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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Sketchbook Picasso
I am actually getting to the point where I'd almost just prefer fancy alts and balance for console, as opposed to totally new characters! :lol (The game is already a fine product as it is, and I like refinements)

Anywho, another Cinematic Vid from China, via Fiol of (everywhere) again:


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SAB CA said:
I am actually getting to the point where I'd almost just prefer fancy alts and balance for console, as opposed to totally new characters! :lol (The game is already a fine product as it is, and I like refinements)

Anywho, another Cinematic Vid from China, via Fiol of (everywhere) again:

I'd want Malin and Oswald, that's it. Those two deserve to be in, since they were added in this saga.

Refinements, like removing infinites, and maybe slight balance changes to make characters viable competitively would be nice also.

And yeah, that's an Izzy troll. He's a great troll.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
I'd want Malin and Oswald, that's it. Those two deserve to be in, since they were added in this saga.

Refinements, like removing infinites, and maybe slight balance changes to make characters viable competitively would be nice also.

And yeah, that's an Izzy troll. He's a great troll.
Please leave my thread.
Malin? Really? Over Yamazaki,Blue Mary,Vanessa,Ramon,Heidern,Gai ? COME ON!



Whine Whine FADC Troll
Fersis said:
Please leave my thread.
Malin? Really? Over Yamazaki,Blue Mary,Vanessa,Ramon,Heidern,Gai ? COME ON!


Well, if I was making KOFXIV dream match , I'd add 9 chars.

Vanessa/Seth/Mary (I prefer Seth to Ramon)

got nothing against any of the chars you mention, except Vanessa- who's a bit of a scrub character (same reason I hate Kula- not the design, but the gameplay)


Sketchbook Picasso
arstal said:
I'd want Malin and Oswald, that's it. Those two deserve to be in, since they were added in this saga.

Refinements, like removing infinites, and maybe slight balance changes to make characters viable competitively would be nice also.

And yeah, that's an Izzy troll. He's a great troll.

Momoko was added in the saga, too! :lol: I only really like 1/3rd of those guys, but yeah, can't be aganist any new characters, in the end. If she recieved Maxima-level refinement, I could even become a fan of Malin...

I'm very open to the idea that every addition to KOF isn't just for ME... but for a variety of fans!

I'd love to see even more in-depth refinement, too. Such as adding more animation frames to moves that look awkward (End of Vice's Outrage DM), adding normals for characters who need em, more EX DMs, better EX animations/properties for moves they may have rushed on, improved effects if needed, fleshing out any stages which might not have been as impressive as they intended, etc. If it took as much to refine existing stuff, as it would take to make new stuff from the ground up... I honestly can't say I could choose which I'd rather have.

Anywho, Vids from Sugarboy! GLORIOUS 720P (offscreen):


Edit: Oh yeah, and Adelheid was created just in this arc, too! He and Oswald are easily the 2 I'd prefer brought back, from this Arc alone.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
Well, if I was making KOFXIV dream match , I'd add 9 chars.

Vanessa/Seth/Mary (I prefer Seth to Ramon)

got nothing against any of the chars you mention, except Vanessa- who's a bit of a scrub character (same reason I hate Kula- not the design, but the gameplay)
I agree with those, ive played with Mary in every KOF since 97 :D


Sketchbook Picasso
Sugarboy with the 720p offscreen!

Japan Team Ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOfpEtonlMw
Women Fighters Team Ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tJvRn_ex1g
Yagami Team Ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0QoUyD0Xw4


Japan team ending has Full Credits. So all who wanna know voice actors, artist, how many people worked on the sprites, the fact that Soimen is the exec Producer of everything SNKP does... THERE YOU GO!

Wow, the news reporter in Japan team ending is the same one from KoF XII! :lol

If the Pao Pao Cafe always has that many lovely young ladies in it... catfights must be a main attraction to working/going there.

Iori... I'ma need to read your story, to make heads of tails of it! :D

The art and elements of animation in these are fantastic. I like Anime endings a'la Street Fighter... but this feels so much more like a high-class nostalgia trip, that I think these win by a large margin.


