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The King Of Fighters XIII Hype


Hmm...looks intentionally distorted to me.


There are two others, and they're admittedly fake. I assume the one above should be fake, too. They've been out for a few days already.


patrickthehedgehog said:

Hmm...looks intentionally distorted to me.

HEEEEE!!!!! YES!!!!


I just need Momoko and Oswald to be Super happy! :D

EDIT: Frankfurt just destroyed my Hype! =(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
hipgnosis said:
Oh yeah sorry forgot about those, they were good indeed, although the net code for 98' sucked. Truth is, they have been putting out a lot of crap and made me lose interest.

There's also Maximum Impact Regulation A. It rocks. SNK just hit rock bottom with the combination of XII being what equates to a full-priced beta test, Samurai Shodown Sen sucking shit, and crappy netcode in all of their releases. The latter needs to be addressed BADLY.

I am sure XIII will be a good game this time around, but if the netcode sucks, who cares?


CO_Andy said:
SNK owes all of us. Big.

Fix'd. :D

But seriously, I can't think of too many other companies who would get this kind of "second chance" opportunity. Fans supported and rooted them on, as SNK rose from the ashes of bankruptcy and the outright money-sink that was the HN64. They accepted when SNK finally had the reason to let the Neo Geo MVS platform go.

It's really only now, after KOFXII, have previous ride-or-die fans like myself really started to call SNK's overall relevance into question. This game really needs to be something else, or it could undermine that which is SNK's life line...their fans.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
TreIII said:
It's really only now, after KOFXII, have previous ride-or-die fans like myself really started to call SNK's overall relevance into question. This game really needs to be something else, or it could undermine that which is SNK's life line...their fans.

I take it you haven't played Sen. :lol


Lyte Edge said:
I take it you haven't played Sen. :lol

Only once. That was enough. :lol

But any way, I'm willing to do more to give SNK a" pass" in this area because:

a) It wasn't hyped up at all. The game basically did more to come in and go right the hell back out, with most people being nonplussed. 2D SS faithfuls hated it and disavowed the game's existence, and everybody else just passed over it.

b) It wasn't even made by SNK themselves. It was farmed out to K2, and in the end, was a product that isn't even worthy of mentioning in the same breath as the likes of SS64 and ESPECIALLY SS64-2: Ashura Zanmaden.

So, in other words, I don't think Sen hurts SNK NEARLY as much as KOFXII's failure did, because KOF is on a whole other "tier" of how it is regarded. XII was hyped. XII had the "promise". XII was supposed to "be dat new shit". It didn't, and it hurt us, the fans, which in turn hurt SNK.


I kinda hope Atlus picks KOF XIII up, but it seems that Ignition has first dibs, and they're only passing on it if netcode sucks.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
arstal said:
I don't care who puts it out, as long as the netcode is good.
mhmhm Didnt you say that SNKP was dead to you? Welcome back, hop on the hype train!!!

CHOOO CHOOO !!! ^__^


I shudder to think there are actually people out there who would FAKE pics of XIII, after XII was released to stores.

That's like selling scalper tickets to a sequel of Battlefield Earth.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
TreIII said:
Only once. That was enough. :lol

But any way, I'm willing to do more to give SNK a" pass" in this area because:

a) It wasn't hyped up at all. The game basically did more to come in and go right the hell back out, with most people being nonplussed. 2D SS faithfuls hated it and disavowed the game's existence, and everybody else just passed over it.

b) It wasn't even made by SNK themselves. It was farmed out to K2, and in the end, was a product that isn't even worthy of mentioning in the same breath as the likes of SS64 and ESPECIALLY SS64-2: Ashura Zanmaden.

So, in other words, I don't think Sen hurts SNK NEARLY as much as KOFXII's failure did, because KOF is on a whole other "tier" of how it is regarded. XII was hyped. XII had the "promise". XII was supposed to "be dat new shit". It didn't, and it hurt us, the fans, which in turn hurt SNK.

It definitely didn't hurt them as much, but it's a far, far shittier game than XII is in terms of game play. It being made by K2 should have been a good thing, BTW-- they are made up of staff that formerly worked on the first few SS games.


Swittcher said:
I shudder to think there are actually people out there who would FAKE pics of XIII, after XII was released to stores.

That's like selling scalper tickets to a sequel of Battlefield Earth.

KOF12 might had been a failure, but KOF franchise has a lot of great successes and a huge fanbase too. So yeah, there will be always people who will do this.

