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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


Me playing last night.
This is why I can't stand the game. Once you fall in the water, it gives you absolutely no indication how or where to get out. I mean, I assumed I had to climb out via his tail, but I assumed(naturally) he'd drop it down the same hole his face was looking down on me with. It never happened. Eventually, I figured out he drops his tail in the back, but it takes an inordinate amount of time for him to drop it, and when he does, all I did was hold the left thumb stick up and midway up the climb it keeps spazzing out on me causing me to fall over and over and over. I just don't find this game fun. That's basically 15 minutes of non-stop frustrating, tedious chores, and not a single ounce of fun.

The next 15 minutes were the same thing(trying to get a barrel through a hole to feed Trico). One tedious chore after the next with this game. Very little fun. I captured a video of that too, but I think the first one proves the point enough on its own.

I wanted to put my fist through a wall. If you love the game, more power to you, to each their own. For me? Ugh. I'm only playing it because I spent like $100 on the CE and at least want to get the most out of my investment.

Maybe try to use triangle to climb faster? I think you are supposed to reach the top before he draws his tail.

I also spent some times there before I posted here and found out I supposed to go further back
Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.

Me playing last night.
This is why I can't stand the game. Once you fall in the water, it gives you absolutely no indication how or where to get out. I mean, I assumed I had to climb out via his tail, but I assumed(naturally) he'd drop it down the same hole his face was looking down on me with. It never happened. Eventually, I figured out he drops his tail in the back, but it takes an inordinate amount of time for him to drop it, and when he does, all I did was hold the left thumb stick up and midway up the climb it keeps spazzing out on me causing me to fall over and over and over. I just don't find this game fun. That's basically 15 minutes of non-stop frustrating, tedious chores, and not a single ounce of fun.

The next 15 minutes were the same thing(trying to get a barrel through a hole to feed Trico). One tedious chore after the next with this game. Very little fun. I captured a video of that too, but I think the first one proves the point enough on its own.

I wanted to put my fist through a wall. If you love the game, more power to you, to each their own. For me? Ugh. I'm only playing it because I spent like $100 on the CE and at least want to get the most out of my investment.

my vote for worst glitch in the game (& it definitely needs to get patched).
difficult enough just figuring out what to do, compounded by trico's tail consistently getting hung up.
as much as i love this game, yeah, very frustrating...

Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.

well, i certainly enjoyed it (for the most part :) )...



Me playing last night.
This is why I can't stand the game. Once you fall in the water, it gives you absolutely no indication how or where to get out. I mean, I assumed I had to climb out via his tail, but I assumed(naturally) he'd drop it down the same hole his face was looking down on me with. It never happened. Eventually, I figured out he drops his tail in the back, but it takes an inordinate amount of time for him to drop it, and when he does, all I did was hold the left thumb stick up and midway up the climb it keeps spazzing out on me causing me to fall over and over and over. I just don't find this game fun. That's basically 15 minutes of non-stop frustrating, tedious chores, and not a single ounce of fun.

The next 15 minutes were the same thing(trying to get a barrel through a hole to feed Trico). One tedious chore after the next with this game. Very little fun. I captured a video of that too, but I think the first one proves the point enough on its own.

I wanted to put my fist through a wall. If you love the game, more power to you, to each their own. For me? Ugh. I'm only playing it because I spent like $100 on the CE and at least want to get the most out of my investment.

Seems like you are already having a negative experience about it so if you keep going you'll hate it even more. I spent about 5 minutes stuck the and once I thought about the tail I was out in 2 min.


I think I'm starting to get the frustration with Trico. For the first few hours, he's been good. Does his own thing, but will help get to where I need to go when I need him.

However, at the location where
you can first command him, he kinda stops doing what you want him to. For example, there's two ledges after the jump. One contains those butterfly barrels, the other ledge has a ladder that leads you to inside where you can open the gate. I did that, and then lead him to the end of the room. There's clearly something at the top, and I really want him to lift me up there, but he simply won't do it. Now I'm stuck.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Quick question, I just got to the part where
you meet EVIL TRICO, and he pushes you off the cliff
. How far into the game am I?
That's how I did it but apparently you can also
stand on the head and point forward via holding R1+Left stick

Yeah, that works consistently. Pretty simple.

Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.

Yes, it's absolutely worth it. The performance issues are unfortunate, but it's easy to overlook given how wonderful the game is.


I got to the part where
the boy passes out from staying underwater for too long
. Occasional frustration with the controls aside, I'm enjoying TLG.

