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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


Sometimes this game is incredible and one of the most beautiful I've ever played, and other times it's one of the most infuriating games I've had to endure.

It would help a lot if they actually explained the commands for Trico.


I just started playing this a bit ago. Really shocked at how poorly it performs on my PS4. Feels like 15-20fps. And what it's doing graphically doesn't seem that impressive compared to other games that can hit and stay at 30 or even 60fps.
Moving the character feels like wading through molasses. Honestly feels like playing a PS2 era game. :/


Junior Member
I don't normally feel a sense of accomplishment just finishing a game but did with this. The half dozen or so times I got stuck for ten+ minutes, I never felt the urge to look for guidance online.

I'm sure there's far trickier ones but finding a way down to the barrel on the ledge of the white tower was a personal 'optional path' highlight.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sometimes this game is incredible and one of the most beautiful I've ever played, and other times it's one of the most infuriating games I've had to endure.

It would help a lot if they actually explained the commands for Trico.

There is a digital manual you can read but in game the explanations are pretty fleeting.
Sometimes this game is incredible and one of the most beautiful I've ever played, and other times it's one of the most infuriating games I've had to endure.

It would help a lot if they actually explained the commands for Trico.
I just experimented and found what worked bes. It was really organic, imo, and made our bond more realistic .I guess there arent many pet owners in here...


Things that helped me play the game.

L1 will always lock the camera on Trico.
R1 after being held for a while will have a soft lock on Trico.

When i mean lock i mean it locks it unless you move the right joystick. So just keep that in mind.

When i want Trico to do something like climb i get on its head and make sure he is pointing in the right direction. R1+Joystick. Once it does i use R1+Triangle followed by R1+Joystick towards where i want him to jump. I alternate them too just so it gets a grasp of what i need. Sometimes i won't even need to do the Joystick one since it just wants to keep jumping.

If I want Trico to lean against a wall, I walk to the wall and call him by tapping R1 several times here and there. Once it arrives i can get on him on the back of the head and use R1+Joystick pointing to the direction of the wall it wants to go on to.

I always walk around when i want Trico to get to a place. Its really hard to take Trico to places while riding. R1+Circle helped a bunch on consecutive jumps, but i am not sure if it was me doing the trigger, or Trico just knew it had to keep going. I also used the Circle command for Trico to interact with an object close by.

Also, a big one. Allowing Trico to react to your command is important. Sometimes Trico just needs to get into position after you give it a command. If you give it another command it might do something else instead. Good examples are when it needs to back up to get a run, or rotate to be facing the right direction.

Lastly, Trico and the kid will usually look at points of interest. Specially Trico. When in doubt i just looked at him when pressing R1+Circle and see how it reacts.

Hmm... also, pay attention to the surroundings. Some of the interiors are dimly lit when you have to notice you can climb up on Trico to reach a second floor of sorts. I guess when i was in doubt i would look up.

The controls are interesting in here and i do believe that the pacing of the game is intentional. You have to issue a command, then be understood to make it so and then executed. One thing that is not intentional tho is that you might be stuck because of a bug. There was a room where i had to feed Trico. I fed it one barrel and Trico would be indignant afterwards. So i thought i just needed to look for another one. Looked for a good 30 mins. Finally i reloaded the checkpoint, did the puzzle again and then it triggered his happyness and ready to keep moving. I sighed. So if you think you are at a dead end you might want to reload your checkpoint. It literally happened to me twice.

At the end of the day, i think that i took to heart what the narrator said at one point. Trico will mimic your moves and try to do them. So i just try to link what makes sense to get that point across to Trico. lol.

Some spoiler related actions you can do.
you can grab the helmets of fallen soldiers and pull on them to get rid of them to help out Trico as it tries to eliminate all threads.

Use R1+R3 to get a friendly reminder of what the narrator said. Usually a clue as to what you're supposed to be doing.

I think thats all i have for now. I am happy to give hints and help people if they get stuck.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I just started playing this a bit ago. Really shocked at how poorly it performs on my PS4. Feels like 15-20fps. And what it's doing graphically doesn't seem that impressive compared to other games that can hit and stay at 30 or even 60fps.
Moving the character feels like wading through molasses. Honestly feels like playing a PS2 era game. :/

Not to jump on you but I hate this complaint. Most current gen games come nowhere close to the animation quality of this game let alone PS2 games


2 hours in and og PS4 performance is basically unplayable for me. Almost constant 20-24fps. This is way worse than PS2 SOTC. I only ever use my PS4 on exclusives so I can't justify buying a pro but on the other hand if the entire game is like this I'll hate playing it. Ughhhh.
I don't normally feel a sense of accomplishment just finishing a game but did with this. The half dozen or so times I got stuck for ten+ minutes, I never felt the urge to look for guidance online.