Fersis said:

I remember seen this like a week ago, i just laugh. :lol

Although is catchy, and is nice to see how well they did in keeping the screen of Metal Slug constant even with the background and location changing. Really good effect/edition there.


Lyte Edge said:
It definitely didn't hurt them as much, but it's a far, far shittier game than XII is in terms of game play.

Oh, I'm not disputing that. But again, relatively speaking, it couldn't hurt SNK that much when most people just ignored it any way. You can't get let down when there was nothing to get "up" about in the first place. :lol

It being made by K2 should have been a good thing, BTW-- they are made up of staff that formerly worked on the first few SS games.


That was the talking point that I was so going with back in those days. "It's made by the games behind 1-2! It should be excellent!"

...Boy, was I proven so horridly, horridly WRONG! :lol


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'm excited. I kinda enjoyed XII for all the hate it gets.

XIII just better lose the 94 style Kyo. That was my biggest annoyance since he is one of my mains=\


-DarKaoZ- said:
KOF12 might had been a failure, but KOF franchise has a lot of great successes and a huge fanbase too. So yeah, there will be always people who will do this.

Ah, yeah, for some reason, I completely forgot about that. In fact, it makes even more sense, because there's a large contingency that wants a new game to be a complete success. I was not thinking.

So what's the deal with this preview event? Should it be coming along later tonight?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Iori looks so boss.
We need JGAF to translate the blog !!!
Google Translate in the meantime:

Thanks for waiting everyone!

いよいよ・・・THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIIIを体験いただける日がやってまいりました! THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII finally the day has been you do experience!
そうです、ロケテストを開催します! Yes, will hold a shooting test! ! !

ご無沙汰しております、久木野です。 I have not written in a long time, is Kugino.
開発チーム一丸となって創り上げたKOFXIII・・ここに・・・発表・・・・いたします~・・・・・・号泣; He created a team is developing will be announced here KOFXIII · · ······ crying;

秋葉原Heyにて3月26日(金)より3月28日(日)まで体験いただけます。 Hey Akihabara at March 26 (Fri) from March 28 (Sunday) until you experience.
いよいよあのキャラクターが参戦! Finally entered her character! あのキャラクターとあのキャラクターも堂々の登場! I have nothing coming up for her character and her character!
そしてよりKOFイズムを楽しんでいただけるシステムや仕組み満載です! KOF is full of more and enjoy the system and mechanisms ism!
我々開発陣の気合のイッパツをどうか味わってください! Please enjoy our Ippatsu somehow fired up the team of developers!
Don't think! Feeeel!です。 Don't think! Feeeel! Is.
皆様どうぞご期待ください! Please everyone please stay tuned!

そこで御願いしたいことがあります。 So you may want your wishes.
今回のロケテストでは皆様にKOFXIIIを体験いただき、 Location test you for this experience to everyone KOFXIII,
出来るだけたくさんの御意見をいただきたく思っています。 I wish I has a lot of feedback we received as possible.
その御意見を元にもっともっと良いKOFXIIIを創り上げていきたいと思っておりますので、是非アンケートに熱い御意見を書き込んでください。 Better KOFXIII more so based on the feedback we thought we would like to create a raised, please write your comments come hot questionnaire.
宜しく御願い致します。 Thank you.

そして3月25日、ロケテストに先駆けベルサール秋葉原にて In March 25, at the test location prior to Akihabara Bellesalle
もちろん世界初公開のアンベールイベントです! Anberuibento is the world's first public course!
豪華ゲスト! Luxury guest! の方々と共に我々も熱くXIIIを語りますので、是非是非お越しくださいませ! Those of us with many people so hot and XIII says, and We welcome you out! ! !


では、これからドシドシ、あんな事やこんな事まで! Does Doshidoshi now, until this thing and things like that! 情報を発信して(漏らして?!)いきますので、チェックしてください。 To disseminate the information (leak?!), So we will, please check.

2010年3月24日 久木野 Kugino 2010 March 24, Sun



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Im hyped that's for sure.
It seems that there'll be new characters.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Take Out Bandit said:
My kingdom for Garou characters in a KoF game SNK! MY KINGDOM!
Garou Terry please! (He rocks in XI)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
ShinobiFist said:
For the love of god! Please be good.
It will be ! I can feel it! I can feel the cosmos!!!



Sorry for keeping you all waiting!

いよいよ・・・THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII を体験いただける日がやってまいりました!

The day when you can get your hands on KOF XIII yourselves is almost here.
That's right, the location test is about to start.


