how little his life depletes versus hits.

Game looks beautiful. Definitely looking forward to it whenever it crosses over to home users.


New images by Professor from MMCafe:

Characters Extra Palettes:

EDIT: Damn it SAB, not this again! :lol


Sketchbook Picasso
Fill'n the eyes with double vision again, eh? :lol
Well, MMcafe links apparently don't show up for everyone, so it works out fine!
And I love the lower leg shading on Yuri, dynamic lighting on sprites is freakin' fantastic.


Yeah, I also took the liberty of fixing the illustrations. :lol

But yeah, Ralf Camo Pants are the shit!
I still don't see what is Tiger like on Joe Shorts, they don't look so good IMO.
K is just... odd...
I hope Kula has a Alternative in which makes her show her lower top body, it could work great on her.


Sketchbook Picasso
-DarKaoZ- said:
I still don't see what is Tiger like on Joe Shorts, they don't look so good IMO.

He has black Tiger Stripes on Yellow pants. Considering they'll be 9 other varieties of the color, it should be more noticable in one of them!

Probably should add taunt info + Prof's random thoughts:

A few more taunts said:
K': Fixes the position of his shades
Chin: Continuously Chugs up his drink--- it keeps raising his booze meter until it's stopped!
Terry: Fixes the position of his cap
Joe: Cracks his knuckles

Random thoughts said:
-Shoto characters seem to be dominating the game right now. Kyo, K', Kula. Also Ash, Elisabeth and Duolong --though I haven't faced Liz and Duolong yet.

-It's easy to smack someone jumping in XIII because the jumps aren't as fast. Only problem is, normal attacks don't seem to have too much range (at least in anti-air) so characters with an uppercut move are more reliable and seems more often preferred by players.

-Some characters can do combos from a special without using a drive meter. For Instance, Yuri's feirce Saifa comes out slow but has a quick enough recovery that she can even smack her opponent with a feirce punch before they land. K's is quite awful since his uppercut can hit after his Iron Trigger afterattack.

-Projectiles in general are fast and useful but not almighty. They're a good novice killer, but advanced players won't have much trouble. Don't quote me on this (CA: err.. sorry! :lol), but it seems like characters with good projectiles like King and Takuma don't have reliable anti-airs without using their supers. Note that the power meter doesn't fill up if it doesn't even get guarded by the opponent.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GhaleonQ said:
Checking SNK Wiki for updates just cost me an hour. *shakes fist* At least I know my favorite characters' blood types, now.

How is this being covered on non-SNK or non-fighting specialty sites, by the way? Did anyone find any good impressions or news posts? I'm not expecting Street Fighter blanket coverage, but something would be nice.
Wait til it gets a console release.

Also ive reading a lot of Cyberfanatix and Ignition forums and let me tell you something... i love GAF moderation team.

im so so so so happy to see KOFXIII being the true next gen KOF ive been waiting for so long... now to wait the console release T____T


Fersis said:
im so so so so happy to see KOFXIII being the true next gen KOF ive been waiting for so long... now to wait the console release T____T

Argh... tell me about it...

Anyways, someone should try to ask Professor or anybody who has played through all KOFXIII single player mode if the SAIKI Dialogs portraits have been used or not?

I really doubt SNKP just did them for the Dialogs only.

Anyways, I also wonder what will happen with Chizuru powers, Iori got them back but Chizuru hasn't. Unless they will explain that later or something.

Also Sonic Tempest mentioned that in Japan Ending,
Kyo is acting like he can't remember Ash at all (Time Paradox I assume), but he is just piss at something (Ash obviously) and couldn't get it out of his system, that is why him and Iori are fighting.

EDIT: Sonic Tempest is the one that talked about Japan Ending.


Sketchbook Picasso
More impressions from the Prof!

