You're about 60% of the way through.
Ah ok, thanks!
You're about 60% of the way through.
Can people who bet the special edition comment if they thinks it worth £105? Thanks
Can people who bet the special edition comment if they thinks it worth £105? Thanks
For me it is. The statue looks nice, but be aware that it's an obviously plastic one. The base especially has a cheap-ish plastic look to it. The actual form factor is great though. The art-book is okay I guess, but even though I like the art it's not something that really adds much value to a special edition unless it's really eleborate. This one is not. The packaging itself is cool, looks like a wooden box. Coupled with the timeless classic that is the game itself, I'd say it's worth it.Can people who bet the special edition comment if they thinks it worth £105? Thanks
It's crazy how a good endgame can elevate a game that much more. I agree. I think the entire game is wonderful, but the ending just knocked it out of the park and cemented it as a classic for me.i would consider giving this game a 9 but ehh... i dunno. the last couple hours were a bit too, absolutely amazing maybe? i'd have to give it a 10. yeah..
Can people who bet the special edition comment if they thinks it worth £105? Thanks
Just saw this on Nick Suttner's Twitter feed:
Last Guard art book (and other stuff) that is set to come out in February. Seems pretty well done. I pre-ordered.
Just saw this on Nick Suttner's Twitter feed:
Last Guardian art book and guide (with other stuff) that is set to come out in February. Seems pretty well done. I pre-ordered.
Just saw this on Nick Suttner's Twitter feed:
Last Guard art book (and other stuff) that is set to come out in February. Seems pretty well done. I pre-ordered.
Just saw this on Nick Suttner's Twitter feed:
Last Guardian art book and guide (with other stuff) that is set to come out in February. Seems pretty well done. I pre-ordered.
So, patch 1.03 was just released. Didn't catch its filesize, but it seemed to get downloaded super-fast so I'd assume it's very small.
Anyone put it to the test yet?
Are there patch notes at all? I'm at work.
i would consider giving this game a 9 but ehh... i dunno. the last couple hours were a bit too, absolutely amazing maybe? i'd have to give it a 10. yeah..
I'm pretty sure it was Jim Sterling that said he couldn't trust that TRICO or the game would work. I think that says more about him than the game. In fact, I can always trust that Trico will take his time. Trico will understand me or straight up figure things out on his own.
I'm pretty sure it was Jim Sterling that said he couldn't trust that TRICO or the game would work. I think that says more about him than the game. In fact, I can always trust that Trico will take his time. Trico will understand me or straight up figure things out on his own.
I want to do the thing where you pet Trico's nose and he nuzzles you in the most adorable way but I keep magnetizing to his foot instead. Dammit, how do you trigger this.
I want to do the thing where you pet Trico's nose and he nuzzles you in the most adorable way but I keep magnetizing to his foot instead. Dammit, how do you trigger this.
What does patch 1.03 bring?
No performance difference on standard ps4?Patch notes just says various fixes. No obvious changes in game from my quick 5 min look.
Have a general question about combat in the game.
How the hell do you pull the helmets off the guards? I approach them when they're "fallen/on bended knee" and have tried pressing O, X and triangle and nothing seems to happen except I get captured again -_-
Have a general question about combat in the game.
How the hell do you pull the helmets off the guards? I approach them when they're "fallen/on bended knee" and have tried pressing O, X and triangle and nothing seems to happen except I get captured again -_-
No performance difference on standard ps4?
Wishful thinking.
So, patch 1.03 was just released. Didn't catch its filesize, but it seemed to get downloaded super-fast so I'd assume it's very small.
Anyone put it to the test yet?
7 minutes to get Trico to jump onto one little ledge....WTF.
Weird question about Trico's they grow back at some point? After a certain point I noticed they're pristine, but I remembered them being broken earlier in the game. Not sure if a bug or intentional. If it turns out this isn't the same creature, please don't tell me. Haven't finished it yet.
do they grow back at some point
.they do slowly
R1 + triangle while on his back was pretty reliable for getting him to jump or even identify jumps on his own.
So people are saying the latest patch removes a lot of the button prompts from the game. I'm not home and won't be for a few hours. Anyone testing this out to see if its true?
How the fuck do I get down from this fucking branch. Been dangling here for about ten minutes and I've got no idea what to do. This is just frustrating now.
you call trico?