Like Ico, there's a charm to it stemming from how minimalist it is, from it's simple gameplay to the story / adventure itself, and watching the big birdog do anything is a sight to behold.

Deku Tree

Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.

Some people say yes, and other people say its unplayable. It really depends on how much that kind of stuff bothers you.
I finished TLG on Saturday, and did need some time to get my thoughts together on it. I'll save the babble for the spoiler thread, poor bastards! I will say that it's extremely rare that my very high expectations for a product get completely exceeded, especially after a nine year wait. TLG trumps out Bloodborne as my game of the generation, and like SotC, is one of my favourite games of all time. The game would have fallen flat on its face if Trico and the interactions with the boy/player didn't feel tangible and believable, but the game is rich with exquisite empathy and sincerity. Your interactions with Trico are a constant build with fantastic pay-off throughout the game. I never thought I'd experience anything quite like Trico, who interacted and communicated with the player not only through vocalizations, but intricate body language. Directing him to do something, and seeing him turn/flick his ears in acknowledgement always produced a little emotional burst of satisfaction, which I'm assuming is what Ueda was aiming for.

I'm so relieved TLG wasn't a constant hand-holding experience with Trico, too - it was a genuine back and forth partnership, with both the boy and Trico alternating in taking the lead. I was surprised by how little you did need to control him, honestly, he was such a responsive joy to interact with. Trico saving me as much as I saved him built a strong relationship, and turning around to see him curiously lumbering along behind the boy never got old. TLG also exceeded my expectations when it came to scale, spectacle, platforming, and level design. It blew Uncharted/Reboot!Tomb Raider out of the water for me, and had some of my favorite interconnected level design since Dark Souls. I've never felt platforming tension like in TLG! The game was generous with your jumps/grabs, but the fragility of this small boy in such a large, decrepit world was so tangible. The last 1/4 of the game has some of my most memorable gameplay moments out of any game I've ever played.

I found Ico to be an impressive, but very stressful experience. It was stressful protecting Yorda, whilst still feeling a bit detached from her and thinking of her as a game mechanic. I enjoyed TLG so much more as Trico was self sufficient, and protected the player as much as the player protected him throughout the game. It was much easier to suspend my disbelief that Trico was a living creature, and there were so many moments where you could see Trico/the AI considering, 'okay, what do I need to do here.' Trico constantly seeking out your affection made it easier to emotionally attach to him, too, and for him to call and cry if you weren't near him.

The camera was an initial pain that I did get used to (as people have said, leaving it to its own devices with only slight movements on high sensitivity worked the best). I do think it's regrettable that a lot of players/reviewers haven't had a ideal experience with Trico due to lack of control/command knowledge, which is fair enough, as the explanation was a bit murky.

It's pretty sentimental to say, but I do think it's incredible that Ueda and his team skipped a generation of consoles, and still heavily influenced a generation of beloved games. Some of my most memorable games from the PS3 era were Journey, The Last of Us, and Demon's Souls/Dark Souls, and it's touching that even though Ueda and his team skipped a generation, they had still inspired others in their stead. I can't wait to see what games we'll get from devs in a post-The Last Guardian world, though I think it will be a very long time before we get to experience anything like Trico himself again.

Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.

The only time I had strongly noticeable framerate drops was any time there were grassy areas, which were thankfully very small and far between. There was also one 30 second segment later in the game. I've suffered through some pretty nasty framerate games from the PS3 era (Bayonetta, Blight Town in Dark Souls 1, etc) and TLG isn't really comparable, I feel like it ran quite a bit better than SotC did overall. The framerate holds up surprisingly well in the large outdoor areas, especially considering the game also has to deal with Trico and all of his feathers. I'd say TLG was maybe on par with a Soulsborne console experience in terms of framerate?


The framerate on the OG PS4 does undoubtedly mar the experience, no question about it. You'd have to be blind to not notice it (and feel it) frequently throughout the game, and it really diminishes the impact of most of the game's more intense setpiece moments.

So if you're going to get a Pro, I'd say wait to play it on that. If you don't plan on getting a Pro anytime soon, then by all means play it on the regular PS4. Despite its unfortunate technical failings, it's still a game that you simply have to play one way or another.


Looks like three people now have the "hear all hints" trophy...guess it's not bugged after all. Sounds like you just simply have to go through the game at a snail's pace, not doing any significant movement or action until the narrator says (or doesn't say) something.

