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The Last Guardian |OT| In my memories, the monster always has kind eyes


Ok, that's fair enough. I wouldn't want to hurt a Trico ever, after playing this game and caring so much about him, I just couldn't do it.

It's a shame really, most modern games about violence have very little feedback from hitting enemies, this game has amazing hit reactions but there is no combat :(

Makes you wanna cry.


Look I loved the game overall but controls and camera were entirely garbage, don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a game while playing, worse than "this The Witness puzzle is legitimately driving me insane". And I get that Tricos behavior is animal like, but we're playing a god damn game here, I don't want to wait 10 minutes in the same spot until Trico feels like doing what I expect. I've had several both dogs and cats, so that argument won't fly. Don't you guys train your pets at all?

Still with all those gripes, I thought the game was real awesome overall. Don't feel like playing it again even a little the coming 5 years or so though.


The more I play this the more I wish I could play as a hunter. Running around the environments Prince of Persia style hunting Tricos would have been absolutely amazing. Whenever there is a combat in this game I love to watch Trico's hit reactions which are very organic and satisfying. It would have been great to set up traps and ambush spots to fight Tricos. Something like Monster Hunter but with these physics and Prince of Persia movement, it would be so good.

It's a shame really, most modern games about violence have very little feedback from hitting enemies, this game has amazing hit reactions but there is no combat :(

Makes you wanna cry.

I kind of understand what you're saying, but that's not the kind of game to come from Ueda or Japan Studio. Maybe they need to lend the tech to Santa Monica Studio.


Look I loved the game overall but controls and camera were entirely garbage, don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a game while playing, worse than "this The Witness puzzle is legitimately driving me insane". And I get that Tricos behavior is animal like, but we're playing a god damn game here, I don't want to wait 10 minutes in the same spot until Trico feels like doing what I expect. I've had several both dogs and cats, so that argument won't fly. Don't you guys train your pets at all?

Still with all those gripes, I thought the game was real awesome overall. Don't feel like playing it again even a little the coming 5 years or so though.

Same thing here, at the same time it add charm to the game to certain degree for Trico AI.

But i don't know... during all the course of the game multiple times i was like, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom was way better in gameplay then LG.... the 2 shared a lot of similarity (control big monster and give simple order, little boy is very weak and useless again enemies, puzzle that use both character, story is really related to bound between these 2, etc )... Majin was really amazing the more i think about it.
Holy fucking shit, 90% of this game's challenge stems from wrestling with the fucking garbage physics or trying to fucking trigger Trico's annoying-ass behavioral AI to fucking do a thing. It's infuriating, and completely rips me out of enjoying this thing.

I'm so bemused when reading stuff like this. And also grateful that my playthrough involved such little frustration stemming from the controls/camera/Trico's A.I..

That section under the rafters can go do one though.


Holy fucking shit, 90% of this game's challenge stems from wrestling with the fucking garbage physics or trying to fucking trigger Trico's annoying-ass behavioral AI to fucking do a thing. It's infuriating, and completely rips me out of enjoying this thing.

You should add another "fuck" to further strengthen your argument.


By the way, whenever I watch videos about Trico's "garbage AI" I see people standing on Trico's back and giving orders wondering why he doesn't listen.
What the heck guys, this is not how things work...
Holy fucking shit, 90% of this game's challenge stems from wrestling with the fucking garbage physics or trying to fucking trigger Trico's annoying-ass behavioral AI to fucking do a thing. It's infuriating, and completely rips me out of enjoying this thing.

Even though I loved the game, I can understand this issue. It's totally bizarre why they have a lot of animation triggers for the boy, like slipping for even the smallest depression. And the fact that he has only 2 movement states further cements this argument. I'm surprised they didn't opt for some soft body physics for the boy considering the bulk has been taken by Trico itself..
By the way, whenever I watch videos about Trico's "garbage AI" I see people standing on Trico's back and giving orders wondering why he doesn't listen.
What the heck guys, this is not how things work...

? That's how it works for me, consistently. Only after the game tells you Trico is starting to follow your commands, mind.
? That's how it works for me, consistently. Only after the game tells you Trico is starting to follow your commands, mind.