SAB CA said:
The art and elements of animation in these are fantastic. I like Anime endings a'la Street Fighter... but this feels so much more like a high-class nostalgia trip, that I think these win by a large margin.

Weird how everything looks miles better than the OP art.


Sketchbook Picasso
Frankfurt said:
Weird how everything looks miles better than the OP art.

Well it is a mess of styles there. They probably tossed it in fairly fast, it easily looks like the other animators/illustrators were busy with endings and such.

I do like the Hiroaki-style Iori and Kyo portion of the opening, however (Even if it's also inconsistent.) Maybe that's something else they can re-do on consoles, as well? -shrug-


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
SAB CA said:
Well it is a mess of styles there. They probably tossed it in fairly fast, it easily looks like the other animators/illustrators were busy with endings and such.

I do like the Hiroaki-style Iori and Kyo portion of the opening, however (Even if it's also inconsistent.) Maybe that's something else they can re-do on consoles, as well? -shrug-
Why they would do that? Nah. What you see now is what were going to get on consoles.
Plus some stuff like a gallery mode or something like that.
jett said:
SNK have gone all-out on alternate outfits. So awesome.

*looks at Capcom and laughs*

Proving I was right all along, and Capcom just doesn't have passion anymore. Soulless husk of a corporate beast roaming around and shitting up its former glory.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
Proving I was right all along, and Capcom just doesn't have passion anymore. Soulless husk of a corporate beast roaming around and shitting up its former glory.
I was going to quote your tag but ....
* Hugs The Take Out Bandit *

Dont worry man, the King is back all hail the King.


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
Why they would do that? Nah. What you see now is what were going to get on consoles.
Plus some stuff like a gallery mode or something like that.

Eh, it's not unprecidented. With the effort they're putting into this games overall presentation, I wouldn't be suprised if there are pieces they themselves would like refined.

Remember the replacement of all portrait/promo art in KoF 2001, when it was brought from Arcades to Home Consoles? Same idea here.

I mean look at the opening. Character portrait art by Ogura, Ash animations drawn in a Shoujo-esque style by another artist, and Iori and Kyo "team up" art drawn in a Hiroaki style. It feels less like they created exactly what they wanted, and more-so, where forced to spread a bunch of duties between a group of busy artist, in order to meet production deadlines.

But it's just a possibility! The opening just doesn't do a good job at preparing one for the awesome that is the in-game cinematics + endings style... they look to be on a whole nother budget level.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act

This art is soo good my head hurts!
I want that guide!!

I understand what you say SAB CA, but i dont deserve to ask SNKP for more you know? :lol
They 'over delivered' with KOFXIII, it would be awesome to get more content like Gallery challenge Mode. But asking to re do stuff is a little too much for me.

<3 Elisabeth Blanctorche <3


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
I understand what you say SAB CA, but i dont deserve to ask SNKP for more you know?

Wow, this sounds like a bad case of "Battered Consumers Syndrome"! :lol :lol
Yeah, they've got my money already
(Can I trade the release of Blazblue for this?)
, but, y'know... I also want them be in the best position to get everyone ELSE'S money!

Of course, when it comes to the idea of "Openings representing the quality of in-game cinematics", their biggest rivals suck at this, too... None of the art you see in BB or SFIV's intros, are relevant to the style / level of animation present in the rest of the product...

-DarKaoZ- said:
Man, I just woke up and more material! The endings look so awesome! :D

When this prophetcy failed to come true:

me said:
There are more of those, but you know DarK will just have them on his site soon ANYWAY (or find them on the MMCafe!)

I kinda figured... :lol Between the MadMen and Fiol, should be easy enough for you to find all the various pictures of Martial Champion style Yuri, Zangief Bear, and Mr. Karate ^_^


Nemesis556 said:

I was about to quote this myself. SNK hasn't had its shining moments of the past. Nor do other developers.


SAB CA said:
I kinda figured... :lol Between the MadMen and Fiol, should be easy enough for you to find all the various pictures of Martial Champion style Yuri, Zangief Bear, and Mr. Karate ^_^

Yeah, I found everything, uploading little by little to have a recollection of everything. But I might have to stop to a moment, i can't upload everything I find or my servers will die. :lol

But I'm really impress with the endings and all.