Why doesn't clicking in the left stick and doing the meditation pose give you the hint for your current situation (if one exists)? Playing the previous hint is often no use at all as the boy and Trico are sometimes far past the place where the hint was even relevant.



Me playing last night.
This is why I can't stand the game. Once you fall in the water, it gives you absolutely no indication how or where to get out. I mean, I assumed I had to climb out via his tail, but I assumed(naturally) he'd drop it down the same hole his face was looking down on me with. It never happened. Eventually, I figured out he drops his tail in the back, but it takes an inordinate amount of time for him to drop it, and when he does, all I did was hold the left thumb stick up and midway up the climb it keeps spazzing out on me causing me to fall over and over and over. I just don't find this game fun. That's basically 15 minutes of non-stop frustrating, tedious chores, and not a single ounce of fun.

The next 15 minutes were the same thing(trying to get a barrel through a hole to feed Trico). One tedious chore after the next with this game. Very little fun. I captured a video of that too, but I think the first one proves the point enough on its own.

I wanted to put my fist through a wall. If you love the game, more power to you, to each their own. For me? Ugh. I'm only playing it because I spent like $100 on the CE and at least want to get the most out of my investment.

I don't know if this game is supposed to be fun. I enjoyed it much more when I embraced the clunkiness as a stylistic element of the experience. I miss a jump and painfully fall to the ground, I get up slowly, it takes time for me to recover. Trico is confused at what I am trying to do and looks at me strangely. Sure the platforming could have been better, the speed of the game more industry standard if I would have popped right back up to attempt the jump again, but the bond with the creature and the satisfaction with how the story unfolded would have been less without the brief encounter I had.

Bugs aside, I feel like team ico games benefit from the imprecise, sluggish controls the same way Ghibli movies do the long silent shots of character movement or an empty field with the wind rushing over it. These scenes don't always enhance the characters or world they are portraying but they give you a few moments to analyze what has happened or is happening.


Just finished. I absolutely loved it and might write my thoughts later, but I have to take a moment to share a baffling moment from an endgame area:

Alright, so I get in the tower and insert the mirror to raise the elevator and of course, the ceiling is in the way. I look around and spot the holes in the elevator platform and, pretty quickly, discern that I'm supposed to either jump down or use Trico's tail to lower myself down. I drag Trico's tail over one and start my descent and... the boy starts spazzing out. So much that he actually gets flung out of the hole and almost into the ceiling. So now I'm thinking, wait, am I actually supposed to do this, or is there another way? I run around for a bit to confirm that this is the only path to progression, and try again with Trico's tail... This time I could make it down, but I had apparently used the wrong hole and the camera wouldn't allow me to see where I was supposed to land. I try going upwards, and the boy gets stuck in the wall. The screen goes black and I wait a minute before letting go and accepting death. Thankfully I got it on my third time, but I was seriously questioning whether I was meant to get down there that way even when I did make it.

Yeah, this game has some technical problems. For what it's worth however, that was the only moment in my playthrough that stood out so badly. The rest of the game had me spellbound.

Edit: PS4 Non-Pro owner here, and although I noticed slowdown in a lot of places it wasn't enough to damper my experience. This style of gameplay wasn't really something that demanded a higher or even constant framerate for me to enjoy it, so if you think you can stomach some admittedly-frequent slowdown in favor of sheer spectacle I'd say get it.

Endo Punk

Some people say yes, and other people say its unplayable. It really depends on how much that kind of stuff bothers you.

Og ps4 here, the game most definitely has a lot of slowdowns but honestly it didn't bother me for a sec but then neither does uncapped frame rate or 30fps. The experience is far too unique and beautiful that I don't even realise the game is slowing down or camera being awkward half the time lol.
The only time I had strongly noticeable framerate drops was any time there were grassy areas, which were thankfully very small and far between. There was also one 30 second segment later in the game. I've suffered through some pretty nasty framerate games from the PS3 era (Bayonetta, Blight Town in Dark Souls 1, etc) and TLG isn't really comparable, I feel like it ran quite a bit better than SotC did overall. The framerate holds up surprisingly well in the large outdoor areas, especially considering the game also has to deal with Trico and all of his feathers. I'd say TLG was maybe on par with a Soulsborne console experience in terms of framerate?