-It's really rare to find a Hwa Jai. I'm trying to figure out how to use him myself. Recovery from his weak aerial dragon tail is awfully good, but otherwise his special attacks seem to be punishable. I think his super drink may be the key to fighting with him. Note that you can get hit while drinking, but you'll still turn color. People aren't used to fighting him so they end up trying to guard his dragon back breaker, thinking that it's a ranbu.

-Raiden is fun to use.. does his poison mist come out faster than in XII? Weak poison connects from his fierce attack and seems to be a good source of chip damage. Holding on the kick button (for a dropkick) while doing his shoulder tackle doesn't cancel it like it did during the beta.

-Mai might be a good projectile character killer since her jumps are fast and far. But it's hard to tell since she's rarely used. Seems to have problems when cornered.

-Yuri has lots of options for attacking and can be quite fun to use. Not as often used like the way everyone did in the Hong Kong beta tests. She's good at offence, but might have issues in defence.

-Takuma's EX Koouken catches everyone by surprise and seems like a good finisher when the opponent has no life remaining. It just appears whereever the opponent is, very scary.

-Haven't met a good Maxima player just yet. I'm not sure how to use him, he's as slow as Molasses and his guard point is a mystery to me; I'm assuming that they're very timing-specific. Then again, a good guard point like Zeus' punch from WHP would be....


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Fersis said:
Wait til it gets a console release.

Also ive reading a lot of Cyberfanatix and Ignition forums and let me tell you something... i love GAF moderation team.

im so so so so happy to see KOFXIII being the true next gen KOF ive been waiting for so long... now to wait the console release T____T

Even though it's mostly dead, Orochinagi is the one good SNK site right now.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
Even though it's mostly dead, Orochinagi is the one good SNK site right now.
Maybe im too used to GAF, but man the Ignition forums and Cyberfanatix are so different from GAF.
Lots of trolling, fake stuff,racial slurs,insults ... and the mods are OK with that.

* Hugs GAF *


arstal said:
Even though it's mostly dead, Orochinagi is the one good SNK site right now.

Well if you know how to speak Spanish, www.speksnk.org is really good place, is one of the sites I have visited get my SNK and KOF info for years. Also their official topic is quite epic, kinda wish we could make one like that here in GAF, but it would take PAGES. :lol


Sketchbook Picasso
Serving up another plate of snacks from the Prof'

King impressions:
-King can have problems when she's cornered without a meter, but otherwise seems to be a fairly good character. Venom strike has relatively good recovery, aerial venom strike is good for zoning when done with weak. Not a nice character to use when going against beginners that don't know how to fight projectile characters. As always, tornado kick is a recipe for death when guarded deep. Surprise rose seems like a good anti-air even at single stock.

System Impressions:
Drive Cancels are very timing specific. Check SNKP's videos if you can't get them to work.

The missions in 1P mode loops. There's only like 8-10 of them and they keep shuffle-looping forever throughout the round.

At the edge of the screen, a good number of combos like Takuma's Hien Shippukyaku> Zanretsuken conencts without doing it EX or Drive.

Saiki and Dark Ash actually have pre-fight dialogues for all the characters.

The dialogues in KOFXIII are done by novelist Akihiko Ureshino, so they're pretty good and funny. These are straight out of my bad memory so there's tons of lines missing, but for example--

Raiden vs King:
King: Man, huge guys like you remind me of some bad memories.
Raiden: Huh what? What do you mean?
King: I used to know of someone that was just fat, smelly, and obnoxious.
Raiden: Grr! I've never been so mad about someone else getting badmouthed!

Raiden Vs. Saiki:
Saiki: Hey how about that! Pigs have evolved during the years that they can now speak!
Raiden: What the hell are you talking about?
Saiki: Oh wait, looks like I was wrong. It's not a pig. It's just a big, huge fatso!!
Raiden: Why you---!!

Vice vs King
Vice: Hey, you look... Good, heh heh.
King: What? What are you talking about?
Vice: Oh sugar, you know what exactly I'm talking about.
King: Er, I'd rather not talk about things like that..