Standing on Trico's back works most of the time but can be problematic in certain situations. Particularly the closer to the neck/back of the head you get.

Edit: I'll post this again. I think they very much intended you to stand in the position you want a command carried out. Doing commands elsewhere works somewhat, depends on the situation, but everything in the game is smoother this way.



I kind of understand what you're saying, but that's not the kind of game to come from Ueda or Japan Studio. Maybe they need to lend the tech to Santa Monica Studio.

If Shadow of the Colossus would have been done today it would be.

I guess though that making such organic enemies in a game would require immense amount of resources, that is why we don't see stuff like that in games like Toukiden 2 or Monster Hunter. Maybe in a few years.

Robot Pants

Enough hours that I can easily articulate what I find to be utterly obnoxious. Fucking Noodle Kid (my gf's term, not mine) controls like garbage, and the simple act of trying to line up a jump or throwing a barrel shouldn't be as much of a chore as it is. Or not making a jump simply because Fucking Noodle Kid's stupid hands decided to not work that time, but work every other time. Or not making a jump because Trico decided this wasn't the right time to stick out his tail and save you because... *shrug* They probably didn't animate that for this part?

I like Trico fine. He's a well animated... thing. Just the bullshit control is easily impeding the enjoyment.
Hold your command for 2 to 3 quick seconds or until he looks in the direction you want him to.
I think you'll have a better time playing
Also hit triangle to grab ledges when jumping


So I'm at a point early in the game where
Trico just ate me and now he's asleep or something and I have to climb down his tail and jump on a balcony underneath the platform I'm on
. The directional jump won't trigger at all even though the kid is facing the right direction. He just lets go and falls to his death. Must've done this like 7 times in a row so I just turned the game off. Was enjoying myself up until that point too.

Anyways, are there any tips to get the jump to work properly?

Robot Pants

So I'm at a point early in the game where
Trico just ate me and now he's asleep or something and I have to climb down his tail and jump on a balcony underneath the platform I'm on
. The directional jump won't trigger at all even though the kid is facing the right direction. He just lets go and falls to his death. Must've done this like 7 times in a row so I just turned the game off. Was enjoying myself up until that point too.

Anyways, are there any tips to get the jump to work properly?
It has to do with the camera. It's weird but you have to position the camera to the side of where you want to jump. If that's not what you're talking about then I have no idea. Sounds like a bug or something if he's not jumping

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I understand complaints about framerate and camera issues. The controls however feel perfect to me. The kid is not a Noodle kid. but it is a vulnerable KID as you say, and it controls as such wich is perfect to make you feel the vulnerability of a little boy. You're not controlling Ratchet sorry

True. But people just have different standards for putting up with controls being less than precise. Once of many things that makes this game definitely not for everyone (or most gamers tbh). Some can deal with the jank. Others like you get it for artistic purposes. Others will be driven nuts buy it. No ones right or wrong. All valid takes on it based on people's preferences when playing games.

I enjoyed it well enough to put it 8th on my GOTY list. But the jank definitely kept it from being higher for me as it annoyed me more than it made me connect with the boy's vulnerability.


The only commands I ever used were the directional R1+Left Stick commands, and rarely at that. I had one instance of Trico not doing what I asked for the whole game, and after restarting from checkpoint he did exactly what he was supposed to first try. I didn't find out about the other commands until reading about it here.

Generally speaking, I was not riding Trico unless I needed to be for a jump, so all other times Trico did a perfect job just following me around while I was on foot. I don't know if that made the experience better for me than if I tried to ride/rely on him/her/it more, I dunno. No major complaints in that department from me.