Ok, unless my PS4 is busted this is just not true. The framerate is often at low 20s, not rarely.The outdoor areas in fact do not hold up well at all. Additionally not one of the souls games on any platform has performed this badly, with the exception of the Blightown area in Dark Souls. (which is one area out of many in a huge game)
Quick question as I've been stuck in this area for a minute:

I'm in a mining cave where two giant carts are holding up the door open for the boy to go in. There's a chain that can be pulled inside the cave to hold the door open as well (but the one unmovable cart is in Trico's way to get in and I can't pull it out the way)

There's a food barrel in a dark bit inside the cave, the narrator keeps saying Trico is hungry but the guy won't eat the barrel when I bring it out to him.

Anyone know how I get passed this area?

Otherwise, amazing game so far. I got used to controls pretty quickly having played older Team Ico games and have to say Trico is the most realistic and believable AI character I've ever seen in a game.


I always play my games in english so I havent tried nor found the option but can we change the in game language more like subtitles for another, like german, or spanish or french?

Wondering if its tied with the linguistic options of the ps4. Will need to try it tonight


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
OléGunner;226839482 said:
Quick question as I've been stuck in this area for a minute:

I'm in a mining cave where two giant carts are holding up the door open for the boy to go in. There's a chain that can be pulled inside the cave to hold the door open as well (but the one unmovable cart is in Trico's way to get in and I can't pull it out the way)

There's a food barrel in a dark bit inside the cave, the narrator keeps saying Trico is hungry but the guy won't eat the barrel when I bring it out to him.

Anyone know how I get passed this area?

should eat the barrel, as he needs to get active again for you to progress. Bring the barrel close enough to him. If he still doesn't want to eat it may be a bug?
Try restarting the checkpoint if all else fails.
Ok, unless my PS4 is busted this is just not true. The framerate is often at low 20s, not rarely.The outdoor areas in fact do not hold up well at all. Additionally not one of the souls games on any platform has performed this badly, with the exception of the Blightown area in Dark Souls. (which is one area out of many in a huge game)

That's great, that's interesting to know more specifically. For me, I wasn't finding the screen drops to be extremely drastic outside of the small grassy areas, and I spent a lot of time swinging the camera around in outdoor areas without seeing it tank too much. I had assumed it was running a bit under 25fps most of the time, the framerate drops felt a lot more subtle than in the grassy areas. I have a lot of memories of SotC performing sub-20 a lot of the time, I felt like TLG felt a lot more uniform across the board. I apologize, too, when I was thinking of Soulsborne framerate issues on PS3/4, I was thinking more of the boss fights - I had a rough time with a few Soulsborne bosses, I remember some gnarly framerates on O&S, Paarl, etc. Outside of boss fights, the games generally do run quite well - sans Blight Town, obviously, we're all a little traumatized there!
should eat the barrel, as he needs to get active again for you to progress. Bring the barrel close enough to him. If he still doesn't want to eat it may be a bug?
Try restarting the checkpoint if all else fails.

Thanks a lot for this.

I actually tried restarting but still
Trico wouldn't eat the barrel.
Hopefully after a cold boot up it works out.

Only real bug I've encountered so far.
Finished the game last week and this is up there with Witcher 3 as game of this gen so far for me.

What an experience, and probably one of the best game endings I've seen in a while too.

Will start another play through tonight considering the things I missed first time!

Also here is a funny video (early area) of Trico playing with his food and ends up hitting his head. I was surprised at the reaction as it was so life-like!



Finished the game in the weekend, loved the ending, loved the game.

I'm pleasantly surprised that this and FFXV were enjoyable games to me after waiting such a long time.
Finished Last Guardian tonight and loved it. I caught a post a few pages in on this OT that had a screencap of the digital manual's full controls and it made issuing orders to Trico so much easier for me, so thanks for that!

Minor spoiler warning for the following link: this happened to me during my wrap up run and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Kind of a fun ruined moment. Luckily, the checkpoint was literally at the same spot so no progress lost.
Just finished. I absolutely loved it and might write my thoughts later, but I have to take a moment to share a baffling moment from an endgame area:

Alright, so I get in the tower and insert the mirror to raise the elevator and of course, the ceiling is in the way. I look around and spot the holes in the elevator platform and, pretty quickly, discern that I'm supposed to either jump down or use Trico's tail to lower myself down. I drag Trico's tail over one and start my descent and... the boy starts spazzing out. So much that he actually gets flung out of the hole and almost into the ceiling. So now I'm thinking, wait, am I actually supposed to do this, or is there another way? I run around for a bit to confirm that this is the only path to progression, and try again with Trico's tail... This time I could make it down, but I had apparently used the wrong hole and the camera wouldn't allow me to see where I was supposed to land. I try going upwards, and the boy gets stuck in the wall. The screen goes black and I wait a minute before letting go and accepting death. Thankfully I got it on my third time, but I was seriously questioning whether I was meant to get down there that way even when I did make it.

