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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Urban Scholar said:
I want spoilers here, as KOF story line is so wacky I actually care. So is Ash always a roundabout good guy or was he really evil?

SAB CA already posted Elizabeth ending, but he spoiler tag it.


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Frankfurt said:
Gamespot's images weren't 720p. They were 576.

Smaller = better.

Yes, yes, but you could still tell the color crispness was a bit more bold than in previous shots/vids. There also seemed to be a variety in pixel clarity within the shots themselves. (Which could have been from resizing, a reason I didn't draw any real attention to it, as compared to, say, cyberfanatix.)

Finaika said:
Just returned from the arcades. Played against several people, so didn't have the opportunity to see the single player mode. Dunno about what the Professor said, but it sure does feel like KOF to me. Overall I had tons of fun, can't wait to play more & the console port! :D

Good to hear a first hand report from a Gaffer ^_^


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
-DarKaoZ- said:

Glitch from the current arcade?
Cant watch at work.
But damn a bug video already ? =/

I really really hope that its not all glitchy at the level that could damage the competitive value of the game.
Fersis said:
Cant watch at work.
But damn a bug video already ? =/

I really really hope that its not all glitchy at the level that could damage the competitive value of the game.

Well you see the bug but not the cause of it .
Wonder how it happen.
Hope it just a freak thing that happen and not something you can do at will .


Whine Whine FADC Troll
It does look like a KOF bug that happens in many games. SNK did patch out the Raiden/Liz bug, so at least for the console, I have faith.


The stage of the boss battle is really good. I want to play this game now. So we can expect the console release for spring next year... right? ):


The same bug was found in lokes months ago.

Buffed Saiki looked a lot better in movement than in stills. But Dark Ash is just lame. Why even put him in the game? Kinda of a whimper there - or worse, just opening the chance to be criticized for "lazyness".


GrayFoxPL said:
Isn't that an old video from the loketest? I saw something like that before. Maybe even the same vid.

I thought so too, but its in 1p mode and the video was uploaded like yesterday. Hopefully it's just a video of the loketest uploaded it again.

Frankfurt said:
The same bug was found in lokes months ago.

Buffed Saiki looked a lot better in movement than in stills. But Dark Ash is just lame. Why even put him in the game? Kinda of a whimper there - or worse, just opening the chance to be criticized for "lazyness".

Well they needed a reason to "fight ASH", I mean sounds ok with me, or you prefer to fight normal Ash? Even BlazBlue does this with UNLIMITED characters as final bosses with little extra effects etc etc. SSF4 also did this with color swap and different properties for Gouken and Akuma battles. I don't see this as anything new in fight games, not even in the recent ones.

I just really hope we can fight Normal Saiki, because it would be cool, even if it's just a headswap.
Obviously I want Adelheid for console mid-boss!! You hear me SNKP!! >=(


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CcrooK said:
The hell...is that?

:lol I think that is the first feeling we all feel, in this case. Might even be the last. Dio + Cho Aniki + Everything else weird in the universe = Mu-Saiki.

Frankfurt said:
Buffed Saiki looked a lot better in movement than in stills. But Dark Ash is just lame. Why even put him in the game? Kinda of a whimper there - or worse, just opening the chance to be criticized for "lazyness".

I do kina hope there are "Place holder for arcades... because no one plays arcades for this stuff!" kinda deals... They look fine for story purposes, but talk about characters/modes I have no real interest to play at all... Shion and Adel had enough personality to as where I liked the idea of playing them. Even Mukai...

-DarKaoZ- said:
Well they needed a reason to "fight ASH", I mean sounds ok with me, or you prefer to fight normal Ash? Even BlazBlue does this with UNLIMITED characters as final bosses with little extra effects etc etc. SSF4 also did this with color swap and different properties for Gouken and Akuma battles. I don't see this as anything new in fight games, not even in the recent ones.

Aye, in all reality, this isn't even a "SNKP is just being cheap!" situation, it's more of a "that's just the nature of fighters!" deal. I find it comical and more oddputting with 3D games do it, myself.

I just really hope we can fight Normal Saiki, because it would be cool, even if it's just a headswap.
Obviously I want Adelheid for console mid-boss!! You hear me SNKP!! >=(

Normal Saiki with slightly modified Ash animations would be kinda fun. I still lke the idea of a Saiki who calls all the TFTP members out to fight for him, as he casually talks about how pathetic you are, while admiring his nails or something...

GrayFoxPL said:

:lol SNK really knew how to train these guys...


Hoping that all the TFTP members sent away by Saiki are defeated by different teams. Like Botan defeated by Ikari, Rimleo defeated by Fatal Fury, etc.

Would at least give a tiny bit of weight to all those cool designs that ended up being thrown in the trash.
Neo Saiki Dio is amazing.

Dark Ash? Meh. I think they could have picked someone a lot more interesting for a sub boss than that and the sprite is a bit uninspired. Oh well, still crazy hyped!


Hmmm... interesting...

Someone in cyberfanatix posted that the sprites look weird in the WHITE ROOM stage (Dark Ash stage). Then he points out that the sprites don't the dark colors of their shading. Making them look more "anime-ish" colored.