Neo Member
This game is brilliant. And Trico is a f...... masterpiece.
At first I found the controls frustrating but after a few hours it just clicked.
My anti-gamer wife even sat beside me while I was playing because she thought the whole univers was fascinating. And I agree with her. I can't count the number of times I've seen things in this game that made me smile because of pure gaming-joy.
And the graphics are beautiful - people who claim that this game looks like a PS3-title should book an appointment with their ophthalmologist and stay away from driving.
Sorry for the positive rant but I just felt like recommending this gem to everyone:)
PS. I am not a Sony spokesperson;-)
I've got to be about 70% done with the game (at least I think i am) and I have some mixed feelings. For background I enjoyed ICO, and SotC is possibly my favorite game of all time, so I'm a fan of Ueda. Let me just say, Trico is fantastic, acts like a animal and the companionship is possibly the most believable things I've seen felt in a game. I also love how it's not an escort game, Trico and the boy both work equally hard to protect and get each other further through the game. I love that.
Control wise, I understand people not enjoying it, the camera is finicky and the boys movements are loose. I've experienced Ueda games in the past and I'm not really having too many issues with it. However certain aspects can get annoying, like knowing what commend to get Trico or where to go. Trico is smart, he wont' do anything that won't progress the player. For the most part I've found Trico usually sticks to the script, so you have to adjust, and consider another option to progress. However when i was
stuck on that tree branch I had to guess on what commands to give to get me free.
It was just kind of tedious to understand. I also hate throwing barrels around, I'm trying to figure out the best way to "aim" but sometimes the camera makes that hard.
Some of the areas and puzzles are good, some not so good. Sometimes elements of puzzles are obtuse, and for the excessive prompts the game gives you, it didn't really teach me much in the way of giving commands to Trico, at least I don't recall. Like using face buttons latter with R1, and aside form R1 and triangle to jump I'm not exactly sure what the rest mean. I hate looking for answers online, so I'm willing to try to figure it out.
Overall I want to say I'm enjoying myself, and I love Trico and how the relationship between the beast and the boy feels real and earned. However I can totally understand people's frustration with the game, and would not fault them for ditching it or not enjoying it due to gameplay.


I've got to be about 70% done with the game (at least I think i am) and I have some mixed feelings. For background I enjoyed ICO, and SotC is possibly my favorite game of all time, so I'm a fan of Ueda. Let me just say, Trico is fantastic, acts like a animal and the companionship is possibly the most believable things I've seen felt in a game. I also love how it's not an escort game, Trico and the boy both work equally hard to protect and get each other further through the game. I love that.
Control wise, I understand people not enjoying it, the camera is finicky and the boys movements are loose. I've experienced Ueda games in the past and I'm not really having too many issues with it. However certain aspects can get annoying, like knowing what commend to get Trico or where to go. Trico is smart, he wont' do anything that won't progress the player. For the most part I've found Trico usually sticks to the script, so you have to adjust, and consider another option to progress. However when i was
stuck on that tree branch I had to guess on what commands to give to get me free.
It was just kind of tedious to understand. I also hate throwing barrels around, I'm trying to figure out the best way to "aim" but sometimes the camera makes that hard.

Some of the areas and puzzles are good, some not so good. Sometimes elements of puzzles are obtuse, and for the excessive prompts the game gives you, it didn't really teach me much in the way of giving commands to Trico, at least I don't recall. Like using face buttons latter with R1, and aside form R1 and triangle to jump I'm not exactly sure what the rest mean. I hate looking for answers online, so I'm willing to try to figure it out.
Overall I want to say I'm enjoying myself, and I love Trico and how the relationship between the beast and the boy feels real and earned. However I can totally understand people's frustration with the game, and would not fault them for ditching it or not enjoying it due to gameplay.

These are the exact issues I had, I honestly thought I was stuck there forever. I had to come on here and ask someone. I do kind of accept the blame for it because I forgot the instruction
R1+Triangle is jump
. But the barrels can fuck right off. They are the only things that legit pissed me off.

When I made a bad jump I just found it amusing as I slowly fell to my death. There were also times Trico knocked me off ledges and I died. That actually didn't bother me, but it is what I consider janky. I fully accept people getting annoyed with how the boy controls at times, and it really isn't for everyone. I do disagree when people say Trico doesn't listen, I can't think of a time I got annoyed with him.