Sketchbook Picasso

I really do enjoy XII's Cover Art... What an original idea, having ORIGINAL PIECES OF ARTWORK created for a COVER!

The trend of re-using the promo art in semi-interesting ways, as a cover for a fighter, is very weird.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
By the way for all the lucky bastards on US... Arcade Infinity will have KOFXIII.


Sketchbook Picasso
Fersis said:
By the way for all the lucky bastards on US... Arcade Infinity will have KOFXIII.

The U.S. isn't like...a neighborhood, y'know!!! It's not like the OPPOSITE coast is just around the corner from me, either! :lol:

But we're all lucky from them getting it, because we'll get to see some great match vids!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
SAB CA said:
The U.S. isn't like...a neighborhood, y'know!!! It's not like the OPPOSITE coast is just around the corner from me, either! :lol:

But we're all lucky from them getting it, because we'll get to see some great match vids!

I know i know.

So hyped! And this is just the Arcade version! If they were lazy and just did a straight port (maybe only adding Online play), it would be a solid well rounded title, the polar opposite of XII. If I could choose what extras to add, I'd say Color Edit's a must (they're pretty good at including this, but with the way the sprites are done this time, there's some potential for some really distinguished and unique creations), maybe add voice acting for the story cutscenes. If they could actually toss in a couple extra characters like XII, that would be even cooler. I'd the two I really want to see would be Yamazaki and Oswald.
Nemesis556 said:

You people fucking kill me.

Yeah, a completely overhauled graphical style instead of rehashing decade old sprites = TOTAL POOP!

Sorry kids, you're full of fucking fail.

Looking at the history of SNK fighters, the first releases are generally shit. It takes a few sequels to get the game play nailed down and the feel right.


They really should ditch the legacy count after the title as the franchise has no real following in the West. I think the hardcore would recover from minor butthurt over renumbering easily.

Here's to hoping they can get online play right.


The Take Out Bandit said:
You people fucking kill me.

Yeah, a completely overhauled graphical style instead of rehashing decade old sprites = TOTAL POOP!

Sorry kids, you're full of fucking fail.

No excuse for delivering a beta as a full retail game.
hteng said:
it doesn't say beta anywhere, what am i missing here?

SF1 was the beta for SF2.

SF2 was the beta for SSF2T.

SF3 was the beta for SF3:3S.

SFA1 was the beta for SFA3.

SF4 was the beta for SSF4.

See! You can play along at home!

CcrooK said:
Bare bones if that. Still was a fun game that crazy'ol XII was. Every fighting franchise has a red head step child.

Online was busted and the game felt a bit clunky compared to 98UM; but god damn was it gorgeous. Wasn't unplayable. For that, folks need to fire up MAME and Time Killers, Mortal Combat, or Primal Rage. :D


The Take Out Bandit said:
Online was busted and the game felt a bit clunky compared to 98UM; but god damn was it gorgeous.

If anything, Neo Geo Col on XBLA is clear indication that we'll have a pretty solid online for XIII. Hopefully we see full options for online support that's something along the lines of SSF4's online.
CcrooK said:
If anything, Neo Geo Col on XBLA is clear indication that we'll have a pretty solid online for XIII. Hopefully we see full options for online support that's something along the lines of SSF4's online.

I'm holding out for UM2002. NGBC warps my brain with all the various anachronistic characters. :(

Tetris super attack is funny though.

Keeping my fingers crossed.


The Take Out Bandit said:
It's cute that you call it a beta.

It's actually flattering considering the final package was a piece of turd in terms of quality, even with patches.
DR2K said:
It's actually flattering considering the final package was a piece of turd in terms of quality, even with patches.

I'm not excusing what SNK pulled with the home release; but SNK just released their patch as lip service to Ignition.

I was sure KoF12 online was going to be crap given SNK's relative lack of experience in the field, and unfortunately I was right.

Here's to hoping KoF13 isn't garbage online and non Japanese KoF fans can play together online!
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