As I check it seems to be true, that is quite an interesting detail.
Professor of the MMCafe had this exciting news to share

Hidden colors
Some characters have an additional set of 10 colors that can be picked by hitting the start button at the palette select screen. They're more of the exception than the majority. I've only seen Yuri and Raiden thus far. Surprisingly, the more obviously popular characters like Iori and Mai doesn't have it.

But even more shocking is...

Raiden turns into Big Bear when you go into his hidden palette. SNKP must really have a love for him. Note that it's a head swap, so his moves and illustrations are the same as Raiden's.


Pretty damn cool


Haha. Holy shit this game is awesome.

I also think that Dark Ash fight looked bad-ass. Don't know what the fuck everyone's complaining about.


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-DarKaoZ- said:
Hmmm... interesting...

Someone in cyberfanatix posted that the sprites look weird in the WHITE ROOM stage (Dark Ash stage). Then he points out that the sprites don't the dark colors of their shading. Making them look more "anime-ish" colored.

As I check it seems to be true, that is quite an interesting detail.

KoF with a "boring" background and more direct cel shading? Sounds like a jab at Blazblue! -zing- Seriously, it is a cool effect though.

GekigangerV said:

This is incredibly cool!! Man have they pulled off some impressive tricks with this game!
(Keeps making me wish Makoto has something that actually resembles real clothes as an alt outfit in BBCS... even something thing like May's black bodysuit...)

Also, the image of Rose is great! Nice to see her do something different with that DRILL HAIR of hers. Haven't been dissapointed with a cinematic drawing yet; they all seem really well produced.

I love how there's so much bonus stuff to discuss... and this has nothing to do at all with the fighting! Easily makes it feel like more of a "complete" experience than XII, with so many cool little features, effects, and easter eggs.

Also, I'm happy to hear (via Shoryuken) that Arcade Infinity will be getting this game on Friday, even though I'm on the complete opposite (east) coast! (TT_ TT ) They easily produced some of the best footage of XII last year, setting the trends and skills that many others seemed to pick up on much later; so quite looking forward to that!

If SNKP can maintain the creativity they've shown in the details of this arcade release, when putting together what they should do for the home release, then I'm prepared not just to be happy to get the console release, but highly impressed with what more they manage to do. I REALLY hope it turns out that way, as doing such (And properly marketing it to the US+Other non Asian countries) can be a big step towards them being an actual, globally-relevant company again!


KOFUNION mention something about the Vice Glitch video (google translation does a better job with Chinese than Japanese :lol ).

What they say is that the people in the video are talking Mandarin and they are saying it's from the loketest and not the final ver.

I hope this is true, because is should be weird they left a glitch they managed to see in action or at least got reported to it.


SAB CA said:
Poor Joe -- MARY! ANTON! -- Anton looks evil, lol. -- This seems to tie in very well with the complains from Joe in the Fatal Fury Story from the website...

Ash Boss Fight Vid 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIIdLN8rWSg
Ash Boss Fight Vid 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIHBUg3-1FE

They are short, but they look good, so Dark Ash is the one that has the full screen tar like attack. Man... I so wish I could play this game already. =(

Choppasmith said:
:lol :lol Is that the same guy from KoF 2003 or is Joe just a magnet for gay men?

Yup, its the same guy. :lol


OMG!!! TAKUMA DID TAKE HIS TENGU MASK!!! :lol :lol (reference to the translated dialogs)


MORE INFO: http://www.mmcafe.com/bbs.html




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The funny thing about all this, is that when KoF XII came out, a listing for the strategy guide on Amazon mentioned that the characters would have equippable items of some sort.

I wonder if those ideas somehow turned into what we have here in this game? :lol

Mr. Karate Takuma is fantastic; Andy gets to look like Eiji/Zoro, Raiden and Big Bear! (Should make a special KO for him where his mask explodes!), Windows Logo K' (WTH?) Awesome taunts, a large list of viable characters right out the gate, awesome ending artwork, loads of neat effects, at least a few special KO's... wow.

Really is starting to feel like good ole SNK again!


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Another bonus note from the Professor (Thanks much for the delicious info, good sir!):

Also, I forgot to mention that all 10 of the color selections change for anyone that has a hidden palette set. So in the case of Raiden, he has 10 color variations/costumes where he's not wearing his mask. One of them gives him black hair.

Oh game of my dreams, I await your glorious arrival to consoles! :lol

Edit Team Ending artwork RETURN!: http://imepita.jp/20100715/686380


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Provided by Fiol on SRK - Cinema vids via China!


Wow at Mukai's fate animated, heh.

On Youtube, Sugarboy will be uploading some videos within the hour. Expect to see iori's ending, Japan team's ending and the Women Fighter team's ending!

Big Bear! NO! ZANGIEF!: http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc349/malossi2009/SSSS.jpg
Yuri's Alt gives her ponytail back!: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5955/34yz4f8.jpg - http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/5074/2j43fix.jpg
"Pepped up" Drooling Hwa: http://i27.tinypic.com/34gmru9.jpg

There are more of those, but you know DarK will just have them on his site soon ANYWAY (or find them on the MMCafe!)
Awesome stuff guys
The new alts look great to bad that not everyone seem to have one hope they add more for the console version .
The art work for this KOF is really nice.
I hope it does well it look like they really put there heart into XIII.
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