If your around 70%, you have some good stuff coming up.
I've been thinking about this game all night since I beat it. The last hour or so was emotionally devastating.
I dont remember the last time a game or anything made me feel so helpless as the "final boss" level. Running around trying to figure out what to do while watching your buddy getting torn apart was painful. Holy fuck.
I was screaming at the TV.

Then that ending. Damn. Wow.
It was a bittersweet ending but I'm really glad that no one died. I would have loved a typical Hollywood ending, I dont care. Let Trico and the boy live in peace together! The ending sequence crushed me and I was spamming R1 + Triangle like crazy to make him escape the spearing. I didnt know that there's dialogue during that scene since I kept pressing buttons immediately and Trico flew off before it triggered. I can imagine what people must have felt when they read "There was nothing else I could do".

Definitely teared up
and the epilogue made me jubilant. I'd like to believe that Trico met up with the Boy (err the Man) again after finally lighting the shield all these years later. I teared up after my first completion but after watching the ending sequence from the Escape and onwards later on, I pretty much broke down crying. I dont know why it hit me so late or hard but I couldnt help it. My buddy T__T

As for the game itself, there were a lot wrong with it. The camera was awful and the performance really suffered in the end. I was getting like 15fps or something terrible during most of the sequences in the last hour. As for the controls, I didnt think they were too bad. I had to adjust my play style. I realized this wasn't Mario and I shouldnt expect instant and tight control over everything so I started to slow down and found my jumps and stuff being more successful. If I replay this I'm definitely going to take it slow to avoid frustrations.

Fuck the barrel puzzles as well, especially the one where you
have to place them on the boxes
. Some of those puzzles were a nightmare because of imprecise controls.

Its hard to stay mad at the game for how much it excels in everything else however. The art, animation, music (good Lord the soundtrack is exceptional) and level design are some of the best ever made. The scale is huge and I definitely felt vertigo in some of the sequences. Story was simple but really sweet. And I cant say enough about how much I love Trico. Incredibly endearing and realistic and so damn cute!!! I'm getting a giant Alaskan Malamute and putting wings on him and calling him Trico. Its decided.

This is absolutely without a doubt my GOTY and definitely one of my all time faves. Ueda did it again. Its gonna stay with me for a long time.

I cant listen to the epilogue track without getting choked up :(


I've been thinking about this game all night since I beat it. The last hour or so was emotionally devastating.
I dont remember the last time a game or anything made me feel so helpless as the "final boss" level. Running around trying to figure out what to do while watching your buddy getting torn apart was painful. Holy fuck.
I was screaming at the TV.

Then that ending. Damn. Wow.
It was a bittersweet ending but I'm really glad that no one died. I would have loved a typical Hollywood ending, I dont care. Let Trico and the boy live in peace together! The ending sequence crushed me and I was spamming R1 + Triangle like crazy to make him escape the spearing. I didnt know that there's dialogue during that scene since I kept pressing buttons immediately and Trico flew off before it triggered. I can imagine what people must have felt when they read "There was nothing else I could do".

Definitely teared up
and the epilogue made me jubilant. I'd like to believe that Trico met up with the Boy (err the Man) again after finally lighting the shield all these years later. I teared up after my first completion but after watching the ending sequence from the Escape and onwards later on, I pretty much broke down crying. I dont know why it hit me so late or hard but I couldnt help it. My buddy T__T

As for the game itself, there were a lot wrong with it. The camera was awful and the performance really suffered in the end. I was getting like 15fps or something terrible during most of the sequences in the last hour. As for the controls, I didnt think they were too bad. I had to adjust my play style. I realized this wasn't Mario and I shouldnt expect instant and tight control over everything so I started to slow down and found my jumps and stuff being more successful. If I replay this I'm definitely going to take it slow to avoid frustrations.

Fuck the barrel puzzles as well, especially the one where you
have to place them on the boxes
. Some of those puzzles were a nightmare because of imprecise controls.

Its hard to stay mad at the game for how much it excels in everything else however. The art, animation, music (good Lord the soundtrack is exceptional) and level design are some of the best ever made. The scale is huge and I definitely felt vertigo in some of the sequences. Story was simple but really sweet. And I cant say enough about how much I love Trico. Incredibly endearing and realistic and so damn cute!!! I'm getting a giant Alaskan Malamute and putting wings on him and calling him Trico. Its decided.

