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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


Kind of unrelated, but I've got to give props to Sony Japan for not spoiling massive chunks of the game in trailers. It really adds a lot to the experience to go in knowing as little as possible. I hated how Sony US spoiled the main setpiece for Uncharted 4.
Finished the game a while ago. A lot of shots particularly at the end when
the sky and lighting looked gorgeous
are going to stick in my mind for a long time. The game ran terribly
with all the Tricos around
but the visuals were strong enough for me to forgive it.

Overall, it was an enjoyable puzzle game with one of the best, if not the best, AI companions. They did a great job making Trico feel alive with his animations and giving him character beyond just being a pet feral creature. I probably had a better experience than a lot of people considering there were only a few times where I struggled to command Trico around.

The game is great but no where near Shadow of the Colossus which is one of my favourite games and that I still play every so often. I would say I like it better than Ico just for Trico even though I feel like the game design is a little weaker. Well worth the wait and I honestly hope genDesign sticks with Sony so we get to see more.
Started playing for a bit today. Really great for the half hour or so I got in but once you exit the starting area the frame rate really really tanks. Are there a lot of sections with that kind of performance or is it just that or just a few? I could deal with the section with the water before. Really made it unpleasant to play, just want to get past that area ASAP which isn't how it should be.


Started playing for a bit today. Really great for the half hour or so I got in but once you exit the starting area the frame rate really really tanks. Are there a lot of sections with that kind of performance or is it just that or just a few? I could deal with the section with the water before. Really made it unpleasant to play, just want to get past that area ASAP which isn't how it should be.
Just a few.


Started playing for a bit today. Really great for the half hour or so I got in but once you exit the starting area the frame rate really really tanks. Are there a lot of sections with that kind of performance or is it just that or just a few? I could deal with the section with the water before. Really made it unpleasant to play, just want to get past that area ASAP which isn't how it should be.

On the 500GB PS4? Unfortunately the game pretty much stays at that framerate. If you ever get a Pro it runs at pretty much a constant 30 fps though in 1080p mode.


I am at the final part of the game and desperately need some help

I just reached the very top of the tower and nothing is there. I checked the guide and Trico is supposed to be waiting outside, yet nothing is there. I restarted the game several times but still does same thing. Is the game bugged on me?
On the 500GB PS4? Unfortunately the game pretty much stays at that framerate. If you ever get a Pro it runs at pretty much a constant 30 fps though in 1080p mode.

I've got a Pro on a Samsung 4k TV. It has got better slightly but still not great. Would it be better to switch down to 1080p mode then? Do I do that in the PS4 system settings or in game?


Finished it just now, some thoughts on the game and the end. Probably self explanatory, but seriously... don't look at what's below if you haven't finished:

I'm not sure what to say honestly. The last leg of this game is heart wrenching. I literally was sobbing as Trico was getting mauled by all the other...Tricos, running around frantically, not thinking logically and cursing everyone on this forum who gave me the impression it would be alright for our heroes. And then he saves you and has to fly away from the village looking like a fucking spear porcupine. And THEN the narrator is like, "I doubt it has long to live". Dagger through my fucking heart. And then we get the after credits bit. We can assume that's Trico with a baby at the end yeah? It's in the right location...everyone's ok? Cause if the reality is anything other than that, I don't think I could bring myself to play it ever again.

I'm not sure any story has made me feel quite so strongly, or at least not in such a condensed period of time. Whether it stands out as one of the greatest games I've ever played or not kind of rides on Trico's fate.

That all said, Trico is an unprecedented character in my eyes. Never has something felt so real to me in a game before. Everything about him is immensely well done and I adore him. There's a lot to love here and I was fortunate enough to encounter almost no hiccups of any kind. The game is a marvel and magical in a lot of ways. I just hope my interpretation of the end is on point.


Throwing barrels onto crates has to be the worst gameplay mechanic of 2016.

Edit : holding down square next to a crate places it on top. You would think with all the forced annoying controller prompts, that would be one of them lol
Throwing barrels onto crates has to be the worst gameplay mechanic of 2016.

Edit : holding down square next to a crate places it on top. You would think with all the forced annoying controller prompts, that would be one of them lol
they give you two crates to do this, should be np


Finished the game. Man, oh man, where do I even start.