Victory quotes are good as well. In Joe vs Joe, he says something to the extent of "I'll beat you next time with a law suit, you pirated copy!"


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Those intro quotes look to be AOF2 quality. That's not a bad thing, that's a good thing.

I love little touches like that.

And yeah, keeping my fingers crossed also.


Sketchbook Picasso
I's pretty cool to see King make an obvious reference to Jack Turner from AOF1. (Who makes me think of Aqua Teen Hunger Force's Carl, everytime I see him, now...)

The fact that Chin's taunt actually raises his drink meter is... pretty creepy, lol. Reminds me much of Jackie Chan in any of his Drunken Master movies; getting a huge buzz right in the middle of his big final fight.

I'm personaly happy that the Drive canceling seems to have become a bit more strict than previously seen; should cut down on mistaken execution, make combos more concise and well timed, while still not being an incredibly awkward system to use.

I really. personally, hope to see some decent Leona play soon. Even in the final AimTou vid, the dev seemd a little unfocused with her, with no solid uses of various forms of X-Calibur, or her f+B, the entire time. Of course, I also still wanna see the full animation of Grand Slasher DM in action. (Would be nice if she had a special color palette, too.)

Hope everything works out well for the AI guys today/tonight!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
Fatal Fury team ending is hilarious!
Is that one of those thailand lady boys? (Or something like that)

The Take Out Bandit said:

<3 SNK!

That's how you do endings.
Ha every dialogue and ending is full of 'SNKism' Love it!


I hope all the "Thanks for Playing" art from the lokes is re-used in the final game. Some didn't fit much of a team, even on edit (Ash playing with soap bubbles, etc).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Ash Saga finale:
MadMan Cafe Professor said:
Apparently, Those From the Past (TFTP) are a clan of powerful people originated from Western Europe led by a being named Saiki. In fact, they can be considered the Western counterpart of the Orochi clan, as both Orochi and Saiki are divine beings known as Gaia's Will. Unlike Orochi who has the power to distort space, Saiki has the power to distort time.

TFTP wanted Orochi's power to open the Time Gate (the gate we saw in the Boss Stage), which requires a lot of energy to do so. The reason they wanted to open the Time Gate is so that Saiki can travel back to the past to rewrite history, as many members of TFTP were wiped out in a war by humans (speculated to be Elizabeth's ancestors). However, when the door of the Time Gate closes before Saiki can even reach the past, it would create a time paradox, thus it would cause Saiki's existence to cease. So in order to ensure that the gate stays open when Saiki is time travelling, the power of the Three Sacred Treasure is needed.

Saiki ordered Ash, who would later be revealed to be his direct descendant, to steal the Three Sacred Treasures from Kyo, Iori and Chizuru. Ash succeeds in stealing the latter two's treasures, but it was revealed that he never really intend to help his ancestor in his plan to change history. One of the reasons is probably because he fears that if history is changed, then Elizabeth, whom he viewed as a sister figure, would ceased to exist. The reason for him to steal the treasures is to gain Saiki's trust so that he can get near him.

When Rose congratulates the winner of the tournament, Saiki and his remaining followers set their plan into motion. Saiki uses his power to freeze time, causing the surrounding environment and people (with the exception of the KOF participants) to stop moving. Because only two of the Three Sacred Treasures were collected, Saiki orders his followers to go to the Time Gate and use their powers instead along with the other two treasures to ensure the the Time Gate is open. However, Mukai wishes to stay behind so that he can deal with the KOF participants in his master's place. Despite Mukai's display of loyalty, Saiki is annoyed by Mukai for disobeying his order and proceeds to kill him, reducing him into a pile of bones. Saiki then transforms into a red demonic looking creature and decides to use the KOF participants as a sacrifice to Orochi in order to increase its power to open the Time Gate.