I'm sure there's far trickier ones but finding a way down to the barrel on the ledge of the white tower was a personal 'optional path' highlight.
Same! did you use the same thing to get down the holes in the ice tower thingy at the end


What do you mean? R1 is for command, and your own controls mirror the commands. Jump to jump, crouch to stay/sit, grab to interact, push to attack. analog stick to move in that direction

It feels like a complete lottery for what Trico will do whenever I issue commands.


It feels like a complete lottery for what Trico will do whenever I issue commands.

R1 tapped will call for Trico.

Hold R1 and its like a command state. If you use R1+Triangle you will jump, and Trico will also jump. R1+Square and Trico will swipe.


I'm loving this game, my only gripe is its performance even on my PS4 Pro.

Oh well, I went through this on SoTC too..


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It feels like a complete lottery for what Trico will do whenever I issue commands.

Don't spam commands, it has the opposite effect. Trico will often take ten to twenty seconds to react even when he is following your commands. Ever seen a cat make a huge leap? They will often take quite a bit of time to ready themselves before taking said leap.


I just experimented and found what worked bes. It was really organic, imo, and made our bond more realistic .I guess there arent many pet owners in here...

Given, I've been playing like 45 minutes per night for the last 3 nights, but to me Trico seems inconsistent in his responses. Not in an organic "Well pets are inconsistent at first too" kind of way, but in a "is the game bugged or is there something I'm missing" kind of way.

There's a spot not too far in
when you first get outside, and you have to hold on to Trico as he busts through an opening that's way up high
, I had spent a good 30 minutes searching that area, looking directly at the location mentioned and trying different commands. It's not a huge area, and there was no response or indication that the path in question was even a valid option. I'd tried to climb up things and to jump onto things I thought may have been paths with no luck. I was close to looking it up online when my roommate wandered back and Trico was apparently ready to cooperate with her. Though neither of us know what we did right or wrong, she didn't issue any commands or do anything I hadn't done.

This isn't really fun in my opinion, which is why it's so frustrating. The game does SO much incredibly, and there's moments where it's an experience like none other. When that type of stuff happens though, it completely takes me out of it and I just end up playing something else.


Oh, maybe I'm missing something?

If you are on a PRO and you have a 4k display TLG will run at 4k automatically. If you set your display on your PS4 Pro to be 1080p before you run TLG you will run the game at the 1080p display, which on the Pro runs A LOT better. after you launch the game it'll be locked at 1080p so you can then go back to your settings and set the display back to 4k, to which your tv should upscale the 1080p all the way up to 4k.

I didn't mind it and liked the 4k sharp look. Even tho it tends to look blurry at times when moving the camera.

Hope that helps.
I just experimented and found what worked bes. It was really organic, imo, and made our bond more realistic .I guess there arent many pet owners in here...

I'm happy to sit by idly while people try and place themselves on a high horse.. but this is the point that I jump in. I understand wanting to defend something you love, but bold claims like this need to stop. You won't find a bigger animal love than myself, and I've owned pets my entire life.. Trico is nothing like a real pet. Trico IS a modern marvel of gaming, and an amazing accomplishment.. but being a pet owner has got nothing to do with a person's ability to command Trico. A lot of the complaints people have are valid. This is not a 'git gud' and own a pet situation.


I'm happy to sit by idly while people try and place themselves on a high horse.. but this is the point that I jump in. I understand wanting to defend something you love, but bold claims like this need to stop. You won't find a bigger animal love than myself, and I've owned pets my entire life.. Trico is nothing like a real pet. Trico IS a modern marvel of gaming, and an amazing accomplishment.. but being a pet owner has got nothing to do with a person's ability to command Trico. A lot of the complaints people have are valid. This is not a 'git gud' and own a pet situation.

Very well said.

I feel like a lot of the puzzles are not very intuitive. Spoilers all the way up to endgame.

Using the mirror against the "mastermind" black goo orb thing.