The game is a beautiful piece of art. It has lots of great high moments up there with the best of Ico and mid-tier SoTC moments. It is absolutely gorgeous and it's crazy how much you don't realize the game looks gorgeous because the game starts out with the Ico washed out color pallet. But the lighting is crazy and when the mist fades and the colors quick in visually it's goddamn breathtaking.

I'm glad the game was uncancelled, I'm glad I got to play it and experience some of these wonderful moments.

...that said, I will never, ever play this game again. I've played Ico probably 4 or so times including twice in row jumping right in after I beat it because the 2nd playthrough added subtitles iirc. I've played SoTC at least that many times as well. I will never replay TLG because unlike Ico/SoTC....it isn't actually fun to play. Like half the game is spent sitting on Trico's back as he gorgeously moves through areas. It creates this wonderful cinematic adventure, but yeah that's not gameplay. The other half is full of good platforming mixed with glitches and shoddy AI, really unfun combat type sequences (at least in Ico when the shadows monsters came out it was fun to beat them down with a stick; the enemies and their grab you while you bounce around in recovery frames and then MASH MASH MASH BREAK YOUR CONTROLLER gameplay is awful. There is one section that's sorta the final enemy setup that is one of the worst moments of gaming 2016) and some very boring moments.

I had so many glitches. I gotta imagine reviewers who gave this 9s got lucky and didn't run into this stuff. One time for instance the boy and trico froze. Like I could rotate the camera but none of the buttons would respond and that just sat still boy on trico, trico not moving. Had to restart from checkpoint. Another time trico broke a cinematic scripted moment and the ai was confused and wouldn't work after. I don't even want to get into the non-glitch ai stuff like when you tell trico to go in a direction when you're moving vertically upwards and he thinks that means turn around and go back down the way you came.

The game to me reeks of a trouble development. There are tons of really great moments and then there are parts where the game breaks. Just going by all the bugs I encountered in a single playthrough, it seems like the game needed another 6 months in the oven. But maybe it wouldn't have done anything because I get the feeling the game's AI is too ambitious and no matter how many years they spent on it, it'd never be work correctly 100% of the time. It feels like they got it to about 80% and had a celebration party and pressed the gold master and ran and never looked back. Even glitches aside, the game feels way more incompletely paced than Ico/SoTC, there's too much high/low/high/low with some real low dips. It's a pretty long game and maybe it needed some more pairing down to have a more consistent quality experience that is Ico/SoTC.

On top of that even if the game had zero bugs, the AI was perfect and it was tighter paced getting rid of some of lows, I'm still not sure if it'd be able to hang with SoTC, maybe Ico. I feel like story/world building was a lot less interesting in this one than the other two. It's not bad, it's just that Ico and especially SoTC were really good in their interesting mythological world and story. This feels a lot lighter until the finale.

While I'm not going to say I'm the biggest Team Ico fan out there because man, some of you guys are crazy dedicated, I'm a pretty huge fan of Team Ico and Ueda. Ever since I played that PS2 demo disc with Ico and the windmill I fell in love and I can pick either Ico or SoTC any day and still have an absolutely wonderful time with either. Ico is a great game every few years to just do a single play run through and it's basically perfect from start to finish. Coming from that, TLG feels half-baked. It's better than no game at all, because goddamn some of the moments are amazing like:

When bad trico is fighting trico in the vertical tower and you're using traps and mechanics to team fight against bad trico to turn the upper hand. The puzzle boss fights (basically just that and the final boss) were so good (not a surprise since Ico's final boss is great and SoTC is nothing but fantastic puzzle bosses) I really wish there were more puzzle boss fights and less here's a room of statute guys take them out with Trico :|

But as I keep harping on, it wasn't a particularly fun game to play. Because of the nature of Trico and all the auto-traversal where you just stand on his back (I mean couldn't they have added SoTC type gameplay to these parts where you need to actively try to hang on?), it's much more a passive art adventure experience and less a game with gameplay that is fun than Ico/SoTC. I think also part of it is that even if Ico was a bit light on gameplay, at least you're always in control and moving Ico through the world. I think the best parts of TLG are when you're without Trico and you're platforming on your own Ico style. Since TLG takes away control from you so often and for so much of the game as you ride Trico it just feels less gameplay to me.

