I just got KOF 13 a couple weekends ago, because I'm insane and have to play every fighting game ever.
PSN AutumnAve. add me plz for games and fun.
Dumbassed non sequitur :
I was playing the story mode, and on what I think is called the Kyo96 stage, theres three guys doing the Golden Bombers Memeshikute dance. I damn near spit my beer all over my arcade stick.
For reference : Kyo96 stage:
jump to 1:55 to see the men in the background dancing.
Golden Bombers Memeshikute (ゴールデンボンバー - 女々しくて
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A51ZsEVVAZA if you're impatient jump to about 3:00 in to see the show stoppa.
I don't know if this is widely known, or heck, if its even been talked about in the thread (it's a big thread), it amused me and collided with my admittedly narrow range of interests.