There is no visual indication at all that what you should be doing is reducing its size up to a certain point but not going too far. Reducing it all the way is the wrong thing to do but what it actually looked like to me was that I was absorbing its power or something. You get those glyphs on your screen that up until this point meant bad things yet they were a different colour, the screen doesn't go black, you dont button mash them off and the evil thing in the cage looks diminished. Nothing happens so you let go of the circle button and bam you did the wrong thing.

There is nothing that tells you, visually or through audio that going halfway is the correct thing to do until you let go. I feel like there needs to be a different glow to the orb or a different sound when you hit the sweet spot.

Anyway, so the idea is to reduce it just enough inside the cage so you can climb up. Yet knowing that you are supposed to climb up in the first place isn't exactly easy to see. Most of the spaces in the room you are backed up against the wall and it's really difficult to even pan the camera up and look at the structure properly.

Then there are parts that just seem broken like the second dive with Trico. You get him to jump in the water so the waves take you up a ledge without a ladder. You open the gate and you see the new area where Trico is supposed to swim through. I spent about 20 minutes trying to get him to swim through it but all he would do is dive down to the opening, do a 360 degree turn and back up I go. I do this about 10 times until I think "well clearly this isn't what I'm supposed to do" so I spend another 10 minutes looking around the cave. I come back to the game after a break and after another few 360 turns he finally does it.

Then there are environmental queues that are super hard to see because of the lighting and textures. Those small crawl spaces that you are supposed to go through look exactly the same as everything else because there is no lighting difference to them. Sometimes they just look like darker shades of stone/earth. I sometimes only noticed that they are crawl spaces when I was right next to them and the camera was nice enough in that moment not to freak out.

FPS was obviously not good but it wasn't something that was a deal breaker for me, it just compounded a lot of the other issues I had with it.

This is part of the reason why I'm so conflicted. I absolutely loved the style, music and the way Trico is animated in this game. The plot was just the right amount of minimalist where it infers a lot but also leaves a lot up to the imagination. This is where I feel the game shines and where I feel exactly like I did 10 years ago watching the ending to SotC. But whereas in SotC I had very little frustrations in this game there were many, and marred my overall experience.

I am still glad I played it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Given, I've been playing like 45 minutes per night for the last 3 nights, but to me Trico seems inconsistent in his responses. Not in an organic "Well pets are inconsistent at first too" kind of way, but in a "is the game bugged or is there something I'm missing" kind of way.

There's a spot not too far in
when you first get outside, and you have to hold on to Trico as he busts through an opening that's way up high
, I had spent a good 30 minutes searching that area, looking directly at the location mentioned and trying different commands. It's not a huge area, and there was no response or indication that the path in question was even a valid option. I'd tried to climb up things and to jump onto things I thought may have been paths with no luck. I was close to looking it up online when my roommate wandered back and Trico was apparently ready to cooperate with her. Though neither of us know what we did right or wrong, she didn't issue any commands or do anything I hadn't done.

This isn't really fun in my opinion, which is why it's so frustrating. The game does SO much incredibly, and there's moments where it's an experience like none other. When that type of stuff happens though, it completely takes me out of it and I just end up playing something else.

This is another situation where I'm not sure what you did different but while I was running around just looking at the scenery, Trico walked right past me and made the leap without me to the otherside. He then returned a moment later after I called him and repeated the jump without much hesitation.

I'm happy to sit by idly while people try and place themselves on a high horse.. but this is the point that I jump in. I understand wanting to defend something you love, but bold claims like this need to stop. You won't find a bigger animal love than myself, and I've owned pets my entire life.. Trico is nothing like a real pet. Trico IS a modern marvel of gaming, and an amazing accomplishment.. but being a pet owner has got nothing to do with a person's ability to command Trico. A lot of the complaints people have are valid. This is not a 'git gud' and own a pet situation.

And many of us have no issues what so ever. Not to say people are doing it wrong but I am curious what the disconnect for some is. Seriously I'd have the argument Trico is a little too easy to command at times. I jumped on his back one time and without any prompting it was leaping through the next area.


Ive only really been frustrated by Trico twice so far. Once when
you fall into the water and have to get it to lowers it's tail down to climb up
because I think it bugged out. Even the narrator moved on to the next line as if I had already gotten out. The other when you need to
dive under the water
but I found that giving a move command worked better when I'd read other people using jump for that
And many of us have no issues what so ever. Not to say people are doing it wrong but I am curious what the disconnect for some is. Seriously I'd have the argument Trico is a little too easy to command at times. I jumped on his back one time and without any prompting it was leaping through the next area.