Anyhow, in the end even as a big Team Ico fan I couldn't recommend people buy it in good faith. I think it's worth a rental for the gorgeous art adventure experience and those amazing highs, but trying to be objective as possible I couldn't give it more than a 7/10 whereas I'd give Ico a 9/10 and SoTC a 10/10 (with SoTC being a top10 of all time game).

Also for everyone with sob sob attachments blah blah blah, I thought Trico was cute and loveable but I didn't feel the game was particularly emotional. Ending was good. I found SoTC very emotional, Ico a little less so. I think I had more of a connection to Trico earlier on when he was a cute dog/bird thing and not dumb ai stupid fucker as I would often call him by the end :p


I am shocked at how good is this game.
It's something I'm gonna remember FOR YEARS, seriously history in the making for me.
I am in awe at the incredibile set pieces, the colossal architectures, the astonishing lighting and the stunning souls of Trico.
Fumito Ueda is such a genius.
I'm seeing a lot of parallels to portal, from the opening to the puzzle transition right up to the final scene. **Ending alert:
The idea of what contains in the barrels are so ominous since (the companion cube) except that is explicit in it's implementation made me feel really sour.
Powerful yet depressing moment right there. Now I can't stop thinking about on my forthcoming replays.
It also highlights the fact that the main character would not exist if it wasn't for "The Divine Interverntion trope" that leads up to the beginning of the game. Those small touches and elements that can drastically change the way relationships work is by far the best I've seen in all of gaming.

Also, I'm beginning to sense that the "core" resembles GLADoS without the dialogue. Hell, I believe it is an alien life form which
explains the advanced architecture, design and metalworks


I am at the final part of the game and desperately need some help

I just reached the very top of the tower and nothing is there. I checked the guide and Trico is supposed to be waiting outside, yet nothing is there. I restarted the game several times but still does same thing. Is the game bugged on me?

after you stop the platform from rotating, give Trico some time to get up there. I kept pressing the R1 button, heard him jumping to the top of the tower.
I'm getting some really strong color banding, especially around water and dark areas. Is anyone else seeing this? (I'm on a PS4 Pro, 4K TV).



(Sorry for the phone images, still learning how to use the PS4)

Your TV settings most likely. It is not supposed to look like that.
I love the game and story but fuck Trico not listening/having to be in the right spot. Climbing him is too slow also.

This has to be one of the only games where I absolutely love the game/story/graphics etc (I didnt even have any technical issues at all like framerate since I'm not sensitive to it. And sure the camera sucks but I was ok with it) but it's got that ONE thing that really really brings it down for me. Just fucking listen Trico. Please. There should be an unlockable whip lol

Not really a spoiler but I'll tag it anyway for anyone sensitive:
Honestly I think
giving him barrels should have made him more responsive. Like youre giving him those so he becomes more trained for you? Or maybe you could have trained him more through repetition? Would have been cool.
Glad i got a Pro, performance is flawless so far, game is really engaging and Trico <3, i've only got to
where you wake up the first Trico goes kinda beserk in some cage
And the camera (Sensitivity up) and contracts have no bothered me one bit. But after every game has a good solid hour of tutorials it does take some time to kinda get in the not being lead by the hand mindset.

I know the game isn't for everyone, but games like this must continue to be made in the era of iterative sequels and "franchises".


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Beat the game and got the intensive care trophy because I am the greatest of all time.

I'll make a bigger post of thoughts tomorrow, but for now I'll just say that was a great playthrough but I don't think I could ever play this game again.


Good at being the bigger man
Your TV settings most likely. It is not supposed to look like that.
TV settings. Check your Gamma per 10pt grey scale.

However, the gamma the game puts out it wrong too. Just like in MGS5. It is definitely not Gamma 2.2. Which might screw up your image.


Thinking more about it, it's weird how underused the gameplay mechanics are when they could've added more gameplay variety. The majority of Trico puzzles are solved by standing in Trico and pressing R1 and forward and he'll figure out how to progress forward.

On the other hand you can make Trico headbutt ram things with R1+[] yet there's no a single puzzle in the game that uses this. There were definitely a few time they could've had something where you want Trico to ram it to knock it loose or push something, but it's just a completely unused mechanic. Even the get on hind legs so you can reach higher ground as the boy is only used a handful of times. Mostly it's just R1+forward, the end.