Yeah, this game has some technical problems. For what it's worth however, that was the only moment in my playthrough that stood out so badly. The rest of the game had me spellbound.

Edit: PS4 Non-Pro owner here, and although I noticed slowdown in a lot of places it wasn't enough to damper my experience. This style of gameplay wasn't really something that demanded a higher or even constant framerate for me to enjoy it, so if you think you can stomach some admittedly-frequent slowdown in favor of sheer spectacle I'd say get it.

I just jumped through a hole and the boy was able to barely grab the ledge all 3 times I tried.


Finished Last Guardian tonight and loved it. I caught a post a few pages in on this OT that had a screencap of the digital manual's full controls and it made issuing orders to Trico so much easier for me, so thanks for that!

Minor spoiler warning for the following link: this happened to me during my wrap up run and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Kind of a fun ruined moment. Luckily, the checkpoint was literally at the same spot so no progress lost.
Thats hilarious. Ive seen other videos of Trico accidentally killing the boy by pushing him off bridges etc. What happened to his overly sticky fickers? lol
Wow, this game really gives me the feels ;_; every time trico gets stabbed or is about to fall into the abyss I feel my heart bleeding.

Mid game spoiler
it was so horrible to see the wounds after it fell though the stone roof. I almost teared up.

Srsly this game is both horrible and great for animal lovers.

I basically love everything about this game and feel that the communication failure is a result of me not being able to give the commands properly. I love that you need to wait a bit for trico to figure out how to act out the commands just like a real animal.

I love this theme of companionship despite being unable to communicate properly which is present in every Ueda game.


So I've been watching some PS4 Pro playthroughs on YouTube after having completed the game twice myself on a standard PS4, and there are actually noticeable framerate drops even on the Pro during demanding segments. Lots of setpiece moments and areas where you're fighting a bunch of sentinels at once still chop up on the Pro, definitely dipping into the mid- or even low-20's at times. While the outdoor areas might hold their framerate better on the Pro than they do on the standard PS4, the real taxing moments result in choppiness regardless of which system you're playing on.

Just something to keep in mind if you are considering buying a Pro just for better TLG performance.

I really, REALLY, wish that there was a chance of the game receiving a performance patch. It's the only thing holding the game back.


Finished the game last night. It was a really fun and challenging (going in blind at least) game. I loved that the creature didn't always do what you expected or wanted. It really felt alive at times.

Ending disappointed me a bit, but that's mostly because I was hoping there would finally be something to tie all 3 Ueda games together.

Overall, it doesn't feel like a product that was worked on for 10 years, but what do I know about game development. I really enjoyed my time with it, but it still falls in second place in the Ueda trilogy behind SotC.

I want a Trico now though. Or at least for my dog to be cooler.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So I've been watching some PS4 Pro playthroughs on YouTube after having completed the game twice myself on a standard PS4, and there are actually noticeable framerate drops even on the Pro during demanding segments. Lots of setpiece moments and areas where you're fighting a bunch of sentinels at once still chop up on the Pro, definitely dipping into the mid- or even low-20's at times. While the outdoor areas might hold their framerate better on the Pro than they do on the standard PS4, the real taxing moments result in choppiness regardless of which system you're playing on.

Just something to keep in mind if you are considering buying a Pro just for better TLG performance.

I really, REALLY, wish that there was a chance of the game receiving a performance patch. It's the only thing holding the game back.

I don't know think the performance will be patched to improve much but there are a bunch of simple quality of life changes that could be made that would probably do wonders for some. Even just being able to toggle the constant button prompts on and off.


Can anyone tell me how far I'm in?

I just made it to the part where you lower the
drawbridge for Trico to climb
separating from Trico and running up a spiral staircase full of the armor guys.

So far I'm of two minds about the whole thing. There are parts that I really feel like I'm wrestling with the game, and I generally have to take breaks every 30-45 minutes just because of how the games camera and framerate affects me. But, there are moments where I'm actually smiling, and really feeling like the game is doing something special. I'm guessing I'll end up with fond memories of the game at the end. Right now it's resting at around an 8/10 for me, with moments of 6, and moments of 10.
7.5 from me

The Bad-

No hold button/Auto grab ( frustrating getting off trico/ immerse you in the game)
lighting -lighting shot shot
reaction sometime bugs or is to slow to respond.