It's been a while, it's me Mr. Hisakino (?).


The development team has worked hard to get the game finished and I'm pleased to announce something important right here on this blog.


You can try the game for yourselves at Akihabara Hey from Friday the 26th of March through to Sunday the 28th of March.


Before long "that" character will take part in the contest. "Those" other characters are also going to make their grand appearance one after another.


The fans will be able to enjoy a new KOF packed with more of the KOF systems and moves you know and love.


Please come along and try out my team's best creation yet!

Don't think! Feeeel!です。

Don't think! Feel it :)


Believe me, KOF XIII will live up to your expectations!


I have a favor to ask.


To those who come along to try out the game,


please take the time to write down your opinion as it will be a great help.


We can use your input to make KOF XIII the best KOF ever.


Please write down your passionate (lol) opinion down.


On the 25th of March, before the location test at Bel Salle Akihabara,


KOF XIII will be unveiled.


This is of course the first time that the game has been shown to the world.


Amazing guests will help the team to tell all the fans about the game. By all means come along and be a part of the event if you can.



Keep an eye on the blog in the coming weeks as more and more information will be going up (leaking out?!).

No real info, just lots of Japanese double speak :)


Alright Fersis, I'm joining this crazy party. My bar will be set to standard. This could heavily change over the weekend when they reveal it. I want to see heads explode! Bouncing tits! MILF's in action! Bring it! Cause I want to feeeeeel it!


Santa May Claus
Before long "that" character will take part in the contest. "Those" other characters are also going to make their grand appearance one after another.


Are they going to do a slow reveal of characters? As much as I liked that for SSFIV, I just don't think KoFXIII will have enough of an extended roster to actually make it work. One character a month won't cut it. :(

When can we actually expect some impressions/news in the states?
Ugh, all this "fan" whining.

Did everybody forget some of the stupid decisions those other companies made?

Anyhow, I'm sure someone will post impressions. If not here, then at iplaywinner.com, versuscity.net, andriasang.com, or SRK forums.

Let's keep an ear to the ground for news folks. You've all been deputized in the Newshound Legion!


GuardianE said:

Are they going to do a slow reveal of characters? As much as I liked that for SSFIV, I just don't think KoFXIII will have enough of an extended roster to actually make it work. One character a month won't cut it. :(

SNK has done that for every fighter since... God knows... At least SVC (i followed the news from magazines before then). They reveal a handful of obvious characters plus one or two unexpected ones. This goes for 3, 4, 5 months, on Famitsu and Arcadia.

One would assume they wouldn't do that this time, with how XII had been received, but they've had lokes with partial rosters many times before.

It wouldn't surprise me if we only see Ash, Kyo, Iori, Athena and Mai or something like that. A bunch of obvious people and one "OMG" character.
hipgnosis said:
SNK has been garbage lately so my expectations for this one are very low. KoF XI was a great game, but after that they haven't done anything decent.

2k2um is sopposed to be coming out this year to 360 along with that shmup.

My hopes of this actually happening this year has reached -2 since no further announcements on this front have been made by snk.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
The Take Out Bandit said:
My kingdom for Garou characters in a KoF game SNK! MY KINGDOM!

XI had 3 of them in.

That said, Kim should so replaced by his more interesting kids.

Honestly, KOFXIII is not an instabuy for me like KOFXII was.

The only series I'd instabuy right now are Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter and Blazblue.


Santa May Claus
Frankfurt said:
SNK has done that for every fighter since... God knows... At least SVC. They reveal a handful of obvious characters plus one or two unexpected ones. This goes for 3, 4, 5 months, on Famitsu and Arcadia.

One would assume they wouldn't do that this time, with how XII had been received, but they've had lokes with partial rosters many times before.

It wouldn't surprise me if we only see Ash, Kyo, Iori, Athena and Mai or something like that. A bunch of obvious people and one "OMG" character.

Yeah, I guess my concern is that there won't be enough new characters to continue filling the hype for the release. Even if they'd been working non-stop, and they had work done on these new characters prior to KoFXII's release, I can't imagine the roster size will increase that much in such a short timeframe. I hope they prove me wrong.

arstal said:
XI had 3 of them in.

That said, Kim should so replaced by his more interesting kids.


Well... maybe.

I did like Kim's kids. Though since they've already drawn up a sprite for Kim, they wouldn't replace him... and there's pretty much zero chance they'd include all three.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
That blog is hype.
Looks like they acknowledged KOF XII disappointmenton.
So hyped ....
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