I also would've liked to see puzzles where Trico can pull things with R1+O. There's only like one part where he pulls a chain.

Just seems like with 4 command buttons you have the potential for a variety of actions to mix up the puzzles and make you think about how to combine actions, but it's not used. Just kinda weird. Instead we get lots of stand still and point at something with the mirror puzzles which are brain dead to the point they're kinda below the artistic merit and design of the team imo.
Anyone with an order for the collectors edition from Amazon.co.uk? Just got mine today....covered in dirt, NOT IN A BOX (wtf), damaged at the edges, and with a load of Royal Mail stickers all over the main box. Really pissed off as I've never had these kind of problems with Amazon before...
Thinking more about it, it's weird how underused the gameplay mechanics are when they could've added more gameplay variety. The majority of Trico puzzles are solved by standing in Trico and pressing R1 and forward and he'll figure out how to progress forward.

On the other hand you can make Trico headbutt ram things with R1+[] yet there's no a single puzzle in the game that uses this. There were definitely a few time they could've had something where you want Trico to ram it to knock it loose or push something, but it's just a completely unused mechanic. Even the get on hind legs so you can reach higher ground as the boy is only used a handful of times. Mostly it's just R1+forward, the end.

I also would've liked to see puzzles where Trico can pull things with R1+O. There's only like one part where he pulls a chain.

Just seems like with 4 command buttons you have the potential for a variety of actions to mix up the puzzles and make you think about how to combine actions, but it's not used. Just kinda weird. Instead we get lots of stand still and point at something with the mirror puzzles which are brain dead to the point they're kinda below the artistic merit and design of the team imo.

I agree. Had Trico actually been responsive and had more of this I would have enjoyed it more. I wondered why it barely used some of the actions. As it is though I thank god that it was minimal. I probably would have thrown a controller through the TV with more/more varied commands.



I honestly feel exactly the same and I'm about 3 hours in. I really can't find the drive to finish it outside of me being a fan of Ueda. If I never played any of his previous works I think I would have traded it in for a different game.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Is there a way to turn the controller prompts off? Do they stop eventually?
Thinking more about it, it's weird how underused the gameplay mechanics are when they could've added more gameplay variety. The majority of Trico puzzles are solved by standing in Trico and pressing R1 and forward and he'll figure out how to progress forward.

"majority" is the operative word there. I feel there's enough puzzles where Trico has to do things outside of jump before it would get frustrating.
Thinking more about it, it's weird how underused the gameplay mechanics are when they could've added more gameplay variety. The majority of Trico puzzles are solved by standing in Trico and pressing R1 and forward and he'll figure out how to progress forward.

On the other hand you can make Trico headbutt ram things with R1+[] yet there's no a single puzzle in the game that uses this. There were definitely a few time they could've had something where you want Trico to ram it to knock it loose or push something, but it's just a completely unused mechanic. Even the get on hind legs so you can reach higher ground as the boy is only used a handful of times. Mostly it's just R1+forward, the end.

I also would've liked to see puzzles where Trico can pull things with R1+O. There's only like one part where he pulls a chain.

Just seems like with 4 command buttons you have the potential for a variety of actions to mix up the puzzles and make you think about how to combine actions, but it's not used. Just kinda weird. Instead we get lots of stand still and point at something with the mirror puzzles which are brain dead to the point they're kinda below the artistic merit and design of the team imo.

You have to understand Ueda's titles have a design by "subtraction" intention. What you're suggesting is total opposite of that. Sure, you can argue that there are multiple Trico commands that aren't heavily utilized but maybe the development was getting too long they have to remove some of those parts but somehow managed to keep the command scheme.

The core "gameplay" element here is managing Trico. The main aspect to its interactivity is to showcase the bond between the player and Trico. Too much "gameplay" elements will detract for the design, otherwise you just get another Ellie or some other escort NPC which would have defeated the whole purpose of the game. There are obstacles that aren't designed like traditional video games but something you would, naturally see a crumbling, diliapidated city would be using the elements of both you and Trico's strength to pass though them. What they delivered is very consistent with the theme of the experience.