The good-

no clipping tail
Imignaitve puzzles
Next gen type of camera- (it fades to black repositions itself ,never felt glitchy)

The Ugly-
Trico unnecessary detail below the tail
Trico killing you ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR2Zb2zwNqU)


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Can anyone tell me how far I'm in?

I just made it to the part where you lower the
drawbridge for Trico to climb
separating from Trico and running up a spiral staircase full of the armor guys.

So far I'm of two minds about the whole thing. There are parts that I really feel like I'm wrestling with the game, and I generally have to take breaks every 30-45 minutes just because of how the games camera and framerate affects me. But, there are moments where I'm actually smiling, and really feeling like the game is doing something special. I'm guessing I'll end up with fond memories of the game at the end. Right now it's resting at around an 8/10 for me, with moments of 6, and moments of 10.

You aren't even at the halfway point. You've got a good deal of the game ahead of you.


Got to the area with the grates overhead
Tried to get trico to send the helmets up to get the barrel above
and trico would just not sit still. He kept moving around and even caused the physics of the
to make it flip to get it upside down. Super frustrating so I decided to give up on it.
Guys I am about to pull my hair out.

I am at the edge of the trail where I pushed the mirror cart down the abyss. I am supposed to call trico and it will jump to the other side of the platform, so it can pick me up with its mouth when I jump. I watched the youtube playthrough and this is exactly what happen.

Except the fucking cat doesn't jump no matter what position I stand and call it. I don't know guys, this cat hurling simulation is too real. Kill me now.


Is the game worth playing on the OG PS4? I really wanna play, but I'm afraid that the framerate/performance issues will bring the experience down too much.
Yes. IMO. This isn't the fast type of action game where framerate is key, but it does get bad.

There's a section near the end where the framerate must have been like 5fps or something. Game was sloooooow motion city. That was the worst of it by far, and it righted itself afterwards.


you need Trico to dive underwater
, Trico glitched out and the water became a solid surface he was walking on. Had to restart checkpoint to proceed.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
you need Trico to dive underwater
, Trico glitches out and the water became a solid surface he was walking on. Had to restart checkpoint to proceed.

That's just a special power of Trico's you hadn't seen till then.
Guys I am about to pull my hair out.

I am at the edge of the trail where I pushed the mirror cart down the abyss. I am supposed to call trico and it will jump to the other side of the platform, so it can pick me up with its mouth when I jump. I watched the youtube playthrough and this is exactly what happen.

Except the fucking cat doesn't jump no matter what position I stand and call it. I don't know guys, this cat hurling simulation is too real. Kill me now.

- running back to him, and making him "reset" his stance
- trying both pointing and jumping (R1+direction for a few seconds then triangle)
- standing right on the most distal edge of the broken platform

EDIT: just re read your post: to be clear, your are giving directions right, not just calling him? (ie R1+another button, as opposed to just R1)
- running back to him, and making him "reset" his stance
- trying both pointing and jumping (R1+direction for a few seconds then triangle)
- standing right on the most distal edge of the broken platform

EDIT: just re read your post: to be clear, your are giving directions right, not just calling him? (ie R1+another button, as opposed to just R1)

I have been doing both.

edit: alright, this one work, thanks

"- trying both pointing and jumping (R1+direction for a few seconds then triangle) "
Anybody else getting slightly dizzy while playing this? Can't tell if it's the framerate, the camera, or both. I've never gotten dizzy with a game before.

Really enjoying it otherwise. Don't understand the complaints people had saying Trico never does what you want. Point camera + the boy in the direction you want him to go, wait 10 - 15 seconds, and huzzah! Were people just rushing through the game?


Played for about an hour, and I already feel the feels, especially when you get out of the first cave.

Such a pretty game too, I love how the colors pop and how the animations are so alive.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Time just updated their top ten games of the year list to top 15 to account for games that released after the list initially came out at the end of November. The Last Guardian took the #2 spot right behind the Witness. Glad to see the continued love for the game!


For all of the decade it took to pull together, The Last Guardian feels years ahead of its time. There’s never been a character quite like Trico, the creature players must figure out how to communicate with to make the world’s sublime logic wheels turn. It feels momentous, a design breakthrough I wasn’t expecting, and an experience that seems more likely to stand the test of time than others to which we like to point. It calls out some of what’s crass about this industry while showing us another way forward, the shape of things to come.


Has anyone tried setting the video output of their standard ps4 to 720p to see if it improves performance in TLG? I'm curious but won't be able to test it out myself until later tonight.
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