This is absolutely without a doubt my GOTY and definitely one of my all time faves. Ueda did it again. Its gonna stay with me for a long time.

I cant listen to the epilogue track without getting choked up :(

Yes, that is the exact one! Because if you missed you had to move the boxes again argh! But I agree that it is hard to stay mad, I just loved the story, the relationship and the setting. The level design is also top notch, when you realise that you are looking down at a place you have been before, it's just incredible.

These are things I haven't experienced in a game before, and I love that they weren't scared to put people off, there is a confidence in this game that I really admire. They knew what they wanted to do and they did it, knowing that many people would just hate it.

I've also watched the last scenes back and cried again, it's masterful how heartbreaking it is even when
neither of them die
Yes, that is the exact one! Because if you missed you had to move the boxes again argh! But I agree that it is hard to stay mad, I just loved the story, the relationship and the setting. The level design is also top notch, when you realise that you are looking down at a place you have been before, it's just incredible.

These are things I haven't experienced in a game before, and I love that they weren't scared to put people off, there is a confidence in this game that I really admire. They knew what they wanted to do and they did it, knowing that many people would just hate it.

I've also watched the last scenes back and cried again, it's masterful how heartbreaking it is even when
neither of them die

I really respect that confidence. They knew what they wanted to make and they did it, focus groups and industry trends be damned.

Regarding the ending, what totally crushes me is when
Trico tilts his head then takes a last glance at the Boy before flying off. I dont know why but it kills me every time.

Standing on Trico's back works most of the time but can be problematic in certain situations. Particularly the closer to the neck/back of the head you get.

Edit: I'll post this again. I think they very much intended you to stand in the position you want a command carried out. Doing commands elsewhere works somewhat, depends on the situation, but everything in the game is smoother this way.

In my experience, just having the camera centered on the direction makes a big difference.

I image a lot of people with issues handling Toriko often issue commands pointing somewhere while the camera is centered elsewhere - this often doesn't work well. By simply issuing direction commands ONLY pointing straight forward with the camera centered where I wanted and pressing jump with no directional input - again, just with the camera centered properly - I had a really smooth second playthrough.
In my experience, just having the camera centered on the direction makes a big difference.

I image a lot of people with issues handling Toriko often issue commands pointing somewhere while the camera is centered elsewhere - this often doesn't work well. By simply issuing direction commands ONLY pointing straight forward with the camera centered where I wanted and pressing jump with no directional input - again, just with the camera centered properly - I had a really smooth second playthrough.

Yes, agreed. There are several things that can contribute to it. But the system absolutely works if you take some time to familiarize yourself with it.

Personally I would have preferred it even more restrictive and adventure gamey as some have mentioned in how you have to solve environmental puzzles. But considering how frustrated people are in its current state that would probably be a bad call.

The only time I came close to legitimate frustration was in my 5 hour run dealing with the barrel tossing puzzles, as was mentioned. And in that case it was the time pressure more than anything. It was a relatively calm and enjoyable experience otherwise.


I am about 5 hours in. I am avoiding reading too much here to because I don't want anything spoiled. But I'd like to ask, are there any tips to directing Trico? There are moments where I am standing there pointing to an opening for him/her to jump up to, and I will point and point and point and point and point and jump and jump and point again, but Trico does nothing at all, until suddenly he/she does. I've tried a mix of directing Trico while standing on its head and while standing on the ground where he/she can clearly see my actions. Is there a best way to direct Trico?

This process can be frustrating, but I also appreciate how it mimics actually dealing with animals, like a dog, trying to teach them to do things and they have no clue. So it is realistic but sometimes too frustrating for me. If there are any tips I'd appreciate it!
Is there a best way to direct Trico?

R1+X cancels any current command. If Trico is walking around or you are not sure if it is in the process of doing something hit that a few times to reset back to neutral. Trico will probably sit, if able, and look at you.

Do the command you want Trico to perform. Either in the spot you want it performed or pointing both yourself with the left stick and facing the camera in the direction you want it performed.