I strongly disagree that ICO's gameplay is more fun than TLG's(SoTC is another story).

The only thing that can potentially make ICO's gameplay more fun is the combat, but it wasn't fun to begin with.

I had more fun seeing Trico kill enemies and occasionally help help him by
Pulling out enemies helmets or push them from ledges or even knocking spears, swords from enemies to the beast


Trico >>>>>>>>>>>> Yorda and Agro

That's a canon :p


Finished the game. Man, oh man, where do I even start.

The game is a beautiful piece of art. It has lots of great high moments up there with the best of Ico and mid-tier SoTC moments. It is absolutely gorgeous and it's crazy how much you don't realize the game looks gorgeous because the game starts out with the Ico washed out color pallet. But the lighting is crazy and when the mist fades and the colors quick in visually it's goddamn breathtaking.

I'm glad the game was uncancelled, I'm glad I got to play it and experience some of these wonderful moments.

...that said, I will never, ever play this game again. I've played Ico probably 4 or so times including twice in row jumping right in after I beat it because the 2nd playthrough added subtitles iirc. I've played SoTC at least that many times as well. I will never replay TLG because unlike Ico/SoTC....it isn't actually fun to play. Like half the game is spent sitting on Trico's back as he gorgeously moves through areas. It creates this wonderful cinematic adventure, but yeah that's not gameplay. The other half is full of good platforming mixed with glitches and shoddy AI, really unfun combat type sequences (at least in Ico when the shadows monsters came out it was fun to beat them down with a stick; the enemies and their grab you while you bounce around in recovery frames and then MASH MASH MASH BREAK YOUR CONTROLLER gameplay is awful. There is one section that's sorta the final enemy setup that is one of the worst moments of gaming 2016) and some very boring moments.

I had so many glitches. I gotta imagine reviewers who gave this 9s got lucky and didn't run into this stuff. One time for instance the boy and trico froze. Like I could rotate the camera but none of the buttons would respond and that just sat still boy on trico, trico not moving. Had to restart from checkpoint. Another time trico broke a cinematic scripted moment and the ai was confused and wouldn't work after. I don't even want to get into the non-glitch ai stuff like when you tell trico to go in a direction when you're moving vertically upwards and he thinks that means turn around and go back down the way you came.

The game to me reeks of a trouble development. There are tons of really great moments and then there are parts where the game breaks. Just going by all the bugs I encountered in a single playthrough, it seems like the game needed another 6 months in the oven. But maybe it wouldn't have done anything because I get the feeling the game's AI is too ambitious and no matter how many years they spent on it, it'd never be work correctly 100% of the time. It feels like they got it to about 80% and had a celebration party and pressed the gold master and ran and never looked back. Even glitches aside, the game feels way more incompletely paced than Ico/SoTC, there's too much high/low/high/low with some real low dips. It's a pretty long game and maybe it needed some more pairing down to have a more consistent quality experience that is Ico/SoTC.

On top of that even if the game had zero bugs, the AI was perfect and it was tighter paced getting rid of some of lows, I'm still not sure if it'd be able to hang with SoTC, maybe Ico. I feel like story/world building was a lot less interesting in this one than the other two. It's not bad, it's just that Ico and especially SoTC were really good in their interesting mythological world and story. This feels a lot lighter until the finale.

While I'm not going to say I'm the biggest Team Ico fan out there because man, some of you guys are crazy dedicated, I'm a pretty huge fan of Team Ico and Ueda. Ever since I played that PS2 demo disc with Ico and the windmill I fell in love and I can pick either Ico or SoTC any day and still have an absolutely wonderful time with either. Ico is a great game every few years to just do a single play run through and it's basically perfect from start to finish. Coming from that, TLG feels half-baked. It's better than no game at all, because goddamn some of the moments are amazing like:

When bad trico is fighting trico in the vertical tower and you're using traps and mechanics to team fight against bad trico to turn the upper hand. The puzzle boss fights (basically just that and the final boss) were so good (not a surprise since Ico's final boss is great and SoTC is nothing but fantastic puzzle bosses) I really wish there were more puzzle boss fights and less here's a room of statute guys take them out with Trico :|

But as I keep harping on, it wasn't a particularly fun game to play. Because of the nature of Trico and all the auto-traversal where you just stand on his back (I mean couldn't they have added SoTC type gameplay to these parts where you need to actively try to hang on?), it's much more a passive art adventure experience and less a game with gameplay that is fun than Ico/SoTC. I think also part of it is that even if Ico was a bit light on gameplay, at least you're always in control and moving Ico through the world. I think the best parts of TLG are when you're without Trico and you're platforming on your own Ico style. Since TLG takes away control from you so often and for so much of the game as you ride Trico it just feels less gameplay to me.