I agree, but think both are true to be honest. There are times where it feels like a breeze, and times that it feels less than ideal. I think this game will end up being something that people write a thesis on.


Ive only really been frustrated by Trico twice so far. Once when
you fall into the water and have to get it to lowers it's tail down to climb up
because I think it bugged out. Even the narrator moved on to the next line as if I had already gotten out. The other when you need to
dive under the water
but I found that giving a move command worked better when I'd read other people using jump for that

I got the same bug you had on your first encounter. Had to restart the checkpoint and it fixed. But it happened just like you said. I was confused when the narrator gave its next line of dialogue.


I got the same bug you had on your first encounter. Had to restart the checkpoint and it fixed. But it happened just like you said. I was confused when the narrator gave its next line of dialogue.

I can't think of a single time where the narrator was useful to me. He was either 2 steps behind or a step ahead with just saying something like "I got out of that area".

He mostly just detracted from the atmosphere tbh. At least in SotC it was sometimes useful.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I can't think of a single time where the narrator was useful to me. He was either 2 steps behind or a step ahead with just saying something like "I got out of that area".

He mostly just detracted from the atmosphere tbh. At least in SotC it was sometimes useful.

Those are meant to be hints actually. If you wait for awhile in each area there's a narration about what happened which is vaguely hinting what to do.


I got the same bug you had on your first encounter. Had to restart the checkpoint and it fixed. But it happened just like you said. I was confused when the narrator gave its next line of dialogue.

Yea I did the same thing. Restart check point and it worked right away the next time.


Those are meant to be hints actually. If you wait for awhile in each area there's a narration about what happened which is vaguely hinting what to do.

But thats what I'm saying, they were always like either 2 steps behind me or 1 step ahead. And most of the time it was just "after running around the room, I finally figured out what to do", without actually giving any hints.
I don't know how people have the patience for this game. I already have a cat that doesn't listen to me. Do I really need a cat bird dog that doesn't listen, too?


I can't think of a single time where the narrator was useful to me. He was either 2 steps behind or a step ahead with just saying something like "I got out of that area".

He mostly just detracted from the atmosphere tbh. At least in SotC it was sometimes useful.

Lol. i have to agree with this.
got stuck in this area where i need to throw a barrel on these ramps that were collapsed from the rubble. You are revisiting the area from before. Anyways. Trico is hungry and it lays down. I got the barrel np to Trico. Turns out it would just lay down afterwards. The guy would still tell me that i had to get it something to eat. So i thought i must be doing something wrong. After not finding the darn second barrel, went to sleep. Came back the next day and my save file was corrupt.... Had to replay all of the game up to that point :( If i had not listened to the voice i would've just thought about reloading the checkpoint. But i guess turning it off did something. It was weird.

I don't know how people have the patience for this game. I already have a cat that doesn't listen to me. Do I really need a cat bird dog that doesn't listen, too?

lol. this makes a lot of sense for Trico now. hahaha


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
But thats what I'm saying, they were always like either 2 steps behind me or 1 step ahead. And most of the time it was just "after running around the room, I finally figured out what to do", without actually giving any hints.

Oh, sorry, misread what you meant. But yeah, doesn't help that most of the rooms really are just seeing where to go.
I don't know how people have the patience for this game. I already have a cat that doesn't listen to me. Do I really need a cat bird dog that doesn't listen, too?

honestly, I find trico to be way more obedient than my cat. Maybe the people that have issues with getting him to listen dont have pets.


This is another situation where I'm not sure what you did different but while I was running around just looking at the scenery, Trico walked right past me and made the leap without me to the otherside. He then returned a moment later after I called him and repeated the jump without much hesitation.

And many of us have no issues what so ever. Not to say people are doing it wrong but I am curious what the disconnect for some is. Seriously I'd have the argument Trico is a little too easy to command at times. I jumped on his back one time and without any prompting it was leaping through the next area.

That's kind of the thing. This has only happened to me twice, but both times it just killed any flow the game had (and it has so much!). It wasn't a challenge, it wasn't a riddle or a puzzle, it wasn't anything that progressed the story. It was a small area as well, so after 10 minutes it was just pure frustration. It was even more upsetting seeing that I had figured out the correct path to take. I tried everything I could think to make it happen with no feedback. Then it magically happened, but I have no idea why. I put the game down right then.