After a massive battle, the KOF participants managed to overcome Saiki. Despite this, Saiki taunts them that the more they struggle against him, the more power they would provide to open the Time Gate. However, things does not go as planned for Saiki when he was informed by Botan that the door of the Time Gate is closing. Shocked by this turn of event, Saiki deduces that more sacrifice is needed. Before he could even proceed further, Saiki is blindsided and has what appears to be his soul absorbed by Ash, whom noticed that his guard is down during the distraction.

Shocked by Ash's betrayal, Botan demands an explanation from him, to which he nonchalantly replies that TFTP should have perished a long time ago just as stated by history. Before he could say more however, Ash suddenly went into a trance as his entire body is enveloped with dark aura, revealing that Saiki's soul has managed to overcome Ash's willpower and possessed his body. The resulting possession causes a powerful energy explosion, which blows away Botan. Refusing to let his plan fail, Saiki plans to use Ash's body (seems like his original body is destroyed) to travel through the Time Gate to complete his plans. The KOF participants follow Saiki and engages him in one final showdown, which ended with Saiki defeated again.
With the last ounce of his strength, Saiki attempts to cross the Time Gate when its door is closing again. When he almost succeed in reaching the door, Ash uses his remaining willpower to stop the body from moving further. Realizing what's happening, Saiki warns Ash that if they don't cross the Time Gate now, their existence would eventually perish due to the time paradox. Unfazed by the warning, Ash nonchalantly tells his ancestor that this suits him just fine.

After Saiki perished while screaming for his life, Ash was approached by Elizabeth.
He tells Elizabeth that things didn't go as well as he planned as the results could have been better. Puzzled by what Ash says, she asked for the meaning behind his words. Ash then explains that since Saiki no longer exists due to the time paradox, it wouldn't be long before he himself would perish. Realizing the truth, Elizabeth couldn't accept what would eventually happen and told Ash that she is here because she wanted to bring him back and live like how they used to during their younger days. Realizing his time is short, Ash apologizes to Elizabeth as he fades away from existance.

Shortly after Ash perished, everything returns to normal as Rose continues her speech to congratulate the winners of the tournament. Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a soldier reports to Heidern there was a time rift spreading at the location of the KOF Tournament. Heidern comments that Ash's actions have saved the present world. He then deduces that Ash didn't do it for the world's sake, but for the sake of protecting his own pride. Heidern then laments that since Ash had ceased to exist, no one would know the truth behind his actions as their memories of him would eventually perish as well.


Question from a very, very light KOF player:
It appears they just went with the XII sprites at the resolution they were drawn, and just kept it zoomed-out (correct if wrong). It looks like the characters are a bit small on screen as a result with a lot more screen space than most 2D fighters. Is that the case? Does it affect gameplay much or at all? Does it feel like there's way too much space to cover? Just curious.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
2&2 said:
Question from a very, very light KOF player:
It appears they just went with the XII sprites at the resolution they were drawn, and just kept it zoomed-out (correct if wrong). It looks like the characters are a bit small on screen as a result with a lot more screen space than most 2D fighters. Is that the case? Does it affect gameplay much or at all? Does it feel like there's way too much space to cover? Just curious.
Yup thats exactly the case, it doesnt hurt the gameplay because KOF is about rushdowns.
So you keep running/jumping/hopping forward! :lol


KOF ending said:
Heidern then laments that since Ash had ceased to exist, no one would know the truth behind his actions as their memories of him would eventually perish as well.

And all was good.


2&2 said:
Question from a very, very light KOF player:
It appears they just went with the XII sprites at the resolution they were drawn, and just kept it zoomed-out (correct if wrong). It looks like the characters are a bit small on screen as a result with a lot more screen space than most 2D fighters. Is that the case? Does it affect gameplay much or at all? Does it feel like there's way too much space to cover? Just curious.

Actually they are still a bit zoomed in, if the sprites were at their native resolution they'd be even smaller. I don't think it's a problem at all gameplay-wise. They're the of a similar size to pre-XII KOF games.


Sketchbook Picasso
Sounds like a good thing, to me... because now, SNKP has little reason to NOT make their games for PS3.