Trico will look at you and give a sort of nod of acknowledgment and then perform the action (may take a few seconds to get positioned)

Or Trico will whine or give a sort of shake that the command was not received. Reset and try again. The more you do it the more accustomed you will get to knowing immediately if you got a good or bad response.

Rarely Trico will get flat hung up in an animation bug where you just have to restart from a checkpoint to fix it. Anytime I've seen this it has been quite obvious but if you are not sure it does not hurt to give it a shot. Keeping in mind in some scenarios Trico will intentionally not move.
Standing on Trico's back works most of the time but can be problematic in certain situations. Particularly the closer to the neck/back of the head you get.

Edit: I'll post this again. I think they very much intended you to stand in the position you want a command carried out. Doing commands elsewhere works somewhat, depends on the situation, but everything in the game is smoother this way.

I'm on my third playthrough and have never had issues directing him from his back (once command options become available obviously), nothing ever more than a minute or so of fiddling. And honestly I find the closer to the neck/head, the better - I look at the objective and either do directional or jump commands. I think actually if standing on his back was a problem that would be a huge design flaw of the game, since you usually have to be on his back when he's executing commands in order to advance.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
just got a email saying this is 39.99€ down from 59.99€ on PSN, damn that was a fast drop o_O Might have to grab it tbh
I'm on my third playthrough and have never had issues directing him from his back (once command options become available obviously), nothing ever more than a minute or so of fiddling. And honestly I find the closer to the neck/head, the better - I look at the objective and either do directional or jump commands. I think actually if standing on his back was a problem that would be a huge design flaw of the game, since you usually have to be on his back when he's executing commands in order to advance.

You are right, but it is a difficult sort of thing to explain to anyone who hasn't really wrapped their head around how it works. It is more that it is difficult to tell if Trico acknowledges your command while riding, and what direction specifically, that leads to the problem, but I don't believe there is anything wrong with issuing commands while riding per se.

However, issuing commands when you are not riding makes it much easier for people still learning to grasp what is going on. In particular, that first jump across the broken bridge works 100% of the time if you stand on the broken bridge and issue the jump command.

You only have to watch videos like *Dunkey's to see people struggling to get Trico to cross the broken bridge while riding and immediately concluding this AI is broken.

*For the record, I know he plays things up for humor, but the footage of getting stuck there is legit.
You should add another "fuck" to further strengthen your argument.


By the way, whenever I watch videos about Trico's "garbage AI" I see people standing on Trico's back and giving orders wondering why he doesn't listen.
What the heck guys, this is not how things work...

That might explain the one part I had trouble getting Trico to do something. It took about 5 minutes to get him to do a simple jump, but I was standing on his back.

The rest of the game was smooth sailing with the AI.
I always thought it would be better to direct Trico from the head. I dont think I ever tried it near his back. Usually if he didn't do what I asked, I'd just pet him for a bit then tried again. Also made sure to direct the camera to where I wanted him to go.

The biggest mistake I made was confusing Stand with Jump. I assumed you would have to use the Stand command to make him reach up and lean onto high platforms. So I was mashing R1 + O and him not doing it was driving me crazy. I pressed R1 + Triangle by mistake and he did what I wanted him to do. Maybe there should have been better labelling of the commands. *shrug*


I understand complaints about framerate and camera issues. The controls however feel perfect to me. The kid is not a Noodle kid. but it is a vulnerable KID as you say, and it controls as such wich is perfect to make you feel the vulnerability of a little boy. You're not controlling Ratchet sorry
Didn't realize his vulnerability meant that me trying to turn him acouple degrees to the left would result in him almost completely turning himself around. Or that trying to subtly inch my way forward would result in him standing still to taking a big stride off the edge of a box.


I really like this game. There's nothing like it out right now. I love the way there aren't many hints on where to go next. You have to hustle to figure it out. Really glad I got it on a whim cus I wasn't planning on it.

Also, Trico is stupid.


Loving this game so far. Never experienced any AI which felt event remotely as close to real as Trico. Reminds me so much of my dogs.
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