Don't get me wrong. I'm excited about getting back into it tonight, and I'm not doubting that some people aren't having these issues. When things like that happen though, it really kills immersion. At that point you aren't organically exploring and trying to work out the environment to progress, you instead switch to essentially QA testing and trying to run into every part of the level while doing every command to find out what will trigger the next area.


I'm happy to sit by idly while people try and place themselves on a high horse.. but this is the point that I jump in. I understand wanting to defend something you love, but bold claims like this need to stop. You won't find a bigger animal love than myself, and I've owned pets my entire life.. Trico is nothing like a real pet. Trico IS a modern marvel of gaming, and an amazing accomplishment.. but being a pet owner has got nothing to do with a person's ability to command Trico. A lot of the complaints people have are valid. This is not a 'git gud' and own a pet situation.

The patience I'm using and the way I'm trying to figure out this AI creature is very close to how I am with any animal I deal with. I'm not exactly sure how you can't see the similarities.

However, It is entirely understandable that someone doesn't want to deal with a finicky animal while they play a game for fun. I can't fault them for it. This game just isn't for them and that's fine.
The patience I'm using and the way I'm trying to figure out this AI creature is very close to how I am with any animal I deal with. I'm not exactly sure how you can't see the similarities.

However, It is entirely understandable that someone doesn't want to deal with a finicky animal while they play a game for fun. I can't fault them for it. This game just isn't for them and that's fine.

The most fun I have in my day to day life, is interacting with my dog. I absolutely have patience for dealing with animals. I think my point is that Trico isn't an animal. It's a simulation of what an animal could be (and it's by far the best attempt i've ever seen). When I interact with my dog, I'm also not hampered by tippy-toeing or sprinting as my default movement speed. It's a combination of things that can lead to frustration, and I think they are valid. I don't think these things would be more/less tolerant depending on whether or not you were a pet owner.


If you are on a PRO and you have a 4k display TLG will run at 4k automatically. If you set your display on your PS4 Pro to be 1080p before you run TLG you will run the game at the 1080p display, which on the Pro runs A LOT better. after you launch the game it'll be locked at 1080p so you can then go back to your settings and set the display back to 4k, to which your tv should upscale the 1080p all the way up to 4k.

I didn't mind it and liked the 4k sharp look. Even tho it tends to look blurry at times when moving the camera.

Hope that helps.

Oh Nice!! Will try it, thank you


The most fun I have in my day to day life, is interacting with my dog. I absolutely have patience for dealing with animals. I think my point is that Trico isn't an animal. It's a simulation of what an animal could be (and it's by far the best attempt i've ever seen). When I interact with my dog, I'm also not hampered by tippy-toeing or sprinting as my default movement speed. It's a combination of things that can lead to frustration, and I think they are valid. I don't think these things would be more/less tolerant depending on whether or not you were a pet owner.

My head is also a much better camera and I can see clearly where everything is and where I'm supposed to go, and the cat I used to have didn't fill out the whole room.

But as you say, Trico is still a monumental achievement. I would sometimes just let the game idle and just watch him/her for like 5 minutes.


I'm not a pet owner and I probably never will be, but I have no problems dealing with Trico. I play the game relaxed and usually let Trico do what he does. In a way, I trust him. I don't issue that many commands. I just let him take me for a ride.
My head is also a much better camera and I can see clearly where everything is and where I'm supposed to go, and the cat I used to have didn't fill out the whole room.

But as you say, Trico is still a monumental achievement. I would sometimes just let the game idle and just watch him/her for like 5 minutes.

Yeah that's right. I've had a few occasions like that as well where I just watch Trico in awe. One of the first things I did was to raise the camera sensitivity, which helped, but not to the point where I'd say it was a good camera for gaming.

I think when people love a game, they defend it regardless, in an almost contrarian kind of way. It's entirely possible for a game to be amazing, while still acknowledging the faults.


Yeah that's right. I've had a few occasions like that as well where I just watch Trico in awe. One of the first things I did was to raise the camera sensitivity, which helped, but not to the point where I'd say it was a good camera for gaming.

I think when people love a game, they defend it regardless, in an almost contrarian kind of way. It's entirely possible for a game to be amazing, while still acknowledging the faults.

Yep very true. The opposite is also true for people that are contrarian about their hate for something. There's always a lot of nuance lost in gaming forums.
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