Anyhow, in the end even as a big Team Ico fan I couldn't recommend people buy it in good faith. I think it's worth a rental for the gorgeous art adventure experience and those amazing highs, but trying to be objective as possible I couldn't give it more than a 7/10 whereas I'd give Ico a 9/10 and SoTC a 10/10 (with SoTC being a top10 of all time game).

Also for everyone with sob sob attachments blah blah blah, I thought Trico was cute and loveable but I didn't feel the game was particularly emotional. Ending was good. I found SoTC very emotional, Ico a little less so. I think I had more of a connection to Trico earlier on when he was a cute dog/bird thing and not dumb ai stupid fucker as I would often call him by the end :p

Reads a lot like my review... like A LOT.. (I reviewed it for Eurogamer Denmark)..
I've gone from being completely mesmerised by this game, to being completely frustrated in the span of 4 hours. I've just gotten the ability to command Trico (at least the part that explicitly tells you that you can) and I honestly want to stop playing. It's awful, and just not fun. I'm feeling deflated now thinking that this is now the rest of the game moving forward.
I strongly disagree that ICO's gameplay is more fun than TLG's(SoTC is another story).

The only thing that can potentially make ICO's gameplay more fun is the combat, but it wasn't fun to begin with.

I had more fun seeing Trico kill enemies and occasionally help help him by
Pulling out enemies helmets or push them from ledges or even knocking spears, swords from enemies to the beast


Trico >>>>>>>>>>>> Yorda and Agro

That's a canon :p

Yeah, TLG is basically "Ico, but every single thing in it is better" IMO.

A TLG vs Shadow of the Colossus debate would be more interesting due to the differences in thematic approach of both games: Shadow may also be primarily about "light traversal puzzles", but it's wrapped around this presentation of direct conflict and bombast as opposed to the more Ico-like wonder and solitude of finding your way out of ruins in TLG. People can make a case for either game that'd be difficult to argue against due to the very subjective nature of preferences between those two approaches.
Yeah, TLG is basically "Ico, but every single thing in it is better" IMO.

A TLG vs Shadow of the Colossus debate would be more interesting due to the differences in thematic approach of both games: Shadow may also be primarily about "light traversal puzzles", but it's wrapped around this presentation of direct conflict and bombast as opposed to the more Ico-like wonder and solitude of finding your way out of ruins in TLG. People can make a case for either game that'd be difficult to argue against due to the very subjective nature of preferences between those two approaches.

TLG is the natural evolution from ICO when it comes design, theme and systems. You can still observe the core system in place much like how Mario 64 uses the same system from the original NES games even though they are vastly different titles. I wouldn't say it's "better", it's more "expanded" like "ABC" has a "DEF" and so on.


I've gone from being completely mesmerised by this game, to being completely frustrated in the span of 4 hours. I've just gotten the ability to command Trico (at least the part that explicitly tells you that you can) and I honestly want to stop playing. It's awful, and just not fun. I'm feeling deflated now thinking that this is now the rest of the game moving forward.

Yeah, the game would have been so much better if the game stayed like it was in the beginning. Just let the AI do it's thing maybe make it a bit more scripted but at least it wouldn't be so frustrating. Honestly the best parts so far are the one without Trick except for the opening hour or two.

Trico >>>>>>>>>>>> Yorda and Agro

I can't agree with this in the slightest. Yorda does exactly what you need her to do and you can control her very easily and the same goes for Agro. Also, why do I have to climb Trico every time after every combat to "pet it" in order to make it responsive again, so unnecessary and tedious. It was a good idea the first time but every time? Get out of here :/
Mid game question:

How do you
get Trico to swim in the pool? I've unlocked the gate for him to swim into, yet I can't actually get him down there.
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