Not that I have a PS3 or anything, but I'm all about SNKP getting more experience on Next-Gen Hardware, and making more money with more relevant markets! :D


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Fersis said:
Yup thats exactly the case, it doesnt hurt the gameplay because KOF is about rushdowns.
So you keep running/jumping/hopping forward! :lol

You can play a keepout style in KOF. I was pretty good at it. Mai looks like she'll need to do it. Plus if you play keepout online, you learn all sorts of interesting Spanish words.


Man slow day on KOF13 news it seems. Psycho Soldier ending got pull down, is not there anymore.

AI Casuals are what I expected, hopefully they get the hang of the game soon.

Oh btw, there is a rumor that HWA has a bug in which he goes off the screen it seems. This is info by Professor from MMCafe.


Sketchbook Picasso
Well, here's ANOTHER youtube link to the Psycho Ending!

Heh, even if it is a slow news day, I don't mind as much, since the top of the day is actual GAMEPLAY. And there's good discussion about game feeling and such on SRK, which all just feels so much more satisfying than talking about Ash's fate...

And that's odd for me to say, because I like talking about character personality and stories! But to have such a focus on Tech Refs and LokeVids BEFORE the game came out, and then to have almost no one talk about any gameplay details since then, has been very odd.

I guess it just helps that THIS time, focusing on gameplay, reminds me of the fun of watching people learn XII. Everyone has this bitter taste in their mouths from that game, but for me, watching casual play on most other games seriously pales in comparision to the growth I saw on that game, and the interest it brought.

All the comments on game speed seem suprising. I don't remember hearing so many impression about slow hops or move speed from those times. Was it a final tune-and-timing decision, or something else? Hmmm...

Edit: Video: Day 1, Hour 1 At Arcade Infinity


Ok, I bet SAB CA is waiting for me to post this so he doesn't have to do double post. :lol

Info from Kane at SRK with his experience in AI KOF13 night.

So I spent a couple of hours playing at Arcade Infinity yesterday (yet due to the line being over 9+ppl long, we get to play only every 30-35mins). Most of my impressions are congruent with what have been echoed before world wide--Let's start with the unpleasant:

The game is going to take time getting used to, moreso than before, and IMO, even more if you didn't play XII.
Canceling frames for drive cancel are somewhat demanding but nothing remotely close to XII Shen's infamous 1-frame-follow-ups.

The graphics/animations are even more amazing in person, gotta watch it in HD. It even impressed me more than XII did, and even though it's really the same thing, I think it has something to do with the game being more zoomed out (I'm indifferent about pixel art) so it looks more clean. Yes, the elephants do look as real as previously reported.

For the first time ever, I really like the alternate colors being offered. Many, aren't just simple palette swaps but I would peg them between a palette swap and full costume change:
-Seems like everyone has a color that is a reference to someone else (even outside the KOF realm)
-Kula has an OG Iori color, she even has the moon on her back (real cool SNK)
-K' has a Kula color as usual, has colors where only one leg is a different color
-Beni has what I call bionic Beni, where he's topless but his arms are metallic silver in color, but other colors he's wearing a top.
-The Robert-Terry Terry-Robert deal is confusing

Individual character reports will take awhile to compile over time, but since our local champ (Mr. Kof) keeps winning (albeit not like last year, I think he only had a 30+ win streak last night vs 100), it's very hard to try and experiment (with at the same time it's evident that he's getting more adapted to the game making us harder to beat him--catch 22).

Note, none of us has really utilized the XIII system really effectively yet (first day), so go easy on any of our vids that have and will be posted.

Compiling reports from friends and random people, this is how I would liken XIII to previous kofs (even though it's really different):
-The light hit chains are strigent like '98, precise tapping unlike XII
-The strong hits cancels speeds are actually like XII (I kept missing fundamentals combos like Yuri's s.C into Saifa (qcb+P) coz I was doing it too fast)
-The ground movement speed is faster than XII but slower than 2k2
-The jump arcs are back to normal from what I can tell
-Jump attacks are giving most ppl trouble to adapt to
-Meter build up is reasonable and generous as long as you're not turtling all day

The key is though, is getting used to. Fear not, as it's easily foreseeable that we'll adapt quickly enough and this will (I said it) be the most favorite KOFs easily IMHO.

