Netcode seems great now. I wasn't able to find a ranked match in 2 or 3 searches (Though I set connections to 3 and up), but I was able to get into a room of east coast series matches.
Every match in there ran great overall. I'm able to use my Leona Hop and pressure game just like offline. I was able to hop, fly about, dive, and jab into qcf+p with Mian with no real difference. One connection got spotty for a few seconds, where I had to wonder if it was someone on my network or a lag switch, but it cleared up and returned to normal.
We still all got kicked out of room once the host left, though.
All in all, I'm very impressed. This is more solid than my matches online from the other day were. With my connection ranking as a "3" and my opponent a "2", I still felt like I was playing a normal match, not failing to land stuff due to online like I felt ALL THE TIME in UMVC3, lol. (There, the matches LOOKED fine, but my Felicia Toy Touch combos would NEVER WORK. It's like there was a small enough difference that confirms I'd have at 100% offline were 0 there...)