NeoMaxes never get old. AFAICR, nobody pulled off any MaxCancels yet. The balance is pretty good so far throughout the 31 character roster.

Random character notes:
-All the EX anti-airs are real good at the same time making their normal counterpart look weak.
-Takuma is strong, end of story
-Robert is very much like his XII incarnation, very solid and has tons of options and user-friendly
-His jumping off the wall deal is sick (air.B+D near wall)
-Characters like Iori and Joe who were strong in XII, don't have the same edge as their specials need to be EX version to be like how they were in XII (think Joe's Tiger Kick)
-AFAICT, all the BC quick activation shortcuts do exist a la 2k2 (eg. d.B, d.BC etc...
-Robert can do dp+C SC into Rush DM as an anti-air. Beast
-Robert's f+A has two hits now, I'm not sure if the second hit is cancelable
-Duo Lon appears to have returned to his 2k3 goodness, doesn't have the low damage output problem from XII
-Shen feels more like his 2k3 self minus the headbutting DM, he's also very solid
-Shen's qcfx2+P DM has counter wire properties
-Shen's qcf+B slides his slightly forward unlike in XII where he stands there.
-I got some Maxima time in and his Guard Points (auto guard) are disgusting, he really feels like a tank that can bully you into submission.
-Beni's EX qcb+P is fun and overall an upgrade from XII IMO.

I'll write up more throughout the weekend and post vids soon.


Sketchbook Picasso
:lol: After reading Nocturnal, Gorehound, and Kane's post, I actually wasn't even thinking about positng here for some reason... :lol

I think it's because it's been so quite here all day. 9 hours, 16 Match Vids, and 1 ending (posted twice!) later, and we don't even have a peep from Fersis!

For me, it feels like we can actually start getting some ANSWERS now, y'know? Love the positive commentary, the willingness to try and get over starting hurdels, the fact that minds are set ablaze with possibilities...

...but yet, it's still quiet here!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm still afraid the team that's porting old titles to consoles may not be talking to the team working on KoF13.

Keeping fingers crossed.

The team that worked on NGBC for XBLA has got to be a different team than those who worked on the previous XBLA games. It's not just the netcode being better, the port itself is better, with enhanced visuals, new backgrounds, and the like. They even kept both the original and arrange soundtracks available.

The next "test" will be to see how KOF 2002 UM XBLA fares. If it has the same netcode or better, than we'll know that NGBC wasn't just a "fluke."

-DarKaoZ- said:
Oh snap, SNKP taking off their servers for all the PS2 games. =/


Not KOF13 related, but still KOF Related.

Fersis said:
Wait wait they still had those servers online? Crazy.

Yes, but all of the SNK Neo-Geo Online games used a pay-to-play service from KDDI. IIRC you paid 900 yen a month to play; not sure if that applies for all their games or just per title. I never did try it when I was in Japan.

-DarKaoZ- said:
Yup, it seems, they will just take down some games not all. It seems KOF2002UM got saved, unless I miss it on the list.

2002 UM doesn't have online play. They stopped adding online to their PS2 ports with the ADK Spirits collection at the end of 2008. The Samurai Spirits collection was the last game to have online play, I think.


Oh, that explain the reason SNKP never added online to the US versions of the PS2 games, it was a paid system. Good stuff, never heard of that. Thanks for the info Lyte Edge!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Yup, paid system, and Japan-only. I don't think you could play the game from outside of the country. Never saw anyone talk about how these games played online, either. The KDDI service is the same one that Capcom used as well, IIRC. There were several Dreamcast games that also had online play (the "matching service" titles), plus CvS2 on PS2.
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